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Reality Check

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[This Space for Rent]
Danielle has taken it upon herself to block me, but not before this conversation. So, incase anyone had any thought on who she was before. I think she'd want everyone to see this, to sum up who she feels she is.

Meilichia... says:
Hello William.

William says:
Hello. So, is this suppose to be the part where you bitch about the truth hurting?

Meilichia... says:
No no, you have this all wrong. I have a question for you.

William says:
Which is?

Meilichia... says:
You know all those times I listened to you, was there for you, when you had all your problems, especially with Becca, why didn't I go publically humilate you?

Meilichia... says:
I think I might know the answer to this actually...

Meilichia... says:
I'm a nice person, I don't enjoy humiliating people, and I certainly would never want to hurt someone who was a friend.

William says:
Is this the part where I'm suddenly suppose to feel guilty, for saying something on the forum, about you lying to everyone claiming you didn't throw a tantrum about leaving if your stupid little thread didn't get reopened, dispite the fact that "I" had no true authority to open or close it? Or maybe, this is because you felt I was siding away from you, because I actually had half a brain, to think

William says:
about whether or not Sly could be half right about you not giving a shit about anyone but yourself, and anyone who only wishes to talk about you?

William says:
You know what, why don't you actually refresh my memory, on what exactly you did do, for me, regarding Becca? Because I don't honestly recall you doing anything. Listening? You barely replied to anything I said, which could've been you just as easily closing out of the conversation and ignoring it, as "listening."

William says:
At least all those other times you told me about your past, I LISTENED and REPLIED. Danielle, make no mistake, I do care about you enough to want to be your friend. But NOT at the expense of allowing you to go all nut-case on me, just because one fucking thread gets closed on a forum.

Meilichia... says:
Oh dear me, you say I don't care about anyone but myself? Will, I liked you, you are a nice person to chat to fair enough, but you are by far the biggest hypocrite I have ever met, you pretend to care about everyone and anyone, you pretend to be there for people, but infact all you want is to know about people, so you can tell others, and gain popularity for knowing 'gossip'.

Meilichia... says:
The reason I came to you upset was because I thought I could trust you, when everyone else was saying you where an internet pedo, I defended you, I stuck up for you, I cared about you, and you stabbed me in the back. I came to you for confidence, for a reality slap, for someone to vent to, and instead you took roughly half an hour to tell the majoirty of the people I was once friends with and now

Meilichia... says:
I no longer have those friends because you turned me into a laughing stock.

William says:
You dare say I'm some "gossip" mill. Pssh, you're simply talking out of your ass. You know what I told anyone about you? A whole lot of nothing, outside of your immaturity from our last conversation.. about you and I quote.. telling me you were "unsure" if you ever wanted to speak with me again, because "I" called your thread "just another one."

William says:
Don't give me this better than thou shit, because if you were trying to be a true friend, then you'd be apologizing to me, for being that fucking selfish and stuck up.

William says:
Furthermore, check the board.. I WAS STILL DEFENDING YOU.

Meilichia... says:
Apologise to you? You were not defending me, you where humilating me.

William says:
Oh, but as far as you defending me? Where? I never seen anything.. perhaps I was blind, or, perhaps you only defended me in a post or two, out of your thread.

Meilichia... says:
No, I defended you in several pm's, in so so many msn conversations.

William says:
Read the entire fucking post I made, replying back to Albert. DEFENDING YOU.

William says:
Oh, how easily you defend me in several things I can't see, and will never have real proof of. Nice, allow me to say I'm oh so very sorry, how oh how could I of ever been so wrong in saying.. the truth.

Meilichia... says:
And to say I only listened to you? I tried to help you the best I could and saying I hardly replied is just insulting me, I wanted to help you but I hadn't been in that situation, so i couldn't give decent advice.

William says:
You know what, have I truly offended you? Have I truly humiliated you? Have I made ANY ONE comment, about your past, or all the shit that could really make you look horrible? NO.. why? Because everyone makes choices to me, and thats your past, you either overcome it, or you don't.

William says:
The ONLY thing I went along with on the forum, in mocking you for, was that fucking thread being anything more than what it was.

