The Pokemon Syndrome.

Catch rate of 3? wtf. Lol when I played platinum which I had on the computer the pokemon I had most trouble catching was a level 5 Stantler. Paralyzed it, had it on critical health and couldn't catch it, drove me nuts.
That's frustrating. I remember the first time I played through pokemon crystal and got to the point you could catch the legendary dogs. I raised up a golbat from being a zubat to the point it knew mean look and was faster than the dogs and they just used roar, heartbreaking stuff.

Anyway I saw that thundara guy what floats on a cloud and that randomly in the grass and got him down to critical HP on one hit, set myself up brilliantly.
if you make thunderus(the guy that causes storms may have the name wrong) on black faint, is he gone forever?
not sure but to be safe save it regularly just incase and if you do make it faint restart the game.
I dunno BUT if you hit him and he runs away when you meet him again his health is not restored to full.
No he has the damage or the status effect he had before. Also his PP is gone from whatever moves he uses. I suggest using a pokemon with the ability that is like Mean Look. Also use Encore if you are after the three Legendary Gerbials due to they have Roar on their side. I forgot but whoever encountered Thunderous or Tornadous, I also recomenend Quick Ball for the start and if he stays use Ultra Balls or Heavy Balls if available. All Pokeballs are available at the Pokemon League PokeMart/PokeCenter.
I used an ultraball and zebstrika and caught him straight off.
I used an ultraball and zebstrika and caught him straight off.

Maybe they just mislabeled the ball at the pokeball factory and it was really a masterball.

Isn't it weird that the pokeball company seems to have a global monopoly? I mean, there are 5 different regions, and pokeballs are sold in all of them. It's like coca-cola, but much more useful.
Masterballs are for girls. I caught a Metang - remember, catch rate of three - with a heal ball; like a real man. I didn't even hold Down + B.
What does down and B do?

Also, after much internal debate, I've decided not to buy pokemon black or white because most of the pokemon look absolutely ridiculous, and I like my pokemon to... not look absolutely ridiculous. At least no more ridiculous than a grown man playing pokemon, that is.
There are a select few that look good and many that look rediculous. Bisharp, zekrom and krookodile notably look bad ass.

Bisharp is possibly the best looking pokemon ever.
Bisharp looks ridiculous. Krookodile is okay, but Feraligatr is cooler. There are a few really cool pokemon in gen 5. I like Baviary's look, Bouffalant looks like a pimped out version of Tauros, Beartic is cool, but some of them are fucking ridiculous. I like the pokemon that are based off of animals the most, not these robot looking motherfuckers.
Really? I always felt beartic looked like someone had just let their niece go wild on a piece of paper. Braviary looks alright, nothing special. Bouffalant does look just silly. But then again if you don't like the more humanoid pokemon bisharp was destined to fail. How do you feel about scizor though?

Doesn't help that half of the legendaries look like shit though.
Scizor has a place on the all-Steel dream team I'm building for my Black playthrough:


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