Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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The only thing from last night that would made you think its Taker because he was involved in a promo with HBK last year at WM26 with that song. Which that song was for HBK to throw at Undertaker.

And from the PIC above, you can see those are the same boots that the new video had. Cause i never seen Undertaker wear mountain boots.

OMG, you just like made my whole day right now. Those boots are identical to the ones in the promo that aired this week. For a second I thought it was Kong because of the boots, but now I have hope again that Sting could be coming to WWE. I still think this is Sting anyways because Taker or anyone else makes no sense at all to be given such a vague promo. It's either Sting or whoever it is is getting major heat when he or she returns or debuts.

Also just because they threw in a song and people are saying that Sting signed and others are saying that he never talked to WWE does not mean this is all true. It's the internet. People make up things to get others to spread and create chaos in the IWC. So, if you want it to be Sting do not lose hope yet because these sources are possibly false and Sting could be with the WWE right now as we speak.
I want to privy this by saying that this is PURE SPECULATION......hell for that matter, this whole damn thread is speculation.............

So far, we've seen two promos for the mysterious 2.21.11 RETURN of the UNDERTAKER, or the DEBUT of STING......let's break it down:

1st Promo: Right out of the gate, rain and a shack, then a man in a trenchcoat slowly walking towards the cabin. As we all know, the Undertaker was "buried alive" by Kane and the Nexus, so would the WWE have a man, supposedly dead, walking towards a cabin that has no significance whatsoever towards a known storyline? (not taking into account Taker's and Kane's past, there was no mention of a "shack" or "cabin")....the second i saw the promo i thought of Sting (for all the reasons listed in the previous 37 pages)....

2nd promo: Complete opposite reaction, except for the boots....i was definitely thinking Undertaker here, but still leary about who it actually was (from my reasoning from the first promo)....the Cash song actually threw me off, but as I listened to the lyrics, i thought about something else......follow me on my conspiracy theory (forgive me if this was already mentioned)....

There will be a 3rd promo this coming Monday, that's pretty much guaranteed. Let's just say that the shack in the promos is indeed Undertaker's old home. Sting, in the Crow persona, always had that air of invincability to him, just like in the movie (RIP Brandon Lee)....let's just say that Sting takes the role of the actual Crow, and RESURRECTS the Undertaker from his grave.....you know, that's as far as i thought it out, and it's a wacko theory, but we're all speculating, so someone take this and run with it....or just discard it as completely ridiculous, i don't care either way, just throwing it out there...
This isn't hype for Taker VS Sting. It's hype for Taker teaming with Sting. Sting's character is based on The Crow, which, you might remember from the movie, liked to RESURRECT PEOPLE. Sting is coming to the WWE to resurrect the Undertaker from the grave that Kane and The Nexus buried him in.

Now, not only is Sting based on the Crow, but his wrestling gimmick has one other thing that it's had in common no matter where he's gone...he likes being the voice of reason who tries to take down the local super heel faction. WCW, he was the first guy to call out NWO and try to take them out piece by piece. TNA, he saw Immortal coming from miles away. And now, WWE, he is here to put an end to The Corre, starting with their leader, Wade Barrett.

What else do we know? The Undertaker has been rumored to be in a position where he might not be able to wrestle a full match at WM, but a year without Taker at WM is blasphemy in the eyes of the WWE. He'll be there, but he might not need to work a full match. Which leads me to my conclusion...

Wrestlemania 27. Wade Barrett and Kane...versus...The Undertaker and Sting, in a Tag Team match. BOOK IT.
This isn't hype for Taker VS Sting. It's hype for Taker teaming with Sting. Sting's character is based on The Crow, which, you might remember from the movie, liked to RESURRECT PEOPLE. Sting is coming to the WWE to resurrect the Undertaker from the grave that Kane and The Nexus buried him in.

Now, not only is Sting based on the Crow, but his wrestling gimmick has one other thing that it's had in common no matter where he's gone...he likes being the voice of reason who tries to take down the local super heel faction. WCW, he was the first guy to call out NWO and try to take them out piece by piece. TNA, he saw Immortal coming from miles away. And now, WWE, he is here to put an end to The Corre, starting with their leader, Wade Barrett.

