Kombat Diaries: Konfessions of a Kanadian Kid


Dark Match Jobber
Before I put on my Team Canada pajamas and head on off to bead, I would just like to state that I will be turning Face, starting tomorrow morning. That's right, no more bad-tasting jokes, no more hitting on women, or men, or men I thought were women, or klunderbunker, no more gay posts, no more reading Deadman's posts, no more bowing down to NorCal, and no more appreciating Santino Marella over Roddy Piper. I would also like to say that Lee-Generation X is the real asshole here, not Spunky, who's actually a really cool guy. The reason for this face turn was because you people really betrayed me when you didn't vote me as creepiest poster. So I thought if I can't be a creepy heel, maybe I'll belong as a cool face.
Oh yea and stay tuned for:
Kombat Diaries, Ep.3
Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, klunderbunker, and asshole (Lee)
I'm joking Lee is a cool guy too. If only he was Canadian, and a Santino fan...A jobber can dream, a jobber can dream...

Edit: I will also keep the emoticons too a minimum
Either that, or he is a person we already know, who might be banned.

*cough* Deadman *cough*.
Either that, or he is a person we already know, who might be banned.

*cough* Deadman *cough*.

AKA TM's friend....I thought taker/savage was deadman's alt. He could possibly have dial up which would make his IP's different. If they are all from the same town or state it would be a weird conicendence.
AKA TM's friend....I thought taker/savage was deadman's alt. He could possibly have dial up which would make his IP's different. If they are all from the same town or state it would be a weird conicendence.

I am not Deadman's alt.Jeez.

I dont have dial-up either,i have road runner turbo from brighthouse.

I live in Orlando,Fl.IDK where he lives at.

Again i am not Deadman's alt!!!
I'm not deadman's alt either. My jokes and my posts are ACTUALLY funny and intelligent. I'm Just one of many alter egos *cough*Rusty*cough*
I've been getting rep from people with 11 green bars. 90% of the rep comments say either " LOL, LMAO, OMG thats going in my sig, HAHAH!, I think i love you!, that'll get you infracted but it sure as hell is funny, yea i know santino rulz"
As much as I disliked you before, I like you now that I've read some of your funny insults to other people, and because I turned face.
At least you stopped asking for rep in every single one of your posts. But, Deadman is still funnier than you, although half of his funniness is unintentional.

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