Posters Who Are Also Good Human Beings

Although he's kinda gone (or maybe just holed up in that fucking moonbase), Ferbian. Cool cat, helpful to a newbie and would give you great suggestions as well.

I really don't spend enough time on these forums anymore.

I'm going to go ahead and say Theo and KB. I'm sure there are a ton of idiots that think KB is an ass just because he's an admin, but he also has to put up with all of us on a daily basis. He does an obnoxious amount of work for very little credit and real-life reward.

I'm Coco.

Although he's kinda gone (or maybe just holed up in that fucking moonbase), Ferbian. Cool cat, helpful to a newbie and would give you great suggestions as well.

Although he's kinda gone (or maybe just holed up in that fucking moonbase), Ferbian. Cool cat, helpful to a newbie and would give you great suggestions as well.

He might have been good person, but he wasn't a very good poster - he doesn't meet the full criteria.
He might have been good person, but he wasn't a very good poster - he doesn't meet the full criteria.

He seemed like an ok poster. I remember the good times.

Nickn03. Fucker beat jmt in the debate tourney. Good poster, saw something Ryback before any of us did. Yes I'll give him points for that.

A-OK guy too.

LSN. Always there if you need the guy. A good human being. The symposium is brilliant with him there. Does good in real life too. Has an evil twin. He's like, perfect.
Ya know, I've met a pretty large amount of people from this forum, and they're all good human beings in their own ways. I really don't think there are many people on this forum that can earn respect as a poster without being a pretty decent person at the same time. NorCal, IC25, D-Man, Doc, Theo, Charlie, Merk: they all are nice people that do nice things, and their kindness and likeable personalities are what shine through their internet connection and onto the forums.

Apologies if I missed anyone, but I'm pretty sure that's the full list.
I've met my fair share of people on the forums and I've enjoyed them all to the highest level. All are good people, Merk especially. That isn't a shot at the others I've met, but I spent a weekend with Merk so the timeframe is much longer and he is a great guy. But all are great guys (Norcs, IC, DMan, Jglass, Macios).

As for those that I haven't talked to LSN is the first guy that comes to mind. I've always enjoyed talking to him. Same goes for Sally, Bear, and #1Peep.
I helped an old lady separate two carts at Home Depot last night and then I picked up the bottle of cleanser she dropped and gave it to her. What side will God let me sit next to him on when I pass?
Most of us are surely good human beings. I doubt anyone could be as much of a douche in everyday life as they are on the site.
I went to the shops at midnight to get my epileptic flat mate chocolate milk because she was feeling horrible post-seizure, volunteer at a children's hospital and have been a first wider for 3 and a half years. Sorry if I sound big headed, but I think I'm a pretty good guy.
Doc and JGlass.

For people I've met Sam, Tasty, Dave and Dave Phoenix. Gelgarin as well actually.
Jack-Hammer is far and away my favorite poster on these forums. He's a pretty stand up guy from what I know about him.
Doc. Doc's clear enthusiasm and all around niceness is evident in everything he posts. More to the point he's honest, and his reaction to the all star section being revealed is pretty much the most dignified thing I've ever read on here, which is a little bit like winning the award for world's tallest dwarf.

Doc, Lee and tdigle also get props from me for the whole TM situation. I don't have a problem with TM now and I didn't then. Those guys had a problem with him then and addressed it then. Everyone else coming out of the woodwork in the meantime saying they never liked him whilst kissing his arse until he left is among the worst behaviour I've seen here, far worse than anything TM actually did himself.
Jack-Hammer is far and away my favorite poster on these forums. He's a pretty stand up guy from what I know about him.
Then why did he delete my Daniel Bryan thread?

Oh, and I still like TM. Give me a humanitarian award!

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