Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy - Who's Better?

Miss Flawless

Why am I arguing with a computer?
I've done this "series" with Edge and Christian, as well as Triple H and Shawn Michaels. I give the accomplishments of both wrestlers, then I compare their over-all qualities.

Jeff Hardy: Accomplishments

National Championship Wrestling
NCW Light Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
New Dimension Wrestling
NDW Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
New Frontier Wrestling Association
NFWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
North East Wrestling
NEW Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
NWA 2000
NWA 2000 Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Matt Hardy

Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts:
OMEGA New Frontiers Championship (1 time)
OMEGA Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Matt Hardy

Pro Wrestling Illustrated:
PWI Comeback of the Year (2007)
PWI Match of the Year (2000) with Matt Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian in a Triangle Ladder match at WrestleMania 2000
PWI Match of the Year (2001) with Matt Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match at WrestleMania X-Seven
PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year (2008)
PWI Tag Team of the Year (2000) with Matt Hardy
PWI ranked him #13 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2009

Universal Wrestling Association:
UWA World Middleweight Championship (1 time)
World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Matt Hardy
World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
WWE Championship (1 time)
WWE European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (3 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (4 times)
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (6 times) – with Matt Hardy
Terri Invitational Tournament – with Matt Hardy
Ninth Grand Slam Champion
Eighteenth Triple Crown Champion
Slammy Award for Extreme Moment of the Year (2008) Swanton Bomb to Randy Orton from the top of the Raw set (Raw, January 14)
Slammy Award for Extreme Moment of the Year (2009) Jumping from ladder onto CM Punk at SummerSlam
Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Best Flying Wrestler (2000)
Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic (2008) Hardy attacked in stairwell before Survivor Series

The last time I was a Jeff Hardy fan was when he was in The Hardy Boyz...but even now, Jeff Hardy is very popular amongst the IWC and he's a 3 time world champion having held the WWE championship once and World Heavyweight championship twice.

Matt Hardy: Accomplishments

National Championship Wrestling
NCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
New England Wrestling Alliance
NEWA Championship (1 time)
New Frontier Wrestling Association
NFWA Championship (1 time)
NFWA Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Venom
NWA 2000
NWA 2000 Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Jeff Hardy

Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts:
OMEGA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
OMEGA Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Jeff Hardy
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Feud of the Year (2005)vs. Edge and Lita
PWI Match of the Year (2000) with Jeff Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian at WrestleMania 2000
PWI Match of the Year (2001) with Jeff Hardy vs. The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian at WrestleMania X-Seven
PWI Tag Team of the Year (2000) with Jeff Hardy
PWI ranked him #17 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2003

World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment:
ECW Championship (1 time)
WCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Jeff Hardy
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WWF/World Tag Team Championship (6 times) – with Jeff Hardy
WWE Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Montel Vontavious Porter
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
Terri Invitational Tournament – with Jeff Hardy
Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Best Gimmick (2002)

Again, not really a fan of him since Hardy Boyz broke up. :\

Matt Hardy has never been a world champion, but has definitely had a successful mid-card career holding the ECW championship, the Hardcore, European, Cuiserweight and United States title. Matt Hardy is also very popular amongst the fans. (Not so much the IWC...)

Matt Hardy is known as somewhat of a "crybaby" and he's always lived in his brother's shadow, as Jeff is way more popular. I think, if Matt was given the chance before, Matt would be more successful than Jeff.

Mic Skills: Tie. I've never really heard anything special from either of them. Both of them are okay, so I've got nothing else to say about their mic skills.

In-ring ability: Jeff Hardy. I've seen some pretty awesome moves from Matt Hardy in his Hardy Boyz days, but after that, his wrestling ability died down where as Jeff kept going. For example: his Swanton Bomb off the top of the RAW set to Randy Orton.

Entertainment: Jeff Hardy. I'm not really a fan of either, but Jeff has entertained me more than Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy has had ONE entertaining feud that I really liked and that was the whole Edge-Lita-Matt with Kane conflict. Jeff Hardy has had numerous different feuds that have entertained me. This is probably because Matt has never been given a chance. (Again, except with that whole Edge and Lita/Kane thing.)

Over-all Jeff wins it for me. But, I'm not a fan of either. ALSO, if I could choose who got the success, I would have chosen Matt. It's hard to compare the two, since it's really all about who you like better. (As well as HHH and HBK)

State your opinion.

*Please don't be a noob, and tell me it's stupid to even be comparing the two or whatever, cause it's not.
Mic skills-tie for me too Unless matt is a heel then hes ahead by a hair. But other than that niether of them are very good.

