The intelligence of the forum seems to drop by the day

Anyone ever watch that movie Idiocracy? Where they go into a movie cinema and watch a film of a farting anus and everyone thinks its hilarious. This Bar Room will eventually be that.
In my defense, I do put effort into my posts, especiall my WWE posts.
But I don't think they're long enough so they're not recognised as good posts :glare:
Shitty posts get repped,

I agree, I got repped for simply saying that I saw a Turkish Flag on Raw. I try to only rep good posts, and when I do get repped for a good post I feel as if I accomplished something.

great threads go unnoticed,

The problem is that if a thread is so good, a lot of people don't know anything about the subject or there is nothing left to say. For instance, I would have no idea what to post in Lariat's territories thread, but I do have knowledge about the WWE Title belt, so I'll likely post there. It's no that it's a "better" thread, I just couldn't say anything about the first one. tdigle's Puro thread is another great example. Awesome thread that probably taught a lot of people about foreign wrestling, but no one else has the ability to respond to it.

hard work of good quality is rarely acknowledged,

I agree here, unless you post "funny" things in the bar room, you aren't going to be recognized, even if you are a very good poster. For instance, Klown_Karnage and Kenny Powers are a couple of very solid wrestling posters, but since they don't post in the bar, hardly anyone knows who they are.

and too many of you post in piss bucket MSN style conversations in the Bar Room.

Personally, I don't see what is wrong with this. If people don't have the energy or knowledge to post in the wrestling sections, why can't they BS in the bar? Isn't that what it's here for? Most of the conversations may be stupid, but people are just having fun. If it really is a problem, why not just get rid of the bar room?

The recognition of quality of this forum has now given way to recognition of shitty online friends.

There do seem to be an awful lot of posters who are "friends" nowadays, but I don't think that's a problem. KB and Becca are friends, but they are still very good posters. I do think there still is quality on this forum and it's not always recognized. NateDaMac did a POTM competition, and I was nominated, but KB, whose Summerslam reviews are 10x better than anything I've ever done, wasn't. You definetly have a point here.

Awful. I wish we could still see posts that get repped around here, because I would love to provide examples.

I completely agree with this, but in the end, is it really that much of an issue? Some of my rep may be for stupid spam comments or for telling off some awful poster, but I feel that I earn a good bit of my rep, and I feel that I'm being recongnized when I'm repped.

The recent ass quality of the regulars lately have made me strongly consider a VIP room again, and will only invite people who post with good quality, that way I don't have to read all your asinine comments anymore.

Consdiering you have called me a "piss bucket" poster before, I doubt that I will be invited to a VIP Room, but if you feel that this is what needs to be done, then you should do it.

Feel free to defend yourself in this thread. And after the 7th post, when people have gone off topic in a completely unfunny manner, it will just prove my point.

It appears this has turned into more of an argument about why Tenta's isn't better than Dave or something, but it does looks as if your point has been proven nonetheless.
It appears this has turned into more of an argument about why Tenta's isn't better than Dave or something, but it does looks as if your point has been proven nonetheless.

...which is about as much of an accomplishment as saying "People breathe air, and one of you is going to breathe in the next few seconds and prove me right!"

It's just the natural ebb and flow of normal human interaction. Conversations, especially with numerous participants, don't travel in a straight line. They branch out, with a handful of people exploring a particular point that was raised in further detail, as a handful of others explore a completely different point, and so on.

He's just stating a truism and pretending it proves his larger point, and it does no such thing. I hope no one was fooled by that.
...which is about as much of an accomplishment as saying "People breathe air, and one of you is going to breathe in the next few seconds and prove me right!"

It's just the natural ebb and flow of normal human interaction. Conversations, especially with numerous participants, don't travel in a straight line. They branch out, with a handful of people exploring a particular point that was raised in further detail, as a handful of others explore a completely different point, and so on.

He's just stating a truism and pretending it proves his larger point, and it does no such thing. I hope no one was fooled by that.

