The intelligence of the forum seems to drop by the day

It's my fucking opinion Brian. This is a message board for people to express their opinions. I'll damn well express mine as I see fit, and who are you to tell me I shouldn't? If I posted it, odds are it's my opinion, isn't it? Well I think Tenta is the best poster on this forum right now. Don't like that opinion? I don't really give a fuck. You don't have to like it. I don't need your approval to express my opinion.

You're smarter then this, I don't get why're you stuck on thinking I'm telling you you're wrong when I'm not. Its your opinion, good on you. You stated it as matter of fact, as if it was the end all be all of everything one on this forum; its why I said that's perspective, and was using it in reference to Sly's (who's disappeared now) original topic.

He's also talking about people that use WZ like it's MSN. Which you're the biggest culprit of.

Whelp, le's find out.

Shitty posts get repped, great threads go unnoticed, hard work of good quality is rarely acknowledged, and too many of you post in piss bucket MSN style conversations in the Bar Room.

The latter half is me, I've admitted that. I'm just not confident enough to debate Wrestling, but like the people too much to leave. I'm glad Jay's here with the MMA section (you too Marquis).

The recognition of quality of this forum has now given way to recognition of shitty online friends.


Awful. I wish we could still see posts that get repped around here, because I would love to provide examples. The recent ass quality of the regulars lately have made me strongly consider a VIP room again, and will only invite people who post with good quality, that way I don't have to read all your asinine comments anymore.

Eh, not really me. I never get repped, even when I try too. :( I'm just not amusing apparently, but he's also pointing towards intelligence, talking about the general shit that's spewed well...everywhere. I figure even if you turned post count on in the Bar room I'd not have over 1k posts, so again I'd say it was halfway about me. If you wanna push it, 3/4ths.

And I hope you do realize that you're aggression is simply begetting my aggression. People take me too personable when I argue with them.
I take it personally because it's a stupid argument Brian. Did I start my post off by saying "THIS POST IS 100% SCIENTIFIC FACT AND CANNOT BE REFUTED" or something? No. Of course my post is my opinion, and no shit I think my opinion is fact, how exactly does one hold an opinion without believing it to be true? Doesn't make much sense does it?

This thread saddens me. This is the typical petty drama bullshit that this room has seemingly succumbed to now.
I take it personally because it's a stupid argument Brian. Did I start my post off by saying "THIS POST IS 100% SCIENTIFIC FACT AND CANNOT BE REFUTED" or something? No. Of course my post is my opinion, and no shit I think my opinion is fact, how exactly does one hold an opinion without believing it to be true? Doesn't make much sense does it?

This thread saddens me. This is the typical petty drama bullshit that this room has seemingly succumbed to now.

Truth and fact are 2 different concepts, you get into perspective with that again.

But anyway, you used absolutes in your posts, so I responded that it's perspective. You can take it personally, I didn't.

And really? I quite enjoy such things, I figure it'll pick up in awhile though. I was hoping Sly would stick around, the topic at hand would have kept through. Now all we've done is prove him right, though it came after the 7th post I think.
Truth and fact are 2 different concepts, you get into perspective with that again.

But anyway, you used absolutes in your posts, so I responded that it's perspective. You can take it personally, I didn't.

And really? I quite enjoy such things, I figure it'll pick up in awhile though. I was hoping Sly would stick around, the topic at hand would have kept through. Now all we've done is prove him right, though it came after the 7th post I think.

How did we prove him right? By X saying he likes Dave more than me? And I think you're getting so caught up in the absolutes here, you fail to recognize here he says "opinion". X made it known from the beginning that he it's his opinion. And even when he doesn't say it, the hope is that it's implied. X never said anything absolute regarding his posts at all.
How did we prove him right? By X saying he likes Dave more than me? And I think you're getting so caught up in the absolutes here, you fail to recognize here he says "opinion". X made it known from the beginning that he it's his opinion. And even when he doesn't say it, the hope is that it's implied. X never said anything absolute regarding his posts at all.

No, by getting into him and I bickering about his opinion over fact. It really has very little to do with Sly's topic.

And maybe I was, I was always sticking to "its a persepctive" blah blah blah, and I was trying hard to stick to that as it was never personal. Him taking it so is what made it seem so much more...serial. (<- intentional)
Don't worry Brian, I don't take much of anything "seriously" on here. You didn't offend me.
No, by getting into him and I bickering about his opinion over fact. It really has very little to do with Sly's topic.

