The 2008 US Presidential Election Thread

Who do you support for US President?

  • Barack Obama - Democrat

  • John McCain - Republican

  • Ralph Nader - Independent

  • Other Candidate

  • I am not voting

Results are only viewable after voting.


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
While at the time of this "posting" the match up is not "official," it seems pretty much imminent that the 2008 Presidential Election will come down to John McCain and Barack Obama.

This thread is exclusively for discussion and debate on the 2008 Presidential Election. Please keep it civil, but we will be a LITTLE bit more lax with flaming because of the serious nature of the topic. Don't spam - there is no need. You can find enough to say about the Presidential Election without spamming.

I've included a poll for you to show your "support" for a candidate. Aside from all of this, have fun and enjoy possbly the best electon season in American history!
i can't vote.

if i could...i quite like obama but that may just be because i don't really like hilary clinton.

as far as independents a non-american, is there any point in having one because as far as i see, most people are party voters rather than voting on the candidate?
i can't vote.

if i could...i quite like obama but that may just be because i don't really like hilary clinton.

as far as independents a non-american, is there any point in having one because as far as i see, most people are party voters rather than voting on the candidate?

One thing I truly despise about the American electoral system is the two-party favoritism. I voted for Nader in 2000 despite many democrats telling me that a vote for Nader was a vote for Bush by way of splitting votes from the democratic candidate.

A third party such as the Green Party or the Libertarian Party would serve to challenge the traditionally held ideals of the Republicans and Democrats. You don't vote for a third party because you think they'll win if you do. You vote in hopes of blowing up the 2-party system and forcing the powers that be to include a third party in presidential debates. Also, since the parties do receive allocated funds for their campaigns, if a third party candidate earns at least 5% of the popular vote, than that party must be included in the fund allocation the next time around. Once that barrier is broken, it will be easier for a 3rd party to challenge the traditional two.
IC25 explain to me how you mark Clinton out of the race so quickly? ?The democratic race between Obama and Clinton as of now is veryclose, and as I see Obama taking it I have to ask how you jumped to Obama so fast?
IC25 explain to me how you mark Clinton out of the race so quickly? ?The democratic race between Obama and Clinton as of now is veryclose, and as I see Obama taking it I have to ask how you jumped to Obama so fast?

Obama has won 10 consecutive states. Clinton has even bee far more reserved in terms of her "confidence" on the phone with her aides. In fact, in the most recent Democratic primary, Clinton didn't even carry the women's vote - Barack did.

Maybe posting this was a TAD presumptuous, I agree, but think of it this way - if Clinton pulls the biggest upset in election history, think of the action on the boards with "I told you so IC25" hate mail!

Besides, the primaries threads remain open.
honestly if I were to vote I would not have anyone to vote for. while Obama sounds good on paper has he said much of anything that hasnt been said before? Ive heard it all before and never seen it be delivered I know he promises change but really who doesnt its not lke people campaign with realistic approaches except for one man. Dennis Kucinich now he speaks my language and has a legit approach for things which kind of makes him unpopular among voters because of the lack of lofty promises and he never has a chance from the start. I couldnt see voting Mcain I saw him live and wasnt too impressed and hes not in any shape to run the country and seems like too much of a health risk. In the End Id probably vote Obama but wouldnt be thrilled by it, overall an interesting election though
Errr....just that I'd mention that Ralph Nader isn't running this year IC.

I'm voting for Ron Paul when the primaries come up. The only man who really truly knows what he's talking about, and the only one with the balls to make the drastic changes this country needs. There are other good guys out there who've run, like Kucinich, but Ron Paul is the man.

Sad thing is not enough people know about Ron Paul. The media pays him ZERO attention whatsoever, even though he got more votes in pretty much every primary then Rudy Giuliani did.

When it comes down to it, odds are I'll be voting Obama in November.

No way for Hillary Clinton. If you want taxes up your ass, and an even more hawkish president, then Clinton is your girl I guess.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Ralph Nader lashed out at the Democratic presidential candidates Monday after they said he could hurt their chances of taking back the White House. The longtime consumer advocate announced Sunday that he will launch his fourth consecutive White House bid -- fifth if his 1992 write-in campaign is included. In an interview with CNN on Monday, Nader accused Illinois Sen. Barack Obama of name-calling and challenged him to "address the issues."

