The intelligence of the forum seems to drop by the day

Hurry up xfearbefore. Post something where you use the word "fuck" seventeen times, and watch everyone go "ahhh" and rep you 54 times because you said fuck a lot.

Like Norcal, not a slam on you, but rather those who think it's cool to live vicariously through Norcal's sex life.

Duh Sly, didn't you know that I'm top in rep for swearing alot and encouraging kids to use drugs?

Fuck off. Cunt.
Ok.... Is it wrong for me to say that Sheik attempted to keep his kayfabe gimmick, the middle eastern thing, to all aspects of his life as a way to move onwards and upwards, and therefore, is a Loose Cannon?
Honestly; I don't know. Thesz called him a great salesman and a really nice guy if that's any help.
OK. I've read this ENTIRE thread. All eleven pages so far. And from what I gathered, this is something that's provoked a LOT of conversation among old and new blood in this forum. This is a SHOOT, from Mr. Lariato. The FUCKING LARIAT!

I have been on this damn forum since April. When I started posting in here, I simply wanted to have intelligent conversation with wrestling enthusiasts. I never met such a group of hardcore wrestling fans in my entire life. I also never met INTELLIGENT wrestling fans like myself who think in depth about 'the biz' and the inner workings of what's working and what's not in the world of wrestling. It proved to me that it's possible to find folks that are witty, satirical, and can carry a conversation about ANYTHING, much less pro wrestling.

As far as the quality of the forum, I 100% agree with Sly. There are more flash in the pans then I've ever seen in any entity of my life. It's amazing how someone can go from unknown to 'OMG< THIS GUY KNOWZ HIZ SHITZ.' I mean, there are a few that have stuck with me. Tenta's one. Razor's the other. And Lord Sidious is a great wrestling poster who is stuck on his ways, but knows wrestling. Yet, most of the time, he's ridiculed for having an opinion on what should be done with Raw or whatever. It's amazing. Intelligence is a rare commodity. You can tell who has a sense of being and knowledge and who doesn't. It's a shame that it has to come to elitism to separate good from bad, but if it's needed, then so be it.

This forum is for people who want to come in, talk to friends about wrestling and about life, and for debates and conversations. All of a sudden, people start clinging to a certain person and it's a love fest. One thing you can say about me, and there are a LOT of things you can say about me, but one certainty is that I know wrestling. I pride myself on knowing pro wrestling and discussing it in an intelligent manner. I had a thread about the best territories during the 80's. THREE FUCKING hits on that thing. Are you serious? But I post about how 'lame' the WWE's Bling Bling Title is and it gets nearly 14000 views. It's pathetic. I've tried to provoke good conversation to no avail. And to be honest, it's a shame. People are more worried about rep and how to get it as opposed to EARNING rep by becoming respected for being a solid poster and solid person. I take rep seriously, because the majority of my rep comes from people complementing me on my knowledge and ability to provoke good conversation. Being repped for 'pwning' someone or for going off on a hate filled, vulgar tangent on someone takes away from that.

When I got my first rep from a guy named "Paul Bearer", I was like, "Wow, this guy must really like my work." I had no idea he was an administrator on the forum and one of the most respected people on WrestleZone. It meant a lot to me. And for people to say it's meaningless, fair enough. But for me, when I got full rep, it meant a sign of earning some respect. Maybe it's just me being sentimental or just me being awesome, but I know that I still love this forum. And creating some sort of VIP room for posters would provoke more intelligent conversation in my book.

And for the people who don't like my sex life thread, go politely fuck yourselves... with diligence and candor.

*Drops mic*
I had a thread about the best territories during the 80's. THREE FUCKING hits on that thing. Are you serious? But I post about how 'lame' the WWE's Bling Bling Title is and it gets nearly 14000 views. It's pathetic.

Unfortunately alot of our posters simply know jack shit about the territories Lariat. I believe if I remember correctly you're talking about the Roundtable thread you did? I know I responded to that one. Alot of people on here talk a big game about all this wrestling knowledge they have, and yet never ever touch a topic like that. Pisses me the fuck off. Everyone is apparently a hardcore expert on the territories, but can't find the time to post a response to that thread.

