Armageddon: Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H

I agree and disagree. I simply can't see Triple H's ego getting in the way of him not being involved in the main event of Wrestlemania, and an Orton/Triple H main event is almost as bad as the rumored Triple H/Batista WWE title match. Like I said, Hardy should win, you have two pay per views in a row that the guy can be in a big match without pressure of the main event. The WWE honestly can't fuck this up. I'm not a Hardy fan, but this is the perfect opportunity to see if he can handle it, I'm just not sure Triple H's ego won't keep him from winning this.
The outcome of this match is 50/50 really, it depends on when Triple H is going to turn heel. If he is going to remain face for this match where they both respect eachother then Jeff should and will win IMO. If the plan is to turn him heel at Armageddon then Triple H will cheat his way to victory making Jeff look good in the process, thus not burying him and making it the perfect setup(Trips pushes Hardy while at the same time getting himself back in the title picture). Right now it looks like WWE is going to proceed with the latter since that is what the rumours are as of this moment.

Personally, I first thought Hardy was going to win this one, but now I think Triple H will get the win via low blow and Pedigree to become heel, but letting Hardy dominate near the end of the match even though he will be selling injuries from the ladder match with Carlito. This way, everybody will be satisfied, Jeff will look like he was screwed and betrayed by HHH(not buried!) and Triple H will begin his Road to WrestleMania with a storyline against either Orton, HBK, Batista, Y2J, etc. The more I think about it, this is actually the best move WWE can do, putting Jeff against Orton at the Royal Rumble is a waste(everybody knows Orton would win anyway), Jeff is the perfect underdog to participate in the Rumble this year where he will get a low number of entry and will make it to the final four, but not win(similar to Mysterio in 2006). This will keep the fans on the end of their seats thinking Jeff might pull it off and win the biggest match of his career, this is something the WWE will do in a heartbeat, no doubt about it.

As for the heel vs heel title match, I wouldn't be surprised if WWE will make it a Triple Threat match and add a face in there: Y2J vs HHH vs Orton seems like the biggest possibility.
Just a thought, but after monday they didnt really start anything for triple h and batista. But they could have started something for triple h and vince after the photo thing and stephanie kissing triple h. maybe vince will cost triple h the match against jeff this week and set-up the mania match. of course this probably wont happen.
this is going to be close but triple h will just get it in the end maybe using sledge hammer or just finishing jeff with a good old pedigree because he wants that title really bad but it would be a shock win if jeff hardy won
I Ike Both Triple And Jeff Hardy ,
But I Know Jeff Will Loose Cause Triple H Will Destroy Jeff Hes One Guy Not To Trust ,
I Hope Wwe Keeps Triple H A Good Guy N Not Make Him Turn Bad Cause I Love When He Makes Fun Of Vince Lmao Its So Funny I Laugh My Arse Off Lol,
Yeah. I'm suprised to have seen Jeff win.
Idk why. I thought as well as multiple people on here that HHH wasn't gonna put
him over. I'm glad to see Jeff in a #1 contender position. it'd be aight to give him a title run too..
I'm pleased with the outcome of the match. I can't stand either. But at least Hardy in a main event is a little different. Knowing WWE it wont lead anywhere. In three months time he'll probably be making up the numbers in the Money In The Bank. Or he will have fucked up yet again, but at least WWE are trying something new.
I dont know maybe within the foreseeable future Jeff can have a title run as the WWE champ. Jeff has a fan base and is very marketable to the extent of John Cena, Jeff does have the women fan base behind him, he is a spot guy and has many male fans as well. What he lacks in size contributes toward the style he has. He has gained some muscle weight and isnt as small as he was in TNA. With the rumors going around the WWE is interested in signing RVD back to the WWE we could have another good Jeff vs. RVD feud this time for a WWE championship belt.

jeff could possibly become the next shawn micheals who altho is small in stature awesome in the ring especially with the steriod scandals and what not, it could be a way for the WWE to say that bigger guys are not always the ones we look for type deal. Edge and Randy Orton as perfect examples of those guys who are not muscularly big such as lashley but getting the push.

Overall i was suprised to see Jeff hardy ending up getting the win and the WWE has gotten one over all the internet sites which said that HHH will win and go to face Orton at the Rumble. its a nice shakeup by the WWE and HHH for doing something like that.
I'm very glad to see Hardy win this. I was at Armageddon and it was a pretty good match. It's good to finally see a fan-favorite like Jeff get a big push, plus Triple H showed that he doesn't have I big head. I kept yelling "Triple H isn't selfish!" after the match.

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