"Above all, explain why you don't come down hard on the economic crimes against minorities in city ghettos: payday loans, predatory lending, rent-to-own rackets, landlord abuses, lead contamination, asbestos," Nader said.

"There's an unseemly silence by you, Barack -- a community organizer in poor areas in Chicago many years ago -- on this issue," he said.
Referencing a Fortune magazine article from last year, Nader called Clinton the Democrat "most loved by big business."

The June article said Clinton had "probably the broadest CEO support among the candidates" at that point.

Many Democrats fear that Nader, who turns 74 this week, could draw votes away from whoever gets the party's nomination, potentially helping presumptive Republican nominee Sen. John McCain win the White House in November.

Obama and Clinton were quick to pounce on Nader after he made his announcement.

"He thought that there was no difference between Al Gore and George Bush, and, eight years later, I think people realize that Ralph did not know what he was talking about," Obama said at a town hall meeting Sunday.

And Clinton said Nader "is responsible for George W. Bush."

Speaking after a Boston, Massachusetts, fundraiser Sunday night, the New York senator and former first lady called his candidacy "regrettable."

Breaking News, baby. He announced his candidacy over the weekend.

I have NOT yet heard if he will run as a Green Party nominee or a straight Independent, though. As mentioned, I backed him in 2000 and loved his grassroots campaign.
ROFL...I knew he'd throw his hat in eventually. When will Ralph Nader give up?

He won't win. He never has. Guy runs every election. And always loses. He had some good ideas, but his momentum was gone after the 70s man.

I'll bet he's running as a Green. Considering being green is the new cool hip thing to do.
He won't win. He never has. Guy runs every election. And always loses.

Even Tommy Dreamer beat Raven.

Anyway, I don't think he is the threat that Hillary says he is. Look at the % of votes he got in 2004 vs 2000. He dropped more than half of his supporters. Now, that MAY be due to the fact that people were terrified of another Bush term, but it could also be due to the fact that he didn't have the grassroots momentum he had in 2000. The entire Green Party was behind him in 2000 - but they've gone south.
hard to shift the mentality of party politics. where i'm from people vote by party and have no idea who they vote for. we've preferential voting and the first candidates of the parties will always be the ones to get in. and independents have no real hope unless they can scrape by on a local issue.

i find it frustrating because i'd rather know what the people are standing for, but politicians here are powerless anyway. it's a joke.

as an outsider, i don't see mccain in the white house. it'll be democrat
I'm convinced that either Ralph Nader is secretly working for the GOP, or he's just a selfish person who likes getting his name out there every four years. I'm convinced it's the latter.

Nader, of course has zero chance. He had no chance back in 2000 and 2004, and his candidacy ruined the campaigns for Al Gore and John Kerry. As a resident of Massachusetts, I can attest that Kerry would have been worse than Bush as far as being president goes.

I'm glad that McCain will most likely be our next president. He's a war hero, and his wife is not the real life Sherry Palmer. Michelle Obama would be more of a sideshow attraction than she already is if Obama got elected. There's also a very good chance that he won't hike taxes for stupid social programs. Although I sided with Romney on most of the issues, I also side with McCain on a lot of the issues as well.

Obama would be a nightmare.
I'm convinced that either Ralph Nader is secretly working for the GOP, or he's just a selfish person who likes getting his name out there every four years. I'm convinced it's the latter.

Nader, of course has zero chance. He had no chance back in 2000 and 2004, and his candidacy ruined the campaigns for Al Gore and John Kerry. As a resident of Massachusetts, I can attest that Kerry would have been worse than Bush as far as being president goes.

I'm glad that McCain will most likely be our next president. He's a war hero, and his wife is not the real life Sherry Palmer. Michelle Obama would be more of a sideshow attraction than she already is if Obama got elected. There's also a very good chance that he won't hike taxes for stupid social programs. Although I sided with Romney on most of the issues, I also side with McCain on a lot of the issues as well.

Obama would be a nightmare.

Why would Obama be a nightmare? This country needs change, and change isn't cheap and free. If you want change you need to have sacrifice, usually in the form of taxes. I'd trade our medical system for that of say Canada any day of the week. Sure, taxes are higher, but the money you're saving in the long run from not having to pay for medical treatment is well worth it.

McCain seems to me to be the only Republican (besides my main man Ron Paul) who I wouldn't have much of a problem of being president. But I don't like some of his stances, say on immigration.

