Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 CAWs

I took everything off of your WZCW guy, so thats were I got the shoulder tat. I had no idea what u meant when I read it so interpreated lol. Youll see the tights. They are my pride and joy lol. Black, with blue lighting, three "mexican skulls" bunched together, with a black star over the mouth of the one in the for front. more pics comin right up.




That doesn't make it acceptable. Making CAWs isn't the same as it was on the N64. It takes half your day up.

Yeah I know, on the N64 games WM 2000 and No Mercy, you used the same format to make wrestlers like the game developers used to make the roster that was already in the game, so you couldn't tell the difference which wrestlers were CAWs. I don't make any CAWs in SvR 2008 either because:

1. Takes up too much time

2. No matter how much you try, they will never be perfect or look like the wrestlers already on the game

3. Their Entrance music, clothes, and moves are not in the game
That doesn't make it acceptable. Making CAWs isn't the same as it was on the N64. It takes half your day up.

no seriously though. The way its set up is so damn clunky and hard to use. It took me a good 4 hours to make that CAW, just becuase of the different desighns on the pants and jacket. It was absurd.
Wow, finally a good use of somthing Batista related! Hahaha. I don't even know what my CAW looks like anymore, the game suckas, I've bene playing with my Wii lately, not enough time for anything else.
Im on at this time too

what would your theme music be if you were a wrassler? your gettin a CAW on my SVR. How would u like your gimmick to work? Im thinking or making you reminiscent of DDP. Ok with you?

DIAR your getting one to for the same reason.

Wes, you too. You will be Epic Wes in my game. And you will be the choosen one who gets the NWO Wolfpac music.
what would your theme music be if you were a wrassler? your gettin a CAW on my SVR. How would u like your gimmick to work? Im thinking or making you reminiscent of DDP. Ok with you?

How about Vader?

you can put any song for theme music?
Chris Vegas= Vader? mmmmmm....?

And are u a bigger dude?...and yes I can pretty much make any music on the planet ur theme music. O r at least whatever u tell me I can use for guidance...

Im not Vader big but kinda big

Not sure what theme music to use, maybe a rap song
what would your theme music be if you were a wrassler? your gettin a CAW on my SVR. How would u like your gimmick to work? Im thinking or making you reminiscent of DDP. Ok with you?

DIAR your getting one to for the same reason.

Wes, you too. You will be Epic Wes in my game. And you will be the choosen one who gets the NWO Wolfpac music.

I'm getting a CAW on your SVR? Make me look like The Undertaker!
thats pretty much the plan. lots of black. whats your theme music DIAR???

I think I might download Gangrels theme music and give it to you. That would be sick.

I have been using the same gimmick on wrestling games for years, when I was able to upload music into my game via my xbox I always used Ozzy Osbournes No More Tears, or The Undertakers music.


Of course DIAR isn't my name.
well its GONNA be DIAR. Becuase that name dominates. And it fits like a motherfucker with the gangrel music that ive been waiting for an oppurtunity to use.

Whats your finisher?

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