No Mercy: Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

The only problem I have with this match, in seeing Jeff Hardy lose is thinking "how many more times" will they continue to use the "You always had it, just 'that close' away" storyline.

Chris Benoit capitalized at Wrestlemania 20 when he was told he couldn't win the big one. Jeff Hardy came close at the Royal Rumble, then again being the last guy in the Elimination Chamber, then AGAIN in a match against the Great Khali (to earn a shot) and now here we are once AGAIN!

If Jeff Hardy loses, I think we need to face the fact that the W.W.E. has pushed this storyline of Hardy coming close but not close enough, into the ground. Either Hardy wins, then loses in a month's time, or he doesn't win and goes back to the mid-card level where he can win. Because this whole almost but not quite crap is getting old to me.
They're hot shotting this a little to quick to have a title switch. Jeff winning the belt is a 'Mania moment.

But I find it sad that after these guys just main evented a PPV, I'm talking about the 4 challengers in the Scramble, ol' Tripsy made it sound like beating them was no big deal, on the subsuquent Smackdown taping. He verbally buried them all, and I thought it was a really pathetic display of the portrayal of these guys as top contenders, merely a couple days later after they were just part of a big PPV match.

While I agree, this match will most likely pop a good buy for the company, I believe that even a cheap win by someone like MVP (who was buried more than ANYONE on Friday, not just by Hunter, but in that match), would've kept things fresh for a bit. Have Jeff win the Rumble, have Hunter get the belt back in a few months, and go from there. There's no reason why that couldnt've been done.
I agree with Will on this one. Creative has to shit or get off the pot with Jeff Hardy. Either give him the title for a month before dropping it or remove him from the ME scene for a while. It is an old story, but I understand with him gradually moving more toward main event matches that he shold be an underdog since he's new to scene but enough is enough. He's had 2 title shots and several number contender matches, so the underdog story should be done, one would think. I'm thinking he will win but via DQ, in doing so he won't lose credibilty as a ME and can still be in the title hunt to win RR.
The only problem I have with this match, in seeing Jeff Hardy lose is thinking "how many more times" will they continue to use the "You always had it, just 'that close' away" storyline.

Chris Benoit capitalized at Wrestlemania 20 when he was told he couldn't win the big one. Jeff Hardy came close at the Royal Rumble, then again being the last guy in the Elimination Chamber, then AGAIN in a match against the Great Khali (to earn a shot) and now here we are once AGAIN!

If Jeff Hardy loses, I think we need to face the fact that the W.W.E. has pushed this storyline of Hardy coming close but not close enough, into the ground. Either Hardy wins, then loses in a month's time, or he doesn't win and goes back to the mid-card level where he can win. Because this whole almost but not quite crap is getting old to me.

I just don't see this as getting old. If anything, it's just getting Hardy MORE over as the fans are wanting him to win the title more and more. It's not like this hasn't worked in the past. You said yourself about Chris Benoit. Aside from that asterisk-marked title reign in wCw right when he left, Benoit got close dozens of times before he finally won it at WM. Same goes for Shawn Michaels; it didn't take him 20 years like Benoit, but he had several chances before he finally beat Bret Hart for the title at WM12. He was also wayyyy over when he won it finally.

I'm not sure if they want to go through with Hardy winning at Mania because I just don't know that he's a big enough star to main event the biggest show of the year, particularly considering it's WM25. In all honesty, I think the MiTB winner is gonna cash in the very same night to end the show.

