Marquis Championship Wrestling.

MCW World Heavyweight Champion- Jake
MCW Retro Champion- Jonny B
MCW King Of The Jungle Champion- Vacated. Whoever wins between CCS and Timmy the Lion will go on to face a 800 pound gorilla to crown a new champion.
MCW Women's Champion- Vacated. Jane and Becca will eventually square off to crown a new champion.
Its time for another edition of MCW!

We open the show with yet another SFAC talent showcase!

In the ring already is local wrestler dice9211 who we will refer to as Dice.

*La Vittoria è Mia hits* And coming down the ramp is none other then the heart and soul of the SFAC M_F!

M_F Vs. Dice9211-M_F slips into the ring, bell rings match begins! Dice trying to get an upper hand goes for a clothesline as soon as the bell rings. M_F ducks under his arm, then precedes to wrap his hands around Dice's waist. M_F hits a German suplex! Dice lands hard right on the back of his neck, and then falls to the canvas. Almost immediately M_F goes up to the turnbuckle and lands an elbow drop right on Dices gut. Instead of getting up, M_F lays there to attempt to get the 3 count. 1.....2... Dice kicks out! M_F realizes that Dice is a lot more durable then expected. M_F picks up Dice off the ground and lands a scoop slam on him. M_F then precedes to go up the turnbuckle yet again. This time it looks like hes going for a diving headbutt! As M_F is about to jump off the turnbuckle, Dice rolls out of the way! M_F not having jump off the turnbuckle yet, takes advantage of Dices mistake of rolling out of the way too soon, and lands a diving spear on Dice! M_F goes for the cover...1....2......3!


*Backstage we see Jake and his cronies watching M_F's match on a tv*

Jake: These grotty Santino fans may prove more of a problem then expected. I have to worry about these eejits along with that other eejit Sparky.

Jake: Sam fetch Jonny. Looks like you two have a couple of things to take care

It is now time for our next bout of the evening! Winner of this match will go on to challenge a 800 pound gorilla for the MCW King Of The Jungle Championship

Titantron goes on and we see CCS having a stare down with Timmy the Lion in the middle of a jungle.

CCS VS. Timmy The Lion- TM roars and the match begins! CCS and Timmy start circling each other anticipating who will make the first move. CCS keeping his cool awaits for Timmy to make the first move. Timmy obviously starting to get aggravated, attempts to pounce on CCS! But CCS ready for this rolls out of the way, and starts moving back till his back hits a giant boulder. Again Timmy attempts to pounce on CCS, and again CCS rolls out of the way, but this time Timmy lands face first against the boulder CCS’s back hit. Timmy clearly in pain from the brutal face smash he took, Does not notice CCS pacing back a few feet. CCS starts charging directly at Timmy, Landing a huge shoulder block right on the side of Timmy's rib cage. Timmy falls to his side, CCS then precedes to start stomping on top of Timmy's rib cage. Relentless in his stomping, CCS shows no sign of stopping. Timmy gathering all his strength somehow manages to posture up to his side, and lands a huge claw swipe on the leg CCS was using to stomp on his rib. Ripping a good chunk of meat off CCS's left leg, CCS drops to his back and starts screaming in agony! Timmy attempts to getup to end it, but to no avail. The damage has been done and CCS's stomping broke Timmy's rib cage. CCS although in agony sees Timmy is also in immense pain. CCS stops his crying and decides he must end this somehow. CCS with the help of a tree finally manages to get off the floor. He grabs a rock from the ground and starts limping towards Timmy. Timmy knows CCS is gonna try clobber him with the rock to end it, So with all his strength manages to get up. Both only a few inches away from each yet hardly able to move. Give each other a stare. They stare at each other for a few seconds waiting for the slightest signal or opening. A tucan flys by, and Timmy moves in for a maul! CCS obviously not able to move out of the way fast enough cause of his leg, throws the rock in his hand right at Timmy's eye! Timmy starts roaring in pain, giving CCS enough time to pick up another rock. As Timmy finally stops roaring and attempts to set his focus back on CCS, as soon as he turns around to set his one good eye on CCS, He eats yet another rock to his other eye! Now blinded and with a shattered rib cage, Clearly CCS has the advantage. CCS being quite skilled at throwing his voice. Starts taunting Timmy,and attempts to lead Timmy away from him and into a nearby cliff. Timmy obviously relying on his ears and giving in to CCS's taunts precedes to fall off the cliff!!!!

Winner due to death of opponent- CCS!

From a far an 800 pound gorilla can be seen glaring at CCS. If CCS barely survived this encounter with a lion can he survive a fight with a gorilla? Only god knows, Meaning CCS should have a rough idea who the victor will be.

Anyway! Slyfox is in the ring and has something to say(Shocker)

Slyfox: Last week me and Tdigle were in the middle of a debate that i was clearly winning

*Crowd Boo's*

Slyfox But that fool Ricky had to interfere during my Debate. Ricky just can't handle the fact that i know more then him about religion and spirituality.

*Steel Steps start shaking*

*As Slyfox is about to open his mouth, Suddenly Someone pops out from under the steel steps*

Yes its non other then MCW resident theologist Ricky "The Enlightened One" Mavia! He has a mic in hand!

Ricky: Slyfox, You dare say your knowledge of theology is vaster then The Ricky Mavia's, then The Enlightened one!

*Ricky stares at Sly and lifts his eyebrow*

Slyfox: Well uh.....

Ricky: *Ricky interrupt Sly* It doesn't matter what your about to say! Ricky has had enough of you insinuating such ludicrous things.

*Ricky slips into the ring*

*Slyfox looks nervous*

Ricky: Ring the damn bell! Its time for the enlightened one to enlighten you Slyfox!

