General Armageddon Discussion


A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words


Sunday, December 14, WWE presents Armageddon...a ppv that pretty much determines what the Road to WrestleMania is going to look like for 2/3 of the WWE (Raw and Smackdown).​


WWE Championship: Edge vs. HHH vs. Jeff Hardy
--Personally, I think it'd be best suited if they just had Edge vs. HHH, with Edge going over, but I just have a bad feeling in my gut that the Beat the Clock scenario was planned so they could have a PROPER triple threat (after Survivor Series was b.s.) and they'll end up using it to have Hardy take the pinfall. HHH takes the pin at Survivor Series and of course will follow it up by not taking the pin for like another 10 months lol. Hopefully we get Hardy/Edge at Mania, not Edge/HHH.

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
--Well you'd have to be a fool to think Jericho is going to win this.

ECW Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov
--Not sure, but I think they might be going this route. Hardy costs Kozlov his WWE title match, so Kozlov will challenge him. So far, they've been able to keep Kozlov from losing, and its obvious that he's not talented enough to be WWE champion, so if you add that together with the fact that Hardy doesn't really have any solid contenders right now (Henry can't be done again, Swagger's a year too early, Miz and Morrison are above it, Chavo nobody cares about, etc) then this makes perfect sense. If they do it, Kozlov is our new ECW champion....and I wouldn't be surprised to see him keep it until WrestleMania, where he probably loses to Kennedy. That'd be a nice way of putting someone over, by finally defeating him and becoming a champion at the same time.

Some Women's Division Match
--Either McCool defends her title against Maria or Beth defends her title against Melina. I'd much, much, much rather see the latter. But they haven't given us any information yet, and nobody cares anyway, so that's enough for this.

Batista vs. Randy Orton
--I can't see them keeping these two off the card. It might even be a #1 contender's match. In that case, I'd love to see Batista win it so we can get Cena/Batista #2 out of the way and not have it at WrestleMania lol.

Undertaker vs. ???
--I don't think Umaga is going to return in time to set up a proper feud between the two, but I'd be surprised if Undertaker didn't have a match. I can't see them having ANOTHER Big Show match, though, as they're going to have a cage match next week and they've had a Casket match and a Last Man Standing match.
Really cant see this topping last years fine event, although it could be solid. It would appear we will have some type of triple threat with Triple H, Edge, and Hardy, unless they end up giving Trips his rematch on SD! one night. Seems silly to have the Kozlov-Trips showdown wasted if the result was just going to be Edge fucking everything up. They couldve easily threw someone else in the same scenario, and allowed Kozlov - Trips to be a big undercard match, with Kozlovs build growing stronger with a win. It seems as if it would be tainted now.

Cena obviously wins the title rematch. Im not sure how they even will manage to make it interesting, less it gets a gimmick. It would seem like Batista Vs Orton is going to happen, and if they were smart, they would continue to build the Orton anti hero character.

PLEASE may we have an IC or US title match?? maybe?? eh??? Probably not. most likely will receive our arbitrary womens title match instead.
WWE Championship Match
Edge Vs HHH Vs Jeff Hardy
After watching smackdown and with HHH and Jeff both getting the same time I can see it happening. I think that edge will be champ till mania were he will lose the title. I see edge pinning Jeff for the win because I dont see HHH letting himself get pinned again so my pick is edge to win but with some kind of help or something

World Heavy Weight Championship
John Cena Vs Chris Jericho
Everyone should know that Y2J will not be winning this match but after watching raw and seeing Cena kick Y2J’s ass I can see a decent build up for this match and seeing that John cena made Chris pass out I can see this becoming a submission match since Y2J has the walls of Jericho and Cena with the STFU and that would make a good match.

Intercontinental Championship
William Regal Vs C.M Punk
From the Orton vs punk match 2 weeks ago where regal cost punk the match, punk getting rid of regal in 10sec at SS now we have the tournament were the winner gets an IC shot and regal with commentary on raw said he want to vs punk and I would like to see it again especially after there king of the ring match

Randy Orton Vs Batista or Cody Rhodes
I said either Batista or Cody because Orton has some kind of story with both of them. I know that Cody is a heel but Orton Vs Cody as an opening match would be good and help with Orton’s anti-hero image. Look the match comes as Cody says that he could beat Randy and it just goes on from there and they meet at Armageddon. Now with Batista I have a feeling we wont have these two face off till mania for some reason but if it happens before its basically batista wants his hands on Orton.

