Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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It has to be Taker. But why will Taker return to RAW in the 1st place? I certainly don't think he will be on the mic, he will be clearing the ring full of superstars but where can they find those Superstars? (Unless The Corre makes an appearence again) It doesn't make sense for him to appear on RAW when Barrett is on his radar. However, I don't think the promo is as 'Big' as people make them to be. It will be Taker, but what he does on returning to RAW is another story.
It could still be Sting. They could have played that music in the background to hint that Sting is looking for the Undertaker.

WWE likes to make us think one thing then veer in another direction and that's what I think is going on here.

Both men, Undertaker and Sting, could be showing up for that RAW on 2.21.11.
The WWE machine is doing a masterful job of inserting ambiguity into these promos. They've got the entire wrestling community guessing about this, as evidenced by the length of this thread.

Problem is, no one at WWE has said anything about negotiations going on with Steve Borden, have they? I have to admit that at this point, it will be really disappointing if Sting isn't coming.

Personally, I think the 2/21/11 promo is about both 'Taker and Sting. WWE wanted us talking about this.....and we sure as hell are doing it.
If this wasn't Sting, he or somebody extremely close to him would of came out and said no by now.

I was thinking this. If it wasn't Sting, he'd probably just give an interview or post on Twitter saying, "Guys, sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't signed with WWE." Since everyone is being silent, it seems like they're trying to keep the allure of his character going. As others have said, I think both Sting and Undertaker will be at 2/21/21.
Well it looks like Stings TNA profile has been removed today, could it be a promo for both Sting and Taker if so that would be a killer raw
Even if the first promor wasn't about sting and they just realised oh crap we have to show it's the Undertaker so people don't get their expectation too high about it, by now they know that people want Sting and if I was Vince I would pay Sting anything for him to come for Mania.
It has to be Taker. But why will Taker return to RAW in the 1st place? I certainly don't think he will be on the mic, he will be clearing the ring full of superstars but where can they find those Superstars? (Unless The Corre makes an appearence again) It doesn't make sense for him to appear on RAW when Barrett is on his radar. However, I don't think the promo is as 'Big' as people make them to be. It will be Taker, but what he does on returning to RAW is another story.

The Undertaker is a Smackdown talent, so why he would return to Raw is the last string I am holding onto that this is Sting.

It's clear that they are trying to throw everybody off. The Johnny Cash song is an Undertaker song so it's too obvious that it is for him, again, making me think it is for Sting.

I really don't know, everytime I see the trench coat I think it's Sting. I hope it is, I'd honestly be disappointed if it was the Undertaker.

And let's be honest, Kevin Nash and Booker T are not Sting. If these promos are for Sting, there is no way in hell it would leak out, absolutely none.
I think people are jumping to conclusions way too fast. As I expected, they ran a new promo this week, obviously hinting that it was an Undertaker return. But they're going to run a new one next week I'm sure. Who says this next one isn't this mysterious figure grabbing a shovel or something like that? Calm the f down and at least see all the promos before you write this off. :disappointed:
I just can't get past the fact the the event advertising for the 2/21/11 Raw lists "The return of The Undertaker". I know it has happened in the past where the cat was let out of the bag on a return due to this kind of local advertising. But, it doesn't make any sense at all that WWE would be running these weekly promos about this mysterious something happening on 2/21/11 when the advertising already has the Undertaker being their.
Its probably Taker. If its his last wreslemania ever which i think it is they need him on raw but that opens up another question. Why did they pur barrett on smackdown if they want taker on raw? Did they change the match. Is it maybe not sting but Triple H for Mania or maybe it is even kane who knows. They really have us wondering hopefully they don't pull something stupid.
I think people are jumping to conclusions way too fast. As I expected, they ran a new promo this week, obviously hinting that it was an Undertaker return. But they're going to run a new one next week I'm sure. Who says this next one isn't this mysterious figure grabbing a shovel or something like that? Calm the f down and at least see all the promos before you write this off. :disappointed:

oh that would be amazing if long trench-coat with boots was digging up a grave and Taker hands pops up that would be a eye popper
Don't you guys remember what happened with the Y2J crack the code promo?

After the 1st week, the entire internet already figured out it was Y2J...so the WWE ran the same type of promo the following week, but all the hints in that one was for HBK...