In ring Skills-Matt Hardy- Jeff is an amazing high flyer but all that really makes him stand out is he jumps off of really tall things. Otherwise hes just another high flyer. Matt actually can do other things in the ring

More entertaining-Jeff Hardy- Like i said he jumps off of really tall things. You never know what hes gonna do next. and that unpredictabilty helps him alot.

Winner-Matt Hardy-By a thread but he still won it.
Let's start with the eldest Hardy:

Matt Hardy

In-ring skills: in the overall careers of both Hardys, Matt has always been the better wrestler. While Jeff mostly just threw his body around, Matt was more well-rounded and could put on good matches with just about anyone. His in-ring peak was between late 05-07, when he was putting on quality matches on Smackdown every week. I especially loved his feud with Gregory Helms in 06 and the great series of matches they had.

However, his ability has diminished since his abodminal injury and his work as become much more sloppy.

Mic Skills They're about the same, but I'll give the slight edge to Matt mainly because he's had more range of character with his promos. Matt showed some charisma during his V1 run and was legitmately funny at times. He's also better at cutting serious promos than his brother. He's still nothing special, but he's better than Jeff.

Entertainment: This is where Matt falters. Say what you want about Jeff, but there's no doubt that he is, and always has been, the more exciting brother to watch. From his look to his in-ring style, Matt can just be dull at times.

Now that rainbow-haired one.

Jeff Hardy

In-Ring Skills: For a long time, Jeff's in-ring ability basically consisted of him flying around, jumping or falling off of things, and selling his ass off. It was very exciting, but had little substance. It wasn't really until around early 08 that he started to up his in-ring game and expand his repertoire, adding a decent mat game in addition to his high flying.

Mic Skills: Matt isn't great, but Jeff is just abysmal. If I see your promos as a source of unintentional comic relief, that's not good. "EXTREME RUUUUULEEESS!!!" Ah Jeff, I love ya buddy.

Entertainment: Jeff all the way. His style is more exciting and he has a MUCH more interesting look and persona. And like I said, his promos are an endless source of entertainment for me. That's probably not fair, but whatever.

So overall, I'll say that Jeff is the better brother. In addition to what I've listed, Jeff has done what Matt probably never will do and that's win a world title. Jeff won the belt that actually matters and in this day and age,that pretty much nullifies Matt's accomplishments. Matt's had a pretty good career, but he'll mostly be remembered for being the okay brother of a legit main-event star.
In addition to what I've listed, Jeff has done what Matt probably never will do and that's win a world title.

In V1's defense, the only reason that they made Jeff world champ was to prove that WWE can make a person who's had drug problems a champion since RVD was released. Not really a good reason to become a champion and it's pretty unfair to Matt who has followed the rules and keeps his piss clean ya know?
Mic Skills: They're both god-awful on the mic. Sometimes I wish they were the "minions" of a stable, simply because I wouldn't have to hear them on the mic anymore. It may have a little bit to do with their accent, but for some reason, when they talk, I feel a flood of embarrassment seeping from my very pores, and I have to change the channel. Jesus Christ, never give either of them a mic ever again.

In-ring skill: I'm going to have to go with Jeff Hardy, if we're talking about how they are currently. Matt just looks lazy nowadays. He doesn't seem to want to work to his potential anymore, and it's sad, because we've all seen the type of shit he's capable of. We know he can be a great worker, but he hasn't been working hard lately. And he's been on Twitter, bitching about how he's not being "used" right, but I think it has a lot to do with how shit he's been lately. Jeff, on the other hand, can at least still fly around the ring when he wants to, and it can be entertaining sometimes, unless it's in TNA where everyone does da flippyz, and better.

Entertainment: Matt Hardy takes this one, only because the dude isn't afraid of shit. Didn't he come in through the crowd one day and beat the living shit out of Edge? Did that really happen, or was that scripted? I never did any research into that event, but I thought that was one of the best things that happened during that time in WWE history.

Aside from that, he has this way of wrestling that, like Chris Jericho, somehow tells a story. His matches at his peak were awesome because of that.
Everyone says the Hardys are shit on the mic, but it is hard to be good on it when your not getting anytime though isn't it? However I think while Jeff was champ he really did improve his Promo and Mic work. Matts was improving when he was V.1 but he hasn't had much time since then.

In ring work. No one can doubt that Jeff has greatly improved in it since his return in 2006. He was doing well in early 2009 but now has turned back into shit I think. Matt Hardy has always been the more technical wrestler but he isn't really all that much better than Jeff in aspect. Jeff has put on far better matches in non gimmick matches however I think Matt is still the better wreslter of the two.

Entertainment? Is this even debatable? Jeff was the most over person in the WWE for a reason? He will jump of anything which always fires up the crowd. Jeff takes this one.

