Who the fuck are you?

Well, let me ask you this - you say a minor such as finance makes a business degree worth while. I double majored in business and have degrees in both marketing and management. Where would that place my educational value in your opinion, especially given the absence of practical subjects like finance or accounting?
The stuff about IDR being the best poster on the site was by far the stupidest stuff in this thread.

Not really sure where the anti-IDR sentiment is coming from. While calling him the "best" poster on the site may be, with all due respect, a bit of a stretch, he clearly is a very good poster, one whose posts I always take the time to read and while I frequently disagree with him (as he is all TNA and I'm all-WWE), his posts are consistently top notch.

His job is pretty tough, actually, having to defend the TNA product in a logical and convincing manner is a real uphill battle. The fact that he can take such a daunting task, and actually perform it in a consistently effective manner, is proof positive that he's good.

Sort of like, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I never even said he was "the best poster" word for word. I said something like he's the smartest/most logical person (or mod) on the site. The way HE got bashed for what I said, proves how fucking stupid a lot of these people posting on here are.
Not really sure where the anti-IDR sentiment is coming from. While calling him the "best" poster on the site may be, with all due respect, a bit of a stretch, he clearly is a very good poster, one whose posts I always take the time to read and while I frequently disagree with him (as he is all TNA and I'm all-WWE), his posts are consistently top notch.

His job is pretty tough, actually, having to defend the TNA product in a logical and convincing manner is a real uphill battle. The fact that he can take such a daunting task, and actually perform it in a consistently effective manner, is proof positive that he's good.

Sort of like, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
That's just dumb. Sell it instead.
Well, let me ask you this - you say a minor such as finance makes a business degree worth while. I double majored in business and have degrees in both marketing and management. Where would that place my educational value in your opinion, especially given the absence of practical subjects like finance or accounting?

Blame me for listening to my mother lol. I tried college. Didn't work out so my opinion now is worth absolutely shit.
Blame me for listening to my mother lol. I tried college. Didn't work out so my opinion now is worth absolutely shit.

Not at all. Just wondering where it's coming from.

I'll be honest - the degree itself is overrated. It's that you do outside the classroom that makes the most difference.
Not really sure where the anti-IDR sentiment is coming from. While calling him the "best" poster on the site may be, with all due respect, a bit of a stretch, he clearly is a very good poster, one whose posts I always take the time to read and while I frequently disagree with him (as he is all TNA and I'm all-WWE), his posts are consistently top notch.

He may post well, but that doesn't matter much when his opinions are constantly shit.

His job is pretty tough, actually, having to defend the TNA product in a logical and convincing manner is a real uphill battle. The fact that he can take such a daunting task, and actually perform it in a consistently effective manner, is proof positive that he's good.

I don't think he has to defend TNA just becuase he's TNA mod.

He actually alright in my book. I don't have any Coco levels of hate towards him, but he's certainly not "the best and most intelligent poster who pwns xfear all da time, yo."
He may post well, but that doesn't matter much when his opinions are constantly shit.

I don't think he has to defend TNA just becuase he's TNA mod.

He actually alright in my book. I don't have any Coco levels of hate towards him, but he's certainly not "the best and most intelligent poster who pwns xfear all da time, yo."

I don't say pwns. Secondly, someone rattled off about 8 names who were "smarter/more logical" then IDR and one of them was Xfear. Just so happened IDR/Xfear were having a long discussion about Homicide being released from TNA and Xfear was trying to make the point Homicide was a great wrestler and could cut great promos. Well guess what, Homicide has been in TNA for 4 years and hasn't done shit.

I think there is no doubt IDR won the argument.
I think I spend a good amount of time posting in the regular sections that I warrant a few cage appearances from time to time.
I don't say pwns. Secondly, someone rattled off about 8 names who were "smarter/more logical" then IDR and one of them was Xfear. Just so happened IDR/Xfear were having a long discussion about Homicide being released from TNA and Xfear was trying to make the point Homicide was a great wrestler and could cut great promos. Well guess what, Homicide has been in TNA for 4 years and hasn't done shit.