And maybe I was, I was always sticking to "its a persepctive" blah blah blah, this was never personal. Him taking it so is what made it seem so much more...serial. (<- intentional)

Look, X is a passionate guy. The guy is a great friend to me, and hopefully I'm a great friend to him. It's what we do. If someone is saying "X is blah blah blah" I'm probably going to say something. It all came up when Tdigle, for some reason, took something I said, and still was able to turn it into criticism on me. Now, it doesn't matter much to me, because the fact is.

A. Dave has said multiple times that X and I are his favorite posters. He's one of my favorites. And still rising
B.I don't care if he is better than me, and I personally think he is better... We're friends anyway.

And from out of that, Tdigle was able to pick something of a critique of me... I'd be offended if someone critiqued X. It's just how things go.
Look, X is a passionate guy. The guy is a great friend to me, and hopefully I'm a great friend to him. It's what we do. If someone is saying "X is blah blah blah" I'm probably going to say something. It all came up when Tdigle, for some reason, took something I said, and still was able to turn it into criticism on me. Now, it doesn't matter much to me, because the fact is.

A. Dave has said multiple times that X and I are his favorite posters. He's one of my favorites. And still rising
B.I don't care if he is better than me, and I personally think he is better... We're friends anyway.

And from out of that, Tdigle was able to pick something of a critique of me... I'd be offended if someone critiqued X. It's just how things go.

I'd have to say both of ye'd have to work on it, no one can grow without critques. Though Tdig's post was full of fail.
Is there anything necessarily wrong with using the boards like MSN if it's kept to where it belongs (the spam sections)?

Honestly, anytime this gets brought up, and it's brought up a lot lately, it's a bit of a "if the shoe fits" situation because I'm really not much of a wrestling poster. I'm a huge fan of the sport and I read every thread, but I just don't have that much to say. I'm mostly here to read the wrestling threads, contribute in the rare instance where I have something to say, and use the Bar Room as MSN. If that's wrong, then frankly, I shouldn't be here. That's perfectly cool if so, just let me know. I just don't see anything wrong with it.
:disappointed:Has anyone stopped to think that the reason perhaps 'quality' of posts is down and some 'stupid crap' is being posted and people are responding to that 'crap' is maybe, just maybe lack of wrestling knowledge? Some peple on here(Tenta, Sidious, many more for example) have a vast majority of wrestling knowledge that isn't even comparable to many people on here. Some of the people who post on this forum, don't do so to share a knowledge of the innner workings of wrestling or of the feuds or of the wrestlers themselves, they post just to post what they think about said things. It may not sound smart enough, be smart enough for some, but it's their thoughts and opinions. so perhaps the reason the 'intelligence' of this forum is dropping is because not everyone is as smart as you Sly or some of the others on here. Hell I don't pretend to have a vast knowledge of wrestling, but I do have some as I have been watching it for over 20 years, but I just my feelings.

Now Tenta posts may fade away forgotten with little attention, because people don't know how to respond to it. Maybe they feel that a post of that major awesomeness, will make them look pathetic and stupid if they reply to it. It may itimidate them. Or maybe they'll get embarassed when their four line post is pointed out as being non-intelligent. I just don't know Sly... but I thought the bigger thing about these forums was to have fun, rather than to prove how intelligent you are. All I know is maybe I'm not the best poster, maybe I am one of the stupid posters, but you know what Sly, if I am, then I am proud of it, because I am having fun, posting my five line posts and responding to posts that maybe aren't that great, but maybe with my participation they may become better.

So if you want to start you V.I.P. room, whatever it's your choice, but if by the very slim chance I was one of the intelligent posters who would have gotten an invite... keep it, I don't want it.:disappointed:
Look, X is a passionate guy. The guy is a great friend to me, and hopefully I'm a great friend to him. It's what we do. If someone is saying "X is blah blah blah" I'm probably going to say something. It all came up when Tdigle, for some reason, took something I said, and still was able to turn it into criticism on me. Now, it doesn't matter much to me, because the fact is.

A. Dave has said multiple times that X and I are his favorite posters. He's one of my favorites. And still rising
B.I don't care if he is better than me, and I personally think he is better... We're friends anyway.

And from out of that, Tdigle was able to pick something of a critique of me... I'd be offended if someone critiqued X. It's just how things go.

