Request a Sig From The Doctor

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Hey Doc, I changed my name and I think I need a new sig. Could you throw together something like a Mexican Colbert or something of the like? Thanks a bunch.

I'm working on it. It's fine. I just had a busy weekend. Please don't badger me...I can't stand it when people do that.
I'm sorry if it's too early, if so forget this, but could you make me a Red Dead Redemption sig? I don't care what you do with it, but I think you'd make a kick ass RDR sig. I'm so pumped up for the game. I'm going out to gamestop at 12am later to get it. :D
I need a Zack Ryder sig,something orange and purple and it has to say Woo Woo Woo You Know It.Thanks in advance <3
Hey Doc I'm back again. I got a request. I want a sig with Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Oscar De La Hoya and Floyd Mayweather in the sig. No words need to be added just those guys in. And one other thing. I don't know if you can help with this or not, but I want to be able to have the sig linked to the MMA/Boxing forum here. If you can help me on how to that that would be great. Thanks a lot Doc!
Whilst Doc helps you with the sig, I thought I would assist you with the coding to get it to link. This is what you need to type into your signature panel:

Whilst Doc helps you with the sig, I thought I would assist you with the coding to get it to link. This is what you need to type into your signature panel:


Great much appreciated. Now I may have missed it or something but where do I put the address that I want it to link to?
Yo doc, Never knew who "Doc" was til now!!!!! WOW i feel stupid lol looking so long for a username of Doc in the memebrs thingy. Anyway mind making me a Batista sig? with the WHC and one with the WWE title one a sig page???? Whener you get the chance,. Also can it say " Long Live Dave And His Short Career"
Hey there Doc, I would like a sig pic to stop feeling so naked :I And I like your work so if you get a moment some time I would appreciate it alot.

I'd like a sig with pictures of some of my influences. Google Anthony Warlow, Philip Quast, Franco Corelli, Luciano Pavarotti.. Cheers :) Theres not much else I can think of in terms of direction, if you get a chance I would love to see what you could do with this.


To get this to link to the boxing forum, use this code:


Can you Make me a Jack Swagger Sig with him and the World Championship in it?With the Words "I Am Mangle,I Am Champion"?(When I get 50 posts,I'm getting anme change,If you're wondering)
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