Dats all I have at this time but with wahst been happening with shane and stepth I have a feeling something is going to happen at Armageddon. Maybe Stepth comes out to say something which brings out Shane which brings back Vince so he can get involved in a Story line for mania dats all atm
Remember last year at Armageddon when the Edge heads helped Edge win the triple threat? Im thinking this year we may see Tomco and Christian help Edge win the triple threat at this years Armageddon. A lot of potential saying he got bigger and better guys this year. On a side note I am sad that The end is no longer the theme to this PPV as that was the best song for any PPV I can think of.
I really do just think that this card isn't what it should be already and I think its going to be good on paper but not the card we should have gotten based on the rivalries. First off on the Raw side I think that this would have been the perfect spot for a fatal four way. On the Smackdown side this triple threat could have been pushed off. Continue the Triple H v. Hardy line as a number one contender spot and just have Edge have a blow off match to set up the Rumble and Mania. The rest of this card is just empty so far, what are you going to do with ECW? Its either going to be Koslov or Swagger and if it is Swagger I think this is still too soon. I see him having a good career but I just don't know if hes ready for a ppv title match. There is only the Slammy show left on Raw and how do you finish off this IC title tournament in time? I think there is going to be another Taker v. Show match cause there is nothing for them to do but the rivalry has been awful and theyve done so many gimmicks that there isn't anywhere to go with this. The only other serious feuds going on either show are women title matches and I just dont think there is enough time to make this show be any good at least not in the terms of buildup for the bottom part of the card
I think this will turn out to be a good show as long as everyone brings their all.
The triple threat should be good except for the fact that jeff hardy will have to take another pin in a title match on a pay per view. We all know that HHH isnt going to take the fall two shows in a row which sucks cause im tired of seeing jeff lose.
I dont see anyway Cena loses the belt. Yay! Another Cena run! (complete sarcasm)
Orton vs batista will be a decent match if batista brings his A game.
I see mysterio winnin the IC tournament and beatin regal at the pay per view.
I hope the buterfly title stays away!! I would much rather see beth pheniox vs melina!
WWE Championship Match
HHH Vs Edge Vs Hardy
I can see edge taking this contest out. No realy season i can just see him winning.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
John Cena Vs Chris Jericho
As much as everyone is not going to take me seriously here i honestly think Jericho will win this match.

Diva Match
WHO CARES!!!!!!!!

U.S Championship Match
Shelton Vs Mystery
I think this may be where they bring back Christan. I beleive Christan is good enough and well respected enough within the WWE to be thrown right into a championship match and the US title is the only one i can see him getting a shot at. He will return with Tomko. He may return as a heel or a face but i reckon a face as Shelton is getting over as a heel

Intercontinental Championship
William Regal Vs Punk
You can just see Punk winning here. With all the built up that WWE is doing with Regal and Punk you can just see him winning. Regal will win here with help. I don't see WWE letting a whole PPV going with a match not finishing with interferance.

Batista Vs Orton
Orton will win here. After the match the 3rd generation superstars come down to beat on Batista and Orton will leave in disgust this will show his anti-hero gimick more. It will be a good solid match with Orton getting the win with a RKO out of nowhere.

Undertaker Vs Big Show( I Quit Match)
I say this will be a I Quit match due to the fact that i think the feud is getting old and starting to become boring and i want it to be over. This will leave Show looking to demolish people and puts Taker in a feud with maybe Edge or another mid card heel maybe Shelton.
The one reaction I get when I look at this card is simply that it is too good to be Armageddon. The triple threat is nothing but top level talent, Cena and Jericho is a rematch from one of the bigger shows of the year so that kidn of has to happen here, and then Orton and Batista that could headline WM if it had to. That's a triple main event, and this simply isn't a big enough show to warrant such a thing. Were this the Rumble, I would ahve no problem with it, but it's almost as if these matches are simply to get Armageddon's buy rate up, and that logic is being thrown out the window. The only one that makes sense here is Orton/Batista. Edge and HHH would be a better fit as it's been wasted once already on a bad show. As for the rest of the card, it'll fill out nicely as it always does.
Were this the Rumble, I would ahve no problem with it, but it's almost as if these matches are simply to get Armageddon's buy rate up, and that logic is being thrown out the window.

Well, yeah. Why wouldn't WWE want to increase Armageddon's buyrate? It's one of their PPV's. Everyone knows people will order the Rumble, even if Edge headlines it against The Great Khali. People will buy it for the Rumble match, which is why we saw HHH/Edge at the Bash this year and got HHH/Khali at Summerslam. People will always buy the four big shows, so it just makes sense to book actually decent cards for the other PPV's for the fans to order those, too.
The triple threat match should be fine and dandy, but I hope Jeff and Edge are too much involved in the match since I wan't their feud to develope over time since I think it has great potential.

Cena Vs. Jericho, makes perfect sence since you already have two big matches(Orton/Batista & Triple Threat)so this rematch is not too big for this qualiber of PPV but there's enough star power to make it interesting.

Batista & Orton really doesn't interest me that much since I find Batista to be a bore and a half, but the fans will no dobut like the match, and since both guys are two of the biggest stars it should be semi-good. I really think this match could be a mainevent fued instead of a undercard feud but it's nice that the WWE is trying to make a solid PPV.

