Ryder's Pokemon Thread

Update 6- Cruisin' on my ride, gettin' bitches' digits -OR- I Like to Ride My Bicycle

Nuzlocke has himself a set of chrome wheels he's using to get around now, and the ladies be checking him out, droppin' they panties as they see the hottest shit in Johto ride by.

Not much in the way of Pokemon acquisition to talk about. We passed on catching a Pidgey on route 35, caught a Sunkern in the National Park, a Bellsprout on Route 36, passed on another Pidgey on Route 37, and passed on a Ratata in Burnt Tower. We also picked up an Eevee from Bill, but I'm going to need a Thunderstone if I want that thing to be useful to me at all. Sunkern hopped in the party for a brief time, but it is now dead, and I will tell you how that happened in a moment. But first, let's talk about a few updates to the squad.

Last time I checked in I had a Magikarp and Abra, two Pokemon that are fairly useless to me without the proper leveling. Well, that leveling happened, and now instead of having a puny Magikarp and Abra, I have a badass Gyarados and Kadabra, and they are kicking ass and taking names.

Alas, the good times couldn't last forever, and here is the tale of how we lost our good friend Sunkern.

We cruised to Burnt Tower with little issue, even running roughshod over the legendary Kimono Girls with no issues. As we helped with the search we ran into ol' Dickpoo, who appeared to be loitering in Burnt Tower and throwing rocks at wild Pokemon. He challenged me to fisticuffs, but I said, "Nah son, let's do this gentlemenlike, with Pokemon." He begrudgingly complied, and sent out his Ghastly. I sent out my Kadabra, and lived two licks, one a paralyzing lick, and set off two Confusions that took the ghost-type down. At that point he said, "Fuck this shit, I'm sending out Croconaw now!" to which I replied, "That's cool, I got something that can handle that no prob!" and sent out my Sunkern.

Well Sunkern did have a prob, and was one-hit KO'd by a bite. Oops. With Kadabra paralyzed and the rest of my team deadly scared of the Croconaw, there was really only one option: Gyarados. The two spent the next four turns biting each other, but Gyarados proved to have the sharper teeth as he sent Croconaw to Davey Jones' Locker. Magnemite was the next out, but Hulk Hogan doesn't lay down for steel types, brother, and put the bastard down with Magnitude. This left Zubat, a haunting reminder of my old companion, but I did not tarry in the face of bad memories, and Hulk Hogan dropped the rocks along with his legs across the face of Zubat, and sent him crashing down.

After freeing the Legendary Dogs that for some reason have spent the last few centuries hanging out in the basement of a burnt down building, I healed up and made my way to Ecruteak's gym to face Morty. Kadabra made short work of the gym trainers that lined the path to Morty, and indeed took out Morty's Ghastly and Haunter with relative ease. But then it was time to face Morty's most dastardly, most devious, most destructive Pokemon, the gruesome Gengar! I feared for Kadabra's life against the powerful ghost, but I knew I had options. Hulk Hogan isn't afraid of anything, ESPECIALLY ghosts. As Hulk Hogan made his way down the ramp to Real American, Gyarados came running out behind him! He put his fin on the shoulder of the Hulkster as if to say, "Yo bro, I got this." As Hulk Hogan watched proudly from backstage, Gyarados chomped away at Gengar, managing to stay awake through not one, not two, not three, but FOUR hypnosis attempts, earning him the new nickname: The Beast that Don't Sleep! Gyarados took out Gengar with little resistance, leaving Morty with a single Haunter. Kadabra could have taken care of it, as could Hulk Hogan, but this was Gyarados's fight, and he intended to finish it! It only took a trio of bites to put that Haunter down, and Morty handed me the Fog Badge and the ever useful Shadow Ball.

Here's the team...

Kadabra- lvl 23
Hulk Hogan (Gravler)- lvl 26
Quilava, AKA Amy Holland because SHE'S ON FIRE!- lvl 19
Gyarados- lvl 22
Pidgey- lvl 17
Eevee- lvl 20

Need nicknames for Gyarados and Kadabra, both of whom proved they deserved it with their absolute decimation of Dickpoo and Morty. Suggestions are welcome.

Edit: Gyarados now has a nickname. Thanks to the lovely collar he has around his neck, I have decided to name him THE COUNT OF CHAOS... or The Count for short.

Do you have the VBA-link app? If so, you can trade Graveller with yourself and evolve that sum'bitch into Hollywood Hulk Golem.

