Final Fantasy 5 Walkthrough With Dagger

My Level: 70

Alright time to head down into the new quest available only in the GBA and PC versions. If you have been following this walkthrough then you already have the new classes obtained in the first room. Now we're actually going to explore the place, get the treasures, and battle the new bosses. Ready? Make similar preparations that you did for The Rift. Stock up on healing items and make everyone Mimes with abilities of Rapid Fire as well as White Magic and your choice of Equip Sword/Katana/Axe/Spear. You could also do a setup of Equip Ribbons, White Magic, and Time/Black/Summon Magic as well.

You may have noticed my considerably higher level. By now you should have every single class mastered if you were following along. This new quest is intended to be tougher than any from the main game. Being at a very high level will help since the new bosses are very tough. Let's just say that Omega and Shinryu are no longer the two most difficult battles in the game and leave it at that. You'll soon see why.

If you forgot where to go, the entrance is south of the Mirage Town. Turn the airship into a submarine and go south into the vortex underwater. Make sure you rested in a town or in the lower portion of the submarine before entering. The two doors will not work at first. You must press the skull switch in the middle. The room in the middle will still be sealed by a "mysterious power". You can enter the door on the left though to begin the quest. The very first thing you find is a save point. Hmmmm.... Might want to save then. If you haven't done this quest before, expect anything.
My Level: 70

You start out in a shrine-like area. It looks like the castle from The Rift. Go down the stairs and you will see a large door in the center as well as two side doors. Go through the one on the right first. Follow the path down to the green stars. Don't go left yet. Use the top star to get to the top of the next area, the Titan's Grotto.

My Level: 70

If you took the upper star to warp you are at the top of the grotto. It looks like the waterfall cavern you fought Leviathan at. Open the chest next to you for a Dark Matter. Make your way to the right to find a chest with an Elixir. Ride one of the waterfalls down to the lower portion of this room. There is a chest with a Vishnu Vest in the far left corner. Now proceed to the right and go through the door. In this next area go down the stairs to the southeast of you to find an Elixir. Nothing else special in this room so go back up the stairs and make your way to the right, then down the stairs. Make sure to heal to full Health in case you run into a Behemoth because they can use Meteor. The encounter rates for battling a Behemoth are high in here because you need to Catch one to get past an obstacle later in the temple. You can Catch one with the Catch command now or return later to do so. Unfortunately you will need to in order to continue later on.
My Level: 70

Now you're in an area that looks like the Ronka Ruins. Nothing of note here except for a guy who looks like the merchants of the Mirage Town only he wears green. He talks about a potion that can remove petrification. Ok. Go back down the way you came and use the green star to warp to the next area.

My Level: 70

Now you're in a river. It looks like the area from the second world where you followed the Moogle. There's five stairs leading down into the river. Take the one that is second from the right. The current moves you to a platform in the middle of the room towards the right. Head to the far right corner of this platform to get to a chest with an Iron Draft. You may encounter a Soul Eater here, a blue variant of the Skull Eaters from the first world. They look like blue squirrels! Beware though because they can use Incisor which does a ton of damage and they also know Osmose as well as Death Claw. On a related note, one fun encounter I ran into was one of each of the three squirrels. A Nutkin, a Skull Eater, and a Soul Eater all at once. Ok now take the stairs down into the current to end up on the next platform. There is a chest with a Power Drink to your left. Jump down the hole on this platform.

Now you're in the floor beneath where you just were. Grab the Dark Matter from the chest to your left. Go up and to the left to get to a door leading back to the upper floor. Take the second set of stairs from the left to reach the chest you missed earlier, it has a Goliath Tonic. Go down the stairs into the current to get back to the southern platform, jump down the hole again. Back to the lower floor once again. Take the stairs south of the chest to end up on the left platform. There is a Turtle Shell to your left in a treasure chest. How ominous, when taking into account what the boss of this room is. Make your way north to the four stairways. Go down the second from the left, which lets you grab the Elixir from the chest on the platform in the middle of the room. Go down the stairs and the current takes you to the right platform. Head for the northeast to find the way out. Before you can exit you will encounter the first boss of this quest. It is a rematch with a familiar face.... Cast Float on everyone before starting the battle! Make everyone have Dualcast and Black Magic other than your main healer who should still have White.