I'm hoping Regal defends his title against the winner of the IC tournament(hopefully Morrison, likely Mysterio). I'm also probably the only person wanting a Michelle Vs. Maria match. While I love Melina and her a Beth's feud has the potential to be amazing, I think it needs more build before it gets a PPV spot just so it can go to it's full potential. Also iI love the WWE turning heel and like the whole storyline and am intersted to see where it goes.

Also it look's like it will be Hardy Vs. Kozlov for the ECW title. So Kozlov goes from maineventing with HHH & Jeff Hardy and competing for the WWE title and now might be challenging for the ECW title against Matt? It is sort of a step down but it could build Kozlov up better and created a better persona and character.

have we all missed something?? is it not FIVE days away from the show, and only 4 matches have been announced?? I think this may be a record to be honest. Are these 4 matches meant to be something of 30 minutes long apeice??? are we going to get Jack Swagger Vs Matt Hardy for the ECW title?? maybe Kozlov Vs Hardy for the title??

for anyone who scoffed at my idea of having the IC title tournament final, and the following IC title match in the same night...I mean, what else is there on this show?? nothing. there is no program going on right now that centers around the US title....nothing to do with the tag titles...nothing going on with...anything?? so my plan for the IC title is perfectly plausible, and would be great to push the title. No idea what the fuck they could be figuring for the rest of this, but it hardly seems like it will be worth the price of admission at this point....
Man, this card started so well and then spiralled into shit in the space of 5 days. How do they manage to keep doing that? I'm so glad that this is free for those of us who took the 3 for 2 deal on Sky Sports, because i know i'm not likely to be very impressed with this PPV at all

Ok, so let's review what we have at this stage:

Cena v Jericho for the WHC................. again. Strange that Jericho gets his rematch for the WHC on a PPV when everyone else had their rematches on Raw, but never mind. We also seem to have broken away from the steel cage rematch trend now as well. I didn't bother to watch Jericho/Cena at Survivor Series so why am i going to watch the same match again this sunday? As much as i'd like it, Jericho won't win.

Triple Threat for the WWE title:

Well, unless everyone on the creative team has lost their minds, Edge will win this one. I don't say that because he's the best guy to be champion of the three, but because if Jeff IS going to win the title, he'd gain more by doing it at WM i guess. Triple threats are usually entertaining even if 2 of the guys suck, so with 3 guys that are all quality talent, we should get an awesome bout. This should also be the Main Event in my opinion.

Orton v Boretista

PUNT HIM INTO THE NEXT CENTURY RANDY, AND THEN LET CODY AND MANU GET ONE IN AS WELL AND THEN PUNT HIM AGAIN! I honest to God want Orton to obliterate Batista. I shan't repeat what i said in their match thread, but i say that Orton should get the due here as well. I know he's been beating Batista sensless these past few weeks, but i want it to continue........ although it probably won't

Koslov v M Hardy

Not for the title? WTF? This obviously spells that Vlad is going to win but they don't want him to be a champion yet. Which is stupid because Koslov wants better challengers? Having a title would have them flocking to challenge HIM wouldn't it? Oh, of course not, what am i saying, they wouldn't want to challenge him because he's holding nothing but second rate crap around his waste. Koslov will keep on maulin', or they'll both be counted out.

Finlay v Mark Henry in a Belfast Brawl

2 ECW matches on the same PPV? WOW! That's probably the most shocking thing about this entire event. Seeing as how Finlay lost the last Belfast Brawl he was in, suggests he's likely to win this one, and as he hasn't done anything of real significance lately, i think he'll get the win. Expect to see a lot of Finaly smacking Henry with stuff and him just not selling it at all, and Henry just doing his typical 'i'm fat so i'll just keep standing on you and jumping on you' routine without the use of weapons, shilelagh to the head, match over.

8 Diva Santa's Little Helper match:

So, the Smackdown faces got Mickie on their team, yet the heels got Jillian? That's not exactly fair is it? 'Here, have a 4 time Women's champion, a REAL champion on your team, and they can have the chick who used to have a turd on her face, and slim jims for lips.' Why, oh why, oh why do we have to suffer through these types of matches? It's simply a waste of time and effort, ESPECIALLY when there's no tag titles or US title match or an Undertaker/HBK match on the card either.

Punk v Mysterio IC Tournie Final:

Punk will win, just as i've said from the beginning. But i agree with NorCal that the actual title match should be IMMEDIATELY after and Regal should shit all over the straight edge snooze fest. BUT instead the title match will be on Raw which is ******ed because it should be in place of this match, but never mind. Should be good, wouldn't be surprised if Mike Knox appeared and cost Mysterio the match.

Lackluster card overall, i imagine that there will be a Taker segment somewhere, probably featuring Umaga as well, and i HOPE that they add another match, preferably Colon's vs TBK & Big Zeke for the tag titles or Shelton v Helms again.