What else do we know? The Undertaker has been rumored to be in a position where he might not be able to wrestle a full match at WM, but a year without Taker at WM is blasphemy in the eyes of the WWE. He'll be there, but he might not need to work a full match. Which leads me to my conclusion...

Wrestlemania 27. Wade Barrett and Kane...versus...The Undertaker and Sting, in a Tag Team match. BOOK IT.

Now this I can see happening most definitely.
Unfortunately, WWE is twisting my brain and heart with these damn promos....

Part of me is sure its Sting.
Part of me is afraid of it not being Sting.
A big part of me thinks its Undertaker AND Sting.
And now I'm just nervous that Sting isn't involved at all, and how disappointing it would be.

I've looked at all the evidence to piece things together.
Those boots, and the picture that Yankess4Life provided brought my hopes up again, but still, feels like I'm grasping straws.

One can just look at the evidence and go by that, but, the evidence isn't leaning toward one or the other, its all over the place.
IT looks to me like the WWE will have this be ther Return of THE UNDERTAKER & if they sign STiNG they will also try to debut him on the same night
lol what if its........., imagine this, on 2/21/11, a promo starts with the house, a scorpion walking around the ground in the rain, *sting chants starts*, and then a bell rang, "oh no its the undertaker,"a mysterious guy in a trench coat enters the house and turns light on, a disco ball drop and the guy takes of his trench coat to reveal disco inferno!! he starts dancing to his theme disco fever, lol that will be hilarious. imagine the heat

jk guys, just for laughs, but on a serious note im hoping it is sting like everyone else. if it turns it to be taker, as much as i like him, ill be terribly dissapointed. i know they have sources that said that sting has not contacted wwe yet, im still hoping they did. think about it,this is arguably the biggest free agent the wwe has ever had, and with wrestlemania coming up, im sure that if they did sign sting it will be very very top secret. im sure even in some circles within the company would not know this just in case it leaks. just my two cents.
first post. born in '75, watched wwe/wwf since hulkamania days. had the rubber toys etc etc.

anyways, gotta say that this whole 2 21 11 is the reason i'm watching wrestling the last couple weeks. i happened to turn it on by chance and see what was going on. i had actually been looking up wwe allstars information to be honest.

my point - i've got to agree with the people who believe this to be a two person promo, or at the very least, this song at the end of the latest promo to be a red herring.

to the wwe - act on this hype. i've been tuning in to see nash, and now this sting thing. if the undertaker only, well shit...i've got games to play.

sorry and to add to that, had this second promo had a scorpion running around or a crow, i would have pee'd a bit.
i will through a clue in there that no one else has notice. This almost proves that it is the undertaker. Notice where the building is in. The desert. Where has the undertaker been build from his whole career, death valley. That makes it obvious that it is the undertaker. Why would sting be in the dessert?
Anybody else think the two promos might be possibly for two different people? They both feel different.

In the first one shows a person walking towards the house & walking up the stairs to enter the house.

In the second one, a person shows up out of thin air with their back turn & then turns around & enters the house. The second video looks like the person has a slightly shorter trench coat then the first & different boots?

Watch the two promos back to back...lmk what you think.
ok, ive already posted on this topic. 1st off props 2 yankee4life 4 the old sting pic. 2ndly poster Kayoh beat me 2 it on whats likely to happen imo. both taker and sting will appear on 2-21. not to face each other, but TEAM 2 destroy Kane and Barrett. cuz honestly it doesnt make a lot of sense to have sting and taker face each other. teaming them would lighten the load on each aging wrestler, still ensure HUGE buyrates, and tie up the loose end storylines involving taker/kane/old nexus. sting "resurrects" the phenom, and helps him bring hell to the kane and the corre. regardless, cant wait 4 next mondays 3rd offering.
Can't believe people are analyzing every tiny aspect of both the video's and hinting at whether its Sting or the Undertaker. Looking at boots, symbols, letter etc. What is the world coming to? It is some of the most idiotic shit i have ever read.