But as for the No Mercy match, I don't see Hardy winning. I also don't think Triple H sent Koslov out. When he turns heel it's gonna be some big deal, probably against Hardy or Taker. I think Koslov was just looking for better competition, and what they might due to further Hardy's big push is have him end Koslov's unbeaten streak on Smackdown in the next couple weeks. Then he has alot of momentum going in to NM. But I think it'll happen like this:

Jeff goes for ToF, Trips reverses into pedigree and goes for pin. Hardy kicks out. Trips goes for another, but Hardy reverses then hits a ToF, followed by Swanton and the pin. Trips kicks out. Hardy goes back up but Trips goes after him. Jeff hops down and goes to other side, goes for Whisper in the Wind and misses, then Trips hits pedigree again and gets the win. (Actually what would be awesome would be if he kicked out again, then Trips goes irate, hits another and gets the win...could be beginning of his heel turn)

After that I think there's a dq or double countout at Cyber Sunday, then Hardy finally wins the title at Survivor Series. After that, I could see him holding it till RR or NWO where he drops it to a heel Triple H or Edge.
I honestly can't see Jeff Hardy winning the belt just yet. The way it's looking now, he will eventually win the title, but the fued has just started getting good so I don't see HHH losing to Hardy just yet. This fued will go on longer and eventually HHH will drop the title, but even then I don't think it will happen at Cyber Sunday either. A DQ looks pretty good right now and is the best way to keep the fued going. It should be a good match.
I really think Hardy should take the Gold here. As Will said how many more times can the guy LOOSE the big one without just dropping back to the slightly smaller one. Triple H has had a good run with the title, but it's time for him to just let it go. I think these two could put on a good match here, prooving that two wrongs (both are overrated) can sometimes make a right.

What would make me most annoyed here is if Jeff wins by another roll up. The LAST thing we need is another fluke champion, we've had Punk and Jericho on RAW. The other last thing we need is Triple H burying another over, and for all his faults Hardy is consistently over, talents. It doesn't make him look any better. To be honest he would look alot better if he put on a good battle with Hardy, let Hardy go over cleanly and then EARN himself another go at the gold come Wrestlemania or even the Rumble.

Look at The Undertaker, the man is proof that you can be away from the Title and still be in the main event. The Game is at that point where he doesn't need the title to be over with the fans, Jeff Hardy on the other hand could benifit from it greatly.
I might be a little offensive. Although I consider myself a smark. I also consider myself a huge Hardy mark. It makes mi sick that there is so much haters that were so happy that jeff had an incident and that they hope that this is his last strike.
I get it. When you have no life and you are a peace of shit, the easiest thing is to hate somebody and to wish him the worst possible outcome. The only hard thing is to find out why.
I'm a WWF fan all the way from 97. After No Mercy 99 I become a huge Hardy mark. I was entertained by Jeff (and Matt) during my favorite years of attitude era. I understand that jeff made some big mistakes during his career, but who the fu*k are you to judge people that you don't know?
You shit about how Jeff is doesn't know how to wrestle. You also are huge attitude marks. So, your idols were people who couldn't wrestle to save their life (The Rock - People's Elbow:wow; SCSA- can of woop-ass- What?; HHH-pedigree - Huh?)
So, 1. have a reason to hate. 2. Know what is wrestling. 3. Get a life. 4. F U internet "comunity".
P.S. Peace from Bosnia
I got to say that before learning about Jeff Hardy'S incident this week i really was hoping that this was it for him and he would be the one to take the belt away from HHH. But let's face it, has much as i like Jeff HArdy as a performer, i don't see him getting near a world championship reign anytime soon. Jeff is a tremendous performer but the fact of the matter is that he's got demons and that's not good for the wwe if one of there top guys is a loose canon. So as much as it pain me to say that, Jeff HArdy as WWE champion might never happen so at No Mercy, Jeff HArdy will lose to HHH and maybe even get humiliated in the process before going back into the mid card status that he had before.
Watching that number 1 contender match last week on Smackdown, was I the only one who thought Kendrick would've stayed in the ring a little while longer, giving Kozlov an opportunity to destroy both him and Hardy? At which point, Ezekiel would step in, setting up a feud between those two..

I'm watching Smackdown right now, and TBK and Ezekiel are, once again, in the picture when Kozlov is mentioned during Jeff's in-ring speech, before his match (as Hardy has to face Kendrick)...