I think there is no doubt IDR won the argument.

Shut up, wetback.
He may post well, but that doesn't matter much when his opinions are constantly shit.

You know, I think we are agreeing with each other here (sort of). IDR consistently posts well. Just because his opinions are usually wrong (in my opinion) doesn't make him a bad poster (that's not to say you are calling him one per se). As I said, I almost always disagree with the opinions he expresses, but that's inevitable because he's so pro-TNA and I may tend to be a tad critical of them on occasion. He's one of my favorite posters on here because you can have a sensible debate with him. Which is admirable because as I said he's usually swimming upstream in these debates because he has the unenviable position of trying to defend a sub-par organization.

I don't think he has to defend TNA just becuase he's TNA mod.

He actually alright in my book. I don't have any Coco levels of hate towards him, but he's certainly not "the best and most intelligent poster who pwns xfear all da time, yo."

Well, I guess he sort of does. Hard to imagine making him the TNA moderator and have him come on here and blast TNA and support WWE. Let's face it, they're never going to make me TNA moderator, that would be ridiculous (although I guess making me moderator of anything on here might be seen by some as being somewhat ridiculous anyway).
Question: How come Goodlay's rep is so low? He seems like a decent poster and his opinions make sense.

I think he says dumb things in WWE/TNA debates but not sure, it might be shattered dreams i'm thinking of.
Question: How come Goodlay's rep is so low? He seems like a decent poster and his opinions make sense.

All he's doing is jumping on the band wagon and attacking me like everyone else. He posted something about me in like 3 threads ... if that's how you judge what a decent poster looks like, your a fucking doosh bag.
All he's doing is jumping on the band wagon and attacking me like everyone else. He posted something about me in like 3 threads ... if that's how you judge what a decent poster looks like, your a fucking doosh bag.

It's spelled Douche Bag! you bloody imbecile! You are a waste of time and space on this forum and need to go.
Who the fuck is anyone to think they are so god damn high and mighty, quick, lets all establish dominance on a wrestling forum, then we'll compare cocks in the cage. GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. If you wanna post in the cage than do so, if you only want to post spam than go right ahead. Put a fucking post count requirement if you don't want noobs in the cage or in the GSD, otherwise SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DEAL WITH IT.
I think he says dumb things in WWE/TNA debates but not sure, it might be shattered dreams i'm thinking of.

It's definitely "shattered dreams" that you are thinking of, not "goodlay." Goodlay is actually a good poster in my opinion, don't know why his rep is so low, another example of "disproportionate rep" that's been talked about in earlier threads.

He doesn't say "dumb things" in the WWE/TNA debates, not at all, just incorrect things. Because he takes the position of a TNA mark, not a WWE realist. Like I said, not dumb things, just typically wrong things, right goodlay :)
All he's doing is jumping on the band wagon and attacking me like everyone else. He posted something about me in like 3 threads ... if that's how you judge what a decent poster looks like, your a fucking doosh bag.

I was actually talking about his posts outside the Cage/In the Non-Spam sections. Of course, you assumed it was an insult directed at you, why does that not surprise me?
Oh come on. There are a million business majors, and most end up serving at a fast food restaurant.

Which, I guess is important, but think of all the money you wasted.

In my defense, I'm getting a major in business and a minor in communications. You can't open a recording studio and hope you wake up with the how-to in your head already, right? All I'm saying is, don't put all of us under the microscope because there's a chance that people like myself don't end up working under a restaurant.

So please consider the fact that not everyone that undertakes a major in business administration ends up working at a fast food joint. Like IC said, it's what you do with the degree outside that determines your knowledge. It's sink or swim and not everyone makes it.

Besides, I haven't wasted a goddamn thing. Neither time nor money.

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