Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. OH MY! LD

This PPV gets a 5/5 for me this was great, i erupted in "FUCK YES" chants when DX won, and i when Jericho smacked his jaw on the table OH SHIT, Christian vs Shelton was awesome and hearing the chants of "WE WANT BLOOD" was a throwback. Shock of the night Cena losing to Sheamus as im a Cena mark i got angry, but then with the 2 singles titles changes that happened its building of new stars is happening. Kofi should have won but i see the feud continuing with Orton. Kofi puk's Legacy before the match was hard.

This is one the PPV's of 2009 i will be buying on DVD soon.
Fucking Sheamus...SHEAMUS. Good god...there were only about twenty better fucking candidates for that push but sure lets give it to the mediocre pasty Irishman who still can't get over even after taking out the top face in the company.

John Morrison loses the IC title on the same PPV that Sheamus wins a world title...what the fuck is wrong with that picturie?
But not fucking SHEAMUS who couldn't even get over on ECW. Fucking stupid to say the least when you've got the likes of John Morrison and Christian who could've filled that role far better.
I haven't seen the PPV so I don't know how the audience reacted, but it will be interesting to see how they react tomorrow night. Hopefully WWE didn't jump the shark on this but I don't know. Then again, Sheamus could lose it the next day.

I think Cena may be taking some time off or working on other projects. Sheamus could be a transitional champion until February. I'm not a fan of Sheamus, but at least it will be exciting to see how his reign turns out.
TNA challenges WWE on Jan 4. and I think WWE responds with this pay per view to just show them what there up against. TLC a gimmick pay per view was prolly the best wrestling pay per view of the year. It was god like with the first match btw Shelton and Christian. Sheamus over Cena! The internet blew up and its on youtube already, its crazy! I mean WWE could put on a 2 hour show if they want on Jan 4. but Vince appeared and said in layman terms, "Hogan doesnt have shit on me". I dont think a damn person was jumping either good or bad when Cena lost. Sheamus was here for a hiccup and wins the WWE Title. John Morrison loses to Drew to get him out of the IC title picture and push him toward the main event scene again. Taker/Batista was perfect until teddy long messed it up but i guess Taker drops at Rumble either way. Kofi and Orton was perfect and there feud might be considered as a contender for feud of 2009 (maybe?) kofi losing means this aint over but expect Orton to challenge Sheamus for the title tomorrow and Kofi interferes and after the DQ Cena comes out to state he wants his title back. Womens match was...well a womens match, what more can i say it did its job, rather have maryse wrestling melina but oh well. Christian needs to be on SD or Raw, period. Unintentionally blood but handles it like a real champ. Shelton is probably being build to be ECW Champ. Theres a thread about WM matches and I can see so many possibilities. Every week until Royal Rumble Sheamus is going to be commended for beating Sheamus, i see Cena being taulted by the mid-card heel wrestlers as Sheamus is taking charge. HHH invested in Sheamus and it doesnt hurt Cena cause he's going to be facing the Undertaker at WM so Cena will be pissed he doesnt beat Sheamus at his rematch. I do see Batista vs Morrison a possibility as Batista is hella good as a monster heel something that brings his character depth than being a face. Batista doesnt bore me anymore.

TLC seems to have shocked the WWE Universe and no doubt this Pay Per View should be sticking around in the same fashion. Just the chairs match makes no sense really but oh well (unless it was RVD, Raven, or Shane then it would be cool) WWE shitted hard on TNA with this PPV, no doubt Vince took notice of TNA tho and I think WWE is not going to be PG during PPV, i mean the first was match was really like an old ECW match (brutal) if thats the case then damn, thank you TNA for lighting the fire for the E to be more creative and daring

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