Ryder's Pokemon Thread

I actually did a game where I can use each pokemon center once. I couldn't use status cure items except for berries. It was pretty hard but I did it in ruby.
You many only ever have 6 Pokemon maximum. No exceptions. If you need a HM slave to progress you've got to release one of your current team.

You can only use one pokeball per catch attempt.

You may not use any vitamins or EV boosting items

You may not force an evolution using an item

You may not use TMs at all
Just stormed through Silph Co, although I got a bit of a nasty surprise in the form of my rival, whose Pokemon stats had improved by at least 25% since our last meeting and were up to 15 levels higher than many of the Rockets. I don't remember that being the case in Red so I assume that it is an upgrade for FireRed.

Still managed to defeat him without any casualties but not without a healthy dose of luckl, such as his Alakazam using Future Sight every turn when a Psybeam/Psychic would have defeated my Fearow. Also had a pretty long, if unspectacular, fight between his Charizard and Hairball.

Only additions were that of Sasan the Lapras and Drago the Hitmonchan.
I was going to suggest something similar to Shotaro's. You can only use the first six pokemon you catch. You may use repels to get from one area to another to avoid having three rattatas, two spearows and a caterpie, but when you encounter a wild pokemon you must catch it and if you don't the opportunity to catch it is gone, reducing the maximum number of pokemon you can have from 6 downwards. You can't use any pokemon you are given, only wild, and that includes your starter, who you must deposit asap in the game.
So I really hated that bird I had recently so I decided to go catch an eevee (catfish) will either evolve into umbreon or espeon. It don't really matter to me which one but I prefer umbreon. Stoutland ( sexay)is way over leveled because he is the reason I beat clay who loves him some ground types. He knows ice fang which will help against te upcoming gyms. He is lv 37. Pignite (bacon)is lv 33 and is a beast. Guy is fast and kills most in one hit. Right now I'm leveling up on the road to te 6th gym. She uses flying types so I'm hoping to get my team up around 35ish area and hopefully evolve eevee.
Just finished Celestial Tower but I'm holding off on evolving Litwick until I can get a hold of Surf and can get to Mistralon Cave.

My team hasn't really changed in a while but I have a MUCH better idea of what I'm taking with me to the Elite 4.

Vanilluxe (ICE)
Chandelure (GHOST/FIRE)
Gigalith (ROCK)
Elektross (ELECTRIC)
Seismitoad (GROUND/WATER)
Virizion (GRASS/FIGHT)

Yes, I know it's cheap to take a legendary but it fills a void in my team and STFU :p
You bitch ;).

I had a rain dance team that I used a kyogre as my lead just for his ability and thunder combo. The team mostly used the swift swim ability ( I think) that raises speed when it's raining and thunder. Starmie was my sp attacker. Recovery, psychic, rapid spin, and surf. Such an awesome moveset.
I'm not a fan of those ott strategies (then again I've no interest in 'proper' competition)

I realise that as a species we're predisposed to trying to win but at the same time I'd much rather see Skill prevail.

It's one of the few reasons why I quite like watching StarCraft 2 on twitch, the best players are so good that the cheesy tactics don't work on them or they can adapt and evolve insanely quickly. Much more entertaining IMO.
I beat her up for you though.

So it's horrible that I can't decide what to do on my day off...work on my rp for wzcw or play pokemon some more!
Make a roast, run a bubblebath, light a few candles and go to TOWN on the little lady!
Just about to march up to the Elite Four in my Nuzlocke Challenge. Has been a surprisingly bump free ride - a couple of very lucky esacapes with opponents using the wrong move at the wrong time but otherwise no real problems and no casualties since that poor Weedle oh so long ago.

As for additional pokemon, on top of fossils and the three Legendary birds, I have caught a few but nothing flashy and certainly nothing that even remotely challenged my squad - a couple of Venonats (Murray and BOD), two Exeggcutes (Omlette and Scrambled), Spike the Nidoran, Ptolemy the Fearow, Quake the Tentacruel, Finally a Zubat, Stella the Horsea and Big Burd the Pidgeotto.

So my squad for the final push...

Hodor the Ivysaur lv52
Hitchcock the Kadabra lv 51
Egyptian Fearow lv50
Hairball the Snorlax lv 49
Hercules the Gyarados lv49
Adrian! the Graveller lv48

If I had to make a prediction, if the FireRed Elite 4 is the same as the original Red (I have already been caught out by the addition of the Number Islands) I would say that I am too under-levelled to get past the dragons and certainly not to deal with the Champion, although I am not certain of that as my squad does have plenty of potential for OHKOs.
Yeah you are way under leveled for the champ. Gary uses all lvl 60 or higher pokemon and his team is well built. I would suggest trying to level up a bit if you don't a no grind rule.
I am not all that worried about being under-levelled for the Champion. It is the inevitable tandem of Dragonite and Full Restore that I fear as I do not have the firepower to down Dragonite quickly enough to stop him from taking out 3-4 of my team.

I might be able to get him with a combination of Sleep Powder and Hairball's Rollout but I am uncertain.
Well that was far easier than I was expecting...

