Official: Obama vs McCain Presidential Election 2008

Election '08 - Who Do You Support?

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
2008 United State Presidential Election
Barack Obama (D) vs John McCain (R)

It's on!

The clash is essentially set with Barack Obama set to get the nomination from the Democratic Party to challenge Republican John McCain. The winner of the race will become the 44th President of the United State of America int he middle of a tumultuous time involving such volitile issues as the war in Iraq, health care, gas prices, a struggling economy, etc.

Please keep ALL Election '08 discussion and debate in here, and be sure to read the Chit Chat rules! It is very easy for people to get heated about their views, but be respectful. Flaming rules will be enforced. also, do not just post who you'll be voting for or supporting, because the spam rules will be enforced as well.

5 Months until election time...
All I can say is, it's about damn time as far as the Democrats go. Honestly, I don't see how this election doesn't end with a sound defeat of anyone with an (R) by their name.

Not that I'm a big fan of Hillary, but rumor now is that she is open to the idea of being Barack Obama's running mate, and that certainly spells trouble for the Republican party. A combined Obama/Clinton ticket will carry pretty much all of the minority and female voters in the country, and that spells certain doom for the Republicans and McCain.

Overall I respect McCain the man, but he shouldn't be the President. Call me ageist if you must, but a 72 year old man in charge of my country does not sound to appealing to me.
I support McCain, but really were all gone lose eaither way. It' seems like neither of them have said much about issue's and have only jabbed each other for 2 months,but I agree with McCain on the War, right now keep the troops were there at,we need to finish what we started. Plus i think that Obama's idea on Taxing the rich more is just stupid as hell beacuse you shouldn't tax someone for being Sucsesfull.
I'm currently in support of Obama, but to me, whoever can prove that they can get the price of gasoline down to $2-3 per gallon will get my vote. Gas prices are ridiculous and are having a great impact on commerce, food prices, and the way that we can interact with one another. I have friends that are kind of far away that I'm not able to visit because of high freaking gas prices.
I'm an Obama supporter, but not by a huge margin. I think he's the best choice, but that's not saying much. Mccain seems to me to be Bush 3.0, and Bush has simply failed as President. America needs something new, something fresh. Is Obama that person? I don't know, but I'd think he has to be better than Mccain and definitely better than Bush. He won't be the savior of the country like he's being built up to be, but I think he's a step in the right direction.
Bush 3.0 John McCain is certainly not. In fact, McCain has critizied the Bush Administration and Republican party vehemently about several issues, including the mismanagement of information with the Iraq War. He's alienated himself with many conservative republicans as a result, but he's stuck with his convictions in criticizing either party for foolishness.

To lend to that, there were even rumors in 2004 of McCain running as Kerry's VP, and more recently about McCain selecting a Democrat as HIS running mate. Obviously that has not occured, nor will it, but you get the point.
While he has indeed criticized him, the main issue I have with Mccain is his desire to continue the war. Now don't get me wrong, I think that a full pull out or even a majority pull out is not right and shouldn't be done, but to continue at the rate we are in would be a mistake to me. From what I understand, the ecomony as well as gas prices are in the shape they're in due to the weak value of the dollar internationally, which is due to our continuing budget deficits, which is due to the massive funding to the war. Now it's obvious that just pulling out troops and ending the war won't fix things over night, but I think it would help the economy at home more than any other single act. Neither candidate seems to have the exact answer, but I think Obama is closer than Mccain.
Obama, because I want this war to end, and I don't want a guy in the White House who will be secretly taking orders from Bush.

It's a shame, because I like McCain. I think he has guts after what he's been through, and I think he truly does care.

But, he will not end the war. The Republicans have done nothing to relieve the soaring costs in this country. They've proven themselves liars, starting a war based on information they KNEW was false. They haven't caught Bin Laden yet.

Actually, I cannot think of a damned thing they have done.

I also have an intense, extreme hatred for Bush. He makes me sick with his ignorance and the fact that he just doesn't give a shit. He is, IMO, just as much of a monster as Bin Laden, and he has disgraced my country and tarnished its reputation.

I actually used to be a Republican, but Bush changed that. I think even die hard Elephants need to realize how much of an animal this President truly is.

I loved Reagan, and think he was a good president. I even agreed with a lot George Bush Senior did, he was an okay guy.

But, my faith in the GOP will be forever tarnished because of this pile of dog shit we have in the White House, and his senile old hunting buddy.

