Saunter with Coco and GD w/ special guest MRC

I'm looking to expand my horizons in terms of WWE developmental and international stuff. I doubt I'll be watching full shows, so I'll need match suggestions. Remix, I need you to assemble the foremost minds on this matter for my education.

If you're wondering what brought this on, it's two things. One is my growing appreciation of the International Airstrike (one NXT match and SmackDown last night and I'm already hooked) and Damien Sandow. The second is my realization that Spanish commentary, which I don't understand a word of, makes the WWE product much more palatable. If I can stomach Spanish commentary, I can stomach puro.
International Airstrike's match on Smackdown last night was pretty fantastic, I was bummed when they lost. I'm surprised you're just getting into Sandow now, he's been enjoyable for weeks, if not months now.
I've been into him since day one, but I've been trying to keep it in my pants. It's always embarrassing to have to go public and then change my feelings later. I needed to know that it was real.
I've been into him since day one, but I've been trying to keep it in my pants. It's always embarrassing to have to go public and then change my feelings later. I needed to know that it was real.

I did that with Ziggler. I used to be like the rest of these sheep and be all gung-ho about him, but then I realized he's really not that good.
I want to like him. I really do. I'm just utterly cold to him. Smarks bend over backards to rationalize his greatness. But I doubt many of them feel it.

I'll tolerate him at a high level because he can put on adequate matches with guys I like. And because my ire won't solve anything. But there's nothing special about him.
I'm looking to expand my horizons in terms of WWE developmental and international stuff. I doubt I'll be watching full shows, so I'll need match suggestions. Remix, I need you to assemble the foremost minds on this matter for my education.

Internationally, I can't be much help. My puro knowledge is limited to "super jrs are fun to watch". Outside of Japan I've watched enough PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) stuff to recommend his WWP work. Misson is probably a better guy to ask.

FCW wise, I can help. To repeat myself, Justin Angel/Gabriel was stupidly consistent in FCW. Outside of his first couple of matches (which were squashes) he didn't really have any bad ones. The ones that are certainly worth watching are Vs Kaval (for my money the best FCW match full stop), vs Leo Kruger (both) and Vs Heath Slater (half hour 2/3 falls) but outside of the first two and maybe vs Tarver they're all worth seeing. TJ Wilson vs Kawal is great, and he put on a clinic with DH Smith. Speaking of Smith, he had a good match with Drew McIntyre that's worth seeing.

More recently, both Leo Kruger and Damien Sandow were consistently very good. Any of Sandow's matches that aren't tag matches are usually pretty good (you also get to see him develop from "colonel" to "angry guy" to what he is now). His best match was probably vs Rotundo. Kruger had a great run once he came back from injury. He had some short matches that were far better than they had any right to be. His first match vs Bo Rotundo (well, his second, but his first was three minutes long and not really counted for that reason. Kruger did take a bump that's scary in hindsight though. Essentially, an Implant Buster with a broken neck. Yeah) is worth seeing (though his other matches against Bo weren't as good, so you may want to skil them). He had a lot of subpar matches as champion (and a fairly shit reign because Bo's injury fucked up their plans leaving Kruger with no direction for months), but vs Sandow was good, vs Leakee was very good when you consider how fucking green the man is, and his matches vs Mike Dalton are pretty much the only reason people think Dalton's anything above average. Other than the ones I've specifically mentioned, if you don't know who the guy he's wrestling is (and if you do know who they are, but you don't know if he's any good), and the match is longer than about 5 minutes, don't bother watching.

Bray Wyatt's squashes are amazing if you're into him.

There's also the FCW 15 title, which due to its nature produced a lot of good matches.

If you're wondering what brought this on, it's two things. One is my growing appreciation of the International Airstrike (one NXT match and SmackDown last night and I'm already hooked) and Damien Sandow. The second is my realization that Spanish commentary, which I don't understand a word of, makes the WWE product much more palatable. If I can stomach Spanish commentary, I can stomach puro.

Well, International Airstrike consists of two consistently outstanding wrestlers and Sandow's been awesome for quite some time before his callup. So what do you expect?

I'd have gotten to this sooner but I was baking/eating a treacle tart.
I want to like him. I really do. I'm just utterly cold to him. Smarks bend over backards to rationalize his greatness. But I doubt many of them feel it.