That's not how we do thing in the Nuzlocke challenge bro! We keep it real like fireworks on the 4th of July and presents on Kwanza.
Got back on the Pokemon Black bike last night to hunt down the Plasma sages, although I ended up spending all of my game time exploring Route 17. Caught some pokemon but nothing really of note aside from a decently strong Scraggy.

Reshiram lv 54
Zebstrika lv 52
Sawk lv 55
Sigilyph lv 54
Emboar lv 55
Druddigon lv 55
I'm not very happy with my party. I send my Gurdurr in to swamp most things...

Gurdurr lv 42
Uncle Iroh (Samurott) lv 39
Simisear lv 39
Krookodile lv 37
Zebstrika lv 34
Unpheazant lv 32 (only keeping him around for the Fly HM)
The first 2 gyms were cake for my team.

Herdier-lv 16

Still don't know about my last poke. The next gym is bug so it should be easy, and then an electric, which should also be easy. I'm thinking Excedrill because he is really strong and I love the move Earthquick.
Currently playing the extended Black 2 hack version BlazeBlack 2.

Snivy Lv13
Ralts Lv11
Tyrogue Lv11
Houndour Lv11

Planning to get a decent water type ASAP.
Kinda. I was thinking scrafty. But then I was also thinking that I need something good against the flying gym. So then I was thinking a rock type. But if I get rock type then, I wouldn't have anyhing good against the ground gym. So that's my dilema.
I don't even know when I get surf. But if I get it by then, he will be my killer. Scrafty would be good against most of the elite 4. I think I might break the rules because 3 pokes is easy and all but this is too fustrating.
Update 7- The Life and Death of Pidgey

After beating Morty I rolled out of town, Westward bound. Route 38 provided me a Meowth, a Pokemon that will likely never see the outside of the PC, and Noctowl, a personal favorite of mine as I'm a big fan of the Fly/Hypnosis/Dreameater/Nightmare combination. The squad and I pulled into Olivine City, and after a trip to the Pokemon Center, we decided to do some sightseeing, starting with the lighthouse.

Little did we know that providing light for ships to prevent them from crashing at night was the secondary purpose of this structure, the primary purpose being a place for Pokemon trainers to battle. They provided little trouble... except for the last one before the top floor. I had trained my Pidgey all the way up into a Pidgeotto, and it was ready to fuck some fighting types up. But its Gust attack was not strong enough to one-shot a Machop, and Machop karate chopped Pidgeotto so hard that he snapped its spine, and the majestic flight of Pidgeotto came to a tragic end.

I got to the top of the tower to find Jasmine and the Ampharos that serves as the tower's light source, and she asked me to get some miracle medicine to help cure the Ampharos of some mystery ailment. Bitch, if I had any miracles to spare right now, my Pidgeotto would still be here! But I figured saying no would be more of a Dickpoo move, and I'm not Dickpoo, so I said I'd do it. Besides, I was planning on going to Cinawood City anyway.

Here's the team...

Noctowl- lvl 18
Amy Holland (Quilava)- lvl 23
The Count (Gyarados)- lvl 22
Kadabra- lvl 25
Hulk Hogan- lvl 26
Eevee- lvl 20
Right, I'm going to be trying this on Pokemon Black 2, so it should be an interesting contrast to JGlass' commentary. Understand that I'm nit playing on an emulator though, so my pace is going to be a fraction of his. It'll be a war based on endurance. First up is my starter, who is going to be Tepig, used Oshawott last time, now I'm going all for the power. Here is the short tale of how my team became two.

I quickly dispatch my rival, TITWANK, in two hits. A tail whip, two tackles, one critical. I make my way onto Route 1, and as it's the first route I know there's only a small handful of Pokemon that I could catch, non of them exotic in the least. It's just a case of hoping to get the best worst first wild pokemon. Let's see how we do. Walking walking walking through the grass.... and BOOM!

It's.....a.....PATRAT!! Contain yourself people! Oh god, what a waste. Either way, I caught him in my newly aquired premier ball what I done got from the Pokemart after I bought 10 pokeballs in addition to the ones Bianca gave me. The premierball for the first pokemon I got on this unorthodox journey. Patrat, you shall be named WORMFODDER. With any luck, I'll never have to use you again. Fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated.
Right, I'm going to be trying this on Pokemon Black 2, so it should be an interesting contrast to JGlass' commentary. Understand that I'm nit playing on an emulator though, so my pace is going to be a fraction of his. It'll be a war based on endurance. First up is my starter, who is going to be Tepig, used Oshawott last time, now I'm going all for the power. Here is the short tale of how my team became two.