Just a side note. One time I insulted Bush on the forums here and was red-repped. Okay, I understand people have opinions, but I think that was a bit unfair because I just gave my opinion.
its really a shame that nobody in this election cycle wanted to get rid of the IRS until now.... now that Huckabee is gone. I was gonna vote for him but whatever. I don't want Obama in office because he wants to 1: talk with the Iranians. EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT TAKING WITH THOSE MORONS DOESN'T DO SHIT! plus who wants to talk to a guy who keeps talking about wiping Israel off the map? Obama is naive. don't get me started on Mccain..... talk about a bush lackey!

EDIT: so some jabroni gave me a negative rep for my post. so to him I say who are YOU going to vote for? I'm not voting this year because I don't want a president who's gonna talk with the most wanted men on the planet (thats obama) and I do not want a president who's going to put our country into even bigger debt than it already is! (McCain)
Obama versus McCain is a worthless election.

You have two flavors of liberal. Chances are Obama will win, because the libs are going to vote for Obama over McCain. Why? Well, why would you vote for an imitation of what you believe in when you have the real thing?

There are no conservatives left to vote for in the right. We got Rush basically, and he's not even an elected official.

Even if McCain did have a shred of Reagan in him, the Democrat ruled House would shut him down at every opportunity and then point and call him an ineffectual President.
McCain. War hero, devoted entire adult life to serving his country...and his wife runs a beer company. How can you not vote for a war vet whose wife runs a beer company? How much more American can you get?
I myself would pick McCain. He seems to be more in control of his party. he may be going in against the flow, being a republican in a country that hates that word (well at least 75%). I wont be voting, I am Canadian. as a Canadian though, we are linked very closely with America. One thing I know, is we have to have governments on the same page to work efficiently. In canada, we currently have a Conservative government. If the US re-elects a Republican government, Canada will again benefit. I'm not a fan of Obama, he seems to try and play off of his race. McCain may be older, but he seems capable to run the United States.
McCain. Im a strict Rep. Couldnt pay me to vote for Obama.

I dont get why ppl have faith that Obama will help the economy. When he clearly stated it was his weakest suit.
Yet the guy is promising a economic change.. When that change has ppl going from living in a home to a cardboard box. Theyll see what change he actually met.

But luckily I really dont see anyway for Obama to win. Only 38% of Hillarys supporters said they would vote for Obama. And if this turns into one big race war (which seems to be the way alot of Obama supporters are pushing things) He will get crushed in the polls.

Im a minority and the display of racial content (at the BET Awards for example) in favor of Obama made me sick. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that people of my race would stoop to that level of saying "WE gotta stick together!" instead of actually paying attention to the issues.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I should have "HOPE" and what Obama is going to "CHANGE." The only change I detect is that he's not George Bush. Neither is John McCain, not like that is a bad thing any way.

Bush is constantly used as a scapegoat. Gas prices are a simple matter of supply and demand. Two billion people in China and India are having an automotive revolution, which has made cars available to the mass population. Math tells me that is a third of the world's population suddenly has demand for things they didn't before, the price would go up.

The value of the dollar is down because of this demand. The price of oil affects the price of everything. See above, and then realize that the purchasing power of every currency is going to drop. Also, the dollar starting declining when Clinton gave China Most Favored Nation Trading Status and so many of our goods started coming from China because they were cheaper than American goods.

I am sure that John McCain will keep us safe, jsut as I am sure that Obama will appease the terrorist world by giving them the keys to the candy store. How is sitting down with Ahmedinejihad going to solve a problem? His views are clear...America sucks and Israel must be destroyed. And Obama wants to have tea?

Besides appeasing terrorists, Obama has vocalized nothing else that he intends to do. He wants national healthcare, but hasn't verbalized hwo to pay for it. He wants to lower gas prices, but unless he socializes the oil industry, he doesn't have the power to do that. So our choices are burkhas, Farsi, and communism, or the great John McCain.

Sandman said:

But, he will not end the war. The Republicans have done nothing to relieve the soaring costs in this country. They've proven themselves liars, starting a war based on information they KNEW was false. They haven't caught Bin Laden yet.

That is such crap. Liberals have yelling that the Bush administration knew that there were no WMD's in Irag. That is stupid. First of all there is a picture of 30 covered flatbeds flowing into Syria two weeks before the incursion began. What did those trucks have? No financial records indicated any trade between Iraq and Syria that would take 30 flatbeds intot he Bekkah Mountains. That's where the weapons are. Liberals are blocking us from destroying those weapons over a grudge held during an election where we could have elected the hypocrite who tells us to use hybrids and be kind to the environment while living in a home that uses 40 times as much power (from fossil fuels in Tennessee) and rides around in Private Jets when he could use Solar Panels (the kind that cover the crawford ranch) and flying commercial. Calling Bush a liar and scapegoating Halliburton are nothing but ways for Liberals to rally the support of the ignorant, the uneducated, and the impoverished when they want nothing more than to tax the hell out of people who have EARNED their fortunes and GIVE it to people who have kids so they can get government crack money.
I really think they both are idiots after signing the law so they can wiretap. I wanted Hillary to win, but I guess I will just have to write her in. Oh well.. Hopefully everyone writes in Hillary... But if I had to choose between Barrack Obama, and John Mccain, I would go with Barrack Obama. Because" Can you smell what barrack is cookin?"
If I could be more than 100% for Obama, I would. So far, the only negative criticism I've thought of for Obama is that he isn't as experienced as the others.

