Sorry LGBT Community/ Am I Bi?

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Now now, GSB: Sometimes I accidentally hit the wrong chapter and end up watching Flair and Piper versus the Spirit Squad. How's that for living in the moment?

How is this thread still open?
If it's the last I ever see of this the better. I mean seriously, the OP needs to sit down and talk to a professional, because there are bigger issues at hand that strangers on an internet wrestling forum can help with.

Bigger issues like.... Satan?
We need a spam mod.
I'm pretty sure this kid is just trying to prove some kind of twisted point about how we all thought it was "wrong" or "disgusting" that he may have had bi tendencies so we are all in fact, homophobes like him.

If not, I'm sorry OP. Talk to somebody.
Well that was fucking gross. I'm not exactly on the pro side of the argument, but Jesus Christ, what part of the Bible reading "Thou Shalt Not Judge" don't you fucking understand?
I feel dirty after reading this, especially knowing OP is a minor.

I don't know of anyone has picked up on this. But he said he was 13 when he was watching Cyber Sunday 2006. This means he's 23, right? Right?
I don't know of anyone has picked up on this. But he said he was 13 when he was watching Cyber Sunday 2006. This means he's 23, right? Right?

On another thread he says he's 17. This just proves my theory that this is BS.
You know, when something's obviously bullshit, usually the fun thing to do is pretend there's a perfectly logical explanation. For instance, there were some years in Shagz'z teens that he would rather forget, so he decided to wipe them off the map completely. We should respect his trans-age transformation.
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