So glad i didn't pay for this
Predictions - Armageddon 2008​

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

The outcome was predictable before. But the build for this match has been baffling. Cena has beaten Y2J decisevely over the past couple of weeks. Jericho only got the better of him once he had Orton, Manu & Rhodes to help him.

The outcome is obvious, which makes the match pointless.

WWE Championship: Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H (Triple Threat)

Blah, there was atriple thread for the same title last month. It should be good. But HHH/Hardy was boring last year, and it's boring now.

Does anyone expect Edge to lose it a month after winning it? The only reason I could possibly be intrested is if Christian shows up, I predict not.

Batista vs. Randy Orton

Probably the biggest match on the card. It should be a Mania match. It's certainly better than Batista vs. HHH again. Batista loses after Orten get's help from Rhodes.

ECW Champion Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov

I predict the exact same outcome as the SummerSlam match between Hardy & Henry.

Finlay vs. Mark Henry (Belfast Brawl)

Finlay wins, I guess Kozlov needs a contender for at the Rumble. Should be good.

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk - Intercontinental Title Tournament Finals

It'll probably be the match of the night. But that's not saying much. Rey should win. If WWE want to build the IC title up again then Rey should win this with Punk finally getting the belt at Mania. Won't happen. I expect Regal to pin a beaten Rey straight after he's won this match.

Eight-Diva Santa's Little Helper Match​

Helms vs. Shelton, The Colons vs. TBK & Jackson. Two matches that would be better. They had a multi woman match at the Survivor Series, and they've had them throughout the year. Worthless. The only purpose it serves is to turn McCool heel.

Overall - WWE has been good all year round, there hasn't been a bad PPV. But this could be the one that finally breaks the streak.​
Meh. This show won't be anything special. It has two absolute crap matches, one that should be for the title and isn't, therefore making it pointless, two title matches with predictable outcomes, and two matches that are semi-interesting. This will likely be the worst Pay Per View of the year. Wonderful. I'm not sure if I'll bother watching it.

WWE Championship: Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. HHH
--Edge retains by pinning Jeff. That way HHH gets a rematch at the Royal Rumble while Jeff wins the rumble itself. We have Hardy/Edge at WrestleMania, and HHH gets his 'Mania spot by being involved in the McMahon storyline that will pan out. Match of the night most likely.

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
--Cena retains. If they're planning on having a third match between the two, taking place at the Royal Rumble, Cena may retain by DQ. If they're planning on having Cena face someone like Kane at the Royal Rumble, then Cena just wins clean.

Batista vs. Randy Orton
--Orton got the best of Batista every time so far. This means Batista will win. Should be a decent, but not fantastic match.

Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov
--I have no clue why this isn't for the ECW title, as it would make sense to have the title switch hands on a smaller ppv like this rather than at the Royal Rumble when fans are already being treated to something special (you know...the Royal Rumble lol). Kozlov will be ECW champion by the time the Royal Rumble is over, whether or not that means they'll have a rematch on ECW Tuesday night for the title and Kozlov will win, or he'll win at the RR. Either way, Matt's time is over, unless they want to build him up so much by having him end Kozlov's undefeated streak, which would be a surprise to me. I dislike watching both of these guys in the ring, so I may not even watch this match at all.

Belfast Brawl: Finlay vs. Mark Henry
--Five or so minutes of generalities. Finlay hits him a few times with stuff, Henry grabs Hornswoggle but doesn't do anything to him until Finlay can prevent it, blah blah blah, shillelagh to the head, Finlay wins. I have to agree with what Jake said: Finlay is Kozlov's next person to defeat, possibly at the rumble.

IC Tournament Finals: Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
--Well, now that Punk lost the tag titles, it seems as if they're going to put him in that feud with Regal after all. I was hoping for Mysterio, but I guess they decided to do Mysterio/Knox and Regal/Punk and leave Kofi with nothing to do. Shame. Kofi's more fun to watch than both of those guys. Did Kofi and Punk even defend their titles once? They never even like, came out together. What a waste of a title reign. They should've just kept it on Rhodes and DiBiase, but when DiBiase left, had Manu take over his spot. Or give the titles to Rhodes/Orton. Anyway, Punk wins.

Santa's Little Filler Match
--If you've seen any divas tag match that involves more than the normal foursome, you know exactly how this will go. A bunch of quick tags, Michelle gets pissed, attacks Maria, they all go at each other in the ring and leave to the locker room thinking they entertained the fans, when they truly did not.

As always, I'm going to be writing this while the ppv is going on.

Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov
--I'd rate this match a Z. In fact, it deserves three. ZZZ the whole time lol. Snoozer that should've been on TV. At least Kozlov won with his new finisher as opposed to that stupid "headbutt that is actually you just pushing the guy with your hands, not your head" move.