What the fuck are you talking about? I expressed an opinion about whom I think is a better poster. Furthermore, I called your words out for what they were: condescending bullshit. Seriously, it sounded as if you were treating Dave as a special needs kid who overcame his leaning disabilities. Dave has always been a solid poster, and his sense of logic has always been intact. There has been no marked improvement in his posts because he never needed to improve on shit in the first place.
What the fuck are you talking about? I expressed an opinion about whom I think is a better poster. Furthermore, I called your words out for what they were: condescending bullshit. Seriously, it sounded as if you were treating Dave as a special needs kid who overcame his leaning disabilities. Dave has always been a solid poster, and his sense of logic has always been intact. There has been no marked improvement in his posts because he never needed to improve on shit in the first place.

No, you stated Dave was better then Tenta, which again was perspective. Looking back, it wasn't fair to call just X out on that.
No, you stated Dave was better then Tenta, which again was perspective. Looking back, it wasn't fair to call just X out on that.

Did I make a citation in my post? No, I didn't, This is a forum for opinion, not for research. Thus, it should be obvious that what everyone says here is a matter of opinion. But, I do look forward to your next foray into minutiae.

Also, I called out xfearbefore on totally different matter that was pretty much irrelevant to the opinion I expressed. Good try, though.
Did I make a citation in my post? No, I didn't, This is a forum for opinion, not for research. Thus, it should be obvious that what everyone says here is a matter of opinion. But, I do look forward to your next foray into minutiae.

Also, I called out xfearbefore on totally different matter that was pretty much irrelevant to the opinion I expressed. Good try, though.

Oh dear lord, a big word, I'm terrified.

No, if you state something as a fact you've gotta think people will take it as such. You're trying to use the same argument X did only...his worked a whole lot better.

Uh, what? Dave's been here for a shorter period of time than you and he's a better poster.

Nope, you said it. Not sure what it has to do with X. Good try, though. ;)
What the fuck are you talking about? I expressed an opinion about whom I think is a better poster. Furthermore, I called your words out for what they were: condescending bullshit. Seriously, it sounded as if you were treating Dave as a special needs kid who overcame his leaning disabilities.

Um..... i'm sorry, what the fuck?

I was using Dave as a choice... someone as an example. I never meant to sound a damn bit condescending. If it comes off that way, sorry. Dave knows me well enough to know how much I respect him, and like him. I don't need to justify my words for yours, or anyone else's cause. All I said was that the guy puts a shit load of thought into his posts. I was using him as a fucking example
Oh dear lord, a big word, I'm terrified.

No, if you state something as a fact you've gotta think people will take it as such. You're trying to use the same argument X did only...his worked a whole lot better.

But, here's the thing: I never stated that "Dave is better than Tenta" is a fact. Also, the "uh-oh, he's using a big word" strategy is played out and totally worthless here. Just admit that you needed something to cover your lame ass attempt at criticizing what I said.

Nope, you said it. Not sure what it has to do with X. Good try, though. ;)

Yeah, I did say this. But, where in this post is me stating that this is a fact? Is the word fact even in that post? No, it isn't. You brought your own assumptions into the mix. I'll give you one more chance. After that, I'll just say "Lame," and call it a night.
Ok, ya know what? This is probably going to be the end of any respect I've earned around here but so be it. It has to be said.

This entire thread is a giant, steaming load of bullshit. It really is. Some of you guys (and by you guys, I mean the regulars in general) should be ashamed of yourselves. You shit on people for being "barflys" and having low post counts because they primarily post in the spam sections, but you're completely ignoring the fact that... well... most of you are pretty fun, intelligent guys. You're fun to talk to. So you've managed to attract people who just want to come to the Bar Room and hang out with you. They're not strong wrestling posters, they're not here to debate the legacy of Magnum TA with you or anything, they're just here to bullshit with you.

And honestly, what the fuck is wrong with that? Seriously, who the fuck cares what post someone chooses to rep? Is that injuring anyone in anyway whatsoever? No, of course not. No more than it's injuring anyone that there are posters that only post in the Bar Room. The vast majority of everyone reading this post right now spends the majority of their time and makes the majority of their posts in the Bar Room anyway. Most of you guys post in the Wrestling sections too, but you still have a VERY large Bar Room presence, and as I said, that's attracted people that just want to be your friends.

So then we get this bullshit, that the intelligence of the forum is dropping? Why? Because people are trying to be your friends? Fuck you. Ya know? That's just insulting bullshit. Cram that right up your asses.

Sorry for the tone, but honestly. Get over yourselves.
But, here's the thing: I never stated that "Dave is better than Tenta" is a fact. Also, the "uh-oh, he's using a big word" strategy is played out and totally worthless here. Just admit that you needed something to cover your lame ass attempt at criticizing what I said.

