Reality Check

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Meilichia... says:
Oh yes i sent one to norcal and he messaged me, i forgot about him

Meilichia... says:
but i didn't send one to wes

Meilichia... says:
why would i do that? i want to talk to wes


Sam's Thread 03-10-2008 02:01 PM Jonny B Your Cool
Sam's Thread 03-10-2008 03:45 AM C.M.
Post Your Favorite... 03-10-2008 03:13 AM TheOneBigWill Straight up Cracka'
[Official] John Cena... 03-10-2008 12:24 AM danmen001 Ownage. Plus I agree with you
Sam's Thread 03-09-2008 05:36 PM Meilichia Fuck you.

Well, that clear's up that discrepancy. This shit is crazy. Am I like the only one Dannii didn't tear apart verbally?
To be honest I stopped posting altogether in Danni's thread once she started to make up "rules and regulations" for the damn thing.

I didn't know, nor did I care about knowing, anything of real significance about her past that may have influenced my decision on whether or not to talk to her or not
Well, that clear's up that discrepancy. This shit is crazy. Am I like the only one Dannii didn't tear apart verbally?

Okay, I said I'd reserve what I had to say until a later time. Its time.

Danielle decided for whatever reason that "I" was the vocal point of blame placement for why people on this forum turned against her. She took it upon herself to blame me, personally, because "I" went around apparently and told the world her deep, dark little life secrets.

Fact number 1. I know a few of her so-called secrets, that I have NOT told anyone else on this forum. If she has, thats her issue. But I haven't. And I won't.

Fact number 2. Its become apparent to me that Danielle doesn't wish, nor does she want to accept responsibility for her own actions. She has taken it upon herself to blame me, because she claims I started this whole mess. When the truth is, I wasn't even apart of it, until SHE asked me to come defend her from Sly.

Yes, she came to me on MSN, she said she wanted me to say something in her defense, because Sly was "abusing" her. I read what Sly wrote on the (at that time) last page. I responded in trying to defend Danielle, by claiming she was more than a mere couple of "revealing" photos. Sly and I argued a bit (in public) then I PMed him about the issue.. he returned my PM and gave me "the other side" of the story. I looked into it, and it turns out HE was telling the truth.

The truth is, Sly was baited into that thread by her, by stupid underhanded remarks she kept making. In which she did so, to draw up more attention, to her thread, I might add. Furthermore, Sly never once called her anything, that she didn't openly call herself. The ONLY thing I'll say, now, in her defense is Sly should've been the bigger person and just ignored the comments. However, I'm not bad mouthing Sly in the least, because if my name was brought up.. I'd just as quickly jump to respond. Its nature.

Fact number 3. Danielle has decided to claim all I want, is to get to know people, so I can spread "gossip" about them all over the forum. Well, just incase anyone questions that.. then I simply have one thing to say to all of you. DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING, YOU DON'T WANT TO. The truth is, I know several "secretive" things, about several members on this forum.

Do I care? No. Am I going to suddenly reveal them, even if those people piss me off? No. They told me in confidence that I wouldn't "embarass" them, and use it against them. Danielle, for whatever reason, thinks she told me something unknown to the rest of the forum.. that I suddenly used against her.

I'm curious what she thinks that might be. The fact that people see her as easy? She did that, on her own. The fact that people don't respect her, because all she did to get attention is post half naked photos? She did that on her own. So what exactly did I take, and turn against her?

To be honest, one person said something thats truthful. Xfearbefore. He said, something along the lines of.. "Will, you're an adult.. you shouldn't be bothering with this shit."

And thats the truth. I shouldn't be. So this is (hopefully) my last overall post, regarding the matter. If you want my opinion, its this..

Danielle can either return to the forum, and try to be a regular member again. Or she can take her ball and go somewhere else. She is no different, and definately no better than the rest of us. We'll all move on from this forum sooner or later, just like her, and the forum will go on. If you want my personal opinion..

I think she should be banned out-right, just like Leore was. She's "ruining" the quality and overall enjoyment of the forum. I'm not the only one who sees it. I'm merely the only one who says it. Thats why I'm the main person she's placing blame on, because I've NEVER backed down, from speaking my mind. Even if it hurts feelings.

