Hardly anyone knows who Misawa and Kobashi are? You shitting me? Just because you and people who only watch the WWE don't know who they are doesn't mean they're unknowns, not like they wrestled in front of 20 people in a bingo hall, no, they were the BIGGEST MONEY DRAWS of the 90s in professional wrestling KB, and that INCLUDES the United States.
And how do you know that? You have any proof at all that people who voted for Kobashi last year didn't know who he was? Any proof? No. Just wild speculation and conjecture. You think most people here have seen many Dory Funk Jr matches? Fuck no, doesn't mean he shouldn't be in the tournament.
Look, I get not having as many puro guys as last year, but limiting this to JUST American wrestling is beyond stupid, it's actually damaging. It makes our entire forum look like uneducated marks no better than the WWE Universe forums. How many times do we need to see Shawn Michaels win this tournament? Limiting this to just entirely American wrestlers takes a whole lot of the fun out of this thing because it limits the fantasy aspect of the tournament (because we've actually seen many of the US wrestlers wrestle each other many times, and we'll get 10,000 arguments about how so-and-so should beat so-and-so because they pinned them in a match on Nitro 15 years ago). Without some of the major stars of Japan and Mexico involved, we're just going to see the same 3-5 guys win this thing year after year after year after year.
Guys like Kenta Kobashi, Mitsuharu Misawa, Jumbo Tsuruta, and Giant Baba 100% should be in this tournament. Furthermore I'd argue a few of the major current puro stars should be involved, like Hiroshi Tanahashi and Takashi Sugiura, but at the very least Kobashi/Misawa/Jumbo/Baba should be in this. Jumbo wrestled in the US many times as well and was involved in a few of the Crockett Cup tag tournaments in the mid-80s for Jim Crockett Promotions. Kobashi wrestled several times for ROH in BIG match-ups, one of which is considered one of the best matches to take place in the States in the last decade, against Joe. Baba wrestled in the WWWF and MSG a bunch of times, and Misawa wrestled inter-promotional shows with the WWF in the late 80s a few times.
Seriously, no reason for those four guys not to be in this. I get limiting it, but not including ANY puro guys is absurd.