Armageddon: Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship

Edge will win, although at some point in the match, HHH should have won (thus establishing his dominance for the millionth time) but got screwed.

Afterwards, Hardy will move on to feud probably with big show for some reason. The remainder of the calendar year will be edge and vickie throwing insane challenge after challenge at HHH to keep him out of the title picture. He'll make it to the rumble, against all odds, where he'll either:
1. Win the rumble yet another time and go to challenge edge at wrestlemania
2. Put on a really good showing yet somehow gets screwed due to cheating/interference, which will enable him to enter the elimination chamber matchup and win that, to challenge edge at wrestlemania.

It's why he had to lose the title in the first place...he probably wanted to add another feather in his cap by winning either another rumble or another elimination chamber.
Something makes me mad where they would put either Edge vs HHH at WM, or Edge vs Hardy at WM. The reason? We saw Edge and HHH headline The Bash in July, and we saw Edge vs Jeff the night Jeff Hardy returned back in 06. If Hardy wins at WM against Edge I'm ok with it, BUT if they do the main event HHH vs Edge and have HHH win (just like he did at the Bash) I feel thats just an easy way out for the WWE. If Edge beat HHH at WM it be ok, BUT we still saw that match not even 9 months prior (wrestlemania time). I'm ok with repeating a match, but you dont do that at Wrestlemania, that is what No Way Out, Backlash, Judgement Day, The Great American Bash, Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Armageddon are for. As far as Armageddon goes I'm still calling for Christian and Tomco to help Edge like the Edgeheads did last year.
Anyone else feel a sense of Deja-vu? Just jumping out there, since Edge and Vickie are reunited and all.. is this the match where Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder reform with the Family as Edge's long lost twins?

I can't openly see Jeff Hardy winning at Armageddon, but it won't fully shock me. I honestly see Hardy taking the pinfall loss in this match, just because Triple H. (for some reason) is still involved in a storyline that truly doesn't involve him.. yet he isn't going to be the outcast that takes the loss either. (then again)

In the end, if Hardy wins I don't see him making it to Mania with the strap. However, if Edge wins I fully see him going to Mania to once again lose it to Hardy, or someone else. (Kennedy?)
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The Only way i could see the title change hand is if the WWE creative staff loses their mind and decides to hotshot the Jeff HArdy Title reign. Has much as it pain me to say this, the jeff Hardy program towards the championship is going on great and if the continue the program the way they doing it, i would be surprised to see Jeff Hardy get is Wrestlemania moment and win the WWE Championship at wrestlemania. Has for this match, Edge has to win this match to set up a match between him and HHH at the royal rumble but how do you have edge win without killing Jeff HArdy's push. Have Jeff be on the verge of winning again then have edge take out hardy and get the pin on HHH. That's the only way i see this match end.
I've read a bunch about Matt Hardy involving himself in this match and thus leading to a brother vs. brother showdown at Mania. I like the idea, but don't know if it would work.
I think Triple H will get shafted out of this match in some way much like Hardy did at Survivor Series, and would set the stage for an Edge/Triple H match at the Rumble. This is the best outcome I can think of, but in all honesty, with what's happened in the past month or so this match seems like more of a question mark than anything. The only thing that seems to be a given is that Edge will leave with the title.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to the result.
This could be a WM main event. But instead it's been put on Armageddon. Why? THey could've saved this big a match for a grander stage, perhaps the grandest stage of them all. But i digress. Edge isn't dropping the title here. I see Edge stealing a victory, possibly by Hardy hitting the Swanton on HHH, Hardy gets up turns around and BAM Spear, and 123 Edge retains. But doesn't HHH have a rematch clause? WHy didn't he just use that? Or is it since Vickie is in charge, she made it so he couldn't have a rematch, unless he earned one?

Will brings up a good point actually. In the triple threat last year at Armageddon, the Edgeheads interfered and helped Edge win the title, so what's stopping them doing it this year? It would be a nice twist, as not many people would be expecting it. But they'd all have to grow beards then. But Edge'll win this, cleanly or not, we'll have to wait and see.
Edge is playing possum on the outside... Jeff goes up to the top rope and hits a Swanton on Triple H. Out of no where, Edge comes in and spears Hardy, getting the win right after. That'd set up Edge facing Triple H at RR and Hardy winning the Rumble match.

I'm really looking forward to this. This match could easily headline a Wrestlemania. It should be great.
Hardy wins. No one saw it coming, or at least I didn't. I was expecting them to drag it to Mania. Good match though, and I think is right up there for match of the year...the excitement was insane. To see him get the win was nice, too bad it wasn't on Trips. I guess that's why they brought Edge back so early, because Trips wouldn't do the job. Just my opinion. Kudos to Edge and Hardy they carried Trips in this one, but all still looked equally strong. Fatal 4-Way for the Title at the Rumble with Kozlov picking up his first loss?
this is exactly what i said was going to happen. Jeff hardy won to become the new wwe champion. My only hope now is that they didnt just do this to get his "reign" out of the way so they can go back to trips and edge. i want hardy to hold it until atleast mania although i have no clue who he would face there
I'm really glad he finally scored the belt, I just really hope they don't screw up his run by making him an "underdog" champion like they did with Rey & Punk.
there is no way they could make jeff the "normal champion" you no why. because they have such good main eventers like taker,edge, triple h. then you have the giants like big show and khali. he will always be the udnerdog champion IMO. the only way you think he will be the favourite is if it's a ladder/tlc or he is vsing some of teh little guys like kendrick or helms.
I get the impression WWE don't trust Jeff Hardy to be able to draw at WrestleMania. I can't think of any other reason why they would put the title on him now. It makes more sence for him to finally nab the big one at the biggest show of the year. But I guess Edge vs. Jeff Hardy isn't a big enough match for the biggest show of the year. I fully expect him to be in the opening match of the night against his brother Matt.

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