Ryder's Pokemon Thread

Update 8- Tough Luck Chuck

My team is built quite well to handle fighting types. The Count and Kadabra are resistant to fighting moves, and Kadabra and Noctowl have STAB attacks that can pretty easily decimate fighting types. It should therefore come as no surprise that Chuck and his Blackbelts were no match for my squad. Gyarados took care of Primeape, and Kadabra made short work of Polywrath. Done.

Not much to update other than that. Only one Pokemon has been caught since I left Olivine, and considering I was on an route in Route 40, I got a Tentacool! Once again, I didn't realize Route 41 was a different place, so I missed out on catching a second Tentacool. I also received Shuckle, and while I do know how to make Shuckle into a relatively useful Pokemon (even in Pokemon Crystal), I'm not going to invest that kind of time into him.

Here's the squad...

The Count (Gyarados)- lvl 24
Amy Holland (Quilava)- lvl 23
Noctowl- lvl 25
Kadabra- lvl 27
Hulk Hogan- lvl 26
Eevee- lvl 20

I really need that Thunderstone for Eevee, but Lass Dana just ain't hittin' me up.

Edit: Let's add to this last update, since all of four minutes have passed since I last updated you and I have now beat Jasmine.

Well, I didn't beat Jasmine right away. First I found Suicune chilling up in the North of Cianwood, and after scaring him off that dude that keeps chasing after Suicune caught up to me. He challenged me to a fight. His first Pokemon was a Drowzee, and Gyarados and bite took care of the pretty easily. Next came Electrode, and as soon as Electrode came out, he went down at the hands of Hulk Hogan. Last was Haunter, and Gyarados decided to pop back out and land a few bites to take Haunter out.

I flew back to Olivine and gave Jasmine the medicine for Ampharos, and the dude is all better now. Jasmine rewarded me by letting me challenge her at a Pokemon battle. My first test was a Megnemite, but it was hardly a test as Hulk Hogan dropped the leg and scored the pinfall. Next came the real challenge: Steelix. I sent out Gyarados first, figuring I could use Surf to take him down. I landed one full powered Surf, but then Steelix hit Sunny Day, halving Gyarados' power. I knew a Rock Throw was probably coming next, so I switched him out in favor of Hulk Hogan. Hogan took the Rock Throw like a champ, and on the next turn hit a Magnitude that put Steelix into the danger zone, and Steelix looked to return the favor with an Iron Tail... but missed! Perhaps it was that bright sun that got in Steelix's eyes, but Hulk Hogan managed to live to fight another round! The Hulkster hit another Magnitude, but not before Steelix was treated to a Hyper Potion thanks to Jasmine. The Magnitude did some damage, but nothing to write home about. Knowing another Iron Tail was coming, I switched to Gyarados. Sure enough, the Iron Tail came and connected, but at 1/2 damage it was nothing to be concerned about. The sunlight faded after the turn was over, and it was hammer time for The Count. Gyarados hit Surf and took Steelix down to abut 1/4 health. Steelix called for Sunny Day, but it would be to no avail as Gyarados only needed one more Surf to take the Steelix down. Last was another Magnemite, and with the sun shining bright, I knew it was time for Amy Holland to take the stage. She popped out of her Pokeball, threw a pair of sun-enhanced embers at Magnemite, and won the match for the team. Jasmine was defeated, and Nuzlocke lives to fight another day.
I'm wondering how long it'll take for Tajiri and company to make a pokemon as powerful, or close to as powerful, as Arceus. Supposedly the "Original Dragon" [Kyurem + Reshiram + Zekrom] has power that exceeds anything in the Dragon Trio, the Weather Trio, or the Lake Trio.
Got the second sage in Dreamyard and in the process have started to see pokemon from earlier games at last. Nothing of much use yet, although it was nice to catch a Raticate as it was one of my favourites in the first generation.

Was surprised to see how powerful the new trainers were in Dreamyard. Defeating the Elite 4, N and Ghetis only saw pokemon at lv 50 at most and yet the next new trainers you find, with no chronological opportunities to level up further, are in the mid to late 60s.
Update 9- The Pryce is Right

The past few minutes have been eventful to say the least. In addition to trekking all the way from Olivine to Mahogany, I have explored the Lake of Rage, cleaned out a Team Rocket hideout, and earned by seventh badge.

