Championship Contender
9/11: I was on my way to 5th Period, Social Studies in the 6th grade. Our teacher wasn't there greeting us outside the door as he usually did, then he came marching down the hall looking very upset and led us into the computer room where there was a tv with the news on, showing the first tower smoking. he explained to us what had happened and I just got chills, and watched in horror as the 2nd plane hit.
Bin Laden Dead: I was sitting on my couch, on facebook. Saw a bunch of facebook statuses proclaiming Osama was dead, went to AOL real quick, told my Dad, and then we sat there and waited for Obama's speech.
Bin Laden Dead: I was sitting on my couch, on facebook. Saw a bunch of facebook statuses proclaiming Osama was dead, went to AOL real quick, told my Dad, and then we sat there and waited for Obama's speech.