Just a thought.
and yet it happens again this match has been done lots beforeits a good match but damn give it a rest. hardy should win this one because it would be obsured for him to come so close and lose AGAIN. i love triple h but i think hardy is due and should win this. that is my prediction for this match
Triple H is my favorite wrestler in the WWE. That being said. Jeff Hardy is right behind him. He NEEDS to take the gold here. Triple H has had a good run, it;s time for him to give it to Hardy. A person who has come back from so much adversity, albeit it was his own fault. It still doesnt take away from the fact that he is fucking WAY OVER. He might even be more over than HHH himself. This match should be good, with a hopeful outcome of Hardy taking the gold. It's time.
After what have seen last night i would be surprised if they found a way to put Koslov in this match and make it a triple treat match instead of a one on one match and if that happen i'm could see Vladimir koslov win the WWE championship by beating Jeff HArdy instead of HHH. This would then have HHH trying to get his belt back and would keep both Koslov and HHH occupied until the end of the year.
I think Koslov will either interfer in the match at No Mercy and force Vicky to name him number one contender or they will make it a triple threat. I hope they stay with Triple H v Jeff as I would rather see that match than a triple threat with Koslov involved. I also hope they stay with Triple H v Jeff as it really annoys me when matches are announced but are then altered so someone else is added to the match. Either way, I can see a Jeff/Koslov feud either for the title or as a feud based on revenge after the attacks form Koslov on Jeff
well for starters i think jeff should win here because hhh is just getting boring with his tittle reighn. unless he turns heel soon drop the dam belt. i say jeff is more over now with he fans then hhh. wih the recent incident though wwe may change there mind on giving jeff the belt. no koslov needs to stay out match. he will ruin the success this match can have. plus im sick of outside inrterferance in title matches now and days. hhh really needs time off or drop the belt. the guy is getting boring to watch with the same promos every week and same squash matches he is in to look invinciable. hhh needs a gimmick change badely.:lsabre:
Hardy needs a title run. He keeps on getting shots and has been in the main event for god knows how long, so he needs to win this. HHH has had enough championships, give it to the younger guy and put him over. Even though Hardy is over already, he would be even more over if he had the title. But I see this match ending in a DQ. Kozlov's demand for better competition will either cause him to interfere in this match, or destroy both of them after the bell. Either way he'll be the new No.1 contender, but then Big Show will also probably be the No.1 contender. I don't know what's going to happen in the title scene after this match.
I'm very excited about this match. I am also a Jeff Hardy mark as the guy entertains me every single week without fail. 2 years ago when he returned, I never dreamed of seeing Jeff Hardy challenging for the WWE Championship on a pay per view. I ordered the 2008 Royal Rumble pay per view mainly to see Jeff Hardy win the WWE Title. But it didn't happen as Randy Orton retained. At Unforgiven last month it looked like Hardy had some chance of winning the belt, but he didn't. So finally he is given another opportunity for the title on a pay per view against Triple H.

It's a great storyline that I have enjoyed since the end of 2007. Jeff has worked his ass off since returning to the WWE. He always puts on consistant matches with almost every opponent. Hell, he even carried Khali to a passable match a few months ago on Smackdown. The guy deserves his reward, with that being the WWE Title. But he has one setback that is preventing him from winning the big one, and that is being involved with drugs. The WWE still doesn't trust him completely as they certainly don't want their WWE Champion to be on drugs at any time. He needs to prove that drugs are in his past, and not present in his life. Look at Randy Orton for example, he turned his life around for the better and is now seen as a big deal on Raw as well as being a 3 time WWE Champion.

But quite frankly, I think its best if Jeff Hardy loses this match. I say this because Smackdown needs a dominant champion upon debuting on their new TV network. Since Triple H has been the champ for a while now, he needs to retain here to possibly help gain new viewers to Friday Night Smackdown. I really hope Vladamir Kozlov does not interfere with the match but I'm almost certain he will. That will set up a match betwen Kozlov and Jeff Hardy at Cyber Sunday and Triple H will probably continue to feud with Edge or M.V.P.

