The adoption went through

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
For months I have been looking for my heir. Millions have applied. Ever since I lost tim to ... hey where is Tim? Doesn't matter. anyways, back to the millions. Deadman is gone, Bradthegreat is gone, and JKO passed away. but of those who survived, one was left to claim the throne. After putting up a final test, Jane has passed.

As my heir, Jane will receive my empire when I die. All of my rep (27,000 points), posts (almost 2000), vCash (500ish), friends (Miko), lovers (Paul Gross and Ms. TM), intel (the location of FromTheNorth), championships (Prediction Contest Tag Team Championship), efeds (CCW, HCW), leagues (DL, RR, SS), free range of my Santino avatar, my WZCW character (TKane), my Arcade Record (even though it didn't display it for Snake), title in the SFAC as Vice President, my title of Gamemaster, my position in the Puppy thread, the ability to saunter with GD and Coco, with special appearances by MRC, my hacker, my Mexican citizenship, and anything else I aquired on the WZ forums.

I... I don't even know what to say...

All my life I've been looking for my true place in the world... and I just never thought I'd ever get the chance to be somebody. But now... my life has a true meaning. And I just can't even begin to contemplate this all...

Thank you so much TM. :icon_sad: I have tears in my eyes... this is just so amazing.

I think a celebration is in order!

TM, as a token of appreciation, I present to you this bottle of the finest alcohol in the world!

Everyone is so jealous of Jane and his new Empire.

It's alright. I understand. I'd wish I was me, too.
I'm just so proud! Like... despite all of the adversary it's Jane and TM till the end!

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