But I love how some McCain supporters say that he's the better choice, but they don't know that he's voted the same way Bush has 95% of the time. How can he not be like Bush if he agrees with Bush's politics, you know? And you can't argue that Bush has done a good job....damn near everything in the country is worse off because of his term.

The only way I can see people voting for McCain over Obama is if they are afraid about the war (and don't see that McCain wants to add ANOTHER war onto it) and they, for some reason, think that just because McCain served in the military, he's suddenly able to lead the country. While I do agree that some military service could be beneficial, I highly, HIGHLY doubt that it matters that much. Essentially, a lot of people have the viewpoint that since Obama hasn't been in the military, and McCain was in a POW situation, he's got the "experience". But really, is that true? McCain has experience as a fighter and a prisoner, not as a tactician, an economist, etc. By that rationale, you should say that any assembly line worker is instantly qualified to be CEO of the company, because they have experience in the field.

I know that it won't change anybody's minds, though, by posting such. It'll just get people mad. Some people out there, no matter what, even view Obama as a Muslim that's going to eradicate us from the inside-out. You could show them every bit of disproving data in the world, and all they'll say is "I'm still voting for McCain". There's certainly a race issue involved as well, and no one is going to transcend their own racist thoughts to vote for Obama - not to say that everyone who is voting for McCain is racist, which would be illogical to state.

All in all, I just can't see how anybody who thinks we're in a shit of a mess right now can vote for a guy who supports 95/100 of the same decisions. That just spells 4 more years of getting rid of our rights, spending more money on wars, more dependency on oil (and the prices going up), etc. A vote for McCain = a vote for Bush's policies, as its clear that the man who they want to market as a former "maverick" that challenged Republicans has now changed his mind on damn near every issue.
And what kind of "shit are we in" because of Bush? Oil prices aren't his fault. Bill Clinton is the one that gave China most favored nation status, which allows them to get technology to make cheaper cars and allow over a billion people to drive and double the world wide oil demand. That isn't Bush's fault. The Iraq war? Clinton was content lobbing missiles from a boat in 1998. At least Bush killed Saddam. Does Hussein being dead not make the world a better place? If you say no, then you are an Obama supporter. He is an appeaser and a socialist. He is going to give the country to the Arab extremists yelling please don't hurt us.
So, as we have probably all realized by now (unless you completely live under a rock), Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee, and will be facing John McCain in November for the position of President. My question to you, the wonderful public here on the Wrestlezone forums, is, what do you think McCain has to do to beat Obama? According to the recent Gallup polls, and some other ones, too, the race is closer than what some first speculated. I know there is still four months until Election Day, but I was just sitting around wondering what some of the people thought could be done to prove to everyone that McCain is not Bush reincarnated. The failed policies of the Republican Party and the last eight years of Bush Administration reign has taken it's toll one the opinions of us all, but is there hope for John on November 4th? I for one hope that there is!
Anything that keeps a Republican out of office, is fine by me.

But, I'll play along. What can McCain do?

1. Get as far away from George Bush as he can. And, I mean FAR away. All but contradict every position Bush has. Much like Clinton/Gore back in 2000, the former President is going to put a severe hamper on the next challenger in his party. The last thing McCain wants is to be associated with one of the most unpopular and least successful Presidents of all time.

2. Embrace his white Christian heritage. While it may sound racist, this country is STILL majority white, and majority Christian. Obama has the former minister thing still hindering him, the best thing McCain can do is embrace a wholesome white Christian image. It worked for Bush in 2000 and 2004, and it's key to McCain. And the simple fact is that there are still a LARGE number of voters who aren't ready for a black President.

3. Lean to the left. While McCain is already more liberal than many Republicans, it is well known at this point that there is really only a very small percentage of voters who vote based on who they like, and not along party lines. It goes hand in hand with staying away from Bush. Lean more to the left, and more importantly, lean more to the middle, and capture the small percentage of voters who could go either way.

Just some basic tips from a guy who doesn't usually care much about politics.
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Just some basic tips from a guy who doesn't usually care much about politics.

