The intelligence of the forum seems to drop by the day

You ever peep out the TNA section D-Man? It has it's fair share of idiocy as well, but there's a lot of fun topics to be had. Maybe your not a fan. Well come explain your reasoning. There is still a ton of places to have an intelligent discussion on this forum. There's always going to be morons. Just scroll down or own them.

Actually Nate, I have, but not nearly as much as I have in the WWE section. I only post about things that I know a lot about. I won't post threads and passages just to see myself speak. I'd like to make a valuable contribution to anything that I'm a part of and spend time on. Granted, I watch TNA weekly, but I have never seen one of their PPV's. And my opinion on the product is very negative, but if any of you have read my posts from the past, I don't condone negativity in the IWC. I feel that the negativity is what's killing the ratings and the product. But I won't get into that now.

Owning morons is a ton of fun, but you have to really know what you're talking about to pull it off correctly.
Thanks D-Man. I say it because I mean it. I got back yesterday actually.... But now i'm set to leave for another two days :lmao:. Miss Tenta's birthday weekend.

I'd also like to add another name to my fab five (yes, that's what I'm calling them) and that is Thunder. I love his work. He's just as thought provoking as any of the men I mentioned. So if we're really breaking it down, right now, the best to me, in no particular order, are X, KB, Lariat, D-Man, and Thunderball.
Sorry. I don't remember why I did it. Nothing personal. I like you, just not your post.

All too often though, people get red repped and then red rep back and those two can never get along again. If people realized what rep was, it would be a useful tool.

I get a lot of bar room rep, but I only really get happy about the NSS reps. Those mean something. That means someone liked your opinion. In here, you get repped for a proper fart joke.
You ever peep out the TNA section D-Man? It has it's fair share of idiocy as well, but there's a lot of fun topics to be had. Maybe your not a fan. Well come explain your reasoning. There is still a ton of places to have an intelligent discussion on this forum. There's always going to be morons. Just scroll down or own them.

Amen, I've actually found myself posting in the TNA section a lot more frequently than in the past. While yes there is stupid posts out there, the majority have been fun and interesting. The TNA section is really coming along under M_F. M_F has done wonders over there already and I expect more great things from the TNA section in the coming weeks, which I will definitely try to keep up on posting in.
I get a lot of bar room rep, but I only really get happy about the NSS reps. Those mean something. That means someone liked your opinion. In here, you get repped for a proper fart joke.

This. This is where it counts, ladies and gentleman. And FTS probably gets more rep for NSS posts than most anyone else. FTS, I haven't seen much of your stuff recently... I'll venture into the Cigar Lounge soon to see what's been going on. I trust you've kept it clean and tidy
All too often though, people get red repped and then red rep back and those two can never get along again. If people realized what rep was, it would be a useful tool.

I only red rep people who either make absolutely piss poor arguments, or people who are just genuinely pieces of shit. Mostly I red rep people who have proven themselves to be egomaniacal condescending insensitive pieces of shit. This person knows who they are.

What GD said though. Rep inflation is what's killed it. The more rep power we have, the quicker people gain rep bars. When I rep a post and the person instantly gains 3 bars, they're able to get a full bar rather quickly.
There has been a lot of bickering going on lately and threads dedicated to how dumb people on here post and whatnot. I don't know how it is for others but for me I get frustrated sometimes making good threads and nobody replying to them. I keep on doing it though because I post what's on my mind and I think about it a while before posting it to make sure it is of good quality.

What some need to understand is that it may not be fair for somebody that has been around a shorter time than you but has more rep is that if you post good threads or posts, people will start noticing.
I only red rep people who either make absolutely piss poor arguments, or people who are just genuinely pieces of shit. Mostly I red rep people who have proven themselves to be egomaniacal condescending insensitive pieces of shit. This person knows who they are.

What GD said though. Rep inflation is what's killed it. The more rep power we have, the quicker people gain rep bars. When I rep a post and the person instantly gains 3 bars, they're able to get a full bar rather quickly.

I don't care if you say my name, because I'm not ashamed or sorry for what I've said. However, I'd appreciate it if you would retract the "insensitive" portion of your comment. I don't read any thread in the Bar Room Tenta makes, so I didn't know his mother had cancer (I can only assume that this is when he disclosed this fact to the forum). Do I feel genuinely sorry for him and do I wish him and his family the best? Yes. Am I sorry for what I said earlier? No, since it had no bearing whatsoever on his personal life.
Sidious red repped me for something stupid so I red repped him back. Not something I usually do, I accept criticism well. But since then, he green repped me to apologize, I did too. Sometimes we can act like adults.
I don't care if you say my name, because I'm not ashamed or sorry for what I've said. However, I'd appreciate it if you would retract the "insensitive" portion of your comment. I don't read any thread in the Bar Room Tenta makes, so I didn't know his mother had cancer (I can only assume that this is when he disclosed this fact to the forum). Do I feel genuinely sorry for him and do I wish him and his family the best? Yes. Am I sorry for what I said earlier? No, since it had no bearing whatsoever on his personal life.

The guys mother just died. And you shit on him and insult him. First of all, he never even insulted Dave, no, he infact praised Dave and called him one of the best posters on this forum. Secondly, even if he had insulted Dave, yes TDigs, a parent dying DOES give you the fucking right to be angry or a prick. Have a fucking heart.