Meilichia... says:
Will seriously, no matter what you say, no matter how much you try and defend what you did, you told others what I told you as a friend, in confidence, I came to you because i thought I could trust you, and you told everyone, you actually made me cry because I so thought I could trust you.

William says:
What exactly did you tell me in confidence, that I told the world?

Meilichia... says:
being upset over my thread, whether you felt it was childish, immature or pointless, it upset, much like you getting upset over things on the internet, thats how i felt, and you told others and that seriously hurt me.

William says:
People KNEW how upset I was over Becca, so how is that me hiding anything? You need to confront your fears, and the things you feel people will look down upon you for, Danielle. You know what, so you cared about a thread, if you posted about that in a respectful manner, it'd be understandable. However, you didn't. And what makes it worse, is because you started getting serious in DEMANDING who did

William says:
and didn't come into your thread. You started making rules for sake.

William says:
Oh, and news flash.. if the entire board thinks I'm a internet pedo, then let them. They have their ability to form their own opinion. Believe me, I don't expect any of them to suddenly respect me for falling for a 16 yr. old girl, from another country. Even "I" know how stupid it sounds. But it was real to me, and thats all that mattered.. to me.

William says:
I care of other's opinions, but I don't care on living my life based on how I'm viewed to the world. You wanna know how you should truly live? For yourself, because of yourself. If someone doesn't like you, so what, thats there problem.. not yours. If someone doesn't agree with something you do, so what -- their problem, not yours. Just don't throw fits when it comes to a point of not everyone

William says:
agreeing with you.

Meilichia... says:
This isn't about the thread, and this whole thing about making rules everyone keeps going on about... Cory asked me to do it, and it was basically be nice... thats such a horrible rule isn't it.

William says:
Finally, for the record, I'm still trying to be your friend. I'll even publicly apologize for mocking you.. to a degree. But I won't apologize for saying the truth, on feeling you were immature about what you did. And furthermore, do you fully wish to know how many people want you banned for the red rep "fuck you" comment you handed out?

Meilichia... says:
I'm not mad about my thread anymore, because I have left WZ, I'm mad at you for not caring enough about me, to publically hurt and humilate me, losing me friends i enjoyed talking to.

William says:
Why do you think it lost you those friends? Do you REALLY have that amount of uncertainty in your own "friends" to think "I" could control them into whether they talk to you or not?

William says:
They don't have to listen to me. They form their own opinion. They're smart enough to make their own decision. Infact, I'm sure they'd still talk to you, if you talked to them. Its all on how you play it, Danielle.

Meilichia... says:
I did message those i wanted to stay in contact with after i leave the board, you want to know how many replied? three.

Meilichia... says:
people like Jeremy, who i really enjoyed talking to, won't talk to me, because of what he had found out about me, Ken won't for the same reason.

William says:
Let me ask you this. Did you say "fuck you" in a red rep comment to everyone, including those you wanted to stay in contact with?

Meilichia... says:
No I only sent them to those who where taking the piss out of me.

William says:
And why won't Albert and Ech talk to you? Because of the fact that you blew up over a simple thread?

Meilichia... says:
I only actually sent three of those out, one to shockmaster who had given me one just a minute before, one to mr sam for sending me a red rep and one to you saying about the msn thing

William says:
And one to Wes, and one to Norcal.. wanna keep lying some more?

William says:
You honestly think I didn't get a shit load of messages about it? You honestly think that you can say shit behind my back, without it getting back to me too??

Meilichia... says:
Oh yes i sent one to norcal and he messaged me, i forgot about him

Meilichia... says:
but i didn't send one to wes

Meilichia... says:
why would i do that? i want to talk to wes

William says:
You know what I've learned about you, Danielle. Everything's a game to you, you play with people. You toy with them, to see how far you can push them.

William says:
Well, then I suggest you have a conversation with Wes, because hes telling the whole forum you did send him the same rep comment.

Meilichia... says:
I didn't though?

Meilichia... says:
I'll talk to Wes next time he is on msn because he isn't on right now.