Also, why the negativity about Obama's wife? Please, she's barely even a celebrity, theres not nearly the amount of attention paid to her as there was for presidents like Clinton, Reagan, Kennedy, and FDR. Some of those men were good presidents (FDR, Kennedy), some were shit (Reagan, Clinton), but the role of the wife never really detracted from their presidencies I thought.

And Romney? Romney is insane. The man would send us into Iran on any whim, and fuck us over even more.
I am thrilled that I am going to get 9 months of unbridled political debate with you, X. Really excited for it.

I'd trade our medical system for that of say Canada any day of the week. Sure, taxes are higher, but the money you're saving in the long run from not having to pay for medical treatment is well worth it.

I totally disagree. I feel the same way about medical care as I do gas prices. Fuck 'em. That's right fuck 'em. Being of Canadian decent, I respect the Great White North's desire to provide heathcare to all of it's citizens, but they are ready for it up there. America is neither ready for it, nor does America deserve it.

To take on the financial burden of America's Heathcare system is to take on every smoker's lung cancer, every alcoholic's cirrhosis, and every fatty's heart disease. Fuck 'em. If you can't find the time, energy, or willpower to take care of yourself, why should I have to take care of you? For every people like me who eats salads, works out 4-5 days a week, and gets involved in sports and - brace yourselves - walking - there are 3 fat asses whose week gets better with each trip to the McDonald's Drive Thru for an Egg McMuffin. How is it that my taxes will increase to give that lazy fool a stent or a bypass?

That's how I feel about gas prices. Rich obnoxious 105-lb white girl wants to ride around in her Range Rover. $60 to fill. Buy a hybrid, bitch.

Child heathcare I am 100% on board with. Fat kids are usually bi-products of their fat stupid parents. So let them have free healthcare so the doctor can scare them shitless of a life of cold sweats and no sex. That's what got my ass in shape. America isn't ready for Canada's health care system. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

McCain seems to me to be the only Republican (besides my main man Ron Paul) who I wouldn't have much of a problem of being president. But I don't like some of his stances, say on immigration.

Agreed. Except I don't know where I stand on immigration yet. I don't want to take a stance until I am sure about how I feel.

Also, why the negativity about Obama's wife? Please, she's barely even a celebrity, theres not nearly the amount of attention paid to her as there was for presidents like Clinton, Reagan, Kennedy, and FDR. Some of those men were good presidents (FDR, Kennedy), some were shit (Reagan, Clinton), but the role of the wife never really detracted from their presidencies I thought.

This is the same Mrs. Obama who got so caught up in people cheering her at a rally that she basically allowed Stevie Wonder to walk off the stage and fall 5 feet to the ground? Eh...she frightens me as well. That's one thing I liked about John Edwards - his wife was normal, sane, and identified better with the general public.

And Romney? Romney is insane. The man would send us into Iran on any whim, and fuck us over even more.

Oh man do I ever agree here. Romney is frightening. I never trusted him a bit. And despite my very liberal social views, I didn't mind Huckabee. I liked how honest he came off, even if I disagreed with him. Very polite man, not arrogant like Mitt.
Why would Obama be a nightmare? This country needs change, and change isn't cheap and free. If you want change you need to have sacrifice, usually in the form of taxes. I'd trade our medical system for that of say Canada any day of the week. Sure, taxes are higher, but the money you're saving in the long run from not having to pay for medical treatment is well worth it.

Canada has a nice idea going with their healthcare system, however, it's severely flawed. Why should people wait weeks to get an appointment for what could be a serious condition? I can call and get an appointment within a week just fine. Insurance is fine the way it is. All I have to pay is a $20 copay for appointments, and up to $25 for my prescriptions. Some people might not think it's fair, but America's a capitalist society. It shouldn't be anyone else's fault if someone needs a free ride due to bad decisions that were made. And as far as Obama's social programs go... let's just say that we'll probably have similar affirmative action-type programs. Don't even get me started on Obama's stance on gun control and driver's licenses for illegals, either. My tax dollars shouldn't be hit for some of his crazy programs he'll probably instill into this country.

I don't like some of his stances, say on immigration.

How so?