It was inevitable, I agree. However, considering his said in the first post that he would wait for the topic to go off track, why did people still go off track. I skipped over most of that stuff because it was pointless and I didn't care about it, however I read all of Lariat's and FTS's posts. Most of the other posts are just stupid posts that are proving Slyfox's point.
However, considering his said in the first post that he would wait for the topic to go off track, why did people still go off track.

Because, as I said, it's a truism. "If you breathe, you're an idiot!" ...are you going to sit there holding your breath out of spite just to prove to someone whose opinion you don't even respect some asinine point? Of course not. No more than anyone in this thread had any reason to deny themselves anything they felt like posting just to prove him wrong about something that was stupid to begin with.
Because, as I said, it's a truism. "If you breathe, you're an idiot!" ...are you going to sit there holding your breath out of spite just to prove to someone whose opinion you don't even respect some asinine point? Of course not. No more than anyone in this thread had any reason to deny themselves anything they felt like posting just to prove him wrong about something that was stupid to begin with.

Fair point, I just thought the direction this thread took was rather funny and ironic.
Well, I've mostly read this thread although I skipped over a lot of the arguments which were likely nothing more than the same things being repeated about 10 times each. here's a summarized response.

Tenta > Thunderball, with ease. Sorry, but that's the flat out truth. Tenta is one of the best here, period, not just young guys. The stuff he's put together amazes me at times and there's a reason I don't reply to all of his posts: I would lose and I would lose huge.

The rep system is a fucking joke and has been a fucking joke for a LONG time. Perfect example: Rebecca. "Oh she has BOOBS! REP HER NOW!" Now before everyone jumps on me and says how great a sig maker she is and how she's a good poster, you're right. But look at the thread started about her before she did any of those things. She had half full rep already. That's fucking stupid. Another thing. Based on rep bars alone, she's almost at IC's level. That sound stupid to anyone else?

The bar room is a fucking joke for the most part. It's a lot of stupid threads from a lot of people that might make a real post a week. Am I talking down when I say this? Yep, and I'm doing it as someone that posts in both spam and non spam on a regular basis. It's REALLY not that hard. As for people that say nothing here interests me: bullshit. What don't we have here? If nothing interests you, you lead a very dull, sad life.

The bar room can be good but it works when people aren't being freaking idiots. SOme of the arguments I got into with Norcal and X were awesome to say the least and they were in the bar room. There's also a great amount of flat out stupid stuff, but when it takes the palce over, it's freaking stupid.

I'm as annoyed as anyone by people jumping on the ass of someone when they're some hotshot rookie for two weeks. Best example I can give you: JackAttack. Who's that you ask? He's a guy that came on here and blew people away, even having Norcal say he was awesome. Someone with the initials KB said "before we bow down to his greatness, let's let him get established a bit first." He was active less than two months and hasn't been around since. He was great for awhile, but anyone can make a few great posts. If you want to mean something, do it for a good while.
The rep system is a fucking joke and has been a fucking joke for a LONG time. Perfect example: Rebecca. "Oh she has BOOBS! REP HER NOW!" Now before everyone jumps on me and says how great a sig maker she is and how she's a good poster, you're right. But look at the thread started about her before she did any of those things. She had half full rep already. That's fucking stupid. Another thing. Based on rep bars alone, she's almost at IC's level. That sound stupid to anyone else?

This I gotta agree with wholeheartedly. I mean I know I only started posting around March, but even then it took awhile for my rep bar to get up there. I was a bar fly for the most part when I started, still am in ways but I'm hopefully getting better. I mean it's nothing against her, I do like her in fact she is a solid poster in my opinion and also participates in the ROH/Indy section, but there was no way she should have received the amount of rep she got just because she was female. Again it's nothing against her as she didn't ask for all that attention and rep. Rep isn't supposed to mean anything anymore but here we are all arguing about it, so obviously it means something to some people.

I agree with some things said in this thread, and other things I don't. So let me just say this, The Bar Room threads are becoming pretty boring, I mean some of them look like a damn Twitter account by the thread title. Before you start railing against me saying: Oh but it's the bar room we can post what we want there. Great, that's wonderful, but perhaps we could make some threads that can spark some discussion even if it is the Bar Room. We got some very good posters out in the non spam sections, I'm not one to drop names but y'all know who you are. I'm not one of the very good poster, I don't think I am anyways, I just post in the music section and help out with the e-fed, but I see a lot of good discussion in the non wrestling sections.

