Minor League Brian
Master of the Legendary Triple Post
It's my fucking opinion Brian. This is a message board for people to express their opinions. I'll damn well express mine as I see fit, and who are you to tell me I shouldn't? If I posted it, odds are it's my opinion, isn't it? Well I think Tenta is the best poster on this forum right now. Don't like that opinion? I don't really give a fuck. You don't have to like it. I don't need your approval to express my opinion.
You're smarter then this, I don't get why're you stuck on thinking I'm telling you you're wrong when I'm not. Its your opinion, good on you. You stated it as matter of fact, as if it was the end all be all of everything one on this forum; its why I said that's perspective, and was using it in reference to Sly's (who's disappeared now) original topic.
He's also talking about people that use WZ like it's MSN. Which you're the biggest culprit of.
Whelp, le's find out.
Shitty posts get repped, great threads go unnoticed, hard work of good quality is rarely acknowledged, and too many of you post in piss bucket MSN style conversations in the Bar Room.
The latter half is me, I've admitted that. I'm just not confident enough to debate Wrestling, but like the people too much to leave. I'm glad Jay's here with the MMA section (you too Marquis).
The recognition of quality of this forum has now given way to recognition of shitty online friends.
Awful. I wish we could still see posts that get repped around here, because I would love to provide examples. The recent ass quality of the regulars lately have made me strongly consider a VIP room again, and will only invite people who post with good quality, that way I don't have to read all your asinine comments anymore.
Eh, not really me. I never get repped, even when I try too.

And I hope you do realize that you're aggression is simply begetting my aggression. People take me too personable when I argue with them.