Also, why the negativity about Obama's wife? Please, she's barely even a celebrity, theres not nearly the amount of attention paid to her as there was for presidents like Clinton, Reagan, Kennedy, and FDR. Some of those men were good presidents (FDR, Kennedy), some were shit (Reagan, Clinton), but the role of the wife never really detracted from their presidencies I thought.

She's horribly outspoken. Look no further than what she said last week, when she said that for the first time in her life she's proud to be an American because of Barack's "hope" campaign. Between that, the Stevie Wonder situation, and calling out Hillary early into the presidential race... she's a loose cannon.

And Romney? Romney is insane. The man would send us into Iran on any whim, and fuck us over even more.

I'm very far right on the political spectrum, which is a rarity in Massachusetts... I just agreed with a lot of his political and social stances. Not all of them, but a great deal. Romney took a $2 billion deficit here and turned it into a $2 billion surplus. He definitely would have been a good president, in my point of view.
I totally disagree. I feel the same way about medical care as I do gas prices. Fuck 'em. That's right fuck 'em. Being of Canadian decent, I respect the Great White North's desire to provide heathcare to all of it's citizens, but they are ready for it up there. America is neither ready for it, nor does America deserve it.

To take on the financial burden of America's Heathcare system is to take on every smoker's lung cancer, every alcoholic's cirrhosis, and every fatty's heart disease. Fuck 'em. If you can't find the time, energy, or willpower to take care of yourself, why should I have to take care of you? For every people like me who eats salads, works out 4-5 days a week, and gets involved in sports and - brace yourselves - walking - there are 3 fat asses whose week gets better with each trip to the McDonald's Drive Thru for an Egg McMuffin. How is it that my taxes will increase to give that lazy fool a stent or a bypass?

That's how I feel about gas prices. Rich obnoxious 105-lb white girl wants to ride around in her Range Rover. $60 to fill. Buy a hybrid, bitch.

Child heathcare I am 100% on board with. Fat kids are usually bi-products of their fat stupid parents. So let them have free healthcare so the doctor can scare them shitless of a life of cold sweats and no sex. That's what got my ass in shape. America isn't ready for Canada's health care system. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...

gotta agree with you here. uk has a free healthcare system and its a joke. those who dont pay for medicines are the ones who the ones who weigh down the healthcare system cos the wont pay the equivalent of $1 to buy pain medication, and wait to see their MD so they get it free, all the time contributing nothing to society.
at the same time though, i know a lot of americans cant really afford their medication so something needs done there.

child's healthcare is probably the best thing america could do if you can show kids that their parents are have heart problems and are fat because they overeat and dont exercise.
I totally disagree. I feel the same way about medical care as I do gas prices. Fuck 'em. That's right fuck 'em. Being of Canadian decent, I respect the Great White North's desire to provide heathcare to all of it's citizens, but they are ready for it up there. America is neither ready for it, nor does America deserve it.

To take on the financial burden of America's Heathcare system is to take on every smoker's lung cancer, every alcoholic's cirrhosis, and every fatty's heart disease. Fuck 'em. If you can't find the time, energy, or willpower to take care of yourself, why should I have to take care of you? For every people like me who eats salads, works out 4-5 days a week, and gets involved in sports and - brace yourselves - walking - there are 3 fat asses whose week gets better with each trip to the McDonald's Drive Thru for an Egg McMuffin. How is it that my taxes will increase to give that lazy fool a stent or a bypass?

Come on IC, you're acting like Canadians are immune to alcoholism and cigarette addiction as well as being fat. Granted they're to a lesser extent (America pretty much leads the way in every unhealthy stat there is after all) but these things are real problems.

It's rather ignorant to blame alcoholics and smokers with lung cancer for alot of the things that happen, because they're addicted. Addiction is one of the worst diseases out there, a disease people aren't even aware is one. It isn't a matter of will, or self-control. It's like an impulse in your head at all hours demanding you do something, and that impulse only stops when you do it. I come from a long line of alcoholics and drug addicts, and I've spent years trying to help people in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous). I've seen addiction. I've experienced addiction. It's not simply something that you can say "Oh well it's his fault for not putting that cigarette/beer down." because it's so much more then that.

These people deserve health care just as much as the man who has never smoked in his life and gets lung cancer.