The match itself at No Mercy will be entertaining and should be a very good 20 minute bout. I'm expecting Kozlov to interfere to somehow help Triple H in retaining the WWE Championship. Also, I think its best if Jeff loses here so he can win the 2009 Royal Rumble match. He can then go on to defeat somebody like Edge at Wrestlemania 25 for the WWE Championship. But anyway I am very excited about this title match.
I'd love to see it, but I don't see Jeff doing it here. I'd love to see Jeff loose due to interference from Kozlov and work a brief program with him. That'd open up the title picture of either have a heel come up to the #1 Contendership or turn Triple H heel and put him against a face. This is nothing to do with MyNetwork TV (be honest, the hardcore fans are gonna watch it regardless and feud isn't gonna draw in new viewers), I just feel they need a good Face/Heel feud on the program. The Jeff/Triple H program is good, but it's not really a feud more a mentor pushing his pupil type thing. Right now Triple H is my favourite thing on the show and i'd hate to him turn heel just for the sake of it.
I honestly can't see anything but HHH retaining here. If he didn't lose his title in the scramble--which could have happened without making him look bad--I can't see him losing cleanly to only Hardy at a "lower tier" pay per view like No Mercy.
HHH wins and retains the title. I hope that Koslov does get involved in costing Hardy the belt as it will finally allow for Koslov to have a meaningful feud with Jeff where he comes out on top before going on to face HHH for the title.
After retaining the title I feel that HHH has a title match with Big Show as Show reward for hurting the Undertaker.
I'm going with whats been implied above me here and give the win to Triple H. WWE keeps hinting Kozlov vs Hardy, and Kozlov definitely hasn't been around enough to be feuding with hardy FOR the title. So, Triple H wins, and most likely by Kozlov interference. Who knows, maybe HHH will turn heel on this one. Maybe he'll be the one whose been sending out Kozlov to attack Hardy. (I believe this theory has already been mentioned earlier.) Still, bottom line is: Winner and STILL WWE Champion.... Triple H

Oh wait, guess I better post more. But isn't a picture worth a thousand words?

This match is boring, these two wrestlers are boring, and these two have yet to put on a good match with each other. Smackdown is stale, and I blame one guy. I gave him a chance, and he has done nothing but back up all of my negative thoughts about him. Triple H is a stale champion, especially as face.

Jeff Hardy has improved, but when you're shit, it doesn't take much to be improved. I would like to see him win, simply to get the belt off of Triple H, but lets be realistic, that's not happening. Wrestlemania 25 is coming up, and the Game wants nothing more then to be in the main event of that event as champion.

These two have yet to have a good match, and I'm sure that will be met with much resistance from the "Dey wuz good at Armageddon" crowd. That match was a bore, and a roll up fluke victory isn't putting anyone over. I imagine Triple H gets his receipt for that match at No Mercy.
These two have yet to have a good match,

mmmm let me think have yet to have a good match. yeah armageddon was pretty shit but i dont recall them having one since the ic title in 2001 . and lets face it . jeff shouldn't have been wrestling then. he has improved like by 110% and i believe they will put on probably 3rd best match on the show. i love jeff ( literally) but i believe they will save his title stint until wrestlemania or royal rumble
This came up on msn when I was talking with Tim before and we both said this.

There is a chance that Kozlov could interfere in the match and cost Triple H the title if Triple H was going to lose it but did not want to be cleanly beaten by Jeff Hardy because Kozlov and Triple H have had confrontations but nothing physical yet (I don't know about the abscence of physical confrontations, I don't really watch SmackDown so correct me if I'm wrong). Kozlov could use this to get Triple H's attention because after all Kozlov said he wanted better competition.

Jeff would win, Hunter wouldn't get beaten cleanly as there would be outside interferance on the part of Kozlov.

Triple H could then have a rematch against Hardy which Kozlov could cos Hunter again and then Triple H could go after Kozlov.
Well, it's time for my last take on this ... and I've exhausted every single possibility I could think of here, and I came to the conclusion that I've looked into way too much and none of this shit will probably effect it in the slightest. Nor will anyone care. None-the-less I will continue with my in detail look at what could happen.

