Matthew or Jefferey?

Depends on your preference. I will always think that Matt is better than Jeff, and that's only because Matt can carry Jeff any day, promo wise.
Hmmm good topic , i think its a hard decsion really. I Mean if you want someone that understands the business well then you would say Matt , seein as he used to book OMEGA (fair enough everyone was teens but its booking experience and he seems to understand alot about wrestling as a business.) However if you want a big draw then you would have to say Jeff.
Ive always thought it was slightly unfair on Matt , he was the better behaved of both brothers , better on the mic than Jeff , but yet Jeffs more over due to high flying moves in my opionin.

Dont get me rong i think both the Hardys are absolutly fantastic , and its really going to be good to see how well Matt can develop as a heel now.
Well, if your starting a promotion, as the OP says, there are two vastly different ways to think about this.

On the one hand, Matt has been proven to be a fine commodity, is (well...was) the most over mid carder, and depending on the size of the situation, you go with him. He is the safer bet, as he has been relatively injury free, and always dependable.

Jeff, on the other hand, is Jeff. Hugely over, and would probably draw you a lot more money, but for how long??? He has a multitude of nagging injuries, and chronic back, ankle, and neck problems. This is just speaking on the his body, and of course, the unreliability of his mind, and character. While he may have moved past THOSE demons, his mutlitude of physical problems will catch up sooner than later, especially with the kind of style he works. If you were starting a promotion, Matt Hardy would be far better, and safer, to build around.
I would have to go with Matt Hardy. He may not be as a high reward as Jeff but he's definitely a lower risk. Matt has proven that he's over with the fans and is more reliable. I think that he connects with the fans more than Jeff because of his hardworking attitude. The only thing Jeff is good for merchandise but that can get you so far. Matt has the ability to be a great face and a decent heel; the only thing that needs tweaking is his moveset. He doesn't have to do as much high-flying as Jeff, but he seems to get boring at times.
I've never been a fan of the Hardys as single wrestlers. They were awesome as a tag team and very entertaining to watch. Individually they are really boring in my opinion.

Matt Hardy has always been bland. However, he can play a decent face or heel, it's just that there isn't anything special about him. However, he has a very good work ethic. He's hard working and reliable, unlike Jeff. I've also generally liked Matt's matches better, though he does get a little boring at times.

Jeff Hardy cannot cut a decent promo if his life depended on it and his ring work isn't as entertaining as it once was due to all the drugs...I mean age. :shifty: He is way too unreliable and horrible on the mic. His only real advantage over Matt his style of wrestling is more entertaining.

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