Your taxes already pay for other people's medical treatment incase you didn't know as well IC. For example, just about every major city in America has a pool of taxpayer's money that is saved for people who get into car accidents and have no medical insurance. This is something thats been going on for decades and has helped save lives. If I have to pay an extra $100 in taxes in order to save someone's life, that's well worth the price. To say it isn't would simply be selfish.

That's how I feel about gas prices. Rich obnoxious 105-lb white girl wants to ride around in her Range Rover. $60 to fill. Buy a hybrid, bitch.

Totally agree with you there.

This is the same Mrs. Obama who got so caught up in people cheering her at a rally that she basically allowed Stevie Wonder to walk off the stage and fall 5 feet to the ground? Eh...she frightens me as well. That's one thing I liked about John Edwards - his wife was normal, sane, and identified better with the general public.

What does it matter what his wife is like? His wife isn't the one thats going to be making decisions, if we chose president's based off of their wives, god knows we would never have elected Kennedy, or Reagan, or FDR, or Clinton. All of those men's wives were celebrities in the spotlight all the time. Kennedy's wife was a world-wide celebrity who people looked up to as though she was a famous model, yet Kennedy still got more done in office then half the presidents since then.

Obama wouldn't take any shit from his wife. I can tell that much.

Canada has a nice idea going with their healthcare system, however, it's severely flawed. Why should people wait weeks to get an appointment for what could be a serious condition?

There are emergency rooms for serious conditions, so I don't get what you're criticizing here. It's not like you're going to go to your local doctor's office if you're having a heart attack. You go to the emergency room.

I can call and get an appointment within a week just fine. Insurance is fine the way it is. All I have to pay is a $20 copay for appointments, and up to $25 for my prescriptions.

...WTF? What insurance costs $55 dollars a month? Most insurances run a WHOLE lot more expensive then that. 25 dollars for prescriptions? Jesus man, what awesome awesome insurance plan on you on? Most prescription medications cost people up in the 100s. Maybe you've just got some awesome insurance, but there are tons and tons of people out there who can't afford that. Those people deserve medical treatment just as much as you do.

Some people might not think it's fair, but America's a capitalist society. It shouldn't be anyone else's fault if someone needs a free ride due to bad decisions that were made.

That's ridiculious and totally selfish. You're pretty much saying "Fuck everyone else, the only one who matters is me and my health.". Why does it have to be a "bad decision" someone made? (And read up above about addiction) What if someone got hit by a car, through absolutely no fault of their own? They deserve that treatment just as much as you do. Sacrifices are the only way to make change. You already pay taxes to live in your house, to own things, to buy things. Why not pay taxes for something much more meaningful, such as saving someone's life? mentioned the role of the wife to the presidency. as an american, do you feel bill would take away from hilary clinton's presidency?
When I made my original post / rant, I may have been in a "mood." I stand by much of what I said, but as I read back, my tone was kinda mean. Oh well.

X, let me clarify one of my stances. I oppose free medical care for reactive treatments to major diseases for Americans in poor health, whether addiction-related or not. Is that me being selfish? Maybe, but am I more selfish than the person who doesn't suffer from the "disease" of addiction and just abuses the hell out of their bodies, expecting the government to bail them out of tens of thousands of dollars worth of triple bypass?

I am very much in favor of Government Sponsored WELLNESS programs. The US Government needs to get 100% behind preventative medicine, not reactive care. Example: The money for the chemotherapy for the lung cancer patient who smoked himself silly for 25 years is a HELL of a lot worse than the money the US would spend per person on anti-smoking and smoking-cessation programs. We seem to be heading in that direction now. And don't ask me to sympathize with "the victim of tobacco addiction." Nobody forced that first cigarette into that man's mouth. He made that choice - let him live with the consequences.

My father, whom I love immensely, went through lymphoma last year. He has been a type 1 diabetic since age 16. Diabetes runs in my family, so I made the choice to be uber-healthy to avoid it. Anyway, my dad didn't take great care of himself. He ate poorly, and he rarely exercised. As hard as it was on me to watch my dad go through chemo (successfully, thank god) I didn't treat him like the victim. He made poor lifestyle decisions. And it sucks, I get it.

We need to start with the fat kids. Take out the fat kids and you take out the fat adults. School cafeterias have gotten away with murder (literally) for decades, feeding America's children crap foods, loaded with high-fructose corn syrup and trans-fats. When Mozzarella Sticks and Tater Tots are a lunch option provided, why are we shocked that there are so many fat kids?