Thank you for delving into a subject you normally would not. Much appreciated. Oh, and your suggestions are spot on. Too bad you're a Democrat; McCain could really use you as Campaign Manager! :icon_wink:
So, as we have probably all realized by now (unless you completely live under a rock), Barack Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee, and will be facing John McCain in November for the position of President. My question to you, the wonderful public here on the Wrestlezone forums, is, what do you think McCain has to do to beat Obama? According to the recent Gallup polls, and some other ones, too, the race is closer than what some first speculated. I know there is still four months until Election Day, but I was just sitting around wondering what some of the people thought could be done to prove to everyone that McCain is not Bush reincarnated. The failed policies of the Republican Party and the last eight years of Bush Administration reign has taken it's toll one the opinions of us all, but is there hope for John on November 4th? I for one hope that there is!

I was talking to my boss about this the other day, I am a Republican by nature, but I am still on the fence on who I am going to vote for as McCain wasn't my first or second choice for the Republican representative. I do like Obama and some of his views, to the point where I may vote for him, but I want to see whom he chooses as his running mate. If he chooses someone strong like John Edwards, I may vote for him, but if he chooses someone I would consider weak like Nancy Pelosi, that would be the nail in the coffin for Obama. I doubt Obama will team with Hilary, as Hilary seems the type of person that doesn't want to play second fiddle to anyone. I am also interested to see why Obama is so hesitant to produce his birth certificate. I wonder if he thinks it'll disprove something that will ultimately take votes away from him in the long run... I guess we'll see.
I am also interested to see why Obama is so hesitant to produce his birth certificate. I wonder if he thinks it'll disprove something that will ultimately take votes away from him in the long run... I guess we'll see.

In the same sense, by NOT producing his birth certificate, it may have the same detrimental effect. I think that his character is shady, his background thin, and his stance on issues too liberal for me. I am not sure, but I believe that he has put himself between a rock and a hard place. Only time will tell how it plays out, and what effect (if any), it has on his campaign.
It seems like Obama's momentum is slowing. His actions overseas seem to have a lot to do with it. I've said before that I really think he holds a certain disdain for this country and trying to rebuild it in his image is going to be too painful for him to be reelected even if he does win, which seems more and more doubtful as the days and polls keep ticking on. Sad thing is, he'll probably deliver a very eloquent speech at the convention where he says absolutely nothing and get his momentum back.

This campaign really seems to be pitting candidate in a contest to see who is the lesser of two evils. I vote republican by nature, and would never vote for someone as shady as Obama, but I might just skip this election. It's not apathy, it's protest.
It seems like Obama's momentum is slowing. His actions overseas seem to have a lot to do with it. I've said before that I really think he holds a certain disdain for this country and trying to rebuild it in his image is going to be too painful for him to be reelected even if he does win, which seems more and more doubtful as the days and polls keep ticking on. Sad thing is, he'll probably deliver a very eloquent speech at the convention where he says absolutely nothing and get his momentum back.

This campaign really seems to be pitting candidate in a contest to see who is the lesser of two evils. I vote republican by nature, and would never vote for someone as shady as Obama, but I might just skip this election. It's not apathy, it's protest.

I don't agree with much of this, but your brilliant final line "it's not apathy, it's protest" is too perfect for me to lash out.

I'm voting Obama, but I don't dislike McCain. I still find myself leaning more and more libertarian, and hating both the Democratic and Republican candidates more and more. I voted Nader in 2000, and Kerry in 2004 because I wanted Bush stopped. If Jesse Ventura and Mike Bloomberg ran on a Libertarian ticket in 2012, I'd sign up to volunteer.

My issue - Obama is too vague and too anti-business and too pro-free health care. McCain is too socially conservative and flip flopped his social views for political gain quite obviously before the 2008 primaries.
I'll probably get my ass off the couch and vote McCain when it come time. It doesn't matter, I live in Texas, and we are a red state. My whole motivation would be that fixing problems like the failing dollar, social secutiy, and the mess of a health care system are going to need bipartisan support, and no one has a better history of reaching across the aisle than McCain.

Plus, if Obama won, the democratic party would have free reign to tax the hell out of us. I think something should be done to fix healthcare, but I don't want to pay for everyone's cold medicine. If someone with no healthcare caught pneumonia, I would understand my tax dollars saving their lives, but with the world wide hypochondria outbreak that would sweep over us, I don't feel comfortable.

Plus, no matter what I think of the war in Iraq, I think just abandoning it would be the worst possible solution to that problem. It would just allow sectarians to swallow up large portions of Iraq, and would add 20 million people to the population of Iran, and innumerable amount of oil and money.

And how could I ovte for someone who decided that instead of drilling for oil, we should just fill up our tires. When I asked the gas station attendant how much air I needed in my tires so that I would never have to buy gas again, he looked at me funny.

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