But before we get to the specifics, I would like to talk to you about the newest member of the party, Venomoth. I caught him as a lowly Venonat on Route 43, but between grinding and Exp. Share, I have managed to turn that creepy looking bug into a beautiful moth. The Bug/Flying combo isn't exactly a great mix, but Venomoth could prove to be a decent helper with his ability to paralyze and confuse before rattling off some offense of his own.

In addition to Venonat, I caught the Red Gyarados at Lake of Rage. I'm still going to use The Count for now, but it's nice to have a backup in case The Count is killed.

So yeah, cleaned out the Team Rocket hideout. It wasn't all that exciting, mostly using Amy Holland and Kadabra to do the heavy lifting with Hulk Hogan making a few appearances for ass kickings and autograph signings. The Hulkster was especially useful when clearing out the Electrodes as he was able to handle two of them with just a single Magnitude, and the one that had the gall to Self-Destruct was barely able to scratch The Hulkster's rocky exterior.

Pryce's gym proved to be fairly easy as well. Pryce himself provided only a minimum amount of drama. He lead with Seel, I lead with Amy Holand. I didn't like that matchup, so I tossed in Kadabra to throw a pair of Thunder Punches to take Seel down. Dewgong was next, but it was too bulky for my Kadabra to handle alone, especially considering he was at about 50% health. I switched to Noctowl hoping for the Hypnosis/Nightmare combo. It was risky, and Dewgong hit an Icy Wind that dropped Noctowl to slightly above 50% health, but Noctowl did not hesitate in the face of adversity, nailing the Hypnosis/Nightmare combo. I switched back to Kadabra for a Thunder Punch, and that Thunder Punch plus three rounds of Nightmare was enough to take Dewgong down. Pryce's last Pokemon was a Piloswine, and I knew it was The Count's turn to show his face in this battle. One Surf was all it took to take down the Ice/Ground type, and the battle was over.

Here's the team...

Amy Holland (Quilava)- lvl 28
The Count (Gyarados)- lvl 26
Noctowl- lvl 25
Hulk Hogan (Gravler)- lvl 27
Venomoth- lvl 31
Kadabra- lvl 29
So what games are we all playing right now? I wanna continue to play black 2, but i want to take a break. I've beat it 6 times. We are all playing diffrent games, and i wanted to find out who's doing what so I don't play the same.
So what games are we all playing right now? I wanna continue to play black 2, but i want to take a break. I've beat it 6 times. We are all playing diffrent games, and i wanted to find out who's doing what so I don't play the same.

First playthrough of White 2 for me, but I've lost motivation to continue due to boredom. In Chargestone Cave right now after winning my 5th Gym Badge.

Not really feeling like playing any Pokémon games right now, I'm mostly just doing some competitive battling while I await X and Y's arrival.
I'm playing White right now, I dug out my DS and found I had the White cart still in there with only three badges. Just picked up my fourth and crossed the bridge into Driftveil City

Current Team
Yamask lvl 27
Sandile lvl 28 - I needed him for the bolt badge and he's so close to evolving. I traded a Tepig from my other DS so I'll be using him normally
Zebstrika lvl 28
Boldore lvl 28
Servine lvl 28
Archen lvl 27
So yeah, I kind of failed that challenge pretty badly (fuck you critical hits), but if anybody wants to be updated on how I'm doing feel free to ask. I'm still going to continue to play through using only the first Pokemon I catch from any given area.
Started my own challenge on FireRed. No big surprises yet and only the one casualty - a Weedle lost to a critical hit by a Rattata. However, just as I had entered Cerulean City, my game crashed and I had neglected to save recently. Haven't lost any pokemon but I am just re-entering Mt Moon after catching my Geodude.