I lost any respect I had for you the minute you started insulting someone who's parent just fucking died. You have absolutely no class whatsoever. None. That, and you're the most condescending poster to ever grace this forum.
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The guys mother just died. And you shit on him and insult him. First of all, he never even insulted Dave, no, he infact praised Dave and called him one of the best posters on this forum. Secondly, even if he had insulted Dave, yes TDigs, a parent dying DOES give you the fucking right to be angry or a prick. Have a fucking heart.

I lost any respect I had for you the minute you started insulting someone who's parent just fucking died. You have absolutely no class whatsoever. None. That, and you're the most condescending poster to ever grace this forum.

If your respect actually meant shit to me, I might actually be hurt. Also, calling me condescending is the route many people here seem to take when I won't back down and bend over for them. And, seriously, you, calling me condescending, the same guy that taunted an imprisoned Wes and that, back in the day, used to come in here and post threads about how they had just owned some 13 year old kid in the TNA sections? Please, man.

Oh, and one other thing: don't you fucking dare and try to pin insensitivity on me when I had no fucking clue that his mother died. I'm not Marvin The Mind Reader, and I don't have Tenta's MSN. You want to come at me, then come at me for the comments I made, not shit I had no clue about. Seriously, right now you're acting like the kind of guy who secretly pines for a girl and gets pissed at her when she fucks someone else.

Tenta, my condolences. It is horrible losing a loved one, and I wish you the best in being able to cope with your loss.
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I'm looking forward to the day when rep inflation gives me the power to give some n00b full bars after one post. That will be cool.
If your respect actually meant shit to me, I might actually be hurt. Also, calling me condescending is the route many people here seem to take when I won't back down and bend over for them. And, seriously, you, calling me condescending, the same guy that taunted an imprisoned Wes and that, back in the day, used to come in here and post threads about how they had just owned some 13 year old kid in the TNA sections? Please, man.

Excuse me? When did I ever imprison Wes? I sure as fuck never imprisoned Wes. And if I taunted him while he was in prison, he deserved it. There's a fucking reason people are put into the Prison. Besides which, Wes knows that I like him and anything we said to each other in the past is just that; in the past. We have no beef with each other.

And when did I post a thread about how I owned a 13 year old in the TNA section? If I did, it damn sure must've been what, 2 years ago? And how would I have known this kid was 13? I honestly have no idea what thread you're talking about, but if I did post a thread to insult some kids intelligence, than I certainly didn't know he was 13 years old.

Oh, and one other thing: don't you fucking dare and try to pin insensitivity on me when I had no fucking clue that his mother died. I'm not Marvin The Mind Reader, and I don't have Tenta's MSN. You want to come at me, then come at me for the comments I made, not shit I had no clue about. Seriously, right now you're acting like the kind of guy who secretly pines for a girl and gets pissed at her when she fucks someone else.

See, that would be all well and good if you had apologized after I told you about what happened. You didn't, instead you said "Too bad, he still shouldn't be an asshole". Nothing you say is going to change that fact.

Reply or don't, I don't really give a shit, so long as everyone here knows that you found out someone's mother had just died, and you said "Too bad" and continued to insult them. If you had said something like that in a thread, you would have been banned.
What Tenta said about taking away the rep and post counts, I've been saying that for about a year now, because it's exactly right. Do you know how we determined who the new TNA mod would be? We read the posts. Nothing to do with rep or post counts. He was the best choice for the job plain and simple.
See, that would be all well and good if you had apologized after I told you about what happened. You didn't, instead you said "Too bad, he still shouldn't be an asshole". Nothing you say is going to change that fact.

Reply or don't, I don't really give a shit, so long as everyone here knows that you found out someone's mother had just died, and you said "Too bad" and continued to insult them. If you had said something like that in a thread, you would have been banned.

If he actually did do that, then.. fucking hell..
What Tenta said about taking away the rep and post counts, I've been saying that for about a year now, because it's exactly right. Do you know how we determined who the new TNA mod would be? We read the posts. Nothing to do with rep or post counts. He was the best choice for the job plain and simple.

I like keeping reputation, not because it makes my penis tickle to see a bunch of bars by my name, but it's a good way to let people know what you think about their posts. If I had the ability, I'd change the reputation system out for something similar, but without the point system of reputation.
Yeah. Thats uncool, tdigle.

Um, anyway. I try and make good posts, when I do post...
I think we should knock down everyone's rep. Start from square one. If anything, just to see how the landscape would change. I know I would likely be toward the bottom, but seriously, if that were to happen, fine. I know my posts suck most of the time. Once in a while I'll have a gem, but it's usually nonsensical gibberish surrounding, maybe, a solid point.
That's not what Tenta and I said. What we're saying is that if it were completely wiped out and everyone was equal, we'd still know who the best posters were. I'm ok with it staying, but I think it's WAY too easy to max out and there's too much emphasis on it.
I think we should knock down everyone's rep. Start from square one. If anything, just to see how the landscape would change. I know I would likely be toward the bottom, but seriously, if that were to happen, fine. I know my posts suck most of the time. Once in a while I'll have a gem, but it's usually nonsensical gibberish surrounding, maybe, a solid point.

I can't...I don't know about Luther or IC, but I doubt they can either. Requires permission to parts of the AdminCP that I don't have.

However, I HAVE thought about just going through and red-repping every poster religiously for a while. Make my rep worth an ungodly amount or something.

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