Kombat Diaries: The Top Faces/Heels/Tweeners Of WrestleZone Forums

Does anyone else find it rather weird how he joined this month and knows many names of the regulars already?

I just checked, he joined 10 days ago. Maybe it's somebody we already know.
Does anyone else find it rather weird how he joined this month and knows many names of the regulars already?

I just checked, he joined 10 days ago. Maybe it's somebody we already know.

It's why I though he might be friends with TM or something. He seems to know alot for being a noob. Maybe he was just a creeper. But then again Bitch thought I was a lady! so maybe he is not someone we know.
Something doesn't feel right here. When I was a noob for 10 days, I didn't know the names of any posters. Except from Slyfox. True story.
Der! One could easily tell the guy's an alt. He knows way too much for a newbie and he's kissing ass. Certainly knows his stuff, fo sho!
Does anyone else find it rather weird how he joined this month and knows many names of the regulars already?

I just checked, he joined 10 days ago. Maybe it's somebody we already know.

I normally would, but then I realize I've been here a little over two months and have bantered with quite a few people. Then again, I've got natural charm, and came in a bit on the educated side (rules wise).
I knew some from my cousin. I knew Jakey of course, and some other main guys. Fun stuff.
3. MightUncleShocky.... (If God were ever a vbulletin mod, Shocky would probably it. He's genious, funny, and is annoying but in a humorous way. Best quality: Godliness. He's WZ's The Rock (not including selling out...i hope)

This, kneel bitches.

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