'Tis the nature of the beast Lariat. For every great poster we've got about 1,000 shitty ones.
Unfortunately alot of our posters simply know jack shit about the territories Lariat. I believe if I remember correctly you're talking about the Roundtable thread you did? I know I responded to that one. Alot of people on here talk a big game about all this wrestling knowledge they have, and yet never ever touch a topic like that. Pisses me the fuck off. Everyone is apparently a hardcore expert on the territories, but can't find the time to post a response to that thread.

'Tis the nature of the beast Lariat. For every great poster we've got about 1,000 shitty ones.

I have 2 things for the record.

1. I know nothing of Territories and very little on Wrestling, though I've picked up a great deal. As such, I try not to speak as if I know anything about Wrestling outside of todays current product.

2. The only rep points I've ever cared about came from X, maybe it was Justin (It was back in the day when I couldn't tell them apart) and it was in reference to a post I did about a supposed Teacher and his guns. So I'm no rep ****e, I couldn't tell you how I got to full rep to be honest.
I have 2 things for the record.

1. I know nothing of Territories and very little on Wrestling, though I've picked up a great deal. As such, I try not to speak as if I know anything about Wrestling outside of todays current product.

Which is why I totally understand why you're not big into that section. But we have alot of posters who DO claim to have all this history about the territories, and yet couldn't tell you who Eddie Graham is.

2. The only rep points I've ever cared about came from X, maybe it was Justin (It was back in the day when I couldn't tell them apart) and it was in reference to a post I did about a supposed Teacher and his guns. So I'm no rep ****e, I couldn't tell you how I got to full rep to be honest.

Haha oh man I do remember that thread, about teachers should have the right to carry guns in school? Yeah I remember that thread man, absolutely hilarious stuff. That was a while ago. If I repped ya I'm sure you deserved it.
Time to prove that Lariat>Me. I too just read this entire thing. Rep does mean a lot to me, and I feel pretty good that most of my rep was obtained posting in wrestling. I see the rankings on rep and to me, I feel pretty good at the level I am. I'm not particulary good or anything, but for the most part, I try to add something to the conversation. I'm perfectly fine where I am, but to see the people that have passed NoFate is a little mind boggling. No offense, but he should be a lot higher up the ladder. Go ahead and blast me for taking rep seriously, it's there for a reason isn't it?
Unfortunately alot of our posters simply know jack shit about the territories Lariat. I believe if I remember correctly you're talking about the Roundtable thread you did? I know I responded to that one. Alot of people on here talk a big game about all this wrestling knowledge they have, and yet never ever touch a topic like that. Pisses me the fuck off. Everyone is apparently a hardcore expert on the territories, but can't find the time to post a response to that thread.

'Tis the nature of the beast Lariat. For every great poster we've got about 1,000 shitty ones.

It wasn't the roundtable. I knew that wasn't going anywhere. This was one of my FIRST threads. It was on which territory was better. Jim Crockett, USWA, WCCW, AWA, or Smokey Mountain Wrestling. No one touched it with a ten foot poll.

And amen to that. For every Tenta, we get a watsonNation or mrstlouis
It wasn't the roundtable. I knew that wasn't going anywhere. This was one of my FIRST threads. It was on which territory was better. Jim Crockett, USWA, WCCW, AWA, or Smokey Mountain Wrestling. No one touched it with a ten foot poll.


I was never a big fan of the AWA. The Gagnes were pretty shit bookers IMO.

I'll see if I can go scrounge up that old thread of yours, I likely was still on my hiatus when you posted it. I'll try and get around to it sometime tomorrow.
Lariat, everyone, I'm here to ask: How the fuck did I get full rep. Honestly, how many here, outside of X, Tenta, NSL, Norcal, and a few others, have actually read my posts outside the bar room? Especially my wrestling posts. Those things are 9 times out of 10, pure shit. I think I'm probably one of the ones Sly's railing against with this thread.:lol:
Lariat said:
All of a sudden, people start clinging to a certain person and it's a love fest.