Remember this guy? He's easier this time since you're so much stronger than you were in world two. He still uses Earthquake right as he dies so make sure everyone already has the Float status and keeps it throughout the whole battle. If two or three are casting Blizzaga with Dualcast while your others heal, you should be fine. He still uses that annoying Turtle attack. Your healers should dualcast Curaga twice or one Curaga and one Esuna when needed. If only he was this easy the first time around! On to the next area.
My Level: 70

After the Gil Turtle you end up in the next chamber of the cave. The chest at the end of the right path has a Cottage. Follow the path. You will find a Fuma Shuriken at the upper left corner along the path. Now go up and you will see another merchant guy, this one is blue like Mirage Town people. He wants you to Catch a Behemoth in order to proceed. I detest the idiocy behind the Catch command so needless to say, I was unhappy that the developers would do this. The Titan's Grotto has Behemoths so give one character the Catch command and go back there if you do not have one. To backtrack you can go back past where the Gil Turtle was and through the door to your left. Now go to the right and through the door. Now you're in the room that the door in the bottom left of the very first part of the Sealed Temple would have taken you to. We hadn't explored that room yet anyway, so go ahead and backtrack.

You will see a monster in one of the chambers. You can't get to him yet. Follow a hidden path north of the monster. Start from the corner north of the left chamber and then go north in the hidden path following it to a room north of the right chamber. You can get a Blastshot and a Buckshot in the chests above the monster. Nothing else to do in here yet. Exit through the door on the left to be back at the entrance area. Return to the Titan's Grotto through the right door's path. You must weaken the Behemoth before you can Catch him. Once you have done so, return to the blue merchant at the bottom of the River Of Souls. He unseals the central door at the entrance area. Backtrack your way to the entrance area and now you can enter the central door to reach the next area, though you may want to save before going inside. You can also still go to the Hall Of Souls and Doubt if you had not been there yet.
My Level: 71

Go from the entrance area through the right door. Go past the green warp stars and through the door on the left. Now you're in the Hall Of Souls. It looks like the Island Shrine. In here are some more treasures. There are some holes on the tiles so to avoid those use a hidden path in the left wall after the third set of pillars. Follow this path to the left part of the Hall. Go around the left wall and into the center of this area on the left side for two treasure chests that have two Blitzshots. Go back through the hidden path and past the pillars. Go into the right portion of the area, but walk around the central chamber behind the wall, to avoid another hole. The two chests in here have two Blastshots. South of the entrance is the Hall Of Doubt.

My Level: 71

This area looks like the Trench. To your left is a chest with an Ether. North of that chest is a skull switch, go press that. This opens up a path north of the door you came from. Follow this new path. Go press the skull switch on the wall to the northeast of where you came from. There is a chest north of that with a Mace of Zeus. Follow the path south of you and you will get to a chest with a Dark Matter. Go back to where the Mace of Zeus was and jump down the hole next to you, to end up in the Hall Of The Watchman. Return to the entrance and now go through the central door to the arena.

My Level: 71

You follow a long path in here around a central chamber. There's some treasure chests along the way. They have a Dark Matter, a Hero Cocktail, and a Holy Water. After these three chests you find the way blocked by a huge statue of a dragon. You cannot get past it yet. Maybe that guy from the Hall Of The Watchman knows something, he did mention some potion that can un-petrify something.... Return to that area and talk to the green merchant. Before doing this though, go through the hidden path to the right of the dragon statue and you can get to a chest with a Gladius. Ok, now go return to the green merchant.