So to end this little rambling of mine, I just wanna say that I don't wanna step on anyone's feet here with this, there are posters here that have become pretty good friends of mine, and I enjoy being on the forum. Ain't nothing more, ain't nothing less. The Bar Room chatter is entertaining some days, some days it isn't. When I find threads I want to post in, generally speaking I'll throw something out, even if it isn't the best post.
Luckily I've made like four posts this month, so I know this thread isn't about me...:suspic:

Also, onto the rep thing. If people are tired of rep all the admins should come up with a way to abolish it, or just reset and have everyone start at zero. I've been here for a little over two years and i still think the quality is better now than it was in 2007. Well maybe not, the few people who posted then were pretty good, but I still believe we have a lot of young, solid members. People like SavageTaker and Razorback and even Tenta who registered in late 2008.

I find myself reading a lot of threads, but when it all boils down to it, I can never think of anything good to type.
Whatever. Sly may have a point. He may not have a point. I haven't been a non-spam poster in over a year, so I can't really verify any of his claims about the wrestling sections.

I will say that I skip over about half of the bar room threads. In long threads I skip over about 95% of the posts. But I've always done that because the bar has always had stupid threads and people whose posts I don't want to read. I'm sure that sometimes I come off as an idiot, but I'm usually trying to accomplish something through the post. Some of my posts try to make posting more similar to actual conversation, so I put in odd pauses, bolds, and misspellings.

What ever. I'd be annoyed if there were a VIP room again, but it would ruin me.
The ironic thing is that I wasn't going to post in this thread because of the same reasons I rarely post in wrestling threads: It's all already been said.
But I feel I must.

I waited until I had 150 posts before venturing into the Bar Room. I thought that would prevent me from getting the stigma of someone who "never posts in the wrestling sections". Unfortunately, due to my activity in the LDs, that happened anyway.

I sometimes post in the wrestling sections. I don't have as much to say as some people here, and my views are generally uncontroversial. I am a casual fan, in a manner of speaking. I do my research, but I don't know in-depth knowledge such as move names or what territory is better.

another reason I rarely post is because I feel I have nothing constructive to add. Take, for example, the JTMFTG. I didn't post there until the fifth exhibit or so, because I had nothing to say. I read it, and HIGHLY enjoyed it, but I had no striking thoughts or opinions.

The reason I hang out in the bar room is for two reasons: The people I like are here, and the section I am most active in and have the most knowledge about (Digital Arts and Graphics) get very little traffic. I'd gladly make posts about brushes and several techniques, and maybe I will in the future, but people wouldn't look at it.

I hang out here because people here are fun to just talk to and bullshit with. I've made a VERY good friend in Tenta here. I had seen him around the forums and knew he was a good poster, but I never realized he was such a nice guy.

I think that nothing is wrong with just hanging out and having some fun. That's what life should be about, anyway.
Most of my posts are ignored, I attempt to build reason behind my threads and why I post in them but the truth is people dont want to read long ass threads, alot want to post in the WWE vs TNA threads and troll in the barroom, I may not seem like the most intelligent person on this forum but i do do my research.

an prime example is the Randy Orton vs Kennedy thread i posted, People focused on the point that i Spelt Ortan instead of Orton more then the actual point of the topic which was who was more capable of lying, in hindsight thats the way things have always been, you cant just make a huge post calling people idiots and expect things to change because in the end I dont think things will, I keep wishing for more awesome guys like Tenta who can actually put a valid point across whilst also making me laugh at the same time but in the end it wont happen to soon, people just want to have fun and laugh not sit down and discuss the finer points of certain wrestling companies.

sad but true i have to say.
Just did an IQ test, same score as it was before I joined, this man's segment of forum intelligence remains unchanged.
I didn't feel like quoting. Dexter, I don't mind that you have higher rep than me one bit. Post count means shit. You have maybe a third of the posts I do, but I think your work is generally better than mine. I think KB had the best example already, and I don't particularly feel like calling out anybody. But the fact that there are people over shadowing Little Jerry Lawler and NoFate who haven't even matched a fourth of their quality is a joke.
I see this thread as an individual attack on many people that post on this forum. However, it has a ton of vaildity to it. So, I can only defend myself here.

