Your first opinion

Sorry, but TNA is a mess right now, while WWE has been on a roll with a few minor hiccups here and there.

I use to think Doc was above himself when he said my work was "ehhh". Then I learned to take criticism and he was just trying to help me.

While Norcal was gone (as I didn't really remember before) I thought he was just an overhyped poster. Boy was I wrong and the hype was well worth it.
Y 2 Jake - I thought this dude had his head shoved so far up his own ass, his modding was shit because of it. At least as far as I can tell. A few weeks of me joining here, I was put in the prison for spamming in a spam zone, and he's the reason why I have 170-ish posts over a period of three years. I haven't spoken or really seen him around since.

Spawn - I could never tell whether or not that dude was pulling for me in the prison or if he was just being a dick, because one day he would be cool with me and we'd talk, and the next he'd be like, "you're a cunt" for no obvious reason.

Doc - I liked this guy as soon as I met him. The only guy that I regularly talk to on MSN.

Sidious - I thought he was a complete idiot with an ego problem at first. Now, I think he's a complete idiot with an ego problem.

Everyone, collectively - I stayed away from posting in the Bar Room because it seemed like everyone was in on this one big inside joke, and I never knew when anyone was being serious or just dicking around with each other. I kind of have a feel for it now, but sometimes, I have no idea if people are goofing around with each other or are legitimately flaming each over some stupid disagreements.
Coco, at first I thought he was kind of cool, a real funny guy who I'd get along well with... however I now think he is a pathetic douche and a complete and utter ass.

Sidious, couldn't stand him at first, then became indifferent, them started to like him, and after his banning, back to not able to stand him.
Pretty sure, yeah. Haha. I don't even remember how that thread got started, probably by Milk or someone talking about some accident they had, and everyone was asking for pics of everything anyone said, and when I mentioned my messed up pinky you said that to me.

When I posted the picture, you said I looked like a Beatle.
I have a weird memory. I can store all sorts of useless information, but can't remember math.

Oh well.
While I probably only reached out to him because how lenient he was towards the only 5 posts I made in October (which were all spammy) it started to confuse me how much shit X and I had in common. At one point, I considered that X/Mr. Eko was possibly also me, in some sort of paradoxial, alternate universe sort of way; then I realized I would have been all "Who's this fucking SMB298513 loser" and have beaten "him" (Being me) with a bong.

Oh, and Tdigs thought I was 12. <3
This section is totally new to me, I guess that's what happens when you only go to new posts. Like the idea behind it, I've always wanted to call Sam something racist.

More first memories than first opinions.

Sam: I wish that cunt wouldn't post in bold.

Jonny: ''Want a mod spot''. ''Yes, what is a mod spot and who are you?''.

Irish: I think I called him ''son'' and he asked me when exactly I fucked his mother. It probably wasn't him, but I always regard that as our first encounter.

AJ: You'd do something and then he'd take over without being asked. This was before he was a mod.

Will: Got in touch about an infraction, one of those people who expected me to remember his specific infraction. I didn't, but I think I got away with it. I liked him, but thought he was strange.

HBK-Aholic: Female? She bound to have boobies.

Slyfox: The guy who liked Cena when it wasn't cool to like Cena. Still don't buy it.

Tournament guy.

Shadowmancer: Favorite poster for about three weeks.

I'm sure the mod could answer that question.

Luther: I remember going to another forum where he was saying how shit WZ was and him saying how dumb I was. I then visited his website and I lost all confidence in his intelligence.

Spawn: Proud to be a negro.

JustinSayne: The only person who paid attention to the first couple of Live Discussions.

Mighty Norcal: No first memory. Like one of those people who just ends up in your group of friends.

Sparky: Irish suggesting him as mod of the TNA section. ''Yeah, sure, whatever, who?''

Tdigle: Asked me about books or something. He expected me to remember a book after I've finished it, mental.

JMT: I liked him about a year before Irish did. FACT.

PaulWall: WZ's top dog at the time, I thought he was shit.

Kasey: Called me out because I said Ron Killing was shit. he out-debated me, cunt was still wrong though. Reminds me of slyfox in that sense.
RVDgurl: Made the thread - RVDgurl: Hot Or Not? Told her about it then apologised in case she was underage.

xfearbefore: Jonny put him in the prison, the people had those FREE XFEAR bar thingys.

Koalamania: He had one of those FREE XFEAR name bar thingys. Fairly certain xfear didn't know who he was.

Wes: Good poster.

Prax: Seemed to hit it off straight away, I think.

Dysturbed: Jonny saying ''Dysturbed hasn't been on in about a month, I'm looking into getting you his admin spot''. ''Awesome, what is an admin?''. The cander thread was funny as well.

Snyper: Posting a ''lol'' in every singe new Bar Room thread each day.

Anonymous Mozzarella: Multiple accounts.

Klunderbunker: Just appeared one day.

Eternal Dragon: I remember asking her what the green bar thing was on my profil. Rep she said. Only with RVDgurl as somebody who's universally well liked.

DIAR: Long time staff member, cool but strange. However.....

Tastycles: No idea where he came from.

Abyss: A plaything until I tired of him. Take note Sam.

Marquis: Cunt just started talking to me.
It just feels weird looking back at old threads in 2006 and 2007. Would have felt some nostalgia if I actually joined back then.

My first opinion of Will other than his reviews was he liked to talk about sex a lot.
NorCal- i always liked him because he just seemed to be "that guy" who everyone goes to...

TM- Always thought he was a fuckbag...with his weird ass posts.

FalKon- instantly got along with him, and have become good friends outside the forum.

Xfear- The guy i wish i had as a friend back in high school, and recognised him as one of the most respected and best posters.

Sam- Wasn't sure about him at first.

tDigle- Thought of him as an asshole, probably because i dont share anything in common with him.

Dave- I instantly had common ground with the guy.

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