Hodor the Ivysaur lv 17
Spearow lv 17
Rattata lv 13
Magikarp lv 10
Geodude lv 9
I haven't played a Pokémon game since Diamond. I loved the 1st, 2nd, and 4th generation games though. I had Emerald too from the 3rd generation but it was my least favorite of the four. I only got it to help completing the task of catching everything in Diamond. I did get through the whole Emerald game using only my Blaziken which was a fun challenge. After catching all 151 in Blue, all 251 in Gold, and all 493 in Diamond I retired from the series. I can't play a Pokémon game without attempting to catch every species, and I just don't have the time and patience to do it again. Stuff like the bogus "friendship" evolutions and the BS you had to go through to get a Milotic were ridiculous.... I got everything legitimately though other than the "event" ones like Mew/Celebi/etc and did use a game shark to get them. All 483 of the others I got legitimately and it felt like such an accomplishment! Same goes for all 151 but Mew in Blue and all 251 but Mew and Celebi in Gold.

I had an undefeated tag team of a Mewtwo named Jenova and a Rayquaza named Sephiroth who I used in double battles and they had never lost, including against human players. They were both undefeated in traditional battles as well. They were part of a team of 6 legendaries all at level 100. Between the two of them Jenova and Sephiroth were effective against every single type. So having an undefeated team of maxed out legends and having caught everything in several generations, I just didn't have it in me to play again and felt it was a perfect time to retire from the games.

Reading this thread makes me consider returning to the series though. How many Pokémon are there now, have they broken 1000 yet?
There's a few more actually.

Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Fletchling, Talonflame, Helioptile, Pancham, Flabebe, Litleo, the bug type family, Clauncher, Skrelp, Gogoat, Sylveon, Xerneas and Yveltal. That's 18 (24 if you count the two evolutions of each of the starters, not confirmed yet but bound to happen, and 25 if you count the new Mewtwo form)
Барбоса;4520005 said:
Started my own challenge on FireRed. No big surprises yet and only the one casualty - a Weedle lost to a critical hit by a Rattata. However, just as I had entered Cerulean City, my game crashed and I had neglected to save recently. Haven't lost any pokemon but I am just re-entering Mt Moon after catching my Geodude.

Hodor the Ivysaur lv 17
Spearow lv 17
Rattata lv 13
Magikarp lv 10
Geodude lv 9

I'm also doing FireRed. I keep getting screwed over as I have 3 Rattata, so two of them are sitting in the PC, although I plan on taking them out for the gym battle with Brock to buy time to heal other Pokemon.

Charmander lv 11
Rattata lv 10
Butterfree lv 11
Beedrill lv 11
I have emerald on my phone, but let's be real guys. I've played, every single handheld pokemon game ever. Even the TCG black game, that tbh was cool as fuck.

So i've gone out to look for a new game, that will keep me looking. I come back and give you Pokemon Fuligin! It's a hacked version of fire red with all first three gen of pokemon. You play at a team rocket member, iI'm not at that point.

Here is part one:

You start off, your brother and you are in the home town, Oak gives you one of the first three starters to go over into the next towns woods to look for his watch. Your brother finds it, and you have a battle. He has a fucking Dratini..A level 7 dratini. I stomped it. You take back the watch and your brother says he found it on the tail of a mankey. Oak looks surprised, and stammers about not having a clue how it got there.

Traveling back past the second town, you go down a path that leads you to the first gym. Basically a Pewter city knock off. You beat the gym leader who uses normal types. A level 10 skitty, and level 12 furret.

Overall, kind of boring to start
I'm also doing FireRed. I keep getting screwed over as I have 3 Rattata, so two of them are sitting in the PC, although I plan on taking them out for the gym battle with Brock to buy time to heal other Pokemon.

Charmander lv 11
Rattata lv 10
Butterfree lv 11
Beedrill lv 11

I have only caught six Pokemon so far. The five I mentioned above (of course, Magikarp was bought) plus the dead Weedle. Not only do I not have a full squad, I have no back up for it... A OHKO deprived me of a Pidgey on Route 3.
Барбоса;4520431 said:
I have only caught six Pokemon so far. The five I mentioned above (of course, Magikarp was bought) plus the dead Weedle. Not only do I not have a full squad, I have no back up for it... A OHKO deprived me of a Pidgey on Route 3.

I will be sure to buy the Magikarp as well. I didn't plan on having back ups, but I have no use for Rattatwo and Rattathree.

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