I quickly dispatch my rival, TITWANK, in two hits. A tail whip, two tackles, one critical. I make my way onto Route 1, and as it's the first route I know there's only a small handful of Pokemon that I could catch, non of them exotic in the least. It's just a case of hoping to get the best worst first wild pokemon. Let's see how we do. Walking walking walking through the grass.... and BOOM!

It's.....a.....PATRAT!! Contain yourself people! Oh god, what a waste. Either way, I caught him in my newly aquired premier ball what I done got from the Pokemart after I bought 10 pokeballs in addition to the ones Bianca gave me. The premierball for the first pokemon I got on this unorthodox journey. Patrat, you shall be named WORMFODDER. With any luck, I'll never have to use you again. Fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated.
I changed your name to the initials. I'm tired of it stretching my screen every time you post.
Emulators aren't very good for DS anyways. DeSmuMe is laggy and No$GBA plain doesn't work, especially with HG/SS.

I'm currently starting a game on Pokémon Ruby for the GBA (BB2 game is on hold)
I changed your name to the initials. I'm tired of it stretching my screen every time you post.


Alriiiight, but if anyone asks what it means I'm sendin em your way.

Found out that you can't save over your previous save during the game like in previous generations so I'll be having to do the last 40 minutes of axction all over again. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
Got myself a Zigzagoon (free items FTW) and a Ralts.

Current team
Sanders (Torchic Lv9)
Hoarder (Zigzagoon Lv6)
Ragnarok (Ralts Lv5)

Me and my newly aquired Patrat, which it and it's kind (rattata, sentret, zigzagoon...) tend to be good in the early game because of their decent attack, begin our marred journey. I meet Alder and tells me this and that, and leads me up to Route 20 ways so I can look for my rival/friend. Route 20 is the first one with battling trainers so I'm going to have to start taking things seriously to keep all my pokemon in the black.

Winner of the Route 20 lottery and newest member of my squad....... PIDOVE! Well.... at least I've got a flyer there if I need it and it's always useful at top evolution. Whatever. I slalom between trainers and it's not long before I make it to the little ranch up north. Now, I know from memory there's a good few pokemon in here, some cool ones and some really good ones. I was hoping for a Mareep when I entered, because Ampharos is a lifelong favourite of mine, but I was more than pleasantly surprised. Before I encounter my friend who's just up ahead, I take a second to go into the grass just to the left at the start of the area, because I like to get it out of the way.

3...2...1.......... RIOLU!! Better than I ever could have hoped for! I didn't even know Riolu could be found here, but the prospect of having a Lucario by mere chance is delicious. I think this guy is a keeper. I want to let him be a little baby Riolu for a little while before I try to shuft him into the firing line, let him get some good move and then evolve him via happiness, which is an annoying way to evolve Pokemon. Unless you can meet those people who can give you an idea of what your Pokemon's happiness is, you have no idea when he's going to tick over.

The four of us meet up with my friendy rivaly guy, who I'm just going to call TITWANK from now on, and we battle his level 8 Oshawott. I think the highest in my team was like level 8 as well so it should be an easy fight with the other three guys. And it was. I pursue the whole ordeal of trying to find the ranch owners Herdier thinking I'd have to fight the Plasma grunt. No dice, thankfully.

The four of us (two permanents - I didn't tell the other two they weren't loved) set off to take on our first gym leader, Cheren, who has the worst set of Pokemon of any gym leader ever, Lillipup lvl13, and Patrat lvl11. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't really easy because I think my pokemon were about 10-11 at the time (I know, I'm a total rookie, I'm not going to last long in this challenge). The Lillipup has got some real strength but when I've done some damage to him with some quick attacks by Riolu, his attack seems to drop a fair bit. I top the little guy up with some potions when needs be to make sure he remains. And the future Steel/Fighting prodigy comes out on top. I skipped out a fair bit of bureaucratic shizznit between the ranch and the gym fight because it was dull btw, I assigned an Oran berry to each pokemon because I knew nothing else could be assigned this early and the mere 10hp could help out at this stage.

I can now get past the ******* Hiker who won't let kids walk through the forest if he doesn't like the amount of gym badges they have. I'll call the police on him later. For now it's on to the next town, and the second gym. Along the way is a few more trainers including someone with a Dunsparce who caused havoc with my Tepig using rollout. Barely managed to weather that storm but I did cross that patch of forest intact. And that's where I leave this installment:

Pokemon: Tepig lvl13
Riolu lvl13
Patrat lvl12
Pidove lvl11

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