The intelligence of the forum seems to drop by the day

.... Dexter... i love you, basically you just made a terrfic transition from Wrestlezone to BBQ.

I personally could go for some ribs right now. Texas style barbeque is delicious.... God, I'm getting so hungry right now
.... Dexter... i love you, basically you just made a terrfic transition from Wrestlezone to BBQ.

I personally could go for some ribs right now. Texas style barbeque is delicious.... God, I'm getting so hungry right now

Another Texas guy? That's cool. I'm in Virginia so I grew up around the Carolina style, so that's what I go for.

That's what we all need, ya know. We need to just all go out for BBQ and beer. BBQ and beer fixes everything.
Seriously, Sly, I respect you because you're the boss around here but hey. Get your head out of your own ass, ya know? Relax. Try to have some fun. The rest of us are, and you seem like you're missing it. This is a pretty good place to hang out most of the time, and you're more than welcome to come hang out with us when you get time, ya know.
Look, I'm sure that someone here knows you and thinks you deserve that full rep bar you earned in 1 months time. Unfortunately, I recognize your name only, and can't remember one single time that I've seen anything from you that resembles consistent quality.

Get my head out of my own ass? I did that a long time ago. What I'm trying to do now, is to get you, and people like you, to remove their heads from each other's asses. Because right now, there is so much brown nosing going on, it's ridiculous.

If you want to have an MSN style conversation, here's a radical idea...get on MSN. If you want to come on here and relax, no problem. But there's a difference between relaxation and idiocy. Leave the idiocy for MSN.

There's a thread floating about discussing the merits of Texas vs Carolina style BBQ. I'd love to know which you prefer. Maybe you're even a Kansas City guy? Not a fan of the dry rub, sauceless ribs but I know a lot of people prefer them.
Quit trying to ruin one of the best quality threads in the Bar Room in a while with silly posts about BBQ. If I wanted to post in the thread, I would.
Ironic that someone who can't spell for shit and who makes no sense half of the time would call me slow. No, I'm not slow. I simply just saw that that portion of your statement had absolutely no merit and decided not to respond to it.

O RLY?!?! i will jus spel lik dis frm nw on ok?

So basically I was right so you ignored it. Good battle plan.

Also, I don't care if you buy what I say or not. You offer me nothing in return (not even a sliver of amusement, except for "theif"), so why should I give a fuck what you have to say?

I dunno, I think the immense awesomeness in my posts is making you respond.


Now on to someone important!
Another Texas guy? That's cool. I'm in Virginia so I grew up around the Carolina style, so that's what I go for.

That's what we all need, ya know. We need to just all go out for BBQ and beer. BBQ and beer fixes everything.

Dude.... That sounds fucking delicious.... you're place? Tomorrow night?
Look, I'm sure that someone here knows you and thinks you deserve that full rep bar you earned in 1 months time. Unfortunately, I recognize your name only, and can't remember one single time that I've seen anything from you that resembles consistent quality.

Get my head out of my own ass? I did that a long time ago. What I'm trying to do now, is to get you, and people like you, to remove their heads from each other's asses. Because right now, there is so much brown nosing going on, it's ridiculous.

If you want to have an MSN style conversation, here's a radical idea...get on MSN. If you want to come on here and relax, no problem. But there's a difference between relaxation and idiocy. Leave the idiocy for MSN.

Quit trying to ruin one of the best quality threads in the Bar Room in a while with silly posts about BBQ. If I wanted to post in the thread, I would.

Yeah buddy. This thread is just FULL of quality. Everyone calling each other idiots and bitching about posts and rep? That's MY idea of quality alright. Fuck a bunch of this getting along and being friends bullshit. That's not what we're here for. Lets all sit around and bitch about how dumb everyone is!

Are you even listening to yourself right now? This isn't even worth arguing.
Yeah buddy. This thread is just FULL of quality. Everyone calling each other idiots and bitching about posts and rep? That's MY idea of quality alright. Fuck a bunch of this getting along and being friends bullshit. That's not what we're here for. Lets all sit around and bitch about how dumb everyone is!
I don't give a fuck WHAT they're discussing, it's the actual discussion that is interesting.

But, no really, you make a great point. If everyone isn't fucking each other in the mouth, then clearly it's a terrible thread. Fuck that. I'd take this thread over the endless threads that get made every day. Take a look at these classics:

"I'm going to a minor league baseball game"

"Homemade Pasta is stinking up the house

"We need a repeat button on Youtube"

"Great song I love it"

Truly epic threads, if only for the thread title. :rolleyes:

Are you even listening to yourself right now?
No, I don't talk to myself when I type.