William says:
So if thats the truth, then who's talking shit now? Everything I've ever said, was truthful. When have you EVER known me, to say something thats a lie? I don't lie, I'll hurt your feelings directly to your face if its the truth. And I'll say I'm sorry ahead of time for it, but its not in me to sugar coat anything, just to tip-toe around hurting them.

Meilichia... says:
and about the game thing... I don't play a game, i be myself, i have never played a game.

William says:
The fact is, a true friend is someone who wants to talk to you. Not see your tits. All the guys who remained in your thread, short of C.M. or Albert, wanted nothing more than to see your tits. And you played off that, why? Because you didn't want to take the time to have actual conversation with them. Why? Because you likely knew it'd be no good, due to the fact they only cared about seeing your

William says:

William says:
I'm sorry, did you just tell me you don't play games with people? How about the time you so greatly tried making me believe you actually cared for me? And for what, so I'd stop thinking about Becca? Or maybe so you could give me a complex for having to tell you I didn't want you, but instead at that time, I wanted her?

Meilichia... says:
Will I just thought seeing as I had been there for you, no matter how immature or childish I thought you have been, I had been there for you, I never went around posting private conversations. I just thought you'd be nice enough to do the same for me. Judgement reserved, just there for me, not willing to hurt me.

William says:
So post to the world anything you think I've done. What exactly, childish or immature, do you think I've done? (outside of this)

Meilichia... says:
Childish and immature... well lets see... the first thing that pops to mind is caring more about yourself than your daughter.

William says:
And no, NOONE gets a free pass on judgment if I know what you've done. You can't just get away with being stuck up, or immature with me, especially TO ME.

Meilichia... says:
willing to break up your young family for a 16 year old girl, who is after all 16, will more than likely move on, and get bored.

William says:
Name one thing I've done, thats me caring more for myself than for my daughter?

Meilichia... says:
I recall you saying "i just can't see her at the moment, i don't want her to see me depressed" ... something along those lines.

Meilichia... says:
You spend all this time online Will, if i had a partner who loved me, and a young daughter i'd want to spend every minute of my awake day making that work.

William says:
I agree with that. I was naive and foolish enough to think a mere 16 yr. old could want something long term. It was an error in judgment, I assumed she could be mature enough to want all of that.. and the truth is, maybe she could be. Just not with me. Albeit, yes, I was willing to be with her, over my Wife. Why? Because I felt that I loved Becca. I felt that thats where I wanted to be.

Meilichia... says:
Will sometimes its better to think with your head not your heart

William says:
Regarding my daughter, you might wanna check the time difference. Most the time I'm online, its either during the day when Gabrielle is at the sitter, or in the middle of the night, when shes asleep. Trust me when I say, I spend my time with her. Just because I don't talk about it to the world, doesn't mean its not there.

Meilichia... says:
Your daughter has a sitter while you sit at the computer?

William says:
I agree with that too. But it doesn't mean I accept it. I want to be happy in life. I followed a decision I felt made me happier. I was wrong, people often are, its not a big deal. I've moved on, she's moved on. My life is still going on. Thats the beauty of it. Life doesn't stop, because you don't get what you want. You should do well to remember that.

William says:
No, you can use that excuse if you'd like. My daughter has a sitter because it was discussed with everyone, to me, that she should be around children so she can be prepared to handle that situation when she goes to enter preschool.

William says:
My daughter has no contact with kids, she for all of her life, spent every waking moment playing with me, and me alone.. until Jan.. when Erin moved out. Then she moved back in. You know how many days I didn't see my daughter? About roughly two weeks. Thats it.

Meilichia... says:
I'm sorry maybe the education system is different over there but we have a pre school for that, called nursery, before that they stay at home, with family if they can.

William says:
Just out of curiousity, are you trying to raise my kid for me? Because as I've already said, you have every right to your opinion.. but I hardly see where you think you're gaining any ground with trying to tell me how to raise my own daughter.

William says:
Oh, and check with Becca herself. I told her countless times, my daughter would ALWAYS come first. And I'd never move to England, unless I knew somehow Gabrielle was going with me. At which point would also NEVER have happened, because I wouldn't take her away from her Mother.

Meilichia... says:
I'm not telling you how to raise your daughter, I'm just answering your question, when you asked me why I thought you had been immature regarding your daughter.

