Smackdown Champions Discussion Thread

Khali - What can I say? Doesn't have a clue of what he's doing there. For me he is the indian version of Batista. I love wrestling but a match between these 2 is painful to watch.
contenders: Finlay, kane

MVP - I don't know where wwe found this guy but he is great. Very good on the mic and on the ring. I hope they consider moving him up quickly to the main event scene.
contenders: Hardy, Palumbo

Deuce & Domino - Nothing personal but these guys just don't convice me. They don't have much going for them, but this is an example of the quality of SD!'s tag division.
contenders: NONE

Hornswaggle - Sorry but this is plain disrespect for the title and for the wrestlers. They complain that the CW division has lost influence and they don't know how to explain it. The answer is very simple: allow high-risk moves again. That's what separated the CW from everybody else.
contenders: Chavo, Noble, Yang, Moore




Matt Hardy & MVP

Matt Hardy and MVP defeated Deuce & Domino to become champions, despite their bitter rivalry over MVP's U.S. Title.




Matt Hardy & MVP

Matt Hardy and MVP defeated Deuce & Domino to become champions, despite their bitter rivalry over MVP's U.S. Title.

I think this is a joke giving these guys the gold as they only gave them the gold to add more fuel to their fire. Though I think we could see them lose the gold back to D&D or maybe to Rey and Batista as it seems their team is back on. But this should interesting how WWE plays this out though i doubt they be champs long.




Matt Hardy & MVP

Matt Hardy and MVP defeated Deuce & Domino to become champions, despite their bitter rivalry over MVP's U.S. Title.

Giving them the titles doesn't bother me. It's not like those titles have been of any value since it's inception 5 years ago. It's not like Deuce & Domino are terribly over, or terribly goo. Although I think the way there going to loose the titles is predictable. It will pretty much be a handicap match between D & D vs. Hardy.
KHALI: To me khali is actuall really entertaining. Of course he is not goingto fly aroumd the ring like spot monkey Jeff Hardy, but i think he is the best wwe champ since lesnar. He is really over with the crowd and techinqly he is improving week by week. I hope he has the belt for a while than @ the royal rumble loose it to Batista, who is another exciting contender.
Cont. Batista, Kane, Matt Hardy

MVP: Is horribly over rated. In my opinon he will be gone in a couple of years. There's just a lack of passion that I think he lacks. He'll probably go do movies in a couple of years. He has some talent but i dont think he we'll be the next big thing.

Hornswoggle. Come on. Funny yes. Entertaing yes. More charisma than the other crusierweights(yang, chavo, moore, funaki) yes. Great wrestler no. I think they should either get more contenders or unify it with the us belt.
Cont: Yang, Rey?,

MVP & HARDY: Umm.....dont really care just another team thron together. Hardy drags down whatever charsma mvp has. Matt is he last talented Hardy and is just soo boring to watch.
KHALI: To me khali is actuall really entertaining. Of course he is not goingto fly aroumd the ring like spot monkey Jeff Hardy,

I don't like Jeff Hardy but his Spot Monkey style is 10x more entertaining than a claw,chop,boot,punch etc...You yapped about how horrible Umaga is watch Hardy/Umaga then watch any Khali match...Just pick one and I guarantee you Hrady/Umaga at the GAB beats it. It also stole the show.

How Khali ever stole the show?

Khali can't even speak english so how in the hell is he suppose to be entertaining? Khali matches entertain me by how horrible they really are.

but i think he is the best wwe champ since lesnar. He is really over with the crowd and techinqly he is improving week by week. I hope he has the belt for a while than @ the royal rumble loose it to Batista, who is another exciting contender.
Cont. Batista, Kane, Matt Hardy

:lmao: Are you trying to to get bashed?

MVP: Is horribly over rated. In my opinon he will be gone in a couple of years. There's just a lack of passion that I think he lacks. He'll probably go do movies in a couple of years. He has some talent but i dont think he we'll be the next big thing.

Lack of passion? O Yeah that explains why he was studying tapes of his matches to improve on his wrestling ability and wrestling with a heart problem:rolleyes:.

That explains, why he is in the top 5 mic workers in the WWE.

That explains,Why he is a incredibly talented multiple styled wrestler that improves weekly.

That "talent" you speak of is possibly best talent WWE will have in a few years.

MVP & HARDY: Umm.....dont really care just another team thron together. Hardy drags down whatever charsma mvp has. Matt is he last talented Hardy and is just soo boring to watch.

Matt is an alright wrestler. This builds the feud more so therefore they will make a good tag team. Who else is going to hold the belts? The Majors? Good short time thing that will be interesting to watch. Matt doesn't drag down MVP he's building him up more with another great MVP feud. MVP is getting better and better feud after feud, That's why he will make a hell of a main eventer.
Khali- HA ha, ha.. I laughed when he won the title. He is by far the worst WHC of all time. Hope fully Dave Batista wins the title. Well obviously since no other talent is gonna be holding that title especially when khali is done holding it.
Rey is just to small. But maybe later in the future sometime.