Well, I can firmly say I don't want HHH to win and that I am gunning for Jeff Hardy all the way. Of course, there are many ways to go down as well. HHH could win cleanly, Jeff Hardy could win cleanly, both I am doubting highly. The 'x' factor, and catalyst in this will most likely interfere one way or another.

If Kozlov gets into it, he could either attack Jeff or HHH, it really depends on who is going to win. If HHH is going to win, he will attack Jeff and vice versa if Jeff wins. Obviously, I'd rather Jeff win, even if it isn't technically clean. I am so swayed here I can't really think straight, my markage is making me more delusional than usual.

Richard had a good scenario above, which actually convinced me more so that Jeff might have a chance. I thought obviously that Kozlov would interfere if Jeff wins, but I didn't think about the aftermath (mostly because I didn't care if it wasn't about Hardy).

On SD! Jeff hit the Twist of Fate on HHH, then went to hit the Swanton off a ladder. Before he did that, good 'ol Kozlov come down and hit him with a heatbutt as he was jumping off the ladder. Jeff just hitting the TOF before the match makes me think he won't get it, but Kozlov hitting him with a headbutt partly counters that.

Jeff is featured on the PPV poster, as he was at No Way Out. He didn't win then either. He is also featured on the MN TV banner, and is the main spokesman for that advert lot. I assume they would want the guy advertising their new channel as the champ, but maybe not.

Regardless, I'm happy Jeff is just in the Main Event and in a title match lol. I have decided he probably won't win the title here, but there is always next time.

Now, in WZPC I put down Jeff. I may change that though ... I still have really torn. I mean,
Well, I can firmly say I don't want HHH to win and that I am gunning for Jeff Hardy all the way. HHH could win cleanly, Jeff Hardy could win cleanly, both I am doubting highly. The 'x' factor, and catalyst in this will most likely interfere one way or another.

I think this is the first time that if Triple H retains here I will be slightly pissed. I agree with you aswell, the 'x' factor will be in the form of an interference and cost whomever said 'x' factor is distracting the championship. I'm putting my money on Kozlov being it if there was an 'x' factor.

If Kozlov gets into it, he could either attack Jeff or HHH, it really depends on who is going to win. If HHH is going to win, he will attack Jeff and vice versa if Jeff wins. Obviously, I'd rather Jeff win, even if it isn't technically clean. I am so swayed here I can't really think straight, my markage is making me more delusional than usual.

This is my opinion. I think Kozlov is more likely to cost Triple H the title. I think there is a bigger chance of Triple H dropping to Hardy than him retaining and Kozlov challenging him for the title. Triple H will drop to Hardy then enter a program with Kozlov where Kozlov will pull off an upset againts Triple H like Shelton did ages ago.

Richard had a good scenario above, which actually convinced me more so that Jeff might have a chance. I thought obviously that Kozlov would interfere if Jeff wins, but I didn't think about the aftermath (mostly because I didn't care if it wasn't about Hardy).

Either Vickie or The Big Show said they were going to get The Big Show into the WWE Championship picture right? I think Triple H will go away from the title after an unsuccessful rematch at the next PPV. I'm not sure. Then The Big Show could come in after Jeff Hardy after The Big Show finishes up with The Undertaker. I havn't thought about the aftermath fully enough yet.

Jeff is featured on the PPV poster, as he was at No Way Out. He didn't win then either. He is also featured on the MN TV banner, and is the main spokesman for that advert lot. I assume they would want the guy advertising their new channel as the champ, but maybe not.

This is where I am having some doubts as I can see No Way Out happening all over again, everyone is like "This is Jeffs time, if it was going to happen, it's now" and then Triple H just beats him. If that happens I will be in a bad mood.

It would be quite the moment in WWE's history for Jeff to finally win it after coming so close each time. Oh well, I suppose we will see how WWE feels about their confidence in Jeff being "Champ".

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