Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. OH MY! LD

Just so nobody is shocked, I predicted a little while back that Triple H may just take the belt to prove that Sheamus can take a job or some stupid shit like that. Be ready.
Since my school's internet sucks and we can't order PPV on campus, I've been following with the updates. I'm shocked. WWE pushed someone, then followed through with it. Not only that, but Cena is their #1 guy to push to the children. I bet my little cousin is going to be crying come RAW tomorrow. Hoping WWE doesn't do a swerve here and lets Sheamus keep the belt for at least a few weeks.
Originally Posted by FTS
I'm going to go smoke a cig, put my clothes in the dryer, start another load, and be back before the Undertaker has made it to the ring.
And I got a glass of milk too.

OH MY GOD moment for the Slammys tomorrow?

Sheamus actually winning the title.
Batista Vs Taker now? What the fuck is going on here.

They are not going to have a "chair" match as the main event.

Its just like Hell In A Cell where the tag Hell In A Cell match closed the show whilst the other title matches were earlier in the card.
The crowd was shocked more than anything, and i didn't even hear a reaction for Sheamus at the top of the ramp. Lol.
This is setting up to be a great PPV. I do expect some sort of review either tonight or tomorrow over the Cena/Sheamus match. Cena did get some boos, nothing unusual, it only seemed so bad because he had to take the long walk into the back on camera. Welcome all guests! Please drink the kool aid and join up. It's easy, and you get to ask questions and discuss things with others! I'm such a bad salesman!
I was curious at why Striker called Cena the Chain Gang Soldier again, im thinking something is gonna happen in terms to just speculating over the shock.
He hasn't been "Superman" for at least two years.

I should've made myself clearer. I like Cena, I don't have any problem with the way he does things. But to a lot of the IWC (the ones always bitching about Cena anyways) he is superman everytime he wins. I was just speaking from their POV.

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