Who didnt you like at first but like or even respect?

I didn't like X at first. For about two hours. Until he kicked my ass in a "Bands you Find Overrated" thread.
If I didn't like you at first, there's about a 99.9% chance that the reason I don't bother you anymore is because I lost interest. There are two or three guys that grew on me though; they already know who they are and I think I said this in a similar thread a few months back.
JGlass - Wasn't a fan at first. Found him annoying. It's cool, he didn't care for me either. But now, I know he's a nice guy, and enjoy conversing with him.

Justin - I thought he was completely... insane. Constantly cursing, no punctuation. However, like JGlass, I paid closer attention to what he was actually saying, and I think he's a good dude.
I once considered putting Nick's name down in a "What posters can't you stand," thread, because I felt the same way about him that he felt about me, but I decided not to because I realized that just because we disagreed on just about everything wrestlingwise we got along other ways and I didn't want to be that kind of dick that hates someone just because they don't agree with them. I'm glad I didn't because now I actually enjoy debating with Nick, and we usually manage to keep it civil.
There were a few.. But probably Brain, or D-Man. I thought they were just a couple of assholes who went around picking apart new posters for fun. Then I saw they were actually trying to increase the quality of posters in the WWE section.. And took enjoyment out of picking apart new posters haha. They're actually pretty good guys though
Blue Cardinal and Nate. Both reeked of Missouri from the time I joined the forums, I've since gotten used to the smell though.
I'm one one to talk about usernames. I first joined with the username nobody4rap. I planned on lurking. I think I got that username from a yahoo engine or something, but it doesn't fit me at all; I don't like the rap genre of music nor do I like the lifestyle associated with it.

I just planned on being a lurker.
I normally stick with my first impression, though I grew to like Tastycles more and more.

I always liked Coco - fuck the bandwagoners.

Edit: I did think D-Man was a bit of a douchebag (in one of his first posts he went off the deep end at me) at first, but now I list him in the "literate and somewhat readable column", right next to Anonymous Wall of Text #67.

Oh, and I was completely indifferent to Dave and now have something of what I suppose you could call a high opinion of him.
I forgot to mention someone who is no longer with us: The Game Rage. He's now posting somewhere else (I won't mention where out of respect for him) and I'm glad to say that I initially had him all wrong. He's opinionated as hell and comes off like a dick in threads revolving around politics, but he was nice and respectful when I conversed with him through PM at the forum he's at now. It's a shame things didn't go well for him here as he could have contributed greatly to this forum, but it is what it is.

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