Finlay Promo

IC Tournament Finals: CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
--Had to "lol" when Lillian announced Punk as a tag champ, as well as when that one guy in the crowd kept chanting "Miz and Morrison!" Haha. Fans weren't into this match at all...neither was I. They had a few interesting pins, and Mysterio's nose getting all screwed up are the only things noteworthy about this match.

Hardy Promo
--Written a lot better than the whole "I'm gonna say extreme 100 times". Delivered about the same. Hardy's still not that great on the mic. He needs to stop saying "WWE Champion" the way he does. Sounds like he's constipated when he says it lol. But maybe the whole "you think I'm going to screw up again" thing points us to the WWE actually wanting to have him beat Edge at WrestleMania?

JBL/HBK Segment
--God DAMN this was boring. This would have bombed even on Raw. Ridiculous to have this on a ppv. I was half expecting him to say he was losing his smile, haha.

Useless Legacy Segment
--Three promos in a row? Come on, WWE. Some people (not me, thankfully) actually paid for this. Stop giving them crap and trying to convince them its gold.

Belfast Brawl: Finlay vs. Mark Henry
--This ppv is horrible. The best part about this match ended up being Henry breaking the shillelagh and the kendo stick. Why is Atlas still employed if they're looking for budget cuts? This guy hasn't done anything in two or three months.

The second or third commercial
--All these promos, all these

Santino/Divas/Santa Haas/Goldust/Boogeyman Promo
--A fourth promo...after that commercial. Not funny.

Kennedy Promo
--WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! You know what, even if I thought that Behind Enemy Lines looked good, which I don't, I still wouldn't get it just to spite all their constant bugging.

Evolution Promo....again
--Wow. Just, wow. This is ridiculous.

Randy Orton vs. Batista
--Lackluster in a lot of ways, good in some ways. They had a lot of close calls, which I liked, but it took them a LONG time to really get the ball going. Figured Batista would win, but its good they let Orton come out looking strong too.

Slammy Awards Recap
--Didn't we freaking see this already???? Come on. WWE seriously didn't plan this ppv out at all if they're adding all these ads. And they wonder why nobody's buying the ppvs.


--As soon as Khali came out, I saw the Mae Young thing coming immediately. Why the hell do they think that that joke is still funny? Its the same damn joke EVERY SINGLE TIME. And Mae Young has to stop coming out and wearing practically nothing. Its sickening. Its not funny...its not cute...its not admirable...its just gross. You're old. Give it up. Retire with a little dignity, you know?

Some videogame commercial
--.........I don't even know what to say.

Recap about Jericho/Cena
--Waste even more time.

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

Royal Rumble Promo
--Still no need, as they're going to be pushing it for a month anyway on every single show. Tired of these promos.

Hardy Attacked Recap

WWE Championship: Edge vs. HHH vs. Hardy
--Great match. I'm a little confused as to what the WWE is thinking, though. Why did they have Edge return to win the title and lose it a month later, and build Hardy up just to win it at Armageddon? Seems like they could've had him win the RR and win it at WrestleMania from Edge. Now, I'm glad that Hardy is champion (although its a shame Edge isn't at the same time...wish we could've just taken time out of HHH's reign for the both of them). But I'm a little worried that this means we're going to get HHH beating Hardy at WrestleMania for the title after winning the Royal Rumble, aren't you guys?

Armageddon as a whole was an ATROCIOUS ppv. Absolutely horrid. The surprise Hardy win makes up for some stuff, but this pay-per-view had so much terrible crap thrown at us that it in no way makes up for enough. Terrible, terrible ppv, with a fun finish that is leaving me a bit confused as to their direction.
Darkshot77's review of Armageddon 2008


That is what it felt like watching this PPV. Correction bashing my head up against a wall would have been more enjoyable. This was abyssmal. My biggest problem is what NoFate adressed, The large ammount of, promos, commercials, backstage skits, and in ring segments. Lets compare this to SD on Friday. SD is a two hour show and had 6 matches. Armageddon Is a 2 hour 45 min show and had 7 matchs. Thats a problem. Why should I pay $40 for an extra 45 min and one match...dosent make any sense. That other match better be a goddamn iron man match, or a three stages of hell match. The time needs to be used up better or people will stop buying PPV's. In fact the stream that i was watching alone was costing the WWE a quarter of a million dollars. Thats just one stream, there are hundreds of others just as popular. No on e wanting to buy PPV's anyomre is costing money, but if buyrates/ratings keep going up, I guess its not really a problem, and they dont need to fix it, but what do I know of business. Any way on to the matches.

ECW Champion Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov-Didn't see the match but Koslov won as expected

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk-Caught the tail end of this match it was decent, and CM Punk busted mysterio's nose and became #1 contender. This pusts him on the rout to be what I beleive to be the next Triple crown Champion. So what was the point of him winning the tag titles other than to make him a Triple crown champ. And how useless were the tag titles, if they changed hands OFF AIRED TELEVISION. Come on WWE try harder.