See, and I'm not getting why this is a problem. What's wrong with that, exactly? If someone feels like recognizing someone and saying they like them because they're a solid wrestling poster, or their posts in the Lounge are thought-provoking, or they say funny shit in the Bar when they're drunk or whatever other reason they might have, why is that a bad thing?

You say rep is important, and that's cool. I'm glad it's important to you. I disagree, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Probably not a coincidence that I feel that way when 99% of my rep (and I've got a shitload of it to only have 140 posts in non-spam sections) probably came from the Bar Room. But so fucking what? Who exactly does it injure?

If you're competing with me and thinking I don't deserve to be on the same page of the Members List as you when sorted by Reputation, for god's sake, don't. I'll tell you straight up you're a FAR better wrestling poster than me, and being as this is a wrestling forum, that makes you a FAR better poster in general than me. You win, ya know? I don't need a green bar to tell me that, and neither does anyone else that's paying attention. We all know you're a better wrestling poster than I am. So what the hell difference does it make in the grand scheme of things as to where anyone's rep comes from or how much they have? Anyone whose opinion you might respect already knows the truth of it.

Be satisfied with that, ya know? Don't worry about the pointless shit. Just be proud of what you've done for the forums. You've done a LOT more than I have.
I wasn't here in 2007 but I was here for most of 2008, and the bar room has suffered in quality and the wrestling threads aren't the same.

Without Shocky and Jake and as much IC or Sam, posters are getting full rep at fifty posts because of a bar room following. The bar room has become a rep ****ing area, and rep ****ing started in the SFAC. Look, we are guilty of repping and getting rep in the bar room for complete crap, but the more tenured posters leave the bar room and there are like 25 guys with twenty posts and full rep from the bar room.

It just goes to show that rep is crap. I'm almost at 20,000 rep points and I know I don't deserve those.

I have enough faith, however, to believe that people know who the good posters are and who the rep ****es are. If you eliminated bar room rep, I doubt I'd have a full bar.

The intelligence might not be sagging, but the number of people it comes from sure is.
I do not find the quality of the posts of basically most regulars in any section to be getting unintelligent by the day. The level of unintelligence that I do find are those idiotic posters like in the WWE section that post random bullshit giving an opinion that goes seemingly off topic or decides to destroy the thread by ranting about why this & that is wrong.

I am getting real pissed off with how some people are treating the forums as of late & the intelligence does seem to drop. But, the regulars like us for the most part Sly DO NOT decrease in their level of posting awesomeness. Sure, you have guys like NateDaMac & Y2Jake who post really, really short answers... but they are to the point & are correct about almost anything. There are others like TheOneBigWill who seem to post these uber-long word forts but still achieve a point that is valid.

You must be more worried about those who don't really know what they are talking about or just come up into a thread and say "That's shit!" For instance, two guys who are getting on my nerves are tLight & BernacK6. Every diva thread, there is at least one of the two in there that speaks of how absolutely shit they are in general & don't matter... yet the topic for discussion is about "if such&such was to become a heel, who would take her place?" Completely off subject... don't get me started on those who cannot post even if their lives were at stake.

In conclusion, I have no idea why I am writing something of this nature in the bar room at this length... but I will say that the regulars aren't the ones that are causing the problems. It's the other dudes that come in here without any knowledge & voice idiotic suggestions that are not opinions or don't contribute to the thread in any positive manner.
And what's with posters thinking a heel turn will solve wrestling's problems? It worked for Hogan, it MUST work for everything ever.

And quick...someone seriously tell me who Eddie Graham was. And no WIKI bullshit.
It's not even that it's because if you rep people they get a lot of points, I've given two bars to someone before.
Oh, and by the way... the rep that everyone speaks of. This was going to happen someday when it climbs to ridiculous levels. If someone makes absolutely marvelous posts like KB for example, & he finds someone who posts a great post... his rep will boost him up. When your rep bar increases, people seem to listen to you because you look important with a big rep bar.

There are numerous other reasons that I could put forth, but this is the damn bar room. I came here to look for some humour, some sarcasm & good-old fashioned fun after a long day's work of posting great, well-thought out posts... well, most of the non-spam posts being well thought out anywayz... :suspic:

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