Live Discussion: Armageddon 14/12/2008

*Still marking out.*

Man, that was intense. I had a feeling Jeff might get it after HHH hit the pedigree.

I think I have a sticky in my pants.

Like, ZOMG. WOw..... just wow. At Armageddon as well.
So let's see. Last three PPVs, Jericho loses to Batista, Edge returns and wins, and now this. There is no way anyone can say taht WWE's ppvs have been predictable lately.
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Wow. I have finals this next week so I've been studying but I decided to find a stream to watch the last match and I'm glad I did. I only caught the last few minutes (at the point where Jeff was speared through the table) but that was still awesome. Wish I had seen the entire match. Very happy for Jeff.

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