As of late, I've done most of my posting in the non-spam sections of this website. Last month, I did more posting in the spam sections. Sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. But the biggest problem that I have in non-spam wrestling sections is the same circle of subjects that keep coming up OVER and OVER and OVER again... John Cena sux, Raw is stale, push the Miz, the spinner belt sux, guests hosts suck... Why would I take the time and post in sections answering questions that I've already answered a million times before? And why would I participate in a thread that always leads in the same direction? It's just boring to me.

In my opinion, the most interesting threads on this website lie in three places right now... The Debator's League, The Cigar Room, and The Mixed Martial Arts sections. All of those sections have dedicated posters, readers and followers and they always speak about interesting concepts and views. Besides them, every other section and group of posts all lead to the same places, and I'm bored sick of them all.

I also tried starting new threads in the Old School section which payed tribute to the midcard 'stars' of the past, but the responses I got were dismal. And everyone wonders why I don't post more... Why should I spend a ton of time on creative posts when no one gives a shit about them? And then the subject of things like Rookie of the Year come up and I'm lost in the shuffle because I don't live on this website 24/7. I don't have the time to dedicate to the same garbage threads, day in and day out. But everyone forgets my past acknowledgements from back in January and February when I wrote two threads that got me a full rep bar before my 100th post and I EARNED my green stripe as a result of my posting ability. Since then, in agreeance with Slyfox and KB, the quality of posts has severly gone down and I am no longer motivated to be creative.

I don't know, maybe all of you readers give a shit and maybe you don't. But that's the way that I feel.
I see this thread as an individual attack on many people that post on this forum. However, it has a ton of vaildity to it. So, I can only defend myself here.

As of late, I've done most of my posting in the non-spam sections of this website. Last month, I did more posting in the spam sections. Sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. But the biggest problem that I have in non-spam wrestling sections is the same circle of subjects that keep coming up OVER and OVER and OVER again... John Cena sux, Raw is stale, push the Miz, the spinner belt sux, guests hosts suck... Why would I take the time and post in sections answering questions that I've already answered a million times before? And why would I participate in a thread that always leads in the same direction? It's just boring to me.

In my opinion, the most interesting threads on this website lie in three places right now... The Debator's League, The Cigar Room, and The Mixed Martial Arts sections. All of those sections have dedicated posters, readers and followers and they always speak about interesting concepts and views. Besides them, every other section and group of posts all lead to the same places, and I'm bored sick of them all.

I also tried starting new threads in the Old School section which payed tribute to the midcard 'stars' of the past, but the responses I got were dismal. And everyone wonders why I don't post more... Why should I spend a ton of time on creative posts when no one gives a shit about them? And then the subject of things like Rookie of the Year come up and I'm lost in the shuffle because I don't live on this website 24/7. I don't have the time to dedicate to the same garbage threads, day in and day out. But everyone forgets my past acknowledgements from back in January and February when I wrote two threads that got me a full rep bar before my 100th post and I EARNED my green stripe as a result of my posting ability. Since then, in agreeance with Slyfox and KB, the quality of posts has severly gone down and I am no longer motivated to be creative.

I don't know, maybe all of you readers give a shit and maybe you don't. But that's the way that I feel.

...... Amen, sir. That, right there, was brilliant. And I think you have valid reason to be pissed.... Sometimes, the good posters get lost in the shuffle. I've told you, and I hope you take this seriously, that it will probably be between you and Lariat for ROTY. Those two, honestly, are doing phenomenal work. And if you want my opinion, aside from the typical names that I'd probably get shit on for saying they're better than, D-Man and Lariat, right now, are the posters on this forum. The quality of their stuff is deep, it's thought provoking, and well thought out. D-Man, it just occurred to me that I promised a long long time ago to post in The Warlord mid card thread... I'm sorry. With it in mind, I'm going to try and do that thread justice, because you put some pretty damn good work in that thread.

