Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

It's really hard to take you seriously. You seem to be just trolling to get attention.

Anyway, daniel bryan deserve better.

Daniel Bryan fans should've RIOTed and attacked batista lol.

But in all seriousness, WWE fcked up with Daniel Bryan many times, this should've been the huge payoff.

Aren't us whining impatient Daniel bryan fans so annoying? We couldn't wait to the huge payoff that was going to happen last summer/fall, we all knew WWE was going to reward him by having win the rumble and the title at mania. That obviously happened -__-

Why should Daniel Bryan headline wrestlemania? What did he do to deserve that? How does WWE owe anything to you or the majority of the fans? When far superior performers like Chris Jericho(except for a lousy WM 18 match), C M Punk(always subservient to inferior performers like John Cena and The Rock), Jack Swagger , Antonio Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler aren't getting to main event wrestlemania, why should Bryan ? Because of his beard? Because he can chant YES and NO and run around like a goof? What about his Mic Skills? Can he talk even remotely as well as C M Punk and Jericho? (Shouting "I am the tag team champions" in a contrived fashion with Kane, and having a partly funny partly serious tag team doesn't amount to mic skills) . Repeating some question week after week which can only be answered in a YES or NO doesn't amount to possessing charisma or ability to sell pay-per-views.
So, how do you expect WWE to just insert Daniel Bryan into the rumble, book him to win over Batista? or C M Punk? or Roman Reigns?

Consider Kurt Angle- the greatest wrestler alive today, and one of the greatest of all-time, and IMO the greatest over-all wrestler of all time.
He won every major title in the first year of his debut and they tried and tested him by placing him into a main story with HHH and The Rock, and it worked. Rest is history. Was he the greatest talker at then? Certainly not. But consider his promo work from 2002 . Kurt Angle was quite well-built and athletically gifted as a wrestler, but still not tall enough to be considered world-championship material in the wrestling business and yet he did it. Solely based on his intensity, agility, mic skills, getting over with the fans (He didn't run around like a goof chanting YES with a 5ft tall AJ). Kurt Angle certainly had a crybabyish act for the first year . but when it was the time to perform, he gave amazing wrestling matches, learnt his craft(including mic skills), and became the WWF champion.
Kurt certainly didn't have audiences chanting YES and NO because he lost to Brock at Wrestlemania 19, or when he returned, became champion and got screwed over by Brock-Mcmahon alliance. Kurt angle was just Kurt angle. Whether it be losing to Eddie Guerrero(doubtlessly inferior to Angle), or winning against Shawn Michaels, Angle did it all. It took Jericho a long time to reach the main-event level that Angle did(only in 2008). But these performers knew their craft, and when they failed, they endured, they learnt. It was often that they were thrown into a mid-card, only to be subservient to Hulk Hogan, Austin, Rock, and Brock Lesnar. And nobody handed them a Royal Rumble victory because of some stupid chant or because people just want to rebel against established and workable main-event talent WWE has.

If by virtue of his gimmick and chant alone, Bryan deserves to headline WM in an era with only one World Title, you may as well invite Samoa Joe, A J Styles, and Christopher Daniels , give them a chant and a T-shirt and book them to headline Wrestlemania.

Thank goodness C M Punk abandoned WWE. (I hope he did). He has proven his worth long ago on mic(July 2011). He's certainly infinitely better on mic than John Cena, Randy Orton and Batista. The Rock repeated the same promos from 1999. With some new coinage like Cookiepuss or whatever the crap. Fucking twelve year olds would say cookiepuss. He may be not be the most excellent technical wrestler as personified by Kurt Angle and Bret Hart, nor be the best storyteller as personified by Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels, but in an age where John Cena's lameass promos and WWE title reigns were dominating Raw from 2005-2011, he was certain a diamond. A diamond that refused to be unnoticed or subservient to inferior acts anyways. Hail C M Punk.

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