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Saunter with Coco and GD w/ special guest MRC

I remember I had absolutely no Whedon experience before I started watching Firefly, so his callous attitude towards his characters lives came as a bit of a surprise. I imagine Buffy and Angel are a bit of a revolving door in that respect.
Speaking of Buffy, Hell's Bells might be one of my least favourite episodes of a show I love. Oh, I get why

Xander and Anya broke up. Made complete sense. I just don't think it played well at all. The brawling initiated by Xander's cartoon character family, no thought given to Xander challenging the false prophecy of doom, it just all felt off. There could have been a good episode here, but it didn't have the weight I felt it ought have.

Make me see this different, jmt. 'Cause while I've liked some of this season's sillier episodes, this is not one of those cases.
I wish I could Coco, but I didn't like it either. Honestly, I don't think there was a single episode that revolved around Xander's character that I did like. I was just not a fan of the guy.

What'd you think of Doublemeat Palace? That's pretty much regarded by most fans as the worst episode in the show's history.

And have you seen Normal Again yet? It's the episode after Hell's Bells. Easily my favorite episode of season 6 besides Once More, With Feeling (Seeing Red and Villains are the only other two episodes from the season that I remember really enjoying as well).
I remember I had absolutely no Whedon experience before I started watching Firefly, so his callous attitude towards his characters lives came as a bit of a surprise. I imagine Buffy and Angel are a bit of a revolving door in that respect.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar. :'(
I wish I could Coco, but I didn't like it either. Honestly, I don't think there was a single episode that revolved around Xander's character that I did like. I was just not a fan of the guy.
We're not on the same page at all. I love The Zeppo.

What'd you think of Doublemeat Palace? That's pretty much regarded by most fans as the worst episode in the show's history.
I loved it. Just like Beer Bad, I got far more entertainment out of it than the fans led me to believe I would. The devoted fandom seems to turn "not great" into "unredeemable."

And have you seen Normal Again yet? It's the episode after Hell's Bells. Easily my favorite episode of season 6 besides Once More, With Feeling (Seeing Red and Villains are the only other two episodes from the season that I remember really enjoying as well).
Normal Again will be airing on Much More later today. Thoughts to come.
I enjoyed it. The idea that it was getting harder and harder to keep the fantasy going, that basically ret-conning Dawn into things made the fantasy more difficult to accept, that she continues with the fantasy out of attachment to the people in it, those are all interesting ideas. How they explained the season five finale was also quite clever. The idea that Buffy's story is also a form of escapism for a mentally-ill Buffy is a good idea. And as the episode where Buffy finally chooses life, it was ambitious in ways it didn't really need to be. I took a lot of it as a commentary on the state of the show, the writers' and fans' attachment to it, and the role that fantasy/entertainment as a whole serve for its fans. It's worthy of some degree of discussion, certainly.

All of that said, I'm not sure if it's my second favourite episode of the season for now. As things stand, I'd take Tabula Rasa, As You Were, and Older and Far Away over it in a heartbeat. Maybe even Doublemeat Palace, as I have a soft spot for that kind of silliness. So all things considered, there's been enough good stuff in season six that it hasn't been the total waste of time I'd been led to believe it would be.

*Edit* Oh, and in case you're curious, no, I don't think it's meant to be interpreted that the entire show takes place in Buffy's head. Considering that Angel exists in the same universe largely independent of Buffy, I refuse to accept that it could really all be part of her psychosis.
Best WWE Star- Zig ZagsSorry Cody
Best Non-WWE International Star (reason these two are separate is so that smaller feds deserve a shot as well, so much fragmentation though)-Willie Mack
Best Female Wrestler-Glama
Best Tag Team-Hell No( Why? Get them in a good non WWE match they would work so well togethter
Best on the Mic-Tie(Punk, Jericho, Cabana, JBL)
Best Comeback-JBL. Bringing excitement to the commentary
Best Gimmick-Anger Management
Most Improved-Zig Zags
Fall From Grace-Swags
Angle of the Year-Seven Stages of Hate Cabana/Adam Pierce
WWE Match of the Year-Anything with Zags
Non-WWE International Match of the Year- Tie (Cabana/Pierce, Scorpio Sky/ Willie Mack)
Best Feud-Cabana/Pierce. One of their matches force NWA not to sanction it and led to NWA Hollywood changing it's name
Best PPV-MitB
Worst Angle of the Year-Cena/Rock, Cena/Brock,HHH/Brock
Worst On-Screen Performer of the Year-Cena
Most Underutilized Performer- Brian Cage
Worst Moment That Made You Feel Wahjah-Ryback screwjob

Enjoy that.
Coco, I remember you asking about this film sometime back. The first trailer has been released....

Why do most placement agency websites seem to have a picture of some sneering bitch? As if job hunting didn't sting bad enough for a guy who just completed his education in the oh-so-useful liberal arts.
You'll be alright, Coco. Just remain persistent and open-minded and something will eventually land in your lap. It might seem hopeless at times for a bit here, but try to be optimistic and positive, and the hunt/wait won't be so bad.
I've been a graduate for a week now and I don't have a job yet. I've abandoned all hope of getting hired by someone and have decided to start my own company. What sounds better, DP Productions, and Jew and a Half Men?
Sounds a little sexist if you ask me.

Should be named Hebrew Hammer and the Burning Bush. Equal gender rights
You'll be alright, Coco. Just remain persistent and open-minded and something will eventually land in your lap. It might seem hopeless at times for a bit here, but try to be optimistic and positive, and the hunt/wait won't be so bad.

You're fucked.
...And back to square one I go.

Not sure what all this "Extreme Rules is probably going to suck" talk I'm hearing from JGlass' thread is about. I can't remember the last time I outright thought a WWE PPV was a chore to watch. Sure, those last two matches at Mania kind of hurt. But that doesn't mean I wrote the event off as a wholly negative experience. Weekly television is a drag. But that hasn't impeded my enjoyment of big events.
Everything about it is "meh, ill just find out what happened tomorrow"

The shell of Ryback wont beat Cena for the title. They have fucked THAT up about as badly as possible. Obviously no one will be beating Ziggler for the WHC.

My only even slight intrigue is seeing the ay the Shield is booked on the show.
Whoever saw all the dollar signs Ryback could generate and said "No, thanks" ought to join me in the bread line.
Heel turn was....A fair enough idea, if the brandsplit is going away the way it has.

Making him your typical wwe hee, not so much. the entire reason that match is cool is because Ryback is an unstoppable predator. Orrrr not so much. Not now.
Extreme Rules lost a lot of its appeal for me when the World Title match was changed. I was really looking forward to that; it was going to be absolutely nuts with not just the wrestlers, but all mayhem the people "outside" the ring would have caused. I had no doubt it was going to be an insane, really fun match.

Swagger/Del Rio's chemistry together is very underrated, but still... it's a major step down from the originally booked match for me.

I also despise this Lesnar/HHH storyline with every fiber in my being and could not care less about their cage match against one another.

I also hate Ryback.

Seeing The Shield maybe winning all those titles will be cool though, so that's one thing to look forward to, but the pay-per-view as a whole, I don't think it has any chance of living up to the high expectations we have set for this show to have with the last 2 year's shows being as great as they were.

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