MVP-I just got cheered up from typing his name and remembering that he is the current us champion. Matt hardy isnt that bad to hold the title after MVP. So atleast the us championship is saved.

MVP+Matt Hardy-This aint that bad. It will be if they do something bad with it
Maybe like turning MVP babyface. But i doubt that, figuring that SD lacks heels and has no top heel.

[BHornsWoggle[/B]- Such a useless tittle. I midget holding it!? he dosent even come to smackdown regularly. Noble our next champ is better than this small guy. NOble is good in the ring, no doubt but jimmy wang yang needs the title.
Are you trying to to get bashed?
its his opinion you have no fu#king right to tell him otherwise. If he thinks that batista is entertaining (this has no reason that i like him as well) then thats him. Not you.

khali- He's a fu#king joke. He does like 2 moves and can't even walk. There is no reason for him to even come near the WHC. I really don't care who gets the title but him.

MVP- I'd rather have Matt Hardy have the title.

MVP & MATT- its the dumbest thing that the wwe creative team could have done with these titles. They did the same thing on RAW with Cetard & HBK and that was total BS.

HornsWoggle- could care less



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.
Well I'm not watching SD! anymore, I can't stand Batista, ever since the one surgery, since he came back he's been awful and very disappointing, he doesn't deserve the title at all...I'd rather see Funaki win the title...too bad he got suspended for steroids...



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

Meh, It was coming sooner or later. Might as well have it now while Edge is out even thought I think it should have been done at SummerSlam.. It's amazing how he keeps sticking around in the main event spots for a whole year and doesn't win it back until now. I'm sure Khali will still be right in the mix for awhile, More than likely a Triple Threat rematch at No Mercy.

Either way, We'll probaly get another shit reign with Edge returning wanting gold and getting a shot around the Royal Rumble. I thought it made more sense to have Khali retain to get the feud with Taker with him winning it back but O Well.

It was just a matter of time.



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

Well this was not a shocker as from what we saw at Unforgiven Taker will be back in the title hunt. Looks like WWE will want to go back to the Tista/Taker feud that they were having. But having Batista as champion is so they could switch things up some. I can see Khlai and Rey wnating shots as well. I say 4 way at No Mercy with Tista/Rey/Taker and Khali. But tista as champion is just to change this as Khali is worse than Batista and thats not saying much.



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

I really dont see the point in putting the title back on Batista. He has hardly set wrestling alight with his previous two reigns. And ultimatley he'll be dropping it again to either Edge or Taker. Couldn't Khali have dropped it to Taker? Then they can still promote a Taker/Batista HIAC which I think is what they'll do at No Mercy. It was supposed to take place at J.D. after all.



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

Look,it was either Dave or Khali.And i'd rather have Dave.Maybe he'll turn heel,have a mini-fued with Rey,& then drop the title to Taker at Cyber Sunday.I doubt they'll have the H.I.A.C match at No Mercy.WWE has a habit of not both of the major World Titles change hands on the same night.Orton will win at No Mercy,so Taker wont be put in that kind of match to lose.This might evenb drag on till Survivor Series.Conside rthe fact that Edge was named in the whole steriod scandal.It wouldnt make sense for the WWE to push back his return,especially with the crappy SD! roster.But I'm sure a s punishment,he wont hold the WHC till after WM24



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

Ok I can see where WWE is going with this... I think. It was clear at the end of Unforgiven that Taker wants the title. However Khali will most likley have a rematch. So I'm thinking possibly another Triple Threat or something, but for now Batista is champion yet again. Bottom line for me is with Rey returned and now Taker SD! in general is looking much better then it did a month or two ago. I'm thinking Batista will turn out to be more of a place holder.
I could see Teddy Long making a #1 contenders match between Khali & Taker maybe throw in Rey or just have Rey & Batista having a non-title fued while the #1 contenders match is going on. if they wanna turn Batista heel they could do it against Rey easily.
Chavo should have been the one to win the world title in the 20 man battle royal, and he and Rey could have fought for it at susequent Pay Per Views. Get rid of the tag titles and the cruiserweight titles and bring in the hardcore and european titles so every one has a chance at a title.
Chavo should have been the one to win the world title in the 20 man battle royal, and he and Rey could have fought for it at susequent Pay Per Views. Get rid of the tag titles and the cruiserweight titles and bring in the hardcore and european titles so every one has a chance at a title.

Where on earth are you getting your ideas? Chavo as a World Champion, destroying the Tag Titles & Cruiserweight Titles to bring back the Hardcore & European?!

Number one, how is destroying the Tag Team Championships giving more room for everyone to have a chance at a title? If anything, any two people can team up & become champs.. as opposed to just one person being the champ.

