Raw Presents: WWE Fastlane!


You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. Everyone knew it was coming. It's still stupid, even with Jericho out there.

Thanks for everything Owens, but your title has been sacrificed so Lesnar can take it and then go away for months at a time again before Reigns can take it at Summerslam.

If they pull this garbage (yes Sly, I know you loved it) at Wrestlemania, a lot of people are going to be very mad at the ticket prices they paid to see it.
Yeah if you didn't think Goldberg wasn't taking that title when he mentioned it at Survivor Series you're out of your mind. If they put it back on Hogan 15 years ago beating HHH at Backlash in 2002 with as pathetic as Hogan looked, Goldberg at least looks halfway legit. You knew it was going to happen.
Oh and we have an overrun after an added JINDER MAHAL match. Screw you if you're a fan and have an early morning job. You're just not enough of a fan to handle all of this.
You seriously thought it wasn't going to happen? It was patently obvious he was getting the belt somehow when he mentioned another title reign the night after Survivor Series.

Oh it was pretty obvious where they were going.

Still incredible(in a bad way) that this is where they are at.

Maybe the biggest bust of a Mania match of all time in 2004, repeated 13 years later for the title! Terrible.
So Mania is shaping up to be Lesnar vs Goldberg, Undertaker vs Reigns, Hiatch vs Rollins, and possibly Shane vs Styles in what will surely be a car crash of a match.
On an unrelated note, holy shit; 86 people in here? GDS is never this active over a PPV unless if it's WrestleMania or the Royal Rumble!
Now let's go and #CancelWWENetwork!

For real though, this is the worst series of booking decisions I can remember in recent time.

You ended Stroman's build and streak for no reason whatsoever

You ended charlottes streak for no reason whatsoever, even when logic CLEARLY dictated a no contest

And ending Owens run pointlessly. I dont mind the last one as much, but it just re-enforces that Lesnar should have never dropped it in the first place.
Yeah if you didn't think Goldberg wasn't taking that title when he mentioned it at Survivor Series you're out of your mind. If they put it back on Hogan 15 years ago beating HHH at Backlash in 2002 with as pathetic as Hogan looked, Goldberg at least looks halfway legit. You knew it was going to happen.

True. THat doesn't make it more logical though.
Yeah if you didn't think Goldberg wasn't taking that title when he mentioned it at Survivor Series you're out of your mind. If they put it back on Hogan 15 years ago beating HHH at Backlash in 2002 with as pathetic as Hogan looked, Goldberg at least looks halfway legit. You knew it was going to happen.

Man, Goldberg is not Hulk Hogan. Not even close.

And Hogan could at least still work a match. Rock-Hogan was awesome. Hogan put some passablly good matches on with many during that run.
Or maybe today's "stars" aren't getting over to the point where Vince no longer needs special attractions?

The ones who get over (Punk, Bryan) are not the ones Vince wants to get over.

He's washed. He doesn't know how to pick them anymore. It's 2017 and this guy is 70 years old and has spent his life living in a bubble. He doesn't understand people and what they like and want anymore.
I hope when Brock wins at Mania via two suplexes and one F5 after totally no-selling a spear that he holds that belt for the entire year, maybe even another year or two after that (if they're going to continue paying him big money for little work, he'll re-sign).
So Lesnar vs Goldberg Universal Championship.
HHH vs Seth Rollins
Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt WWE Championship
K.O vs Y2J US Title Match
Ambrose vs Baron Corbin IC Title
CenaBella vs Miz and wife..


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