Finlay vs. Mark Henry-This was exactly like a Jeff Jarret match. It dosent matter how much ouside interfearance or how many trash cans, steel chair, run ins, little midgets, kendo sticks, or fake Stings you have in the end Jarret/Finlay will hit you with the Gituar/Shillelagh and you will lose. So this match was a whole lot of nothing.

Batista vs. Randy Orton- Decent. nothing to write home about. and Batista who has to be pleased won the match.

Divas Champion Michelle McCool, Maria, Mickie James & Kelly Kelly vs. Victoria, Natalya, Jillian & Maryse- So unlike most predictions, mine included, we got no McCool betrayal. She just bling tagged off Maria and hit the Styles Clash. I laughed so hard. First the Wings of love which looks alot like the Angle's Wings and the Implant Buster, then the Ankle Lock, and now the Styles Clash. Michelle McCool is WWE's way of slapping TNA in the face and I love it. Then we get Mea young and the Kalhi Kiss Cam. For Fucks Sake, stop this disgustinf nonsense. A Kalhi match is more interinting to watch and less damage on the eyes.

Chris Jericho vs. John Cena-Standard Cena is Superman bit, where he wont tap to your submission but you will tap in 5 sec to his.

Edge (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H-FINALLY, a good match. But it seems a little wasted on this shitty PPV, where it was beter suited for WM 25. Hardy wins in a very good match that had a Koslov Matt Hardy run in for no reason.

Final thoughts-The triple threat was wasted cause the rest of the PPV performed so poorly. The only thing that could have saved this PPV was if The Rock made his return to pin John Cena for the WHC. But knowing the WWE here is what probibly would have happened: The Rock would have come down hit a Rock Bottom and a People's Elbow on Cena, go for the cover but Jericho would hit the Codebreaker, but beacause he was too weak he couldn't go for the cover, then Cena would roll over and pin The Rock to retain his title. The PPV was shit, I have nothing else to say.

Rating: 2 out of 10 stars
Koslov vs. Hardy

I'm surprised his opened the show. Koslov is nto a good open the show guy. The ECW champ seems to always get the shaft in opening the PPV. Thanks to Hardy's work, Koslov looked better. He's still not PPV quality yet, but he seems to be getting there.

Punk vs. Mysterio

Lived up to my expectations and was the highlight of the PPV. The match seriously made me miss the Cruiserweight title. There's alot of guys that can put on matches like this that have nothing to do. It was a nice, solid match that should've been given about 4 more minutes. That GTS was definitely stiff and reminded me of the way KENTA does it. Punk contiues to be a sight to watch, although he's not as good as he was when he was an indie guy. Maybe the GTS will be banned too because it's so "devastating". LOL

Finlay vs. Henry

Hoenstly, I barely watched it. A Belfast Brawl is a NO DQ match basically. I wasn't interested in it. What I saw showcased Henry's strength. I wonder if Finlay can win a match without that thing. And I really wish Hornswaggle would be released. The gimmick is beyond dead and uninteresting.

Batista vs. Orton

A match that never took off. Personally I blame that on Batista. Orton can be a quick, methodical wrestler, and it doesn't go with slow-poke muscle guy Batista. The last half of it was good, especailly in expecting when Orton was gonna bust out the RKO. It would have been better to hand Orton the win, then the feud would be more interesting. It just seems like Batista whined backstage about wanting to win and so he did.

Divas Match

The Mickie/Maryse and Mickie/Natalya part were the only good things about it, other than most of the Divas looking hot. Watching McCool attempt the Styles Clash was funny. She was obviously too weak to hold Jillian correctly and couldn't get her legs and Jillian's ars set up correctly. She is not a power wrestler so I don't know why she's doing power finishers. I'm waiting for her to do the Muscle Buster next month.

Jericho vs. Cena

It was alright. Jericho getting out of the FU and turning it into a codebreaker was great. Cena gettign out of the Walls of Jericho, turnign it into an STFU and Jericho tapping in 2 seconds was not. Jericho is such a great heel and watching him lose is tough. Cena's mixed reaction from the fans continues, which I found amusing. I don't know where Jericho goes next, but it's unfortunately obvious Cena's next feud is Batista...again.

Hardy vs. HHH. vs Edge

A really good match that kept fans on the edge of their seats. The spear into the announce table was great. Each guy got a chance of getting the win, which worked to the excitement. No one looked weak at the end. It was also good in setting up alot of times Hardy came close but not quite with everytime he got knocked off the apron. Koslov coming out added to his interest in staying in the title hunt, as did Matt Hardy coming out to beat him up in the loss wasn't the end between them. I've been a big jeff Hardy fan for a long time and I was seriously marking when he won. Now is the big test for him. I'm glad he's champion and hopefully he can hold it and keep himself in line for the foreseeable future and prove himself as a world champion.