Bull-shit programs like Title 9 need to be done away with. I get the whole "gender equity" thing, but the only thing that suffers are youth athletics. With less programs and less options, kids go home and watch TV or play video games. Again, that makes fat kids. If the government wants to pay for health care, take a step by creating more youth after school programs and take a stronger step by removing cola, HFCS, transfats, and other shit food from schools.

I don't know, man. I smoke cigars on occassion, I love a few good drinks, but at the end of the day, I know when enough is enough. My addicition? The gym.
I tend to agree with no universal health care, as IC25 said, fuck em. Addiction can be prevented, don't start, it's that simple. You put a cigarette to your lips and you know how bad it is for you, that's your problem. My girlfriend is a chain smoker and I get into it with her all the time about it.

I don't like paying for people's welfare, let alone health care. Personally, I'd love to do away with the IRS (go Ron Paul) and just do a univeral sales tax on everything. That way all of the frivolous(sp) spenders out there can pay for everything with all of the material things they by. Plus, it ends the debate on illegal immigrants not paying taxes because, if they want to eat, they'll pay a 30% tax and everyone is happy.

Anyone but Clinton '08. I'm tired of Clinton's and Bushs. Damn it, i'm 27 years old and I've only had a Reagan outside of Clinton and Bush. If it ends up being Obama vs. McCain, I think we're in a win win situation.
Anyone but Clinton '08. I'm tired of Clinton's and Bushs. Damn it, i'm 27 years old and I've only had a Reagan outside of Clinton and Bush. If it ends up being Obama vs. McCain, I think we're in a win win situation.

Oh my god, I didn't realize that. I am 26 - same situation. That's frightening.

Obama vs McCain is sort of a win-win, but one of them has to lose. I still wonder when we will see the first bi-partisan running mates. Rumor had it 4 years ago that Kerry would run WITH McCain as his VP. Maybe they were just rumors, but I was intregued. A McCain/Obama President / VP ticket would be a win-win.

The White House needs fresh perspective. I hate the criticsm of Obama for "having done nothing." Ok, so he lacks experience. You know what else he lacks? Scandal. Bias. Take your pick. He's fresh and I don't feel he is entering the White House with an agenda. That was why I didn't like Romney.

Obama should call up Al Gore and see if he wants to take another stab at VP...
Im Obama all the way even if I can,t vote.The man has brains,can talk and proably won,t cause a flipping war.But there is a question-Is America ready for a black president?No offecene to americans I think a minor section of americans are rascist,Not to mention the KKK.I have a feeling John McCain will become the worlds most powerful man but I pray to god...........I pray Obama will win
When I made my original post / rant, I may have been in a "mood." I stand by much of what I said, but as I read back, my tone was kinda mean. Oh well.

X, let me clarify one of my stances. I oppose free medical care for reactive treatments to major diseases for Americans in poor health, whether addiction-related or not. Is that me being selfish? Maybe, but am I more selfish than the person who doesn't suffer from the "disease" of addiction and just abuses the hell out of their bodies, expecting the government to bail them out of tens of thousands of dollars worth of triple bypass?

See, I can tell from your use of quotation marks around the word disease with addiction that you don't think it's a disease. Ask any doctor, it's a medical disease. It's just as much a disease as schizophrenia is. There's even genetic predeposition to addiction, so it IS a disease.

So pretty much you're saying that everyone should live like you? And that no one is allowed to make any mistakes, ever? You're under this illusion that addicts can simply put the cigarette/drink/drug down whenever they want to. They can't. Thats a part of the disease, and its one that is incurable. I know people who were extreme alcoholics for 20 years, then sobered up for the next 20 years, seemed to be perfectly happy, then drank himself to death within a 3 week period. It's a DISEASE IC. Would you fault, say, one of the firefighters who went into the twin towers on 9/11 and have now developed lung disorders from all of the toxic dust? After all, it was their decision to go into that building, so fuck 'em right? I'm not trying to be mean IC (though it sounds like it probably), but unless you've experienced addiction first-hand, you really can't judge it because you don't know anything about it.

I am very much in favor of Government Sponsored WELLNESS programs. The US Government needs to get 100% behind preventative medicine, not reactive care. Example: The money for the chemotherapy for the lung cancer patient who smoked himself silly for 25 years is a HELL of a lot worse than the money the US would spend per person on anti-smoking and smoking-cessation programs. We seem to be heading in that direction now. And don't ask me to sympathize with "the victim of tobacco addiction." Nobody forced that first cigarette into that man's mouth. He made that choice - let him live with the consequences.