Not one casualty after the five battles, although at least three were in single figures health by the end so I suppose there was some luck that they survived.

Hodor's rather spectacular combo of Sleep Powder and Solarbeam took out all of Lorelei's Ice types, except Jynx who was clobbered by Hairball's Rest/Snore attack and finished off by the surprisingly useful Strength

Not surprising was all of Bruno's line up being annihilated by Hitchcock's Psychic as was pretty much all of Agatha's Poison/Ghosts. The only beast that I decided to give Hitchcock some help with was the lv58 Gengar, who I am pretty certain has Shadow Ball and would be quicker than my Kadabra. One quick Sleep Powder from Hodor after he survived a Sludge Bomb allowed Hitchcock to lay his Psychic smackdown once more.

So far my attempt on the Elite 4 had been straightforward but as predicted, the dragons posed a more difficult conundrum. However, after Hercules had fried Gyarados with Thunder and Adrian! had Rolled Out Aerodactyl, the combination of Rest/Snore and Strength from Hairball ripped the guts out of Lance's two Dragonairs. And then it was the big one... Dragonite. For him I decided to give the the trusty Sleep Powder a whirl and it worked straight away allowing Hitchcock to deal some heavy damage with Psybeam. Unfortunately, then there came Full Restore but through some good fortune, I was able to put the dragon to sleep again and Psybeam him once more, only for ANOTHER Full Restore to appear. But again Sleep Powder subdued him and a critical hit from Psybeam did the job.

Seeing as how I had all of my squad still around, the Champ proved rather straight forward as I had the types to deal with his array. Adrian's Rock Slide did for Pidgeot, Hercules' Surf did for Rhydon, Sleep Powder/Solarbeam/Razor Leaf did for Alakazam when he once again decided to repeatedly use Reflect and Future Sight instead fo attacking Hodor, Charizard was Rolled Out by Hairball, Egyptian finally got in on the act with a Drill Peck/Fly combo on Exeggcutor and Hercules finished things off with a Thunder attack on Gyarados.
I'm currently playing HeartGold and often have my team massively under-leveled. It's more fun that way. (This isn't a Nuzlocke. Just to confirm)

My team after beating Whitney:
Jacko the Croconaw Lv18 (starter)
Joanne the Rattata Lv15 (caught on first route)
Red Beauty the Ponyta Lv14 (caught via Pokéwalker)
Geomegar the Onix Lv16 (caught via Pokéwalker)
'egging' the Togepi Lv15 (hatched from an Egg)
Winona the Dratini Lv16 (Voltorb Flip prize)

Whitney was somewhat tricky, but I did beat her on the first try. Geomegar was able to wall Clefairy and Rock Throw her to death, and survived four rounds of Rollout from Miltank afterward before she missed the fifth. I switched Geomegar out after her Attract, but her Stomp was able to sweep 'egging', Jacko, Red Beauty and Joanne (who had Rock Smash) one by one. I then sent out Geomegar again, and landed a Screech before a Rock Throw which took Miltank down to half health. When Geomegar finally succumbed to the attacks I sent out Winona. The Stomp took her to 3HP before I used Dragon Rage. 40HP fixed damage for the win. Plainbadge get.
Started a Nuzlocke on Ruby today. Had a desperate start as on the first six routes, I missed out on getting a pokemon, including the likes of Ralts, Wingull, Wurmple and Taillow. I even accidentally caught a Zigzagoon thinking I was on a different Route but was forced by the rules to release that Raccoon. Nothing overly special but when you are walking around with just a Torchic and have a Rock gym first up it is somewhat worrying.

However, eventually in a brief visit to Rusturf Tunnel, I encountered a caught a Whismur. Not exactly the greatest of help for a Rock gym offensively but he was able to shield Carnage the Torchic when he was in trouble. A couple of burns from Ember made sure that Roxanne's Nosepass was dealt with eventually.

Considering I will next be heading back in the same direction, I will be stuck with the same two for a while yet.

Carnage the Combuskhen lv 19
Racket the Whismur lv 14
Can I just be the first to say Happy Birthday FWR.

(It's also Milenko's birthday, but I'll let that unfold in a crazy thread of its own)
Dramatis Personae
Carnage the Combuskhen lv30
Bill the Gloom lv26
Racket the Loudred lv23
Firefly the Ilumise lv20
Cloudy the Swablu lv16

Back up
Apollo the Geodude lv12
Red Spinda lv15

Ruby has already proven far more difficult than FireRed. I have lost 5 pokemon to faint/death - Raccoon the Zigzagoon, Bandit the Zigzagoon, Vulcan the Numel, Vulcandos the Numel and Splutter the Koffing have all bitten the dust. Not much in the way of big losses but they have hardly been replaced with anything spectacular either.

Standing outside Lanette's House at the moment with three badges and hoping to find some better beasts and boost the power of the others in my squad as it is looking a bit too top heavy.
I think the story of Pokemon Black 2 is an improvement on the previous one. Like we're here for the story... But still...

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