Sully, are you fucking ******ed?

I think "gay" is a word more often associated with males, whereas "lesbian" is females. They both fall under the "homosexual" banner. It's not a full definition difference, it's more a perception thing.

And Tdigs, you make an interesting point about the bi-sexual / transgenders.
1. Didn't know about Mozz's sexual orientation until now. Now I can go back to not caring, because stuff like that in the grand scheme of things is useless info to me, since This is an Internet wrestling forum.

2. We've known Sully's mental capacity for a very long time now. He's a fucking moron, we know.

3. This thread proved why I have 2 of the people who posted here on ignore.

4. I think the saying around these parts is "Be nice to Sully" "Be an asshole to Sully." Continue to do that

5. Pedophiles and the LGBT have nothing in common, and to insinuate that one has anything to do with the other is sad.

6. I'm not at all surprised that Sully would do something that stupid.
Well, while I shouldn't assume, he did say something about Sully offending his lifestyle. Since Sully was offending the LGBT community, I assumed (which I know you're not supposed to do) that he was referring to himself being one of the aforementioned "Alternative Lifestyles." If not then my apologies, I must have misinterpreted something.

Unless of course Mozz was offended because he was part of the other group Sully was talking about (Pedophiles). I'd hope that wasn't the case.
Stormtrooper on your point 5 it should be more often than not have nothing to do with Paedos as there is always that small percentage that are both.
You're right, it's NOT the same thing. You seriously have to be one ******ed motherfucker to sit here and compare the LGBT community to pedophilia in any context. Perhaps if you weren't goddamn 12 years old, you'd have the slightest inkling of perspective.

No, I do not take everything seriously.

I got (arguably) upset that someone insulted my lifestyle. (It was red rep, hardly me getting "upset" or "taking it seriously".)

You got upset because you didn't like the way Bill Fucking Lesnar booked you in his prison fed. Eat a dick, kid.

Based on this post Mozz, are you related to Jim Cornette?
On some level I could see the case being made.

Both are "abnormal" sexual preferences—at least within the context of the 'majority = normal' that most subscribe to—which, based on current understandings, are urges and tendencies that are natural and potentially innate (though I'm sure there are outliers who present exceptions) on a genetic/psychological level.

If anything there's just an ever sliding scale of public acceptance with paedos on one end and homo's on the other. History and culture are funny things. At one point (and in certain cultures to this very day) it's acceptable to have sexual relations and marry adolescents but forbidden to be homosexual; in other places/times it's the reverse. Go figure.

There are general similarities and there are very specific differences… meh
I'm not seeing any similarity with me having sex with a man and someone who would fuck a 12 year old.
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What in the fuck is going on in this thread?

First we have Mozz inadvertently coming out of the closet (I think) to berate Sully for saying something stupid (no shock there), and then we de-evolve to random internet memes while people who I thought were relatively smart suddenly become nitpicky *****?

It's time like this that I seriously consider smoking weed.
On some level I could see the case being made.

Both are "abnormal" sexual preferences—at least within the context of the 'majority = normal' that most subscribe to—which, based on current understandings, are urges and tendencies that are natural and potentially innate (though I'm sure there are outliers who present exceptions) on a genetic/psychological level.

There's a huge fucking difference between to consenting adults having sex, and an adult having sex with a child, who can't consent. It's not very specific, it's not a logical stretch. It's the biggest difference you can think of.

Stormtrooper on your point 5 it should be more often than not have nothing to do with Paedos as there is always that small percentage that are both.

You can also be an investment banker and a serial killer. Doesn't mean they have anything to do with each other.
You're right, it's NOT the same thing. You seriously have to be one ******ed motherfucker to sit here and compare the LGBT community to pedophilia in any context. Perhaps if you weren't goddamn 12 years old, you'd have the slightest inkling of perspective.

No, I do not take everything seriously.

I got (arguably) upset that someone insulted my lifestyle. (It was red rep, hardly me getting "upset" or "taking it seriously".)

You got upset because you didn't like the way Bill Fucking Lesnar booked you in his prison fed. Eat a dick, kid.

Now his Pauly D sig image has words to go with the anger.

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