The green merchant will give you the potion but you only have 5 minutes to take it to the dragon statue. Lovely. So you will want to prepare for the boss fight before you even get the potion. Keep them as four Mimes. I gave White Magic and Dualcast to everyone. One person had Blue, another had Time, a third had Summon, and the fourth had Read Ahead in order to not have as many random encounters. Talk to the green merchant and now it is a race against time to get to the dragon statue. Use the green warp star then head through the River area and make your way back to the entrance area, and through that central door to the Arena. Now get to the dragon statue before running out of time. It will turn into the next boss, Grand Aevis. If time permits, change Read Ahead to Time for your Mime who had it, once you get to the dragon statue. Heal up and start the boss battle. After the battle you can get an Ether on your way to the exit of this area.
BOSS BATTLE: Grand Aevis, Dark Elemental (x2)


The good news is this guy has the same battle theme Exdeath did. The bad news is that this battle is REALLY tough. The two Dark Elementals can keep healing the dragon if left alive but he revives them both if you defeat both so start by casting Holy on one of the Dark Elementals to defeat it. Leave the other one alive. Now focus on the dragon. He has powerful attacks such as Breath Wing that hit the whole party. He can also use Zombie Breath and Maelstrom. You should not use any abilities that may also hit the Dark Elemental. Have your casters use Dualcast. First select Holy then select Quick if they have Time Magic otherwise just do two Holy spells. For the Quick rounds do Dualcast with both being Holy. Keep repeating this as much as you can, have someone heal with Curaga and/or Esuna if needed. Your summoner could summon Phoenix if necessary too. Once you defeat the dragon then cast Holy on the other Dark Elemental to finish the battle. Level up if you're getting overwhelmed. It only gets worse.
My Level: 72

Now you're in another area that also looks like the Ronka Ruins. There are four chests right by you. They have 2 Ethers and 2 Fuma Shurikens. Head south to find two more chests with a Dark Matter and a Cottage. There is a fork in the road. Head right first. Open the chests for two Holy Waters and go down the stairs. There is a chest down here that you otherwise could not reach. It has a Kagenui. Now go back up and take the middle path south. Three chests down here provide you with a Cottage, a Blitzshot, and a Sorceror's Mantle. Now take the left path. There are two chests with a Blitzshot and a Phoenix Down. Go down the stairs.

You end up at a puzzle just like the one at Ghido's Cavern. You have to take a rock from a chest and place it into one of the four others to open doors. Putting it in the upper left chest opens the door second from the left. You can open two chests in this room with a Blastshot and Buckshot. Putting the rock in the upper right chest opens the far right door and it leads nowhere. Putting the rock in the lower right chest opens the far left door. Go in there to get a Hyper Wrist. Go back and put the rock in the lower left chest. This opens the door second from the right and it leads to the stairway to the next area.

Directly to your right is a chest and it has a Cottage. Climb down the chain left of the entrance of this room. Here is the puzzle of this floor. The chains take you to different areas of the upper portion. It's not as complicated as it looks. Head down to the other chains. Ignore the green warp star as it takes you back to the very beginning of the temple. Most of the chains take you to the same portion of the upper area. The first one from the left takes you to a platform connected with a hidden path to the way you came from. The short chain goes nowhere. The other three go to the same area and are all connected with hidden paths so use the chain second from the left. Take the hidden path left of you and follow it to find an Apocalypse Sword. At this point it is better to have two Mimes with Equip Swords, another with Equip Katanas, and a third with whichever you wish in order to utilize the more powerful weapons equally across all four characters. The axes have fallen behind significantly in this aspect and there's enough swords to give to two dual-wielders. Head back the way you came, down the chain, and back up the first chain you climbed. Now head left and down the long stairway.
My Level: 72

Now you're in another waterfall area. There's two paths here. The left is just multiple stairways downward to the bottom. The right one also heads to the bottom but it has some treasures so let's take that one since both get you to the bottom of the screen either way. These chests have a Cottage and a Royal Crown. Now go to the bottom right corner of the screen climbing down the stairways. There is nothing behind the large waterfalls though the map makes it look like there may be. Go down into the next room.