I don't, I think you just need to stop using big words to cover your ass. Having a large vocabulary doesn't mean you have to use it in conversation, doing so just makes you look like a pompous ass who's trying to cover up his argument with big words.

Yeah, I did say this. But, where in this post is me stating that this is a fact? Is the word fact even in that post? No, it isn't. You brought your own assumptions into the mix. I'll give you one more chance. After that, I'll just say "Lame," and call it a night.

I'd say right about here...."he's a better poster."
Ok, ya know what? This is probably going to be the end of any respect I've earned around here but so be it. It has to be said.

This entire thread is a giant, steaming load of bullshit. It really is. Some of you guys (and by you guys, I mean the regulars in general) should be ashamed of yourselves. You shit on people for being "barflys" and having low post counts because they primarily post in the spam sections, but you're completely ignoring the fact that... well... most of you are pretty fun, intelligent guys. You're fun to talk to. So you've managed to attract people who just want to come to the Bar Room and hang out with you. They're not strong wrestling posters, they're not here to debate the legacy of Magnum TA with you or anything, they're just here to bullshit with you.

And honestly, what the fuck is wrong with that? Seriously, who the fuck cares what post someone chooses to rep? Is that injuring anyone in anyway whatsoever? No, of course not. No more than it's injuring anyone that there are posters that only post in the Bar Room. The vast majority of everyone reading this post right now spends the majority of their time and makes the majority of their posts in the Bar Room anyway. Most of you guys post in the Wrestling sections too, but you still have a VERY large Bar Room presence, and as I said, that's attracted people that just want to be your friends.

So then we get this bullshit, that the intelligence of the forum is dropping? Why? Because people are trying to be your friends? Fuck you. Ya know? That's just insulting bullshit. Cram that right up your asses.

Sorry for the tone, but honestly. Get over yourselves.

absolutely not...... That just heightened my respect for you, actually.... At the end of the day, and I'm going to sound cheesy, but the best thing I got out of this are friends. I have X, Doc, Dave, anyone that wants to consider me a friend. In short..... Dexter's right.... He truly is right.

Dexter, thank you.
I just repped Dexter for a Bar Room post. Quick, look out, my's falling! I've lost my understanding of syntax!
Ok, ya know what? This is probably going to be the end of any respect I've earned around here but so be it. It has to be said.

This entire thread is a giant, steaming load of bullshit. It really is. Some of you guys (and by you guys, I mean the regulars in general) should be ashamed of yourselves. You shit on people for being "barflys" and having low post counts because they primarily post in the spam sections, but you're completely ignoring the fact that... well... most of you are pretty fun, intelligent guys. You're fun to talk to. So you've managed to attract people who just want to come to the Bar Room and hang out with you. They're not strong wrestling posters, they're not here to debate the legacy of Magnum TA with you or anything, they're just here to bullshit with you.

And honestly, what the fuck is wrong with that? Seriously, who the fuck cares what post someone chooses to rep? Is that injuring anyone in anyway whatsoever? No, of course not. No more than it's injuring anyone that there are posters that only post in the Bar Room. The vast majority of everyone reading this post right now spends the majority of their time and makes the majority of their posts in the Bar Room anyway. Most of you guys post in the Wrestling sections too, but you still have a VERY large Bar Room presence, and as I said, that's attracted people that just want to be your friends.

So then we get this bullshit, that the intelligence of the forum is dropping? Why? Because people are trying to be your friends? Fuck you. Ya know? That's just insulting bullshit. Cram that right up your asses.

Sorry for the tone, but honestly. Get over yourselves.

You still have respect from me man.
I haven't been here near as long as anyone who's posted here, as far as I know, but i know what sly is talking about. People on this forum, including myself have the tendency to go off on rabbit trails from time to time. There are times when it is to defend their view, as I have seen, but. There have been times when the conversation has completely shifted to something completely random that has nothing to do with the original post, or question that was asked. I think there are some great posters on this forum, or else I wouldn't still be here.

Now this thread as already gone off track as sly said it would, but. It's because people like x are defending there friends backs. There's nothing wrong with that. Least in my book....
absolutely not...... That just heightened my respect for you, actually.... At the end of the day, and I'm going to sound cheesy, but the best thing I got out of this are friends. I have X, Doc, Dave, anyone that wants to consider me a friend. In short..... Dexter's right.... He truly is right.

Dexter, thank you.

I consider you a friend I really do.

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