*Bell Rings*

Ricky "The Enlightened One" Mavia Vs. Slyfox As soon as the bell rings, Ricky starts charging at Slyfox with a clothesline. Slyfox being nervous and unprepared gets smacked across the neck by a devastating clothesline that sends him straight to the mat hard. Ricky clearly not very happy gives Slyfox no time to recuperate, and precedes to stomp on his chest. The stomps are so powerful the whole ring shakes a bit. Slyfox starts holding his chest clearly indicating hes in immense pain, but The Enlightened One does not feel sympathy for Slyfox. Ricky picks Slyfox up by his head and locks him up in a front face lock. Ricky is clearly going for a DDT. As Ricky begins to do the motions of a DDT, Slyfox punches blindly right at Ricky's groin! But to the stupid blind referee who thanks to IC's no health plan policy it seemed like a gut a punch to him! Thus not disqualifying Slyfox. Ricky drops to his knee, clearly his groin is in deep pain. Slyfox taking advantage of the situation, runs to the ropes, bounces off it and preforms a running neck snap on Ricky! Ricky's face lands hard on the canvas. Slyfox seeing he has the upperhand, knows his best chance to end it would be now. Slyfox picks up Ricky off the ground, and attempts to put him on top of his shoulders. Slyfox seems to be having a hard time putting the much more heavier Ricky on his shoulders, but finally is able to. As Slyfox starts roaring signaling hes gonna Fireman Carry Ricky straight to the Canvas with all his might. Ricky suddenly starts elbowing Sly at his temple! One elbow, two elbows, and the third one knocks Slyfox out cold! Slyfox falls to the mat with Ricky falling on top of him! As Ricky gets off of Slyfox, he raises his fist to the air, and looks at the crowd! Hes feeling it and so is the crowd! Ricky runs to the rope, bounces off it, jumps over Slyfox, bounces off the rope on the other side, stops in front Slyfox's body, and lands a huge elbow across Sly's neck! Ricky not bothering to getup after the elbow he lands. Stays on top of Sly to see if he can get the count.1.....2......3!!!!!!

Winner-Ricky Mavia!!!!

*Ricky makes his way out of the ring and heads backstage*

*Spunky comes in and carries Slyfox's Body to the back* What the hell does Spunky do with all these bodies?

*Titantron turns on and we see IC's office*

*IC is about to address the crowd*
IC: We are having budget problems here at MCW. Some blame it on me poorly wasting money on such things like a diamond stud jacket. Or it could be the real reason. That we pay Spunky too much money! But I'm a fair a man and won't fire nor take away from Spunky's paycheck. Instead we will introduce a *Your Bant!!!!!!* match here at MCW. A lucky person of my choosing gets to take on a wrestler of my choosing. Loser has to leave MCW in order to clear up our budget. Winner, well.... They get to shake my hand! Anyway if you turn your attention to the ring you can see one of today's participants TheShakAttack! And his foe for tonight, that's a surprise....

*Titantron goes off*

*Suddenly lights in the arena turn off*

*Lights come back. There's now another person in the ring besides TheShakAttack!

Its non other then The C.M!

*Crowd marks the fuck out*

But how did IC afford the C.M to show up at MCW? C.M probably lost a poker match... Anyway!

The C.M Vs. TheShakAttack in a "Your Bant!!" Match- Bell rings, and Shak instantly starts charging at The C.M! As Shak is about to make contact with C.M's body, C.M steps aside and trips the Shak! Shak Trips and lands neck first in between the ropes. Shak clearly tangled up in the ropes unable to free himself is stuck! The C.M paces himself as far as he can from The Shak, and precedes to start running at Shak, and lands a 89124(His version of the 6.1.9)! SHak goes flying from in between the ropes and lands hard in the center of the ring. C.M then springboards off the rope and lands a bodysplash on Shak, but instead of going for the cover it looks like he wants to make an example out of Shak. C.M grabs shaks head and picks him up. C.M than places Shak's head in between his legs. Shak clearly out of it slumps while in between The C.M's legs. C.M precedes to open up his left palm, and turns his right hand into a fist. C.M then smacks his right hand vertically on top of his left palm. signifying a hammer hitting something! C.M then precedes to hit a flipping piledriver!! He calls it the Auto-Ban! C.M lays out Shak and goes for the cover....1.....2.....3!! Stick a slash across his name hes bant!

Winner-The C.M!

*Lights go out*

*They come back on, and The C.M is gone*

Spunky comes in, and carries the TheShakAttacks corpse to the back.

After a few minutes the Titantron goes on. It seems like its about to play a vigilante(or whatever you call them).

*Screen goes black*

*In white letters the words KB comes on screen*

* Then the words A Winner*

*We see a basketball court*

A huge mastodon is seen at half court. Big yet has an athletic body has a basketball in hand, and precedes to turn around. This KB fellow throws the ball over his head from half court, and lands it in the hoop! We hear this KB character screaming


*Screen goes black again*

*We now see KB siting on a bench with a lady sitting across from him. Both have cups of water in there hands*

As both start gulping down water, Kb finishes his cup a water first and yet again screams

* I"M A WINNER!!!!*

But that isn't enough for KB, he challenges the poor lady yet again!

As they both start gulping down water it seems like the lady might beat Beat KB this time! KB cannot allow that!!

KB spits out his water, and then slaps the cup of water out of the ladies hand. Precedes to slap her across the face, sending 4 of her teeth flying out of her mouth!

*The lady on the floor in pain, Kb stands over her and screams"


*Screen goes black, and the words "KB born a winner" come up on screen*

One has to wonder where IC finds these people.....

Anyway! commercial break!(I'll post the rest tomorrow or perhaps later)

As usual any feedback is welcomed.

King of the Jungle champion bichez

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