So as for this 2/21/11 promo, it could be that this week made it so obvious that its the Undertaker...that it WON'T be the Undertaker...
After their first promo having the entire wrestling world discussing it frantically about who it was making everyone think Sting had finally signed with the WWE I can't believe that they'd make something so obviously hinting at the Undertaker, it really makes no sense. As others said we'll have to see the other promos as they might be toying with us and throwing us off the scent which i really hope is the case because if it is the return of the Undertaker it's going to be really anti climatic. I would of rather him just return as a surprise without any promos. (this is all assuming that it is JUST the Undertaker returning that RAW).
I know you're all saying that the song in the new promo is there to throw you off the scent. But couldn't it be that VKM realizes that if people are expecting Sting and they only get Taker that it could be seen as a let down? Maybe they put the song in there to let you know it's not Sting but still give you enough time to get hyped for Taker's return. Personally, I'm hoping I'm wrong and you guys are right but as of right now I'm pretty sure this is Taker's return.
Watch and see if the guy isn't Jericho dressed in a long coat and dark boots, he yanks the stuff off and says "Pfff who'd you guys think it was?"
it's going to be a big swerve I just can't put my finger on WHAT/WHO
I know you're all saying that the song in the new promo is there to throw you off the scent. But couldn't it be that VKM realizes that if people are expecting Sting and they only get Taker that it could be seen as a let down? Maybe they put the song in there to let you know it's not Sting but still give you enough time to get hyped for Taker's return. Personally, I'm hoping I'm wrong and you guys are right but as of right now I'm pretty sure this is Taker's return.
This is where I'm at right now. If everyone spent the next couple weeks expecting Sting only to get Taker, people would have been deflated on the night of the big reveal. Now that Taker's been more adequately alluded to in the latest promo, we can defuse the ridiculous expectation bomb now before it's a problem later. It's smart work. Not sure why people felt the need to mention the promo from last year's Mania as proof though. Even without that (and I certainly didn't remember it), that Cash song certainly conjures thoughts of Undertaker.

That said, I too hope I'm wrong. I also would love for this to be some sort of diversion to have us doubting Sting will show up on the 21st. In an ideal world and all that jazz, ya know. But my hopes are appropriately down for such an event. The WWE more often than not lacks the gravitas for such big moves.

As for it not making "sense" that Undertaker would return on Raw, those criticisms strike me as odd. It's that time of the year where the brand extension matters less than ever. Why not have the return of a major star on the flagship show? If anything, having Taker return on SmackDown would have struck me as stranger at this point.
As for the RAW thing, I think that doesn't mean it's NOT the Undertaker. They would never bring Undertaker back as his first appearance since being "buried," on Smackdown. The reason why is because Smackdown is taped. They will bring back Undertaker on RAW likely to address his Wrestlemania situation.

I think it would be cool if both Sting and The Undertaker appear on RAW.

There's a chance this promo is alluding to the fact that Sting is looking for the undertaker.
Don't know how ANYONE could've thought that was HBK in the savior self video.

But yeah, that is a possibility.
We may know for sure once they air the final vignette, but, nothing is ever for sure until its revealed.

At first everyone was sure that it was Jericho when the the video first began airing, but when they put savior.self.8.2.11 everyone began to think it was HBK because HBK are the 8th, 2nd, and 11th letters in the alphabet respectively. HBK ended up returning and the videos kept playing but at that time everyone thought it was HBK.

My bet is that this is what WWE is doing to swerve us and make us think it is Taker just for it to be someone else.
This promo was very different from the last. This felt like Undertaker a lot. Even from the start. With the door appearing open then the figure appearing in the door way. It was very different from last weeks promo. The thing I don't understand is if this Taker, why would they go through all this trouble to make it "mysterious" and then have the venue of the 2.21.11 Raw to have the return of the Undertaker. That's what's making no sense to me. You either no a star is coming, or you have no idea.

Another thing, why is this person going outside? Because we see from the inside of the door looking outward. Why would he be going outside? Perhaps someone is out there? I don't I'm grasping at straws here. I really think that it's taker now. Though I'm hoping that they're simply trying to throw us off.
for the logic that "why would taker return on Raw" is getting silly...obviously as previously stated because tuesday is taped...but because Its the Road to Wrestlemania...stars are on different shows all the time...Del Rio is on smackdown...his opponent is on Smackdown...Dolph Ziggler and Vickie are smackdown and shes the GM or whatever they call her now a days...They've been playing the video on Smackdown as well...I am on the wishing train that is the Stinger...but nothings for sure...we can't analyze this videos like we did the Jericho thing...i remember watching a youtube clip of an interview with him and he said fans would tell him things that were in the video that he said were just a coincidence ...it was usually just numbers and letters nothing was planned...so the smoke saying Seth and things of that nature are silly...Keep in Mind WWE normally thinks were stupid and don't remember things...for instance 6 months ago Cena and Orton were bitter rivals and couldn't be in the same room...now they tag up...Dolph Ziggler was a cheerleader and Chavo was Caucasian...They're not gonna throw things in there to make you study the video...Stings music is not being played in the background...Sting has no music as far as WWE is concerned...
After watching the trailers im starting to think its Taker and Sting. If you watch the first, its almost like Sting is walking into Takers yard or territory and his movements are very humanlike. In the new one, it shows a ghostly figure leaving the house or territory without walking. He seems to fade in and out of the picture and you dont see that in the first one. Maybe the two arent for the same person.

Although I'm 90% sure it's The Undertaker and Sting didn't even cross my mind until I started reading on wrestling forums. This is a good possibility. I don't want to hype myself up as hype only leads to disappointment most the time.