Prevention does not work IC. It never has. The US spends millions and millions of dollars already on Anti-Smoking, Anti-Drinking, Anti-Drug, and Pro-Exercise/Anti-Fat Food programs. You can't watch a single TV program without seeing a commercial for atleast one of the above. Every student in America is required to take a Health class where they are taught all about the dangers of these things. The US has already been 100% behind preventive programs ever since Reagan was President.

Prevention doesn't work. It simply doesn't. No matter how many times your gym teacher tells you that "Smoking WILL kill you", there are still going to be kids in that class who smoke.

Just a question; what sort of prevention program would you want them to start that isn't already in place?

We need to start with the fat kids. Take out the fat kids and you take out the fat adults. School cafeterias have gotten away with murder (literally) for decades, feeding America's children crap foods, loaded with high-fructose corn syrup and trans-fats. When Mozzarella Sticks and Tater Tots are a lunch option provided, why are we shocked that there are so many fat kids?

You're completely right IC; but you're also about a year or two late. These things have already been done in most states; in the New England area for example, all schools are required to provide healthy lunches. At the local high schools where I live, the most fattening thing you can get for lunch is a wheat-bread pizza slice.

Besides, all of those food are easily available to children outside of school. The school's shouldn't be held responsible anymore for something they've fixed; it's the parents fault for stocking their houses with terrible food and being surprised when their children become overweight.

Bull-shit programs like Title 9 need to be done away with. I get the whole "gender equity" thing, but the only thing that suffers are youth athletics. With less programs and less options, kids go home and watch TV or play video games. Again, that makes fat kids. If the government wants to pay for health care, take a step by creating more youth after school programs and take a stronger step by removing cola, HFCS, transfats, and other shit food from schools.

Sodas have been banned from most schools in America for a couple of years now, and as I stated above, in most states things like transfats have already been removed.

I'm not really aware of what the Title 9 program is, but I'm guessing from what you've wrote that it makes schools provide both female and male counterparts to sports? Like there has to be boys and girls basketball, soccer, etc?

Virtually every school in America has a football, basketball, and soccer team. Those are the three most popular sports in America (baseball falls right outside of there). I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, that more programs get cut because of this? If thats what you're saying, I don't really buy it. So the school cuts their golf team in order to start a girls basketball team? Whats wrong with that?

I don't know, man. I smoke cigars on occassion, I love a few good drinks, but at the end of the day, I know when enough is enough. My addicition? The gym.

But you're not an addict. If you were you would understand, and your opinion on health care would probably be completely different.

I tend to agree with no universal health care, as IC25 said, fuck em. Addiction can be prevented, don't start, it's that simple. You put a cigarette to your lips and you know how bad it is for you, that's your problem. My girlfriend is a chain smoker and I get into it with her all the time about it.

Addiction can be prevented, you are right sir. So could the lung disorders the firefighters from 9/11 have developed. What does it matter what the cause of these diseases are? Each deserves the treatment just as much as the other. People make mistakes, are you trying to tell me you've never made a mistake in your life? Someone makes the mistake of picking up smoking, they should be allowed treatment just like anyone else. If they keep smoking while this treatment is going on, then I would completely agree that they don't deserve the treatment. But you can't just judge millions of people and say "Fuck em" and generalize them all into a category of people who somehow said to themselves "I think I'd like to get addicted to alcohol after this first drink here". It's not reality.

I don't like paying for people's welfare, let alone health care. Personally, I'd love to do away with the IRS (go Ron Paul) and just do a univeral sales tax on everything. That way all of the frivolous(sp) spenders out there can pay for everything with all of the material things they by. Plus, it ends the debate on illegal immigrants not paying taxes because, if they want to eat, they'll pay a 30% tax and everyone is happy.

I understand it, you don't like paying for things that you don't see any benefit from. That is an utterly selfish way to look at things, but I understand it. God forbid we pay for people's welfare, I mean that pregnant mother of two who lives in the ghetto without any child-support, she doesn't deserve any help at all right? Hey, fuck em right, they had the children, their fault right?

How can you guys think in such a selfish way?

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