Are you fucking serious, WWE Euroshop!?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
  1. You take two months to get even John Cena's new shirt.
  2. You're adjusted to a ratio I last saw in 2004.
  3. You charge £25 for a fucking t-shirt.
  4. This:


I pay £4.50 for the privilege of three days - minimum, I suspect - delivery and I'll still probably have to collect the fucking thing myself when the postman fails to deliver it.

WWE Euroshop - designed by dumb ***** for dumb *****.

I'll just buy SummerSlam 2009 or something instead. is actually, shock horror, well designed.
I wouldn't be surprised if I bought it and it got delivered to me by trawler. Was a fucking lovely shirt, mind. Maybe I'll cave.
Actually, no, it wasn't that nice. Not nice enough for me to validate moronic business practices at least. I'll just get that SummerSlam BD.
I would have started at "I've grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon's imaginary brass rings" and ended with the first line you have there.
If you wait until the end of the movie, you don't have to have the giant spider.

Should I have posted that in the spoiled thread?

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