I'll tolerate him at a high level because he can put on adequate matches with guys I like. And because my ire won't solve anything. But there's nothing special about him.

Ziggler, Sandow and others.
Speaking of Ziggler and FCW. Here's a video featuring an old school version of both. Now with added Jerichohol.

I want to like him. I really do. I'm just utterly cold to him. Smarks bend over backards to rationalize his greatness. But I doubt many of them feel it.

I'll tolerate him at a high level because he can put on adequate matches with guys I like. And because my ire won't solve anything. But there's nothing special about him.

These are roughly my feelings. What really bothers me is how everyone touts his selling ability when there's really nothing special about it. He's fantastic at overselling, and while that's fun, seeing a guy do a double back slip after being hit with a lariat doesn't really do much to add to an allegedly real fight. In my opinion good selling is like good film music: it's at its best when you can't even tell that it's there.
These are roughly my feelings. What really bothers me is how everyone touts his selling ability when there's really nothing special about it. He's fantastic at overselling, and while that's fun, seeing a guy do a double back slip after being hit with a lariat doesn't really do much to add to an allegedly real fight. In my opinion good selling is like good film music: it's at its best when you can't even tell that it's there.

If I may be biased for a moment, I really like Gabriel's selling. Dude's one of far too few who'll sell a body part while he's on offence.

Sandow's a good at selling too. He adds just the right amount of overselling to make a move look devastating, but not so much that he's like Ziggler who takes it too far.
Ah, Leo Kruger. He did this absurd promo on NXT a few weeks back. Did something with his tooth. I laughed more than I ought to have.
Yeah. That was weird. I've seen him cut a promo where he puts on lipstick and thought that was the oddest promo from him I've seen. But hey, it's a gimmick and he hasn't had one of those in years.
Just finished Flooded. Missed After Life and Spiral because Much doesn't know how to change their programming schedule without skipping over some previously scheduled stuff. Pretty sure I didn't miss much with After Life.

Also, in spite of being removed from the credits, I hope Giles is back for good. But I doubt it.
Finished Life Serial. Please tell me Jonathan and his goons aren't the big bads for the season.
Finished Life Serial. Please tell me Jonathan and his goons aren't the big bads for the season.

They are for most of the season, but then something happens late to create the ultimate big bad for the last few episodes of it. Either people really, really love it, or they really, really hate it. I personally thought it was awesome at first, but then the last two episodes of the season went too far with it and I ended up hating it.

And you're only an episode away until Once More, with Feeling. Prepare yourself to be blown away.
Tabula Rasa is a fun follow up episode as well. Aside from the fact I actually like the running story, there is so many good stand-alone episodes in series 6 that I couldn't personally condemn it as a bad season.

Say you're happy now, once more with feeling.
OMWF easily cracks my top ten. Not that there was any doubt.

I also watched Serenity for the first time this morning. I'm really on Whedon kick.
I also watched Serenity for the first time this morning. I'm really on Whedon kick.

I saw that for the first time during the summer. I also watched Firefly beforehand. I'm not a big Sci-Fi fan, but I loved every second of the show and film.
Of course a film being a different animal than a television show, it's clear a whole lot of fantastic stuff got cut from Serenity. Still, I should be thankful I got that much. The graphic novels next, methinks.

Oh, and you're right, everyone: My new sig is probably my best evah.
Also, JMT: Any idea on when we might end up seeing Whedon's Much Ado? The press release from last year says it's fancy. I like fancy things.
Oh, and you're right, everyone: My new sig is probably my best evah.

You and your damn Remington Steele, lol.

I think the avatar really suits you though.

Also, JMT: Any idea on when we might end up seeing Whedon's Much Ado? The press release from last year says it's fancy. I like fancy things.

According to Wiki, it'll be officially released July 19, 2013.
Of course a film being a different animal than a television show, it's clear a whole lot of fantastic stuff got cut from Serenity. Still, I should be thankful I got that much. The graphic novels next, methinks.

Oh, and you're right, everyone: My new sig is probably my best evah.

I think the first two feel kinda rushed, and not all that great, but it does fill a gap and satisfy an insatiable need. The Shepherd Book one is ace.

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