Rank the Consoles! (Nintendo)

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This is exactly what the thread title says. You get to rank Nintendo's consoles from best to worst. You may add other consoles (Nintendo only, as Sony and other companies will get other threads after this one) or use the same list as me.

Don't forget to explain why you ranked them the way you did, as this is a non-spam topic!

1. Super Nintendo
This will always be my favorite. Although my gaming days began with the NES, it was with the SNES that things really took off. Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 4, Secret of Mana, I could sit here listing classic titles forever. The SNES had it all. Amazing graphics for its time and the games released towards the end of its run all pushed the limits. Great music was found in pretty much every SNES game as the games had evolved past the beeping midi days of the NES or the original Game Boy.

2. Nintendo 64
The 64 and the NES nearly tied for second place. Both of them have countless games that hold fond memories for me. When 4 players and 3D environments became the standard, the 64 turned the gaming world upside down and it has never been the same since. Whether it was single player action (Mario 64, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, Star Fox 64) or multiplayer (Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Smash Bros) the 64 had an awesome run with something for everyone.

3. NES
Where it all began for me. I'm old enough to remember playing the original games in legendary series like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, or Final Fantasy back when only one NES game existed in each of these now HUGE series. I'll easily jump right back in to play some of my old favorites despite the graphics and music not aging so well. Nostalgia is far more valuable to me in the long run than graphics.

4. Game Boy & Game Boy Color
I kept these two together since the GBC was really just an upgrade to the Game Boy. Anyone else old enough to remember owning one of the big white bricks, the original Game Boy with the green and black screen? Much like the NES, the original Game Boy's graphics and music are horrible by today's standards, but the better games from the console remain extremely fun to play. Having a hand-held console for long boring car rides meant the world to my younger self back in elementary school. Link's Awakening, Final Fantasy Legend II, and Pokemon Blue saved me from boredom on many occassions. Things only got better when these games got to be played in color on the GBC.

5. Nintendo DS
The Nintendo DS has the double screen and stylus implemented into its gameplay. At first I was extremely skeptical of the stylus use, but I caved in once the FF3 remake was released. I was pleasantly surprised. The DS had a pretty good run, and the addition of the dual-screen gameplay made it truly stand out rather than be just an upgrade to the Game Boy like the GBA was, but I'll get to that further down the list.

6. Wii
Very mixed feelings on the Wii. It has things I love about it, and things I hate about it. The Wii has made gaming more mainstream in the sense that the motion controls appeal to more casual crowds. The Wiimotes are incredibly annoying at times, but they work well in games like Super Mario Galaxy. The backwards compatibility with Gamecube games and Gamecube controllers is a huge plus. Then there's the Virtual Console which makes up for many of the negative things about the Wii.

7. Gamecube
The Gamecube wasn't a bad system. It just suffered from having a weaker list of games than other consoles. It has its own list of great titles though such as Smash Bros Melee, Twilight Princess, and of course my favorite game of all time Tales of Symphonia. The graphics were a huge step up from the 64 and things looked a lot smoother. Like I said though, wanting to go back and play the games is the main thing I am ranking these systems by and that is where the Gamecube came up short. It was a good system, the others just happened to be better.

8. Gameboy Advance
Much like the Gamecube, this wasn't really a bad system. It suffers in the ranking though from not being much more than a Game Boy upgrade. A lot of good remakes came out for it and it had better graphics than the GBC, but it just didn't do anything that really made it stand out or anything that makes me miss more than a handful of its games. At least it's still better than....

9. Virtual Boy
Coming in dead last is the infamous Virtual Boy, something I'm sure Nintendo would like to forget ever happened. The only game for it that was worth playing at all was Mario Tennis, and even then it was pretty bad. Everyone has a skeleton in their closet, and this thing is Nintendo's. Any console that flops or is not doing well can always say "at least we're better than the Virtual Boy!".

So that's my list. Now I want to see how the rest of you rank Nintendo's consoles from best to worst. Feel free to debate if you disagree with someone.
I will go in a different order instead of from 1-9 it will be from 9-1.

9.virtual boy
Judging by the Angry video game review of the console, this was a piece of shit. only 14 games were ever made for this console and its no wonder my uncle threw his out many years ago. probably the only nintendo failed console.

8. Gameboy
I played with one of these only once and it was not that great. However the impact it made on hand held game is undeneiable, the game and watch had failed to do this but the game boy got people into hand-helds.

7.Gameboy advance
One of my faovrite things to play when i was younger. I used to play pokemon on this thing all the time. It looked really stranged but hell that thing was a part of my young life. i cherish it very much.

Another good console by nintendo. I will agree with you dagger there is a shit load of shitty games due to third party devlopers. Most of nintendo's main franchises have done well on here nonetheless. The virtual console as well as the netfix feaatures are also wonderful.

