Saunter with Coco and GD w/ special guest MRC

Everything you just said mean the gimmick os being done well.

Dashing Cody Rhodes made you want to punch him.

Tyler Breeze makes me uncomfortable about my sexuality and change the channel to Duck Dynasty.

That's like The Miz heel argument, in saying "You're supposed to think he's terrible and want to not watch him!"

That being said, his fucking entrance and iPhone selfie during a match gimmicks are amazing.

Stupid sexy Breeze.
You're no longer invisible. Joy to the world. Been ages since you took off your cloak. I presume.

Edit: What the fuck. One is Coco the other is Coco the Monkey. I scream baffletwatz.

2nd Edit: I see. It's Dissarray. Clever. I was fooled. Chalk me up. I was fooled in that other thread too. I tripped out.
Now Dagger has given me a warning for telling him that his post was not gay enough. Apparently afford ring to him that was using the word gay in a negative way. This tyrant needs to be stopped.
I just picked up on a signal from a cute exchange student from England.

Unfortunately, the signal was sent well over a year ago.

Hate when that happens.

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