I am putting my house on it being Undertaker (no pun intended). It won't be both and Undertaker surely has to make an appearance about a month before Wrestlemania in order to build up a match with some actual meaning behind it. MARK IT HERE, IT IS NOT STING!
Whatever or whomever it is it did the job. If anything all it helped sting because if he goes to wwe its obviously huge and with all the buzz tna probably had to cough up more money. Maybe wwe purchased the rights to black reign lol
Can't believe people are analyzing every tiny aspect of both the video's and hinting at whether its Sting or the Undertaker. Looking at boots, symbols, letter etc. What is the world coming to? It is some of the most idiotic shit i have ever read.

I am putting my house on it being Undertaker (no pun intended). It won't be both and Undertaker surely has to make an appearance about a month before Wrestlemania in order to build up a match with some actual meaning behind it. MARK IT HERE, IT IS NOT STING!

You can build up a Sting vs Undertaker match in ONE week. And everybody in the world would know it. Look at the first promo how ppl reacted.

Someone doesn't believe in the WWE i seee....:disappointed:
Anybody else think the two promos might be possibly for two different people? They both feel different.

In the first one shows a person walking towards the house & walking up the stairs to enter the house.

In the second one, a person shows up out of thin air with their back turn & then turns around & enters the house. The second video looks like the person has a slightly shorter trench coat then the first & different boots?

Watch the two promos back to back...lmk what you think.

Exactly. It could be Sting looking for the Undertaker in his Yard.

Remember, the first video had someone go inside the house. And the 2nd video, had some ghost come into the house.
Even with recent reports of it being incredibly unlikely, I still think it's Sting. Undertaker's promos haven't been secretive in awhile. Everytime we get a promo of him coming back, it's made dead obvious. There's a gong, or druids. It's at Death Valley, or in graveyard.

This is Sting with almost absolute certainty. If this promo IS about the Undertaker, then they've purposely made this promo just to fuck with the IWC.
Even with recent reports of it being incredibly unlikely, I still think it's Sting. Undertaker's promos haven't been secretive in awhile. Everytime we get a promo of him coming back, it's made dead obvious. There's a gong, or druids. It's at Death Valley, or in graveyard.

This is Sting with almost absolute certainty. If this promo IS about the Undertaker, then they've purposely made this promo just to fuck with the IWC.

Yup. And......why would the WWE want to let us down, leading into WrestleMania ??

A "let down" is like having HBK against Taker for two straight WM's , then have him face Wade Barrett for this years Mania..

Well, it is fun to troll the IWC. It's hilarious to see them fall all over themselves when they get confused.

Yeah and you're part of it, and you're just scared to believe its Sting.
I really do hope it's Sting, but come on guys, it will be Undertaker. We'll have to wait and see the next vignette.
I think what I said may happen. Sting digs out Taker to help him get revenge on Corre and Kane at Mania. This way they both get wins at Mania and Sting doesn't have to lose his first match in the WWE.
First video - Has a guy walking INSIDE the cabin. With different boots may i add.

Second video - Has someone else come inside the cabin. With different boots, and whose a ghost.

Unless, the same person walks inside the cabin and jumps out the window and walks right back inside the cabin.
Hope I posted this in the right section 2-21-11 does deal with Raw if I didnt sorry :banghead:

Okay so I was thinking we all know there is like a 90% Chance that 2-21-11 is The Undertaker. As soon as I heard Johnny Cash I knew it I wanted to turn the TV I was so pissed. Nothing against The Undertaker this just had me hooked again I was happy because I'm the type of wrestling fan that loves promos for returns there just great trying to figure out who it is your mind races,but I'm talking like this 2-21-11 Promos and like Y2Js break the Code promos I just love them. But on Raw it seemed like they gave it away I was just pissed..but then I got to thinking what if there doing this to throw us off? it wouldn't be the first time someone suggested this its just it would be smart..really smart to throw us off because almost everyone thinks its The Undertaker so what if its somone else to build a feud with him? like what Miz did in 09 with Cena saying he was scared to come out and hes 3-0 and all that in-till Cena came back and beat him at The Bash. But the first person comes to my mind is Chris Jericho. I would love to see Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania I have wanted to see that for a LONG TIME! so I watched the promos on youtube and the boots for one look way to small to be Undertakers. So heres how it goes next week they run a promo and some how it gives it away even more so then it did on Raw that its Undertaker and the next week (21st) were all thinking its The Undertaker and then its Jericho? its leads up to a Jericho feud with Taker for Wrestlemania ya know? But this could work with anyone it just seems like with Jericho it would work best because the boots looked way to small to be Undertakers and Jericho always has these returns promos,Plus The Undertaker is on Smackdown why would he return to Raw? also theres plans for him to face Wade Barret at Wrestlemania and hes on Smackdown too so why would The Undertaker return to Raw? And Undertakers not even suppose to be ready yet he was suppose to barley make it to Wrestlemania right? I'm not a huge fan of sting so to be honest I'm not really huge on the idea its him because I have no clue how they could use that. So what do you think? they scratch the Wade Barret vs. Undertaker for Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker or 2-21-11 is just Undertaker? What do you think? am I looking to much into this? talk! also this is my first Thread so go easy on me :lol:
In the second promo, the door opens but the "ghost" is already outside and then backs up back into the house.

The boots do look sort of different in both promos leading me to really think that this is a promo for both Taker and Sting. The first one was for Sting and second was for Undertaker.

Sting is looking for Undertaker, is what they are trying to show us I think.
It could be either one. I personally think that Vince is trying his damnedest to get Sting at Mania and is covering his bases. Think about it. If Sting declines, the vignettes could easily be explained by Taker's return (since it's said he's scheduled to be at that Raw). If he accepts, then the vignettes are already in place, no time is lost, and they fit him to the "t" also. (These vignettes are the most bad ass vignettes I've ever seen, too, just to throw that in there...)

Even the song at the end of the 2nd one. I know a lot of people are saying that it's the same song that Taker used in his Mania build up w/Michaels and that it further points to Taker, but there's another side to that.

Sting's character is based on the Crow. A guy that returned from the dead to exact vengeance for the wrong that was done to him and his wife. If the WWE were to bring in Sting, you know they would play more on the "gimmick" than other companies did, and would want to give him a "higher production" feel. Add to the mystique and dark, foreboding imagery that the concept is known for. So the words "ain't no grave gonna hold my body down" can easily be attributed to Sting's Crow gimmick as well.

If Sting does not show, then this would be a disaster for both parties. One, the buzz is so intense I think it would hurt Mania in some fashion. It's just taken on too much of a life of it's own. It would also hurt Sting, because many fans would feel dejected and if he did end up coming in next year as opposed to this one, I don't think the clamor would be the same. The initial excitement this year is phenom(pun intended)enal and to miss out on this initial, spontaneous, massive excitement would only make it less impactful later.

Not that it wouldn't be huge, I just see it missing something that this year would definitely provide.
This has got to be about Sting and the Undertaker. The differences are glaring between the two vignettes and I am interested to see the final one next week to know for certain.
So, let me get this straight... If I can.

We know that The Undertaker has been out of action for a few months and that he is scheduled to return in time for WrestleMania. We also know that the WWE will need to build up the match in some way to get anything from it and the only way for them to accomplish that is if the Undertaker is around before WrestleMania. Perhaps the day after Elimination Chamber would make an idea time for The Undertaker to make his return. If only there was something that would lead us to believe it was him... A teaser of some sort would be adequate.

Guys, this is the Undertaker all over. I love how many people are getting on board with the idea of it being Sting and I must admit that the first time I saw the teaser I legitimately thought it could be Sting. Now though, there is nothing to support that claim. Yes, TNA removed him from their online roster but he hasn't wrested there for months anyway. According to sources form WrestleZone main page, Sting has had no contact with the WWE and that was a recent discovery. I would love for it to be Sting, I really would. However, it just isn't him. The Undertaker is scheduled to come back around that time and the arenas that broadcast Smackdown have been told to advertise the return of the Phenom... Come on, gents!

Bringing in Sting would be amazing and it might still happen, you never know. This teaser though, has The Undertaker all over it. I don't see Sting coming with him into the WWE and I don't see how anyone could to be honest.
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