There are two doors in this room and a stairway. One of the doors is blocked by "magical powers" and a star barrier is in the way. This is something we will have to revisit later. To the southeast of that is a stairway going downward. Go down that. It's a treasure room! The chests in here have 2 Dark Matters, a Turtle Shell, a Water Scroll, and a Cottage. Go back upstairs. Since you cannot get through the star barrier yet your only option is to go through the other door. There is a waterfall blocking your path. Go to the lower left corner. Open the chest first for a Coral Ring. Now go to the skull switch, it may be hard to see it on the wall but it's there. Hit the switch and hurry up northwest before the waterfall comes back. If you are fast enough you can get to the door. Go inside to get to the next area. Thieves or a Mime who has mastered Thief can walk faster so use this to your advantage.
My Level: 72

Finally somewhere that we can rest! In here you have the chance to save at the save point at the northern part of the room. Make certain that you do save as well as use a Cottage there to be fully healed. The chest by the save point has a Longinus Spear. There is also a door to the left, a green warp star at the bottom, and a green merchant in the middle. The door at the left takes you to the lair of one of the new bosses, Omega Mk II. Don't even bother trying until you are on a higher level. Talk to the merchant first. He gives you a key that will open the chamber to the monster you could not get to from the beginning of the temple. You will have to backtrack a bit in order to get to the next boss. Remember the green warp star by the chains in the lower portion of the Heart Of Ronka? Go use that to quickly get to the start of the temple. Now go through the bottom left door and approach the monster. Don't start the battle yet. Make everyone Mimes with Dualcast, White Magic, and either Summon or Blue Magic. Now start the battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Archeodemon


This guy has a sneaky tactic. If you use physical attacks he will use Death on himself, which he is immune to, which makes him come back to life with full health. How annoying. So you will obviously need to use magical attacks to win. He has some powerful spells of his own. Have someone cast Mighty Guard on the party. Now use Dualcast with your Mimes that have Summon. Cast Curaga first and then Summon Bahamut. The others can Mimic this. Keep going until you win because the Curagas will keep you safe while Bahamut damages the boss. You'll win if you keep this strategy up long enough. You may need to cast Esuna or Dispel at some point if he tries to use his Curse attack to inflict negative statuses. Curse could be really annoying if it inflicts Berserk on someone because that may make them attack the boss constantly which in turn would make him keep reviving himself, until you undo the Berserk status. The main danger is his Giga Flare attack so make sure you had used Mighty Guard as soon as possible.
My Level: 73

Go back to the Hall Of Tranquility after having defeated Archeodemon and use the green warp star at the southern part of the room. It takes you to Lethe Court. This area is just like the final area of The Rift before you fought Exdeath. It even has the same cool music! Give Steal to at least one person in case you run into Crystal Dragons so you can try to Steal some Dragon Lances if you did not do that in The Rift. Climb down the stairs and to your right is a Mutsunokami Katana. To your left is an Elixir. Now follow the path to the warp tile. Keep following the path using the warp tiles. You'll be at a fork in the road. The left path takes you to the warp tile but use the right path first, to get to a chest along the way. It has a Robe Of Lords. Now go back and use the left path. In front of the warp tile is another boss. You'll want Mimes that have Dual Cast, White, and Summon for two or three and the rest with Dual Cast White, and Blue. After defeating him you can proceed to face Enuo, who within the story is the new final boss.


The last three fights can be done in any order. I recommend facing Enuo first so that you can get the last character class, Necromancer. The other two are far tougher and should be saved for last. Or you could fight Enuo last since he is technically the new final boss of the game. It's up to you.
BOSS BATTLE: Guardian, Launcher (x2), Wave Cannon


The first thing you want to do is have your Blue caster use Mighty Guard. Have one of your Summoners summoning Golem. Now you should summon Bahamut through Dual Cast. You can substitute Curaga for one of the Bahamut summonings as needed. Once the defensive parts are destroyed keep this same strategy. He can restore the defensive parts, so defeat them again if he does this. It's not as bad as it may seem.

