Request a Sig From The Doctor

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Hey Doc, a bit new here. Could you possibly make me a sig that consists of Wade barrett and says Manchester made please. I would appreciate it alot.
Hello doc, could you make me a sig with punk(with his hair of course) on the right, angle on the left and hbk in the centre...and have it say 'flawless' in the middle, 'ring work', 'entertainment' and 'mic work' respectively in that order along with the pics...i hope it is'nt too much for one sig...also try to keep the font size small so that it fits and doesnt overshadow the always, expect great work from you.
thanks in advance.
Hey Doc, could you make a sig with Laycool on it when a speech bubble saying Flawless?And then somewhere it should say "Miss..." (Without the quotes). Like my name, but the "Miss" shouldn't be in the speech bubble.

Thanks. :)

Hey Doc, I need a new sig.

There's an independant promotion in NY called ICW that I'm a huge fan of.

I would like a sig with some of it's best stars from the past on the left(Eddie Guerrero, Mikey Whipreck, Low-Ki, and The SATs(pic -

And their best stars from the present on the right(Amazing Red, Danny Demanto, Jerry Lynn, and All Money Is Legal(pic -

With the promoter Jac Sabboth(yes it's spelled that way) in the middle(it's ok if you can't find a pic of him).

And if you could please fit the words "THIS IS IC F'N W!!!" at the bottom.

I know it's alot of work, but if you could do it it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks. :cool:
Hey Doc, long time fan, first time requester!

Can you make me a sig featuring Jamie Keyes, AJ Lee, and Kaitlyn? And somewhere on the sig put "Next Breakout Divas" on it? That would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!
No, you got it from Theo :(

OMG I feel terrible now. I stole a request :(. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm usually pretty good with seeing duplicate requests. Now I can enjoy the sig I made knowing I stole it from you.

Good thing I came here though, as I almost started on the request from Ell in my thread only to see he posted it here first.
Oh take it if you want. Haha. I'm a bit spotty with my requests nowadays, since I'm other at class, doing homework, doing something on campus, or too tired to boot up Photoshop. If they come to you after me, it's fine. It just depends on how committed they are to getting a Doc sig ;)
Yea, my bad boys. I thought the Doc was a little busy or whatever, guess it was just my idiotic impatience.
Im looking for a sig where Vegeta is looking through his scouter at Batman. The power level says "Over 9000!" And when Batman's name pops up it says "the Goddamn Batman".

Perhaps the Batman shown in the first image before the scouter would be the one in the top panel of this


Adam West Batman lulz

Then once hes on the scouter the image shows the badass version of Batman and the name that registers says "The Goddamn Batman!"(picture can be of your choice) and "Over 9000!" etc

These of course are only suggestions. I would like to see your creative spin on this. It can be funny or totally serious.
Hey Doc! I have finally the balls to make a request! lol Anyway my current sig says: "Heels are always best". Basically I want the same idea, but this time I want Ric Flair, Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho (with short hair) and CM Punk (as long he has his beard Im ok with it) in that order. The difference is that I want it in more obscure colors (blue, black,'s up to you); and obviously with the phrase: HEELS ARE ALWAYS BEST. Hope it's not such a complictaed sig. Thank you in advance doc!
Hey Doc, I'm in a need for a new sig and of course, I came here. I am looking for a sig of alex shelly and chris sabin and having it say Motor City somewhere.
Hey, I'd love it if you could make me a sig. I'd love one with Christian, The Miz (smirking, preferably) & Edge. Maybe a blue background? I know you can probably figure out something that will look good. Thanks!
Hey Doc, I need a new sig.

There's an independant promotion in NY called ICW that I'm a huge fan of.

I would like a sig with some of it's best stars from the past on the left(Eddie Guerrero, Mikey Whipreck, Low-Ki, and The SATs(pic -

And their best stars from the present on the right(Amazing Red, Danny Demanto, Jerry Lynn, and All Money Is Legal(pic -

With the promoter Jac Sabboth(yes it's spelled that way) in the middle(it's ok if you can't find a pic of him).

And if you could please fit the words "THIS IS IC F'N W!!!" at the bottom.

I know it's alot of work, but if you could do it it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks. :cool:

Hey Doc, don't mean to bother you but just wondering how my request is coming along.

Yo Doc, need you to hook your boy up again. I'm trying to get the District Attorney spot in this Jenks trial so I was hoping you could make me a little something to advertise it.

You know the image Armbar was rocking recently of Chael Sonnen taking off Harvey Dent with the coin? I was hoping you could maybe change that picture up and replace Sonnen with a picture of Pedobear and replace the "I believe in Sonnen" with "I believe in Macca".

I know you kill this shit man, so wouldn't ask anyone else.
I would love an awesome Brock Lesnar background for my computer. I want it to encompass some of his best moments in the WWE and his best moments so far in the UFC. My dimensions are 1920 x 1080 pixels. It'll be greatly appreciated and I'll rep you for sure.
Doc, I was wondering if you could make me a Nexus/Cena signature?

That's all.
When you get a chance, can I have a Daniel Bryan sig of him holding the us title with like a lightning yellow kind of background and his name in USA colors. Also if possible can you make it the similar size that you sig is...I like that size lol...Thanks a lot man
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