And truth be told, I'd expect nothing less from anyone else. She mentioned defending me from others who seen me as a pedo. Or any other negative thing. Oh f*cking well. If people decide they want to look down on me, its their God given right to do so. I can't stop that, and I don't want to. Do I care? Yes. Will I quit living my overall life, because some random individual on an internet forum thinks badly of me? haha NO.

The final thing I have to say about that, is this. If anyone on this forum has something they feel they want to say, negatively, about me. Then say it. Hurtful or not. Because the fact is, nothing means anything if its said behind a person's back. Its just gutless talk, from meaningless people.

As far as everyone suddenly disliking her, well if "I" have that big of control over the people on this forum, then why aren't I in control of it completely yet? Seems to me, she only digs herself further in a hole. Because "I" have enough respect and common sense to realize everyone on this forum has a brain that they use for themselves. (except Cola, his is currently being used by Becca)

The fact is, I didn't tell anyone to stop being Danielle's friend. And I've even said it to her point blank in that conversation. "I" still wanted to be her friend, if she'd simply act like one. I can rest easy at night, knowing that'll never happen though, because she hasn't grown up yet. Case closed, end of discussion.
Well, as much as I hate to say it, it seems to me that she brought it all on herself. If she knew anything about Will, it should have been that he only says things to be helpful. And for some reason, she just didn't see it as helpful. In fact, she took what I assume was meant to be constructive criticism, and took it as treason. You'd think by now everyone who posts regularly would now that Will always knows what he's talking about. From anyone else, I would still have my doubts. To hear it from anyone else, I'd probably still think things were being exaggerated. But, I trust Will's word, and, as much as I like Dannii, I have to say that Will, you have nothing to apologize for. And it was extremely out of line for her to make things so fucking personal.
Honest, I skipped down to the very end after a while. I get so tired of drama and am turning over a new leaf, staying out of it. She added me to MSN a while ago, I hope she doesn't drag me into anything...Not that she could.

FYI, I don't care about her thread and regret any backing I gave her. It was Jonny who locked and I think he was right in doing so.
Shit, I shut my computer off for 4 days.....

I have nothing to do with this and have no idea what started this, but I feel bad for this girl (not that she needs me to feel bad for her). I never had any real communication with Danielle, but she obviously has some issues that she needs to deal with.

Holy shit girls- there are only a few of us on the forum. Most of the guys on here are super cool, so you don't need to post revealing pics of yourself to get respect. This is supposed to be for fun!!
Most of the guys on here are super cool, so you don't need to post revealing pics of yourself to get respect. This is supposed to be for fun!!

See, RVDgurl gets it.
Eh, whatever, I think I'm done with this. It's getting old just to talk about it. I'm back to business as usual.
I leave for basically two weeks and drama hits the forums

damn I always miss the good shit
It wasn't drama, it was immaturity.

Am I like the only one Dannii didn't tear apart verbally?
*raises hand*

Shit, I shut my computer off for 4 days.....
You've been gone for a while it seems. You were needed to put these new "divas" of WZ in their rightful place.

So disappointed in you RVDgurl. ;)

I never had any real communication with Danielle, but she obviously has some issues that she needs to deal with.
I'm still trying to figure out who the fuck this Danielle girl is.
It wasn't drama, it was immaturity.

Somehow all caused by me. :headscratch:

*raises hand*

Shocking. She doesn't bitch at the one person who told her like it was, the most.

You've been gone for a while it seems. You were needed to put these new "divas" of WZ in their rightful place.

So disappointed in you RVDgurl. ;)

Pssh.. Becca's the only one left. Theres no hope. I say we fire her too, and keep the originals. :lmao:

I'm still trying to figure out who the fuck this Danielle girl is.

Nobody. Next Subject.
so you don't need to post revealing pics of yourself to get respect. This is supposed to be for fun!!

Exactly. Of course I'm a big enough gentlemen to not ask of such a thing. Boobs? Pshh...Who cares about boobs when she's a nice young lady? Like yourself I might add:)
Exactly. Of course I'm a big enough gentlemen to not ask of such a thing. Boobs? Pshh...Who cares about boobs when she's a nice young lady? Like yourself I might add:)

haha.... Wes, you are such a sweetie. We all know that you don't care about boobs. Right? :p
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