5. Super NES
While I have never played the system directley the wii's virtual console helped me find out more about it. Games like super metriod, and super mario world were awesome. sadly though I rank it this low due to lack of experience playing the actual console.

4. Nes
Often considered the console that saved the market after the crash of 1983 (fuck you E.T). this is the reason nintendo is the biggest video game copereration in the world. In terms of my personal encounters the story is identical to the SNES so it gets points for saving the industry.

3. DS
One word..... pokemon. "kids have fun with portable touch screen". I am sure they do. Underated by many it is very similar to the WII in terms of problems but has many more good games than the WII.

2. Gamecube
Man I wish I had known about all the games for the gamecube before i sold it! This is the system that carried and entertained me for most of my life so far. super smash bros brawl meele is my faovrite game on the system. OH so many fond memories. anyway before i get to #1 here are some other consoles that i know nintendo has created:

gameboy line
Tv color game(first console nintendo ever made)
nintendo 64DD
game and watch
super gameboy.

1.Nintendo 64
The first console i ever played. At 2 years old I was racing as mario kart in mario 64, Playing mario party, and watching my dad play donkey kong. I soon learned to master all of these games at such a young age (somwhat:blush:). My favorite console, period. I still regret no longer owning one but hey it was sent to charity!

0h and here is a cool pic symbolic of this thread:

I dont care how revoultionary the Wii was it had one of the worst libaries in gaming history. Outside of Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess and a couple other franchise titles, the rest of the library was pure garbage, imo. And to not have updated your graphics moving into new generation is emberassing. I'll give the console credit for selling more than its competitors and revolutionizing the motion control features of gaming, but the actual games in the library that were very good, were few and far between. Although I cant put the Gamecube higher than the other consoles,it is a lot better than it is given credit for. It should have atleast outsold the XBox but, it didnt because of not having online games, and certain franchises like GTA and Halo.
1. Super Nintendo: Arguably my favorite console ever. It's the home of some of my favorite games of all time, including The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man X, and Final Fantasy III (VI). Many of the games still hold up today in both gameplay and graphically.

2. NES: The first console I ever owned and the reason I'm a gamer. Besides the unbelievable amount of nostalgia this thing has, it had Super Mario Bros, Metriod, The Legend of Zelda, and Mega Man 2.

3. Nintendo DS: Yes, the Gameboy revolutionized handheld gaming, but the DS perfected it as far as I'm concerned. The Lite model in particular is my favorite handheld ever. The touchscreen/stylus opened many new and exciting gameplay mechanics that's still being innovated today. The DS has a phenomenal library and if that's not enough, it sports a nifty GBA slot, essentially making it two consoles in one. Plus and is small and compact enough to carry.

4. N64: Ah, some good times with this console. I never owned one myself, but I may as well have as I played the things all the time over friends houses. Though I've always felt the N64's library to be weaker than it's competitor, the Playstation, it's undoubtedly got some classics in there. That controller hurts it though, as I'm still not sure what they were going for with that design. It felt awkward back then and is almost unplayable today, at least for me.

5. Gameboy Advance: A great upgrade from the Gameboy, but many of the brownie points go to the SP model, which featured a much-needed backlight. It also folded, protecting the screen while making it easier to carry around. This system's library rival's the DS' in terms of quality, with LoZ: The Minish Cap, Golden Sun, and possibly the greatest handheld game ever in Metroid Fusion.

6. Gameboy: Hard to rank this, as it's had so many versions that add so many factors to it's quality. The original Gameboy introduced me to on-the-go gaming, though it wasn't easy to do because of how huge that thing was. The pocket was easier to carry, the color added, well, color. A huge reason I love this console is for Pokemon,which is what my Gameboy lived for back then, and Tetris.

7.Wii: Like Dagger, I have many mixed feelings on the Wii. While I applaud the motion-based gameplay for providing an experience that only recently couldn't be found on other consoles. When it works, it works great, but when it fails it fails HARD. The Virtual Console is fantastic, and WiiWare's got some gems in there as well. Backwards compatibility with the Gamecube helps a lot too. While Nintendo's first-party offerings have rarely faltered, it's the overwhelming lack of quality third-party games that hold this system back, not to mention good, but dated graphics and a broken and archaic online system. I wanted to tie this with the Gamecube, but found that I've actually enjoyed plaything this just a little bit more.

8. Gamecube: The Gamecube is probably weakest of Nintendo's line of successful consoles. Sure, it had it's share of quality titles like LoZ: The Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4, and Viewtiful Joe. It also innovated wireless controllers with the Wavebird controller. But compared to stacked library of the PS2 and the online play and raw power of Xbox, the Gamecube always felt like it was just kinda there. An overall less-than stellar library and lack of DVD playback and online hurt this console in the long run. The Gamecube isn't a bad system by any means, but just felt average compared to other Nintendo consoles.

9. Virtual Boy: What else can be said about this debacle? The console was clunky and awkward to use, 3D that made you sick, and a mediocre library.

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