Jeff is definately the better of the two. He has got 3 world titles to his name for a reason. Maybe not because he is a better wrestler but because he is a better product and thats what the WWE is about.
Everyone says the Hardys are shit on the mic, but it is hard to be good on it when your not getting anytime though isn't it? However I think while Jeff was champ he really did improve his Promo and Mic work. Matts was improving when he was V.1 but he hasn't had much time since then.

I don't understand what you mean by, "they didn't have time."

Wasn't Matt V1 like 7 years ago? They've both had shit-tons of time to develop their mic skills, considering they debuted in the WWE like 12 years ago.

Unless you're saying that they've never gotten a chance to get on the mic, which is also crap, because they don't put you on the mic to develop your skills. You rehearse for that. They weren't put on the mic specifically because they were bad. That's like putting someone in a movie who's never acted in their lives, so they can get better at it.

You have to work to develop your mic skills BEFORE you get airtime.
I don't understand what you mean by, "they didn't have time."

Wasn't Matt V1 like 7 years ago? They've both had shit-tons of time to develop their mic skills, considering they debuted in the WWE like 12 years ago.

Unless you're saying that they've never gotten a chance to get on the mic, which is also crap, because they don't put you on the mic to develop your skills. You rehearse for that. They weren't put on the mic specifically because they were bad. That's like putting someone in a movie who's never acted in their lives, so they can get better at it.

You have to work to develop your mic skills BEFORE you get airtime.

When Matt was V.1 he had chance on the mic, he shown he wasn't complete shit like everyone makes him out to be. Same happened with Jeff when he was champion. When given the chance on the mic they aren't shit. But they are hardly given the chance. You cant say when Matt was V.1 he was shit on the mic.
I used to be a BIG Hardy Boyz fan, back in the early 2000s when in my opinion they were the most exciting tag team in the world. When they went their seperate ways, I wanted to see both of them do well, but I just could not see either of the brothers making it to the top of the mountain, and claiming a world title. Intercontinental title yes, but the big one? No

So I am glad to have seen Jeff Hardy accomplish what I did not believe he could and become a multi-time world champion, but by the time he achieved it, I just wasnt a fan of his anymore. Having grown up and actually appreciating WRESTLING, I can say that Jeff Hardy is just not a particularly good wrestler. Yes, he is excellent at selling a beating, and can execute some exciting high-flying moves, but the rest of his in ring ability is poor, and seems to be getting worse.

He only ever got over from throwing himself off high things, and ripping his shirt off to the screams of the young girls in the audience. Plus, he looks an idiot with his face paint nowadays, and his mic skills have always been poor.

Now, Matt Hardy can actually wrestle. He could always use a couple of dives, such as the moonsault, but as an actual wrestler he is far superier to his younger brother. I would have much preferred to see Matt climb the ladder and become world champion, but it has never happened, and in Matt's current physical and emotional position, it seems unlikely to ever happen now.

Matt has never been given the chance to push up to the main event, but after his excellent Version 1 gimmick, he has simply stagnated as a performer and everything he does looks dates- hair, attire, moves...he is simply boring now, same as his brother.

His mic skills are slightly better than Jeff's but neither seem comfortable on a mic, and after being on TV for over 10 years, that is poor.

So, I would give it to Matt Hardy at a push, but both Hardy Boyz just arent what they were
When Matt was V.1 he had chance on the mic, he shown he wasn't complete shit like everyone makes him out to be. Same happened with Jeff when he was champion. When given the chance on the mic they aren't shit. But they are hardly given the chance. You cant say when Matt was V.1 he was shit on the mic.

But then you compare his mic work back in those days to his mic work when he had that shitty little feud with Jeff Hardy that ended in some shitty, joke of a TLC match. It was some of the worst mic work I've seen in the mid-card in a long time, and it's why both of these guys lost a lot of the energy the fans were building for them.

I wouldn't even be surprised if it killed off any pull Matt hardy had with the crowd for the rest of his time at the WWE.
Mic Skills: I think Jeff is better unless Matt is actually speaking from the heart like he did in the Edge/Lita feud. Other than that I think Jeff can draw more emotion from the audience like he did to build his match with Angle or his feud with CM Punk last year. I think Jeff is getting better too which I don’t see in Matt.

In Ring: I don’t understand why people continue to think that Matt can do more in the ring than Jeff. Yeah, Jeff is considered a ‘high flyer’ but he certainly has plenty of moves that are more mat based. He puts on much better matches than Matt and can do everything Matt can do and more. I’m not taking anything away from Matt but I truly see more talent in Jeff’s wrestling than Matt’s. Jeff's selling is also one of the best out there and is much better than Matt in that respect. Jeff has had more 4-5 star matches than Matt, that should speak for itself.

