The Castle NorCal Experience

I already imagine.

IC: Daniel Bryan isn't all that.

D-Man: *Whack*

IC 5 minutes later: Daniel Bryan is great.


You couldn't be more far from the truth. IC would say that, D-Man would respond with a very passionate retort, full of facts, logic, and emotion, and then IC would give his response, and then make fun of D-Man for... something. Then D-Man would either totally abandon the original argument or only lightly brush upon it, and they'd just make fun of each other for the next 5 minutes. I'll be on the side laughing, and later I'll remind them that they saw Ghostbusters in a theater.

I would have said

"I have found in my travels, despite much trepidation, that towels used for the rest of the body hold the same drying effects for the face. Amazing, that"

I have had girls question "you only have one towel??" to which I respond "Only one person lives here, Quite simply, my dear."

I took a quick shower on Monday, and I used my t-shirt I wore the previous day as a towel. It wasn't idea, but it worked.
It's that thing you use when you run out of toilet paper.

The floor mat?

I think it's a towel a women uses to clean up her face after a sexual encounter... Yeah I have no idea either.

My old lady always seems to have a little towel hanging up in the bathroom for some reason. I just assumed she was being courteous to me, knowing that I would need something to clean up the mess I make after rubbing one out. That's all its ever used for. Every time I go back there's a new one.
I would have said

"I have found in my travels, despite much trepidation, that towels used for the rest of the body hold the same drying effects for the face. Amazing, that"

I have had girls question "you only have one towel??" to which I respond "Only one person lives here, Quite simply, my dear."

More than one towel leads to a pile of wet towels. That's just... not right, ya know?
Call me old fashioned, but a normal towel does a perfectly adequate job for drying my face

Fuck a little shitty additional towel
That word is certainly suitable for your attempt at a wisecrack here.

Touchy, touchy.

I also do not have a table in my place of residence. Just this computer desk that I use for pretty much everything except sleeping. I do have an extra bed and closet though, thanks to my roommate getting kicked out. It's incredibly useful.

I also own four towels. Two for showering, and two just to hang in the kitchen area that I use for drying hands, plates, plastic cutlery, etc.
This whole only having one towel thing...
Does that mean you dry off after a shower using the same towel you use to dry your dishes? That's not very hygienic.

I owned 2 bath towels (I'd switch from one to another every time I washed them), a couple hand towels (again, use one for a while, then wash it and switch). And paper towels.
Does that mean you dry off after a shower using the same towel you use to dry your dishes?


It's a modern thing. It will dry them for you and everything...

I owned 2 bath towels (I'd switch from one to another every time I washed them), a couple hand towels (again, use one for a while, then wash it and switch). And paper towels.

Outside of a bath towel, that's all you need.
And there was me thinking Americans were obsessed with towels. Maybe it's just the hotel I stay at, but they give me like 7 per day and change them the next morning.
NorCal's apartment is basically the anti-D-Man's apartment. D-Man's has about 5 times the furniture, is about 20 times cleaner, and I'm not 100% sure, but he seems like the type of guy with a full linen closet.
Dude... That is pretty badass... Tell that fucker I say

Sounds like we should all gather at the Mighty one's house and wreck Mania next year! haha

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