Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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This my first post so excuse me if I do something stupid.

I don't want to believe it's Undertaker. What was the point of the date being shown up and down this time? We all looked for every little detail in the first video and now no one cares about the details?

I don't see why Undertaker needs any promo either. Everyone knows it's time for Taker to show up.
Charismatic... you have a GREAT point. I know others will jump all over this... but... could be designed to take small stabs at TNA without even mentioning their name... Theres no way this is something small... IF it is taker... my bet is sting MAY (if with wwe) be in the rafters waiting... as a good friend of mine says.. sometimes you just don't know
I would be so pissed if it is Taker there is no need to build him up, if it is Taker then u can bet it will be the American Bad ass or something new along the lines
If the undertaker really is making another (yawn) return then the wwe really dropped the ball. This was a great opportunity to breathe some new life into an otherwise stale (and downright corny) wrestling industry. This was the most buzz I've heard in wrestling in years. I don't even remember the last wrestlemania I saw but I was actually contemplating buying this one and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Way to go vince.
Jesus Christ, I think this is the first time people have been disappointed by an Undertaker return announcement!

Hell, I'm a little disappointed by it, and I frickin' love Taker!
Jesus Christ, I think this is the first time people have been disappointed by an Undertaker return announcement!

His returns are becoming more lackluster, and I think that his career is coming to an end.
Its unfortunate, he was one of my favorites back in the day.
Not saying we're disappointed in his return, but by how WWE handled this promo, if it is Taker.
But, we never know for sure what's gonna happen.
well i guess we will all have to wait and see, but i still do not think it is Taker
or cole and jerry would be talking about who is this guy who knows we will ahev to wait and see in 2 weeks
ok so the song playing in the background was Johnny Cash and he was signing about "no grave can hold me"......... i mean hello... what more do we need unless there really talking up Stings "crow" gimmick and the fact that all the characters of the movie were killed then came back to life, all from graves, even watery ones, then this is the undertaker... but my money now lies on Taker.
I do believe it is not Taker, who would Taker feud with Wad and Kane are on Smackdown,
there is no need for Taker to be on Raw unless he will face nexus or Cena
so to me it makes no scenes unless Vince is pulling a grand slam raw with Sting and Taker
showing up in the same night,
It looks like Undertaker from the last promo. The song playing stated "There ain't no grave that can hold my body down". Taker was buried alive. .
In all honesty, this was the best move. If it is just Taker, then they had to show it like this early before people got too obsessed with it being Sting, so that if it just Taker, he doesn't get booed out of the building.

On the plus side, if it is Sting, at the very least the IWC will pop, because they'll be so convinced it's just Taker they'll be caught by surprise!
sting is most famous for his crow gimmick, now in the film that spawned the gimmick the lead character dies and comes back from the grave to exact his revenge, so actually the song in the newest video is perfectly fitting for sting too :)
From a truly logical point of view, these vignettes don't really make sense for Undertaker. He was "Buried Alive", why would he have been living in a secluded cabin the last few months?

Maybe WWE say the buzz that the video generated last week and wanted to throw in a red herring with the Cash song?

It could still be Undertaker, just saying that there is a good shout that it is somebody else.
although i believe its taker for previouly mentioned reasons... the date some what looked like the scorpio star sign... *stokes the fire*
Taker's already scheduled to show up in Fresno, but its not ever mentioned on Raw.
Chances are the person in the vignette could be Undertaker.
But chances are, the person in the vignette could be someone looking to challenge Undertaker.

I won't throw away the possibility of it being Sting, but we aren't sure that it isn't Undertaker.
Hell, we aren't sure of anything.
As of right now, it's definitely Undertaker. However, there's still enough evidence to make an argument for Sting. So, we're gonna have to wait until next week's vignette to know for certain.
Aint no grave by johnny cash was the same song used in the undertaker vs. Shawn michaels promo from last years wrestlemania. Sure looks like a taker return from the way the promos are shaping up.
Listen its probably taker but theres some reasons why it might not be

1. Why is he coming back to raw, when hes from smackdown and barrett is on smackdown.

2. Since when does WWE just say its taker coming back.

3. Taker was buried alive, why would he be walking around some house?

4. WWE could have added that song just cuz of the buzz of this past week.

5. Sting was based on the movie the crow, which a crow brings u back from the grave. So it could also mean sting , just saying

6. Im probably just overreaching

Btw .. if taker does come back .. im pretty sure its ministry taker

Honestly, if WWE was smart , they would bring back HHH, KONG, TAKER, STING, and if the rock is the host of mania, him also on that date. That would be a raw to remember forever.
For what it's worth (read: very, very little), I decided to make an account and toss in my two cents. The song, I believe, all but confirms that this will be the return of Taker. However, I do find the promo a tad on the nose; why would they sacrifice the ratings of keeping the mystery going?

I realize this is wishful thinking, but I believe that on the 21st, we'll see the return of Taker to a promo promising the demise of someone, and Sting will appear. Sounds absurd, even writing it now, but maybe it's just the wrestling nerd in me and I'm giving Mr. McMahon and Co. far too much credit.
Whereas the first promo screamed Sting, this week's promo screams Undertaker. The quick turn-around move the guy does in the doorway is something we've seen Taker do quite a bit. Plus, the Johnny Cash song refers to how "no grave can hold by body down."

The WWE obviously wants people to think it's Taker. Is that because they didn't realize last week's video would get people thinking about Sting, and so they don't want people to be overly disappointed when it turns out to be Taker? Or is this just a red herring, as another poster implied?? Make people think it's Taker, then pull the swerve and have it be Sting, instead.

Even though Taker may be a Smackdown superstar, it would make no sense to have him return on SD, just because it should be a surprise and SD is taped, thus ruining that surprise. Even if he's going to feud with someone on SD, that doesn't mean he can't first return on RAW.

Like I said before, the best-case scenario would be to have Taker return at the end of RAW, and then have Sting come out and challenge his streak. I'm starting to think that's not going to happen, though.
As of right now, and I may be spit balling here but I'm going to say its Taker. Just because of the song that was played on tonights promo. "There aint no grave that can hold my body down" That just screams Undertaker to me. At this point I'm not sure how it can possibly be Sting but I'm not ruling anything out at this point.
Im still convinced its not Undertaker, if you take a look at the foot stance, and the movements he is walking in its deff not the way Taker OR Sting walk.
After watching the trailers im starting to think its Taker and Sting. If you watch the first, its almost like Sting is walking into Takers yard or territory and his movements are very humanlike. In the new one, it shows a ghostly figure leaving the house or territory without walking. He seems to fade in and out of the picture and you dont see that in the first one. Maybe the two arent for the same person.
Im still convinced its not Undertaker, if you take a look at the foot stance, and the movements he is walking in its deff not the way Taker OR Sting walk.

Probably because the guy in the promo is just some worker at WWE. You really think w/o having to show a face they'd call Taker in just for the promo?

This was a waste of a promo. We don't need this stuff for Taker. Everyone is well aware of Undertaker's status.
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