The Hardy win and the Punk/Mysterio match saved the entire PPV, because all in all it sucked.
All the faces win the big matches. Hopefully this means they really are planning a heel rumble win.

Happy Jeff finally won, but hate how Edge has been brought back to put him over so HHH didn't have to. It also had HHH winning if it were not for outside interference. Normally I don't like these people who slag off the game, but I'm with them this time. What is it with this man that he has to look so good time and time again. Same with Batista, ni way should he have gone over Orton cleanly. Orton sure as hell better get revenge or win the rumble.

The whole thing points to a HHH Mania victory, which is pathetic. Edge Hardy should still be the Main Event in my eyes.
I liked it. I haven't actually watched the show yet so my review is a bit off, but from what I've seen I liked it. WWE is trying to go back to a formula that worked in the 1990s: keep things moving rapidly and that's fine with me. To all people that are bitching about Hardy's win, I offer this: no one saw it coming. No one did, and if you claim you did, odds are you're lying. It was totally inpredictable and everyone freaked when it happened. The key to it though is this: we all want to watch SD to see where it goes next, and that's exactly what the intent was. Based on that alone, Armageddon was great. Perhaps a more detailed review coming later.
It maybe top four for PPV of the year. wrestlemania was great. unforgiven simply just because of smackdowns choices of the scramble. E.G not putting big show,khali, taker in. royal rumble was Great IMO. heck i even liked no mercy and summerslam.
Wow, if you look at the previous page, then i got 83% of my predictions right and a 100% correct prediction for EXACTLY how the Belfast Brawl was going to turn out, lol.

Armageddon was overall, a half decent PPV. It didn't suck like a lot of people have said it did, but for me, it didn't exactly reak or awesomeness. Permit me to once again give the aG3Nt's 2 cents:

Vlad v Matt

See, now that was an example of how a heel can use mat game, and slow the pace right down without boring people to tears like Sly insists they should. Every other minute, good ol' Vlad was hammering away on Matt's arm with a different move and then going back to the key lock at a decent pace. I was also glad to see that apparently he has a new finisher. Oh, and Striker, if by any chance you ever read this, just because Vlad goes down while delivering the move, does not make it a combination of a spinebuster and a chokeslam, it's just a chokeslam.

Decent match overall, it clearly went over better then Vlad's PPV debut, but consistenlt having the ECW champion curtain jerking doesn't do him any favours, but then him running his mouth about smarks when he's the diet pepsi champ doesn't either. I honestly thought this may have been placed after the divas, and the Brawl and Punk/Mysterio but hey, there ya go

IC tournament finals:

Very disappointed that they didn't have the title match immediately afterward. Did they announce yet when it's actually going to be? Now i'm hoping it's going to be at the Rumble and not wasted on Raw. Now if you've read the 'Should WWE bother to rehire Mysterio?' thread recently, you may have noticed my comment that Rey is a burnt out Max Mini. Despite putting on a decent match with the straight edge snooze fest at the PPV, it didn't provide anything to make me think any differently about the guy. Let's replace Punk with say Koslov for example, because he's a technical guy like Punk, so they kinda have similar styles, and i bet it would have been slow, boring and typical. If Rey can put on an exciting match with a guy close to the 300lb mark, and can also do it WITHOUT doing himself an injury, THEN i'll eat my words. Decent match, could see the result from a lightyear away (and still can't believe that people ACTUALLY thought that someone other than Punk was going to win) would have preferred Regal/Punk but there's still a chance that'll be at the Rumble.

Now for some reason, we had an avalanche of promos and segments to follow. Finlay, asking Hornswoggle not to come with him to the ring, didn't really need to be done at all, but then Hornswoggle's whole character didn't need to be created at all so nevermind. We also had another godawful Jeff Hardy promo. (THAT IS WHY HE'LL MAKE A CRAP CHAMPION!!!!) HE always comes off as being such a wuss. Go cut yourself to your Taking Back Sunday albums ya emo nonse! (sorry, that's just how he comes across when he's doing those segments in my eyes) And to think you're now the champion with mic work like that. Then we had a God awful HBK/JBL segment that went on way too long. This was actually worse then Taker/Big Show at Unforgiven. Although you could see what was going to happen WAAAAAAYYYYYYY before it happened, at least something happened. If this was some bizarre attempt at turning HBK heel, then it didn't get over at all. Regardless of how creative this angle becomes or how it plays out, i think the majority of fans aren't even going to give it a chance purely because it involves JBL. Total waste of PPV time that could have featured a tag team title match or a US title match. 6 great athletes like Helms, Shelton, the Colons and TBK/Zeke don't make it on PPV so HBK and JBL can talk for 15 minutes. Well worth the price of admission. Then we get an Orton interview where the 2nd generation lispers do all the talking?!?!?! And was it me, or did Manu's little input make no sense.