Clues to the Undertaker:
1) The second video they show had The Undertakers song "ain't no grave going to hold my body down" that has been used on Undertaker promos before. Plus the fact he was buried alive.
2) The long Trench coat
3) The door is the second video opening by "powers".
4) The Undertaker has already been advertised as to been on Raw that night.
5) In the second video it seems the guy is coming out of the shack.
6) Taker has also been advertised for a Smackdown return.

Clues to it been sting:

1) The rain in the first video.
2) The coat
3) Sting is a free agent
4) The first promo looked like a sting promo
5) In the first video the guy was walking into a shack.

1) Why would The Undertaker be walking about after been buried alive?
2) The guy in the promo looks like they are wearing cowboy boats.
3) Where does this leave Wade Barret after he made Nexus take The Undertaker out?
4) Where does this leave Kane and what match is left for The Undertaker and Kane?

The first video seems to be sting and the second The Undertaker but that is just wishful thinking I'd say. Just have to wait now for the last video they will show. :lmao:
The IWC sure likes to talk up its own importance, doesn't it?

'They made it look like an Undertaker promo to throw us off the scent', 'Vince wants to swerve us!' Etc. Etc. To quote Sharon Osbourne, Really?

Despite what many people here seems to think, Vince McMahon doesn't spend his time locked up in his office figuring out his next move in the eternal chess game with the IWC. In fact, he doesn't care about the IWC all that much. We make up a small, small fragment of the audience. Not to mention, 90% of us would keep watching WWE regardless of what would happen. Sure, reports say that Vince has gotten pissed off because of the IWC finding out spoilers. But who wouldn't? But that's the only time the internet comes into his mind.

Now the idea of WWE trying to throw us off the scent of Sting's 'debut' is a bit silly. Why wouldn't they make us think it wasn't Sting from the start? To get us excited, then disappoint us, and swerve us and then the big unveiling will be that it was, in fact, Sting? The IWC's collective ego is mind blowing.

WWE are trying to create a buzz about 21/2 show. But that's among casual fans or hardcore, younger fans. Those people would be just as excited, if not more so, about Undertaker returning at that Raw than Sting showing up. Yeah, Sting would bring a big buy rate. And while his career is winding down, I've never said that I think Sting will never go to WWE, I think before his career is over, he will make at least one appearance in WWE. But this won't be it.

People complain that WWE is always disappointing them, but that's only because you guys get yours hopes up for the most ridiculous things. Some people actually though Lesnar or Batista would appear in the Royal Rumble. Hell, some people thought Christian was actually going to win the Rumble. They say anything can happen in wrestling, but come on.

Every piece of evidence points towards Undertaker being the subject of the promo. Any arguments that are made for it being Sting's debut (the trenchcoat, the tone, etc.), well they can all be applied to Undertaker too. But Undertaker has all those arguments, plus 2 or 3 other, very strong arguments.

Stop over analysing and being paranoid about how the WWE Creative team is trying so hard to swerve you. It's Undertaker. Not Sting. If it is Sting, I will run naked through the streets.

The only thing from last night that would made you think its Taker because he was involved in a promo with HBK last year at WM26 with that song. Which that song was for HBK to throw at Undertaker.

And from the PIC above, you can see those are the same boots that the new video had. Cause i never seen Undertaker wear mountain boots.
I believe that eventhough supposed sources are speculating that Sting is negotiating with TNA is a huge farce. How in people's right minds thing this is the Undertaker besides the music. Undertaker is almost 7 feet tall. The person in that promo was slender and not nearly that tall. TNA is going with a full on youth movement of their own. If Sting goes to TNA where is he going to fit? Here's another interesting thing is why haven't we heard from Kane or Barrett about this issue? Are they just oblivious as it would make sense that there would be some panic in the air on Smackdown if the guy they buried most likely will go after them right? Remember 1997? Only three people knew of the Montreal Screwjob. Sting is the only wrestler in the modern era of wrestling WCW/WWF/ECW/TNA that has never worked for WWE. I'm almost sure that McMahon has a huge enough ego that he wants Sting in the WWE. This is the perfect time for Sting's swan song. Remember also when Undertaker came back with his original gimmick in 2004? That storyline got leaked and McMahon was fuming. I'm pretty certain that history is not going to repeat itself. If Barrett or Kane come out on Smackdown and take notice to these promos then it will lead me to believe it's the Undertaker. If this is not the case then I will eat my words.

Remember 2002-2003? I believe Hogan was negotiating with TNA and showed up on their programming and was promoting the very first Bound for Glory. Then Hogan ironically after he's all better gets a bigger check from WWE and ends up wrestling No Way Out 2003 and WM 19. Hmm that's interesting?

The only thing from last night that would made you think its Taker because he was involved in a promo with HBK last year at WM26 with that song. Which that song was for HBK to throw at Undertaker.

And from the PIC above, you can see those are the same boots that the new video had. Cause i never seen Undertaker wear mountain boots.

Great find!

Just read Eric Bischoff's interview about Sting, not sure what to think about that.
But, awesome picture.
They look like the boots in the 2nd vignette.
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