Popularity/Draw: Jeff obviously wins here too. He’s very over with a WWE audience and was on par with Cena at the time when he was World Champion. The TNA crowd makes it hard to know how popular he is because everyone seems to get pops from that audience but I think it’s safe to say that Jeff has been the more popular of the two.

Final Say: Jeff Hardy is the better Hardy in every way. As a tag team they were equals and there were no stand outs for me but once they started wrestling as singles stars Jeff stepped up and Matt fell behind. It’s the way it goes sometimes.
Jeff's just more interesting. Don't get me wrong I like Matt but he just doesn't hold my attention as much as Jeff. Jeff has the attire, the tattoos and the hairstyle that makes him look like a musician which I like. Matt's a bit generic, (although his combats are cool) and while everyone says Jeff is only a highflyer he can pull out mat based moves if he wants (suplexes and a texas cloverleaf to name a few) Matt seems to be more mat based now but I'd like to see a few high flying moves (I know part of the reason is injuries but the odd leg drop would be nice) Also Jeff seems to connect better with his oppenents than Matt, Matt's chemistry seems forced with his oppenents (MVP, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger) only Edge seems to have been the only one with good chemistry and that was due to personal reasons. Jeff connected well with CM Punk (obvious reasons) Edge, Triple H, almost anyone. Jeff just has the 'it' factor over his brother for me.
what is this it factor some of you go on about? Yeah Jeff has always had that justin bieber appeal and the screams of the girls after the wife beater comes off is enough to make the arena explode but pro wrestling has a male dominated fan base. Jeff does not have the drive, motivation, or dedication to had deserved his WWE and World Heavyweight title reigns.

Matt Hardy has always been what I love in this busines, a wrstler who loves wrestling and loves to wrestle. Jeff Hardy half the time can only see colors and shapes. Matt has stayed cleaned, stayed dedicated to wrestling, and his a hard worker.

As far as mic skills are concerned they both suck. As a fellow North Carolinian it pains me to say I cringed at Jeff's accent. Matt also gets the attention of my remote's mute button from time to time. Jeff has appeal but not charisma which explains why he could not cut a promo to save his life.

The two major/main problems with both is I feel like they reached their primes a few years ago. I feel like Jeff got his World titles just so Vince could do a quick profit-from-pop gig. I feel like the intensity seen a few years prior to his tight reigns would had made them bigger runs and less interim looking.

With Matt, v.1 was the best he could do purely using himself as the only tools to work with. Matt v.1 was a worthy I-C or U.S. champion however. I feel like as sorry as i was to hear Lita and Edge had stunted on his ass and that the whole spectacle was now public fodder, the empathy and sympathy from everyone inthe stands and on the internet would provide the Matt Express enough steam power to make it up that hill.
With opinions so strong to the point of getting Matt his job back at WWE after a release, I saw a fued, a juicy drama, and enough momentum to get Matt that World heavyweight title, if but once...

He could had capitalized off of that, used it as leverage against the WWE brass who I felt held him down, to experience new levels of creative control, and pigy backed off of Edge's main event star power. Its very possible that jump start could had KEPT Hardy in the main event even without having to war with Edge.

The second hug problem with both is the reason they are both on any shows. I feel like the only reason I see Jeff on TNA is because his band OxyContin heads or w/e didn't go as far as he wanted so now hes back to wrestling..
I feel like I see Matt on WWE not because McMahon was answering to the WWE Universe's demands but because he did not want massive disturvacs from the audience or any references to non-kayfabe conflicts between wrestlers. The fact that Hardy is were he is right now despite the fact that he came back because HIS SUPPORTERS forced the boss' hands is a very ominous sign for his career growth.

With the dawning of a new decade neither one has relevance of the decade past...
A Hardy + 2010 = owned..:disappointed:
But then you compare his mic work back in those days to his mic work when he had that shitty little feud with Jeff Hardy that ended in some shitty, joke of a TLC match. It was some of the worst mic work I've seen in the mid-card in a long time, and it's why both of these guys lost a lot of the energy the fans were building for them.

I wouldn't even be surprised if it killed off any pull Matt hardy had with the crowd for the rest of his time at the WWE.

True, he was going downward then, but thats not what I am said from the start. I said that you cant become good when you hardly get anytime, and as far as I am concerned he has had more good times than bad and he still gets none.
I'd say about even. Matt has better in ring work as far as technical ability. Jeff is obviously faster and flies more. Matt I'd say has an edge on the mic. In terms of success obviously Jeff has had move due to putting his body on the line more, although Matt has taken some crazy bumps as well. They both have their strengths, combine those with their weaknesses and I'd say even.
That's easy. Jeff Hardy is the bigger draw and brings in more money. Ergo, Jeff Hardy is better.

It really is that simple.

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