"Randy isth going to exposthe Batisthta for the fraud that he isth"

What exactly is Batista trying to be Manu? Secondly wtf was Eve, a Smackdown interviewer talking to a Raw guy? Shouldn't Grisham have dashed to and from for that?

Next we have Finlay and Mark Henry, well read what i said about what was going to happen on the previous page of this thread and from where i was sitting that's what happened. I had no interest in this match, except to see if it was any better than the one at WM, and it wasn't. Mainly because the weapons were limited to Kendo sticks and trash cans and then a shilleleigh. No tables? No chairs? Yawn!

Then, oh great, more talk! Divas around an Xmas tree, whoopee! Then it started getting better once the Milan Miracle and the Glamazon showed up and then quickly plummeted back down to suckville once the Boogeyman appeared and got nobody, quickly followed by Goldust. Is he the new Ron Simmons or something? Then others start cropping up, like Mike Chioda. Get outta there Chioda, you actually have proper work to do, unlike this group of nobodies.

AND THAT'S FOLLOWED BY KENNEDY PLUGGING HIS MOVIE AGAIN!!!!! Ken, i already want to watch it ok, don't let them turn you into the new Cena by blabbing on about yourself every opportunity you get, please?

Finally, we get a match that people actually want to watch. Orton v Batista:

Now, the DQ inconsistancies cropped up again here, because there's plenty of times when guys simply look at chairs and get DQ'd. Here Manu and Cody were giving a priceless beat down to Boretista and the ref just told them to go away? Don't get me wrong, i'd have hated it if the match had ended there, but it just makes the way WWE is supposed to work look stupid. Anyway, decent match, again Orton did well with the slowing down the pace without boring people to tears, but uh, he kinda ruined the illusion a couple of times while applying that neck vise because it was pretty obvious he was giving Batista instructions. Not as blatant as the last time Chavo was allowed to wrestle on PPV where he blatently said 'he's coming off the turnbuckle' during the ECW scramble, but obvious nonetheless. Wanted an RKO at least, and i personally wanted to see Batista's head get punted into the 11th row, but had to wait for Raw for that. Good match, though not quite as good as i expected.

Divas match.

Why did Maryse not have any shoes on? And i still don't get how the faces gained a former champion and the heels got Jillian. Makes, little to no sense at all. Way to further the McCool/Maria fued though.......... a blind tag....... ingenious.

And then more crap, except this crap was revolting as well. I'm not a khali fan, but i feel sorry for the guy being turned into a joke.

Cena v Jericho WHC match

Again, a solid match which had a totally different approach than SSeries i felt. The build up to this match wasn't that great though i felt, but hey it's been wonderful to not hear 'Cena's coming back' every 10 minutes like last month. Especially like Jericho flipping out of the FU to hit the Codebreaker. He should however have lasted a wee bit longer in the STFU imo

Triple Threat for the WWE title:

(Sigh) So he finally won the title. Congratulations on finally winning the big one Jeff, wake me up when you lose it. This triple threat match didn't seem that great to me for some reason. It's probably because the majority of it saw HHH surviving everything up until the time for him to hit the Pedigree and then he had to start all over again. Plus Jeff's recovery after getting speared through the table was far too quick. Benoit didn't get up that quickly after being double suplexed through a table, but Jeff Hardy can take a finisher through one now and be up again in under a minute?...... Oh but wait, there never was a guy called Chris Benoit who won the WHC at WM20 was there? Randy Orton became the youngest champ in history by beating.... nobody! so i guess it doesn't matter (although to me, it does). The finish was weird imo. Hardy didn't even touch HHH when he delivered the Swanton, yet HHH went flying out of the ring? Is the mat that springy then? Good to see Koslov getting involved, and Matt i guess (though i still think he's gonna turn around and say "I smacked Jeff in the head" and turn heel) but i didn't appreciate the ending.

I'm not a Hardy hater, i simply don't care about the guy one way or another. Good for him he won the title, but i think it would have benfitted him more if he'd won at WM, and for some reason a lot of Hardy marks thinks that's a stupid idea. Why wouldn't you want your favourite to win on the grandest stage of them all? Their equivalent to the Superbowl. Why would you settle for him winnin it at insignificant Armageddon? We all knew he'd win it eventually, couldn't you wait a little longer? He's BOUND to lose it before Mania. Bound to.

Anyway, this was a decent PPV for something i didn't pay for. It was predictable and there was a LOT of time wasting shit which only furthers my argument that WWE is too much talk and not enough WRESTLING, but the matches (with the exception of the divas and the Brawl) were all very well done i thought. If we'd had a swerve, or at least some kind of continuation with the Taker/Show fued (or has that finished now? I've no idea, since their cage match not a word's been said about it) it probably would have been far better, and it DEFINITELY would have been better if we'd had some fresh faces on PPV but never mind. On to the Rumble........

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