The new final boss as of a decade ago through the additional content in Final Fantasy 5 is Enuo. You'll want to come prepared for this battle or else you're in for a really difficult time. Have everyone be Freelancers. Yes, you read that correctly. Not Mimes but Freelancers. The reason for this is so that you can equip Ribbons as well as Angel Rings. This is the best way to prevent the myriad of negative statuses the boss can otherwise inflict. Now for setting the party up.... Give your two best fighters your four best swords. At this point if you're following along that's the Apocalypse, Ragnarok, Excalibur, and an Ehancer. Give two to one fighter and the other two to another. Bartz and Krile would be ideal. Give both Rapid Fire and Spellblade. Your other two are to have White Magic and Dualcast. Make sure Lenna or whoever your main caster is be equipped with the Sage Staff to boost Holy magic. Make sure all four have an Angel Ring AND a Ribbon if at all possible. Enuo is VERY tough. You have been warned.

Goodness are you in for a tough battle. He's certainly worthy of being the new content's final boss. I withheld from posting his graphic so as to not spoil for those who have not played yet. He has two forms and both have 60,000 Health. You may think you can simply rely on Rapid Fire and having everyone Mimic each other. That won't work here unfortunately. The staff that the boss has is an invisible target and anything like Rapid Fire or Meteor that hits random targets, can get its attack randomly absorbed by the staff causing it to do nothing. How annoying! Once he loses half his Health he goes into his second form. You'll know this because a message pops up about the Void. When he enters this form the staff is no longer an invisible target but he has suddenly gained an automatic Shell and automatic Protect that you are unable to dispel. He begins using highly dangerous attacks here such as Grand Cross and White Hole. What to do?

Your fighters should cast Flare Spellblade on themselves as soon as the battle begins. They will use their regular attack on the first form to avoid the staff absorbing an attack. Your casters should Dualcast their White Magic. I had Lenna casting Holy for 7,000+ due to the Stage Staff. While this is tempting your healers do need to be ready to heal. This means reviving with Arise and relying on Curaga a lot. When you get to the second form your fighters can use Rapid Fire with their Flare Spellblades you already activated. If your fighters die you must revive them immediately and get their Flare Spellblades activated again. Your healers need to make sure everyone is at decent health and not unconscious. If you are struggling you may need to level up. At level 75 it was still extremely tough. I don't remember this guy being anywhere NEAR this tough on the GBA version so I believe he may have been modified for the PC version.


Two more optional bosses await a challenge from you, if you have been following along with my path. Omega MK II and Neo Shinryu both rank among the most difficult bosses in the entire Final Fantasy series. We're talking Emerald/Ruby Weapon levels of difficulty here. I would recommend mastering your new class, Necromancer, first and then leveling up to at least level 90+ if you haven't gotten maxed out yet.



Stat Adjustments:

Strength +4
Agility +1
Stamina +21
Magic +29

Level 1: Oath (15 points)
Level 2: Dark Arts 1 (30 points)
Level 3: Dark Arts 2 (45 points)
Level 4: Dark Arts 3 (60 points)
Level 5: Dark Arts 4 (100 points)
Level 6: Dark Arts 5 (200 points)
Level 7: Undead (300 points)

My Thoughts:
This is a fairly cool class. They have nearly as powerful magic stats as Black Mages or Summoners and are about as physically powerful as a Knight. They can learn Dark Arts from finishing off various enemies specifically. The main downside to the class is that they are, as you may expect, innately undead. This means you cannot heal them by normal means. The Blue spell White Wind is the best way to heal them though there is also the ability Drain Touch that they can get Health from. I recommend getting up to Dark Arts 5. Why you would want Undead as an ability for any class is beyond me. They don't have the best weapon proficiencies but by this point you have Equip Sword/Katana/Lances so that is hardly your biggest problem with Necromancers. Really good class when you get past its one major drawback.