William says:
And you have the right to assume that type of opinion. But likewise, I have the right to put you in your place, for assuming wrongfully. Just because I'm on the internet, even when shes been around me, hardly means I'm ignoring her. Yeah, "I" admit that if I'm on the computer if shes remotely

William says:
around me, then its bad. "I" agree with that. But it rarely happens. Because when shes home, I give her my attention.

William says:
So what else do you have?
1. Neglect of the Daughter = incorrect
2. Foolishness in a 16 yr old = correct

Meilichia... says:
Well Will, I'm going now anyway, I think you'll realise what you did one day, When I had an opinion about you, or thought about you, I kept it to myself, if you needed my help, I tried to give it to you, the best I could, whether or not my help reached your standard or not. I just thought maybe, your whole caring, friendly attitude would have counted for me as well. I guess I'm just not as importa

Meilichia... says:
nt as you huh Will.

Meilichia... says:
All I wanted was a friend to talk to, which I thought you was.

Meilichia... says:
I guess I am always wrong.

William says:
If you wish to believe that, thats your decision. But ask yourself this. Have I EVER threatened to not talk to you, over something stupid? No. I've ALWAYS said I'd be here for you.

William says:
I care to help anyone I can. But some people simply refuse to be helped, Danielle. Some people don't want the help they ask for, so much as for someone to agree with why they're upset and to make them feel in the right. I'm not going to always think you're right, if I feel you aren't.

Meilichia... says:
Thats fair enough, if you thought I was being stupid, childish, whatever thats your choice, but going making my conversation with you public thats a different matter.

William says:
Why is it a different matter? The matter had to due with WZ.

William says:
And furthermore, you were lying to everyone.

William says:
If I know you're lying to someone, I'm going to tell them you're lying.

Meilichia... says:
Because I told you how I was feeling, not everyone on the board.

Meilichia... says:
I came to you, because I thought I could trust you.

William says:
Danielle.. I NEVER made it public, until I felt I had to. Why? Did I feel I had to? Because you kept on with the stupidity of it.. that could've likely made an Admin leave the board.

Meilichia... says:
You don't know half of that story so don't pretend you do. I spoke to Jake about that, and the little bit about my thread was only the tip of the iceberg, Jonny and Jake have far more problems than with me, and it just so happened to surface on my thread.

William says:
Yeah, trust me I do know.

William says:
Jonny has done stuff like this before. I went to Jake about it too. he told me.

Meilichia... says:
Then your previous comment made no sense.

William says:
The fact is though, your thread was causing a problem. Therefore, it was that problem, that sent everything finally over the edge.

William says:
Look, if Jonny leaves.. its NOT on you, because he would've made the decision to do so. However, because all of this is over a simple thread being closed.. its immature and pointless.

William says:
You wanna know what I truly did? I did what I said I did. I went to Jonny, I said either open the thread and leave it open, or close and delete it.

Meilichia... says:
Immature and pointless? You might say that, but this is the internet, you fell in love with someone on here, which is just as immature and pointless as me wanting my own thread, want to know why? the internet is escapism, I enjoyed having my thread because i am an attention seeker, and I don't get attention, I got attention there, which i loved, I won't deny that, having that thread made me feel

Meilichia... says:
liked, and made me feel wanted. and as you know from my past I don't like myself, and to have people like me, even if it was basically because of my bra size, it made me happy.

William says:
Yeah, and its the same toward me and Becca, right? I agree.

Meilichia... says:
Silly, perhaps, but I enjoyed that thread, it made me feel better about myself.

William says:
I'm NOT disagreeing with that, but the difference is.. I'm now clear minded and open minded enough to see how naive it was.

William says:
I still care every bit as much for Becca as I did before. That won't change. And I'll still want her to be happy, I'll still wish nothing but the best for her. But so what, she moved on. I got over it. In the same manner that your thread had come to an end, yet you opted to NOT get over it.

William says:
When the fact is, we have a "pointless thread" that represents the exact same thing that thread of yours did. Ideal chit chat. So go there and talk. Infact, i'm sure if you did, you'd have actual conversation with people.. who didn't care to see your tits.