It's simple.... Take away post counts right now.... Rep.... All that good stuff.... Who, I ask, is coming up with the best posts, and thought provoking ideas? Right now, if I'm giving an order, it's KB, X, D-Man, and The Lariat. Those four are the best posters on this forum right now, bar none. Unfortunately, to some extent, Lariat and D-Man get lost in the shuffle. Why? They're not mods. And that isn't a knock on mods whatsoever. But having that mod status makes us feel as though that person being a mod means their posts are of higher quality. Take off the idea of mods right now, and ask yourself who is doing the best work on these forums right now.

I'm going to have to go with those four.

*Leaves to go bump The Warlord's thread*
You know, I AM going to make a thread talking about brushes and stuff in the Graphics section. I know what I'm good at and knowledgable about, and goddammit I'm going to put it to good use!

You ever peep out the TNA section D-Man? It has it's fair share of idiocy as well, but there's a lot of fun topics to be had. Maybe your not a fan. Well come explain your reasoning. There is still a ton of places to have an intelligent discussion on this forum. There's always going to be morons. Just scroll down or own them.
Yeah, anyway. Rep is ridiculous. I used to have two red bars and it took me months to get full rep. It used to be so much harder to get recognition in this place.

/tangential rant
Actually, I think red rep still has meaning. It takes something for a man to red rep you and tell you he dislikes you.

Except this one time I got red from FTS for what I said in the health caare debate thread. I'm scarred for life and am never going to the Cigar Lounge again :( ;)
...... Amen, sir. That, right there, was brilliant. And I think you have valid reason to be pissed.... Sometimes, the good posters get lost in the shuffle. I've told you, and I hope you take this seriously, that it will probably be between you and Lariat for ROTY. Those two, honestly, are doing phenomenal work. And if you want my opinion, aside from the typical names that I'd probably get shit on for saying they're better than, D-Man and Lariat, right now, are the posters on this forum. The quality of their stuff is deep, it's thought provoking, and well thought out. D-Man, it just occurred to me that I promised a long long time ago to post in The Warlord mid card thread... I'm sorry. With it in mind, I'm going to try and do that thread justice, because you put some pretty damn good work in that thread.

It's simple.... Take away post counts right now.... Rep.... All that good stuff.... Who, I ask, is coming up with the best posts, and thought provoking ideas? Right now, if I'm giving an order, it's KB, X, D-Man, and The Lariat. Those four are the best posters on this forum right now, bar none. Unfortunately, to some extent, Lariat and D-Man get lost in the shuffle. Why? They're not mods. And that isn't a knock on mods whatsoever. But having that mod status makes us feel as though that person being a mod means their posts are of higher quality. Take off the idea of mods right now, and ask yourself who is doing the best work on these forums right now.

I'm going to have to go with those four.

*Leaves to go bump The Warlord's thread*

This is why there is NO ONE on this forum I respect more than Tenta. Yes, I said it. More than Norcal, more than IC, more than KB... He just said it all, and I'm not just saying that because his reply favored me. I'm saying it because nothing goes unnoticed in his eyes, and his thought process is second to none. I'd love to live in his head for one day...

He mentioned how if you strip away rep and post count, you'd find a completely different breed of posters on this site. And this is why I'm trying my best to win the Debater's League. Like I said earlier, I don't have the time or patience to click on a million different sections on this website and try and find subjects that I can post in that haven't been done a million tiomes before, formulate my replies, and put them on paper. It seems as if that's the only way someone can get noticed on here. However, I CAN win the Debater's Tournament, which IMO is the epitome of everything that this website is about. So, for all of you rep ****es and post count braggers, as far as I'm concerned, you can all beg for attention as much as you'd like with comedic posts (to give you green rep for being funny) or posts like "Yeah" or "Good point" (to increase your post count) while I EARN my way into gaining your respect.

And for the record, WELCOME BACK TENTA!!!! When did you get back brother?!? And thanks for what you said. I really appreciate it.
The problem with rep is inflation. The more people most the more rep they get, and the more they have to give. Therefore, rep is de-valued.

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