My Thoughts:
This is a lot like the Ranger's Animals ability only it makes monsters show up. Not the greatest skill, especially this far into the game, but one worth trying at least once.





My Thoughts:
Remember all those tiers of White/Black/Time/Summon spells? Dark Arts has those too. With this skill you can have any class equipped with the ability become able to use the basic Dark Arts skills. They include Drain Touch and Dark Haze.





My Thoughts:
This allows any class equipped with it to be able to use the basic Dark Arts as well as Deep Freeze and Evil Mist. You'll want to keep going so that this skill can build in tiers like the Black/White/Time/Summon ones did.





My Thoughts:
This allows any class equipped with it to be able to use the previous tiers of Dark Arts as well as the addition of Meltdown and Hellwind. With this tier you are more than halfway through to having the full Dark Arts spellbook available.





My Thoughts:
This allows any class equipped with it to be able to use the previous tiers of Dark Arts as well as the addition of Chaos Drive and Curse. There is only one tier left after this so you're almost done.





My Thoughts:
This allows any class equipped with it to be able to use the previous tiers of Dark Arts as well as the addition of Dark Flare and Doomsday. At this point you will have access to the full Dark Arts spellbook available. These spells are strong so you'll want to get up to this level for your Necromancer(s).





My Thoughts:
This allows any class equipped with it to become undead like the Necromancers. It's honestly a stupid ability. Why would you want other character classes to become damaged by restorative potions/spells? White Wind from the Blue spellbook still works fine luckily. Maybe for an added challenge? I don't know. I dislike this ability. Avoid it unless you're out to master everything.
My Level: 77


This sidequest is the obtaining of each of the Necromancer's Dark Arts spells. They are unlocked differently than any other spellbook. You have to have someone in the Necromancer class finish off specific monsters. Each spell is learned by defeating one of a couple of different monsters. I will list off each. While hunting these monsters you could accomplish the leveling up your Necromancer class levels as well if you had not finished that yet.

Drain Touch is learned from Mindflayers and you will get this one in a battle as soon as you get the class. It is one of the few abilities that can genuinely heal a Necromancer since they have undead status. Mindflayers can be found in the final area of the Rift, but you won't need to go look for one for this spell.

Dark Haze can be learned from defeating Lemures and Exorays. I learned it from defeating an Exoray horde in the Sealed Temple's Heart of Ronka.

Deep Freeze can be learned from Assassins and Dark Elementals which are encountered in the Sealed Temple's Abyssal Falls.

Evil Mist can be learned from Zombie Dragons or Unknowns. The former is found in Drakenvale and the latter is one of the enemies found in the Trench. Try going for the latter.

Meltdown can be learned from Liquid Flame and Claret Dragons. The Liquid Flame was a boss way back in the first world but can also be found in the Phoenix Tower on the walls where staircases were hidden, as one of the encounters possible there. Claret Dragons are in the Sealed Temple. I'd recommend looking for a Liquid Flame to defeat.

Hellwind can be learned from Objet d'Art (the statue things in the basement of Galuf's Castle) and Stingrays. One is very easy to find the other is a pain to find. I'd rather go look for the monster that is easier to locate and defeat one of those.

Curse can be learned from defeating an Ironclad. They are encountered in the Sealed Temple's Lethe Court area.

Chaos Drive can be learned from Mini Satanas from the Sealed Temple.

Dark Flare can be learned from defeating an Exdeath's Soul or a Tonberry. You would have to go to the Waterfall where you fought Leviathan in order to locate a Tonberry. Plus they are still fairly dangerous at this point in the game. You're better off looking for an Exdeath Soul in the Castle of Kuza.

Doomsday can be learned from Hades. You can find a Hades in the Sealed Temple's Lethe Court area. They look like the boss Azulmagia from the Rift.

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