Secondly, the European Championship would be so undershadowed to the U.S. Title it isn't even funny, & the Cruiserweight Championship gives hope to a lot of guys that wouldn't even be considered for any other title.

And regarding the Hardcore Championship, if you even mention bringing it back to reinstate the 24/7 rule, that way everyone can get a chance at being Champion.. that rule single-handedly destroyed any credibility that Championship ever had.



Batista defeated The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat Match at Unforgiven to once again become World Heavyweight Champion.

IMO this is a terrible move, Batista is very boring and i believe he is just holding on until Edge comes back or until Taker wants his shot. I do not get this whatsoever. I believe it would have made more sense by having Khali drop it to Taker. Batista is just holding onto for a bit anyways. Its terrible how he stuck around the main event picture for a while because he is horrible in all aspects of wrestling. This title reign will be boring like his other two and it will only be a matter of time before Taker or Edge have the belt back, but i see Taker getting it back
IMO this is a terrible move, Batista is very boring and i believe he is just holding on until Edge comes back or until Taker wants his shot. I do not get this whatsoever. I believe it would have made more sense by having Khali drop it to Taker. Batista is just holding onto for a bit anyways. Its terrible how he stuck around the main event picture for a while because he is horrible in all aspects of wrestling. This title reign will be boring like his other two and it will only be a matter of time before Taker or Edge have the belt back, but i see Taker getting it back

Defenitely this was a poor move on the part of the WWE I think Rey mysterio would have been a better choice to win the title not because he deserves it more but it would make a better return feud for edge when he gets the title back because we all saw and hated Edge vs Batista and Edge Vs mysterio is something we'd all like to see and would be a better feud. I think Batista will drop it to Edge and the Rated R era will continue and I dont see Taker getting the belt until wrestlemania in what looks like potentially his last wrestlemania.
I disagree. Everyone hates Khali, and lots of fans love batista just because, well, he's batista. I would rather see Batista as champion, he is a good wrestler, and talented. He has potential to make some 'A' main events in pay per views, No Mercy being a good chance for batista to prove himself once again as champion. Of course, Undertaker/Edge/Rey will eventually take it from Batista, but that is common sense, and if you didn't realize this, you aren't watching WWE properly.
I would rather see Batista as champion, he is a good wrestler, and talented. He has potential to make some 'A' main events in pay per views,

If I had to choose between him and Khali Id defenitely rather have Batista as chapion. however I defenitely dont think Batista is even close to a good wrestler or talented Triple H went all out for him and they only had a decent match and Edge couldnt even get a good match out of him I defenitely dont think hes good enough to carry smackdown
Remember, Triple H is one of the best in the industry, a legend walking. You can't compare legends with just good wrestlers, it doesn't work, and you end up expecting too much from the 'good' wrestlers. What you have just done. Have you seen Batista vs Undertaker back at Backlash in the Last Man Standing match? Batista was on fire, and all the way till the end I loved it. It was the best match at Backlash in my opinion. Batista has the ability to be a huge main eventer, they just have to stop trying to make him the next goldberg, and simply make him the man that the Smackdown fans love.
WHC: Batista. Boring. Everytime Khali tries to put vice grip on Batista, Batista always seems to struggle to out power out of that and when Khali enters the ring, Batista seems to get the upper hand with a few kicks here, a few slaps there and then spears him and does his animal chant. Contenders: Edge, Matt Hardy, Kane, Undertaker, The Great Khali, M.V.P, Rey Mysterio, Mark Henry, Finlay, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Ric Flair, JBL?
It would be ironic for Flair to win the title from Batista at WM24 and then retire as champion, then have a king of the ring tournament to determine the next champion after WM.

US Title: M.V.P. Boring! He is a punk who disrespects everyone except JBL who is the biggest moron on the show, Michael Cole needs to stop being so soft on JBL and start talking back towards him. Contenders: Everyone but the Majors, Daltons, Paul Burchill, Dave Taylor, Shanno Moore, the divas, Hardcore Holly, Jamie Noble, and Little Bastard Hornswoggle

WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Deuce & Domino. (Soon to be) Boring, need to have more tag teams who can go along with D, D, and C to take risks. Tag Team division is dead, they need to go back to the 90's and see how their tag teams happened. Contenders: Majors, Daltons, ???

Crusierweight: Hornswoggle. Funny, but not cruserweight. Bring Super Crazy back, Juventud, Kid Kash, Ultimo Dragon, Chavo, Rey Mysterio, bring back all of the classic cruserweights like Tajiri, London and Kendrick, and more. Take more risks instead of irish wipping your oponent all of the time.

Bring back Stone Cold, the Rock, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, all of the superstars who went from WWE to TNA and have some star power. I miss Rikishi, Angle, CC, and others like Tomko.

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