This isn't even worth arguing.
And you are...
Hurry up xfearbefore. Post something where you use the word "fuck" seventeen times, and watch everyone go "ahhh" and rep you 54 times because you said fuck a lot.

Like Norcal, not a slam on you, but rather those who think it's cool to live vicariously through Norcal's sex life.
"I'm going to a minor league baseball game"

"Homemade Pasta is stinking up the house

"We need a repeat button on Youtube"

"Great song I love it"

Truly epic threads, if only for the thread title. :rolleyes:

..... None of my threads are in here :blush:
Like Norcal, not a slam on you, but rather those who think it's cool to live vicariously through Norcal's sex life.

You know, while NorCal's sex life is epic... I doubt he ever got ass from an Earthquake doll.

I'm just sayin...
That statement has about as much truth as "no opinions can be wrong"...which is none.

I cannot believe my first post to your response, and I already get to say you're wrong! I feel all fuzzy inside, now.


How is that? Because people are so used to me being right now, that my ideas are no longer novel and unique, but rather run with the common opinion? Are you saying then that I should post things that I don't believe just so my posts don't drop "immensely in quality"?

You're not always right, you're just damn good at spinning people and tripping them up on what they're saying. You'll probably do it too me, doesn't mean you're right. Just a damn good spinner.

And no, in my opinion the length, quality, and just the overall "Wow..." factor you use to bring with your posts has dropped severely, if not completely disappeared. The shit you did on John Cena? Fucking brilliant, really and truly, but all and all it just seems to me like you got bored, like most people, and lost your motivation.

Disinterest in the product does ZERO to explain why quality threads go to waste, while 7 different posters pester Norcal for how many women he's slept with this week. Don't get me wrong, that's not a shot at Norcal, but you get my point.

No, I completely get your point but disinterest in the product would explain why these "quality" threads go to waste. Its safe to assume because they have no interest they have no motivation to post, or maybe Tenta (I think it was him) is right and the topics are so good and already covered; whats the point in posting to just say "'re right.".

Elitism? No, it's weeding out the idiocy. It's the same thing that law and medical schools do. You weed out the incompetents and focus instead of the ones who deserve the attention. elitism. This is an open forum, you cannot sit here and say John and Joe are better then Ally, so they can come sit at the big kids table. It defeats the purpose of having an open forum. If you want that, then make your own forum and put a damn password on it. Alienating the vast majority of your member base on your perception of "good" and "bad" is probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
..... None of my threads are in here :blush:

But Tenta, you responded only fueling their idiocy!!!! Damn you for that!!!! you should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to this terrible disaster that is happening on these forums...:disappointed::lmao:
At least this thread requires more than a pulse to read and comprehend...which automatically puts it in the Top 5 threads over the last couple months.

Its sad that I do have to agree with you, though its not as good as "Everybodys too nice thread". I loved every moment of that.
This is the fucking bar room. Where else are we supposed to post this stuff then? So the fuck what if I posted a song I liked and thought others might like? Do you want to write a fifteen fucking page post about middle east religons and post here in the bar room? That's basically what you asking. If you don't like my post, don't even give it a second thought. You are really talking out of your ass right now. Admin/Mod or not, fuck you man, this is bullshit and I can't believe you are basically calling someone like me stupid because I don't post to your pathetic standards. It's lunacy, I can not even fathom where you think you are in the right here and have a reason to try and put yourself above everyone else? This isn't logical man.
Its safe to assume because they have no interest they have no motivation to post, or maybe Tenta (I think it was him) is right and the topics are so good and already covered; whats the point in posting to just say "'re right.".

Well, I mean... Look at Tenta's thread about the Stampede. It was a very informative thread and quite honestly, I didn't really have much to add to it but it was such a good post that I wanted to be a part of the thread, so I just posted something. It's not a particular good post, nor a particularly good point, but goddammit, I tried. ;)

My point is, Tenta is right, sometimes it's just hard to contribute to an extremely well done post because it's just... been covered.
Basically, yes.

Gelgarin, this may sound dumb.... But what's your view on The Sheik?

I've never really looked into him... he's sort of the other side of the isle to the guys I follow (Gotch, Gagne and the like). I know he once walked out of a match with Thesz because Lou was working legit... which given the time period seems pretty damn unprofessional, but I've only heard one side of that story.

He's probably extremely important to the development of today's industry (sore of like a later version of George Wagner), but I really don't have the knowledge base to comments.
Yeah, seriously.... Next bar room post is going to be a two pager about my sex life. Hmm...

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