Meilichia... says:
I did have conversations with people I spoke to Cory, Jeremy, Ken, Tommy, Paul all over pm. Just because you didn't see it all doesn't mean those people only wanted to see my boobs.

William says:
Well, then whats the point of that thread? If you had conversations with all the same people.. why care so much about a thread? Thats been my whole point. Because it was "yours" big deal, everyone has had a thread about them thats ended up dying down.. it was bound to happen.

Meilichia... says:
I cared about it so much for the reasons i just typed out up there ^^^

William says:
Because you love attention? You could've gotten the same attention all over the forum. Look at Becca, she gets attention for her posts in the wrestling section, and pictures in the picture thread. She gets attention for comments she makes all over the forum.

William says:
Look at EVERYONE ELSE. They get attention, by comments made ALL OVER THE FORUM. Why do you have to be so simple minded enough to only want attention outta one thread.

Meilichia... says:
did they have a 400 plus thread dedicated to them? no. I liked that attention because i am the girl who doesn't get much attention, for good reasons, and that thread made me feel better about myself. simple as that, you won't understand that because you are not in my head,

William says:
Noone is in your head, because only you can live in that world. You've built everything around you. Everyone might do that to some degree, but the fact is, you need to get over it.

Meilichia... says:
Right I need to go. Will all I can say to you, is you broke my trust, I trusted you, and you hurt me, and I just pity the next person who falls for it next time, because it does hurt. Bye.
Holy shit. She really is mental. I had nothng against her, until I read that. Now, I realize she needs a new jacket. One where the sleeves are tied up at the back...
Well once I got over the fact that I was brought up about 100 times, lol, I can see why she liked the thread, because I, at one point, liked pretty much the same thing. And I think she's a nice person. But a lot of that was undeserved and idiotic. But I think, because so many people have used her body as something good about her, she doesn't have the confidence to think she has other just as good abilities.
I wasn't here for the becca-will situation so I honestly don't know what happened. It seems to me though that everything since then has been blown out of proportion. She's gone now anyway so what difference does it make?
That was very unpleasant. I actually skipped down a bit after it got a little more into personal matters. I actually wasn't aware of the Will-Becca situation. I'm actually not sure if I wanted to know. None of my business, you know?
Although I'm not sure why Dannii thinks I stopped talking to her. I actually e-mailed this morning. When did that conversation take place?
Alright, Luther, I don't want you to make me famous anymore. You can stop calling me Prax. (Like this is actually gonna work :icon_rolleyes: )
Whatever Prax.

Could it be Prax V.2? Maybe he decided to take on a feminine personality.

I read the first 2 lines of this, then realized "Why the fuck am I reading this?"

Come on Will bro, you're in your 20s now. Why are you dealing with this online drama bullshit? I didn't even deal with that when I was 15.

You're the adult here. Don't even deal with that shit.
That was very unpleasant. I actually skipped down a bit after it got a little more into personal matters. I actually wasn't aware of the Will-Becca situation. I'm actually not sure if I wanted to know. None of my business, you know?
Although I'm not sure why Dannii thinks I stopped talking to her. I actually e-mailed this morning. When did that conversation take place?

The conversation took place right before I posted it. Around like 3-4p.m.

I have my own comments to make, I'll make them a bit later tonight though.
Well once I got over the fact that I was brought up about 100 times, lol,
I'm jealous. I was only brought up once, and felt I was much more important in this story than that.

Totally disappointing.

Alright, Luther, I don't want you to make me famous anymore. You can stop calling me Prax. (Like this is actually gonna work :icon_rolleyes: )
You're Prax? Holy hell!

Welcome back man!

I read the first 2 lines of this, then realized "Why the fuck am I reading this?"
I did the same thing...except it was like a car wreck...I couldn't look away.
Are you a Hogan/Phil Lafon mark? Then you might just be Prax.
Wow... seriously... Will this is not towards you at all... I'm making a general statement to the other party in this... Grow the Hell up seriously... Don't target someone's family or they're feeling towards other posters or w/e. Really you made yourself a laughing stock around here, and not Will... Jeez
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